Megas For All: V4! (Voting - Lickilicky, Togekiss, Dusknoir)

Would you guys be interested if I had MFA include Gen 8 mons when it comes out?

  • Total voters
I'll tally up the votes and announce the next slate.

Pika Xreme: 11
Kopelemon: 5
Ezaphs: 5
Miyami~~: 6
Heavyweapons Mann: 5
Exploudit: 5
MaceMaster: 4
JTD783: 3
Phoenix_Alchemist: 3

LordChespin: 3
Jucherz: 4
KirbyRider1337: 1
Heavyweapons Mann: 1
Miyami~~: 8
MaceMaster: 11
Reviloja753: 1
Sereg: 3
Ninetales Dragons: 6
Ezaphs: 1
Exploudit: 2
Phoenix_Alchemist: 3

MaceMaster: 7
Heavyweapons Mann: 2
Miyami~~: 14
Phoenix_Alchemist: 3
Kopelemon: 3
Ezaphs: 1
Exploudit: 2
Ninetales Dragons: 3
Jucherz: 1
Reviloja753: 3
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Follow-up. The winners are Pika Xreme with Mega Probopass, MaceMaster with Mega Magnezone, but we have a tie between Miyami~~ and MaceMaster for Alolan Golem. Tiebreaker will be until Friday night.

Next slate is...


Fake Bugs

All Pokemon will have an ability limit of 4 and two new moves.​
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HP: 80 → 80 (0)
Atk: 100 → 150 (+50)
Def: 80 → 95 (+15)
SpA: 80 → 50 (-30)
SpD: 80 → 95 (+15)
Spe: 100 → 150 (+50)


  • Amazing attack and speed makes Flygon an incredibly frightening Pokemon.
  • Thanks to its good bulk, defensive typing and access to reliable recovery, Flygon can also run a defensive Defog set.
  • Levitate is super useful since the immunity gives Flygon more switch in opportunities. It's also great on defensive sets since it makes Flygon immune to Spikes, Toxic Spikes and Sticky Web which goes well with its resistance to Stealth Rock.
  • Ice is a very common offensive type in OU and Flygon has 4x weakness to it meaning Pokemon like scarf Keldeo and the Greninja formes can scare it out.

Possible Sets:

Dragon Dance

Flygon @ Flygonite


4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe


Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw/Outrage
Ice Punch/Iron Tail

Defensive Defog

Flygon @ Flygonite


252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD


Dragon Claw




HP: 70 → 70 (0)
Atk: 90 → 125 (+35)
Def: 110 → 155 (+45)
SpA: 60 → 60 (0)
SpD: 75 → 95 (+20)
Spe: 95 → 95 (0)

Battle Armor/Sniper/Keen Eye Tough Claws

  • Decent attack. Drapion's good bulk, especially physically, and solid defensive typing makes it able to setup Swords Dance rather easily.
  • Tough Claws gives a massive boost to Drapion's best STAB attacks as well as to some of its coverage moves.
  • Like many other Pokemon, Drapion lacks reliable recovery and holding a mega stone means that it also can't even hold Black Sludge.
  • While Drapion has but one weakness, it's an incredibly common one. Its speed is also average at best.
Possible Sets

Swords Dance

Drapion @ Drapionite

Battle Armor

252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe


Swords Dance
Knock Off
Poison Jab
Earthquake/Aqua Tail


Drapion @ Drapionite

Battle Armor

252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD

Knock Off
Poison Jab
Toxic Spikes/Toxic




HP: 75 → 75 (0)
Atk: 95 → 130 (+35)
Def: 125 → 160 (+35)
SpA: 45 → 50 (+5)
SpD: 75 → 85 (+10)
Spe: 95 → 110 (+15)

Hyper Cutter/Sand Veil/Poison HealPoison Heal

New Moves: Brave Bird, Defog*

  • Gliscor's good attack and offensive typing allows it to function as a very good setup sweeper while its good defenses and decent defensive typing allow it to continue to use defensive sets as well.
  • Poison Heal is just too good of an ability, both for offensive sets and defensive sets, to give up.
  • Brave Bird is a powerful physical flying STAB that Gliscor desperately needs since its only other physical flying moves are the extremely weak Aerial Ace and Acrobatics. While Defog is technically not a new move, it's currently illegal with non-mega Gliscor meaning it would have to run one if its two weaker abilities before mega evolving which it wouldn't want to do.
  • While its physical defense is good and its typing decent, Gliscor still has rather average special defense and its typing does leave it weak to common water type moves and 4x weak to common ice type moves.
  • Without the ability to hold a Toxic Orb, Gliscor has much more difficulty in activating Poison Heal as it now needs to correctly predict an incoming Toxic from the opponent. This also means that it's much easier for Gliscor to be crippled by a burn.
  • While it has good speed, Gliscor sits at the common 110 speed tier with some of OU's most powerful threats.
Possible Sets:

Swords Dance

Gliscor @ Gliscorite

Poison Heal

252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe


Swords Dance
Brave Bird
Fire Fang


Gliscor @ Gliscorite

Poison Heal

252 HP/4 Def/252 SpD


Brave Bird

Ability: Levitate ----> Flash Earth (Ground-type clone of Flash Fire)
Typing: Ground/Dragon


HP: 80
Attack: 100 ----> 120 (+20)
Defense: 80 ----> 130 (+50)
Special Attack: 80
Special Defense: 80 ----> 110 (+30)
Speed: 100
Base Stat Total: 520 ----> 620
Movepool Additions: ~
Description: While it's primarily shifted to be a defensive 'mon to contrast Garchomp, it can also use its bulk to set up. Its main thing is still resisting EdgeQuake, and with Flash Earth it has another claim to fame with its immunity to Thousand Arrows.

Ability: Tough Claws
Typing: Poison/Dark


HP: 70
Attack: 90 ----> 130 (+40)
Defense: 110 ----> 140 (+30)
Special Attack: 60 ----> 70 (+10)
Special Defense: 75 ----> 115 (+40)
Speed: 95 ----> 75 (-20)
Base Stat Total: 500 ----> 600
Movepool Additions: Recover, Leech Life
Description: Drapion's type and highest stat being Defense suggest it was supposed to be bulky, while the 'dex suggests it was meant to be powerful, so I actually made it those things. Its physical bulk is better than Skarmory's, and its physical offenses match Mega Charizard X, and its special bulk isn't awful either, so I'd say I succeeded.
Mega Flygon


Ability -
Desert Cry (Boosts up Sound-based by 50% - Iron Fist variant)
HP - 80
Atk - 100
88 (-12)
Def - 80
88 (+8)
SpA - 80
138 (+58)
SpD - 80
88 (+8)
Spe - 100
138 (+38)
BST - 520
620 (+100)

Movepool Additions
Sing, Hyper Voice
Competitive Analysis
An extremely powerful Pokémon thanks to its great base 138 SpA and access to powerful moves such as Draco Meteor, Bug Buzz and Boomburst, with the former two bring boosted by Desert Cry. It can also run Flamethrower on the last slot to nail Steel-types or U-turn for momentum. On the flip side it is Stealth Rock weak, and it has no means to boost its power, ensuring Chansey, AV Magerna, SpDef Celesteela, SpDef Rachi and Heatran (if Flygon isn't running Earth Power) are all counters. Additionally, despite its decent 80/88/88 bulk, Bug is still a terrible defensive typing, meaning many Pokémon can just revenge kill Flygon with relative ease.
Rationale - I know I went the standard route, but out of all the unused type combos the one I want most is a Bug/Dragon (followed by Fire/Ice and Steel/Poison but that's for another slate), so giving this typing to Flygon fits perfectly, also the Sound-based ability may not be that original, but hey, Flygon totally deserves that! Sing and Hyper Voice are evidenced by its dex entries.

Mega Drapion


Ability -
Battle Armor, Sniper, Keen Eye
HP - 70
Atk - 90
144 (+54)
Def - 110
137 (+17)
SpA - 60
55 (-5)
SpD - 75
117 (+42)
Spe - 95
87 (-8)
BST - 500
600 (+100)

Movepool Additions
Slack Off, Leech Life
Competitive Analysis
Mega Drapion takes on a more Mega Scizor like approach, as it becomes quite bulky but still mantains offensive presence. 70/137/117 bulk is nasty after Intimidate, and as metioned before base 144 ensures it is not passive and allows for possible offensive sets. On the other hand, its weakness to the very common Ground-type moves makes it easy to break as nearly every team has a Ground-type, special attackers also don't struggle to break it, as 117 SpD can be a little bit underwhelming with base 70 HP.
Rationale - Take a look at this thing! Doesn't it Intimidate you? Plain and simple, I gave it Intimidate! As for Slack Off and Leech Life, it really fits with the kind of tough Pokémon that you'd expect to take a nap during battle, so Slack Off, and Leech Life is so obvious that I won't even bother explaining, its like the Pokémon squad skipped Drapion and Skorupi when deciding which Pokémon would get Leech Life this gen :P

Mega Gliscor


Ability -
Hyper Cutter, Sand Veil, Poison Heal
Natural Cure
HP - 75
Atk - 95
97 (+2)
Def - 125
153 (+28)
SpA - 45
79 (+34)
SpD - 75
114 (+39)
Spe - 95
97 (+2)
BST - 510
610 (+100)

Movepool Additions
Cross Poison, Leech Life
Competitive Analysis
Mega Gliscor is quite bulkier now, making up for for the loss of Toxic Heal with the added bulk and Natural Cure. Additionally, base 97 Attack and Swords Dance makes it not passive, while base 97 Speed is quite an interesting number for a defensive Pokémon. On the other hand, Gliscor still gets obliterated by Ice-type Moves and has no way to address set up sweepers, as without Toxic Heal Toxic stalling shouldn't be a reliable strategy.
Rationale - Natural Cure doesn't fit too much flavorwise, but it allows Gliscor to act as a status absorber for Bulky Offense teams, just like its normal counterpart does. Cross Poison and Leech Life are very Gliscor-ish and I was surprised they were not part of its moveset already
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Mega Flygon
Typing: Ground/Dragon --> Bug/Dragon
Ability: Tinted Lens
HP: 80 -> 80
Attack: 100 -> 115 (+15)
Defense: 80 -> 85 (+5)
Special Attack: 80 -> 130 (+50)
Special Defense: 80 -> 90 (+10)
Speed: 100 -> 120 (+20)
Base Stat Total: 520 -> 620 (+100)

Movepool Additions: Clanging Scales and Leech Life

Competitive Analysis: Mega Flygon takes an offensive approach to Mega evolving, gaining the Bug/Dragon typing and the ability Tinted Lens, which turns Mega Flygon into an offensive beast. Clanging Scales, a new addition to Mega Flygon's moveset, is extremely spammable as the Steel-types who would resist it take double the damage thanks to Tinted Lens, and it helps that Mega Flygon gets a big Special Attack boost to 130. Its new Bug-typing does remove the Ground STAB that Flygon loves, but Tinted Lens Bug Buzz or Leech Life is still no joke. On the physical attacking side, Mega Flygon can still effectively run a Dragon Dance set, having impeccable coverage in its STABs and Earthquake, and a decent Attack stat of 115 to boot, with a small increase to its bulk to set up easier. Having 120 Speed is also a nice buff to outspeed many threats in OU unboosted, although you can still be revenge killed by faster Pokémon such as Greninja. Overall, Mega Flygon becomes a huge offensive threat that can be hard to handle thanks to its amazing ability, stats, and new movepool additions in Clanging Scales and Leech Life.
Ability: Levitate ----> Entomize (Bug-type Steelworker)

Typing: Ground / Dragon

HP: 80 ----> 80
Attack: 100 ----> 140 (+40)
Defense: 80 ----> 80
Special Attack: 80 ----> 40 (-40)
Special Defense: 80 ----> 140 (+60)
Speed: 100 ----> 140 (+40)
Base Stat Total: 520 ----> 620
Movepool Additions: Leech Life, Iron Head
Design: Its body looks more reptilian and its wings get bigger and are in three sections, all beautifully patterned with arrays of Green and Red. Its fangs also get much longer, putting the likes of Ariados to shame. Its actual body has shades of Forest Green and Maroon, with its shades now turning an extremely dark maroon, almost to the point of being black.

Competitive Description: Bug defensively does absolutely no favors for Flygon, as Bug has many more weaknesses than Ground. The only real upside is that you only are 2x weak to Ice rather than 4x. However, it offensively is a great typing, dealing with things that otherwise laugh at Ground types and lets it beat key threats like the Greninjas. Introducing Entomize, which gives you the STAB on Bug-type moves you always wanted! It combined with Leech Life is a winning combination when you have base 140 Attack! There are two possible sets- Dragon Dance and AoA. Dragon Dance is great as the newfound special bulk allows it to survive an Icy Wind from Scarf Keldeo and set-up turn one. It then outspeeds and has a 3/4 chance to OHKO with Earthquake at max attack and plus one. (FYI, the spread is 252 Atk / 132 SpD / 124 Spe) However, it is still unable to handle Greninjas carrying Ice Beam, so watch out! AoA allows you to run all three STAB moves AND run Iron Head. It is simply a max speed and attack set, nothing much else to it. Now that I think about it, AoA is a better idea than Dragon Dance unless in the end-game. So yeah.
Fake Bugs huh



HP : 80 (+0)
ATK : 135 (+35)
DEF : 90 (+10)
SP. ATK : 135 (+55)
SP. DEF : 90 (+10)
SPD : 90 (-10)
BST : 520 --> 620
Ability : Compoundeyes
New Moves : None

High attack stats and a wide variety of moves to choose from make this a very hard pokemon to wall, as pretty much anything can be 2HKO'ed by the correct coverage move, Chansey being one of the few exceptions unless you go fully physical. However, 90 Base Speed is a bit slow and means that most relevant sweepers don't even need a scarf to outspeed it and while it has decent bulk, most pokemon that have a super effective move or powerful neutral STAB can 1 or 2HKO it, with the mega Charizards being significant for always getting the 1HKO unless Mega-Flygon significantly invests in bulk, which either slows it down or weakens it.

Flygon @ Flygonite
Ability: Compoundeyes
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Earth Power / Fire Blast
- Superpower
- Bug Buzz

Flygon @ Flygonite
Ability: Compoundeyes
EVs: 68 Hp / 252 SpA / 188 Spe
Modest Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Earth Power / Fire Blast
- Roost
- Bug Buzz

Flygon @ Flygonite
Ability: Compoundeyes
EVs: 4 Hp / 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Rush
- Earthquake
- Superpower / Iron Tail / Stone Edge
- U-Turn / Iron Tail / Stone Edge

Flygon @ Flygonite
Ability: Compoundeyes
EVs: 68 Hp / 252 Atk / 188 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Dragon Rush
- Earthquake
- Roost
- U-Turn / Iron Tail / Stone Edge



HP : 70 (+0)
ATK : 90 (+0)
DEF : 145 (+35)
SP. ATK : 70 (+10)
SP. DEF : 145 (+70)
SPD : 80 (-15)

Ability : Toxicise : Change Normal Type moves to Poison and increate their power by 20% (Galvanise clone)

New Moves : Dragon Tail

Mega Drapion's role is fairly simple : He is a bulky pokemon that uses his immunity to Toxic, Taunt, Knock Off, decent speed and Dragon Tail/Whirlwind to mess with stall by removing the items of walls such as Chansey's Eviolite or defensive Celesteels's leftovers. It could also run Toxic to spread poison around teams. However, even with Toxicise Mega Drapion doesn't hit very hard and he is weak to the rather common ground type. On top of that, while faster then most walls Drapion is a rather slow pokemon so will likely take a hit from a sweeper before he can hit back and has no form of recovery outside of Rest.

Drapion @ Drapionite
Ability: Toxicise
EVs: 252 Hp / 188 Def / 68 Spe
Careful Nature
- Return
- Taunt / Toxic
- Dragon Tail / Whirlwind
- Knock Off / Toxic

Drapion @ Drapionite
Ability: Toxicise
EVs: 252 Hp / 188 Def / 68 Sp. Def
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Acupressure

Drapion @ Drapionite
Ability: Toxicise
EVs: 252 Hp / 188 Def / 68 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Toxic Spikes
- Dragon Tail / Whirlwind
- Knock Off

Drapion @ Drapionite
Ability: Toxicise
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Hp / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Knock Off



HP : 75 (+0)
ATK : 135 (+40)
DEF : 100 (-25)
SP. ATK: 90 (+45)
SP.DEF: 75 (+0)
SPD : 135 (+40)

Ability : Tough Claws

New Moves : None

Mega Gliscor is fast, powerful, has a damage boosting ability and a lot of moves to choose from. This makes him quite hard to wall however he sacrifices a bit of his great physical bulk to achieve this and was never very good against special attackers anyhow so he is prone to being revenge killed unless he uses U-Turn.

Gliscor @ Gliscorite
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Hp / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- U-Turn
- Brick Break / Aqua Tail / Night Slash / Steel Wing / Fire Fang / Thunder Fang
- Poison Jab / Aqua Tail / Night Slash / Steel Wing / Fire Fang / Thunder Fang

Gliscor @ Gliscorite
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Hp / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- X-Scissor
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
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I'll tally up the votes and announce the next slate.

Pika Xreme: 11
Kopelemon: 5
Ezaphs: 5
Miyami~~: 6
Heavyweapons Mann: 5
Exploudit: 5
MaceMaster: 4
JTD783: 3
Phoenix_Alchemist: 3

LordChespin: 3
Jucherz: 4
KirbyRider1337: 1
Heavyweapons Mann: 1
Miyami~~: 8
MaceMaster: 11
Reviloja753: 1
Sereg: 3
Ninetales Dragons: 6
Ezaphs: 1
Exploudit: 2
Phoenix_Alchemist: 3

MaceMaster: 7
Heavyweapons Mann: 2
Miyami~~: 14
Phoenix_Alchemist: 3
Kopelemon: 3
Ezaphs: 1
Exploudit: 2
Ninetales Dragons: 3
Jucherz: 1
Reviloja753: 3
Not by my count...

Pika ….. ….. .

Mace ….. ..

Kope …..

Eza ….. ..


Heavy …..

Exploud …..

Miyami …. ..


Phoenix ...


Chespin ….. .

Phoenix ...

Jucher ….

Heavy ….

Pika ..

Miyami ….. ….. ..

Mace ….. ….. ..

Exploud ….. .

Kirby ..

Eza .

Revi .


Mace ….. ….. ..

Revi .

Heavy ..

Jucher .

Exploud ..

WTCO ….. .

Miyami ….. ….. .

Phoenix …

Kope .

Ser …

Ninetales ….. ...

Eza .
Pika Xreme still won Probopass, my Magnezone won, and we have a tie between Miyami~~ and I for Alolan Golem. The tiebreaker will last until Friday night.

Voting for myself on the tiebreaker.

Also could someone please tell me how to do spoilers
Will add sample sets when someone tells me how to add spoiler tags.
To do spoilers, do this, but replace the parenthesis with brackets: (hide=Insert title here) Insert what you want in spoilers here (/hide)
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Type: Poison/Dark
Stats: 70 / 170 (+80) / 160 (+50) / 30 (-30) / 95
Ability: Corrosion
Design: It's beefier, has larger fangs, bloodshot red eyes, and a much, much longer tail. It uses its tail to pick up foes from a long distance.
Added Moves: Recover
Competitive Overview: It's basically a more offensive Toxapex. I think it would have three viable sets, Toxic, Toxic Spikes and Swords Dance. Corrosion is an ability with a lot of potential, but the only Pokemon that has it is a Pokemon that doesn't need it. Celesteela, Magearna and Heatran are all Pokemon that would hate being poisoned, as it would totally cut through them, particularly the latter two. Therefore, the Toxic set is a defensive tank that cripples Steels with a Speed stat higher than most defensive Pokemon. The Toxic Spikes set is the same thing, except you replace Toxic with Toxic Spikes, forgoing the ability to beat Steel types for utility, while still not being outclassed by Toxapex due to Knock Off. Swords Dance is a wallbreaker, with good bulk and power to match, this time Earthquake being its main way to beat Magearna and Heatran. EDIT: Aqua Tail would probably be better as a coverage move due to it hitting Lando and Magearna and Heatran being pressured by it.
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Mega Flygon
Compound Eyes
Typing: Ground/Dragon
HP: 80 (+0)
Attack: 120 (+20)
Defense: 100 (+20)
Special Attack: 100 (+20)
Special Defense: 100 (+20)
Speed: 120 (+20)
New Move: Sing (Flygon's dex entries say that Flygon's wings sound like a woman singing)
Description: Mega Flygon uses it's semi-reliable sleep move paired with its high speed to differentiate itself from OU's dominating ground/dragon types. After putting the opponent to sleep, Flygon can use the time to set up Dragon Dances or go straight for the damage.
Flygon @ Flygonite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sing
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Dragon Rush

Flygon @ Flygonite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Sing
- Fire Blast
- Earthquake
- Draco Meteor


Mega Drapion
Swift Swim
Typing: Poison/Dark
HP: 70 (+0)
Attack: 150 (+60)
Defense: 125 (+15)
Special Attack: 65 (+5)
Special Defense: 95 (+20)
Speed: 95 (+0)
Description: Drapion takes a full-on "Mega Swampert" in posture, build and ability. Mega Drapion looks quite beefy now, and has a streamlined body ideal for swimming. It would play an important role on rain teams as access to Swords Dance and non-water typing allows Drapion to tear apart conventional rain checks.
Drapion @ Drapionite
Ability: Battle Armor
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Knock Off
- Poison Jab
- Aqua Tail / Rain Dance
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Last slate was my first slate that I participated in, and honestly this pet mod is really interesting and fun to design for. Sorry I didn't vote on the last slate, I'll be sure to this time! Also voting Miyami~~ for the tiebreakers.

Mega Drapion


Ability: Moxie
Type: Poison/Dark
HP: 70 (+0)
Attack: 132 (+42)
Defense: 155 (+45)
Sp. Attack: 60 (+0)
Sp. Defense: 75 (+0)
Speed: 108 (+13)
New Moves: Power Trip, Gunk Shot
Description: Drapion's armor becomes much thicker, and is covered in poisonous spines. It's fangs also extend outwards more and drip venom, while its tail curves around its body and acts as a third claw. As for its ability, Drapion's Pokédex entry talks a lot about how it often uses its poison as a finishing blow, so why not give it a boost every time it KO's a foe? Mega Drapion becomes a speedy physical sweeper with enough defense to take physical attacks as if they're nothing. It also now has access to stronger STABs in Gunk Shot and Power Trip. Power Trip especially synergizes with Mega Drapion, due to its wide array of boosting moves that includes Swords Dance, Agility, Hone Claws and Fell Stinger, and its new Moxie Ability. While its attack isn't especially impressive from the start, it can become very scary after netting a few boosts and letting loose Power Trips. Despite Drapion's impressive physical bulk though, its special bulk is extremely lackluster, meaning it can't really sweep until the fast special attackers on the opposing side are down, such as Greninja, Noivern, Mega Manectric and Tapu Koko.

Mega Flygon


Ability: Mach Five (Gale Wings variant, gives priority to sound-based moves when at full HP)
Type: Bug/Dragon
HP: 80 (+0)
Attack: 110 (+10)
Defense: 100 (+20)
Sp. Attack: 120 (+40)
Sp. Defense: 100 (+20)
Speed: 110 (+10)
New Moves: Clanging Scales, Work Up
Description: Oh imagine this before the Gale Wings nerf Flygon's wings become much more insect-like, beating faster and being thinner. Its antennae curl forwards into small speakers, and its arms and legs are more defined. Mega Flygon can stir up a storm using only its wings, and creates lots of noise doing so, meaning its ability has to do with sound. It has the ability to fire off powerful priority attacks such as Boomburst, Bug Buzz, and Clanging Scales, meaning it can almost always afford to run a modest nature for extra damage. It also has decent bulk and roost, so it may have chances to heal up get back its ability, or can U-turn out of a bad match up. Unfortunately, both of its STABS are resisted by Fairy and Steel types, meaning it often has to choose between coverage moves and utility. It can run Flamethrower to hit Steel types, or can run Boomburst for reliable damage on Fairies. It can run both, but at the cost of utility in U-turn and Roost, meaning that four-move-slot syndrome is a major issue for Mega Flygon.

Mega Gliscor


Ability: Levitate

HP: 75 (+0)
Attack: 125 (+30)
Defense: 155 (+30)
Sp. Attack: 45 (+0)
Sp. Defense: 115 (+40)
Speed: 95 (+0)
New Moves: Gunk Shot, Toxic Spikes
Description: Gliscor lands on the ground, with its legs growing to allow it to stand, although its animation depicts it sometimes flying upwards briefly. Its body changes to a darker purple, and its claws grow much larger, while its wings are able to be used as a cape/shield. Mega Gliscor takes a much bulkier approach to its mega evolution, gaining substantial buffs to its Attack, Defense, and Special Defense. While it does gain an extra weakness in Psychic and the ability to be burned, it is also gains a much more usable STAB and resistances to Rock and Fairy, as well as decreasing its weakness to Ice. Mega Gliscor has the ability to lay down Stealth Rocks and Toxic Spikes, heal up with Roost, Taunt the foe, pivot with U-turn, or even set up with Swords Dance. Its movepool is diverse enough to fit into a role as offensive hazard setter, although its Special Defense and Speed leave a bit to be desired. It lacks the power and speed that Garchomp has as an offensive Stealth Rock setter, while it also can do almost nothing about fast Psychic types such as Starmie, Alakazam and the Lati-twins. Its bulk and movepool are good enough to allow it to function despite these flaws, though.

One last thing, does anyone know of any resources I can use to learn how to write code for custom abilities in Showdown? I did some searching and couldn't find any, so help would be appreciated!
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Ability: Levitate ---> Mold Breaker
Typing: Ground / Dragon
HP 80 ---> 80
Atk 100 ---> 125 (+25)
Def 80 ---> 90 (+10)
SpA 80 ---> 120 (+40)
SpD 80 ---> 85 (+5)
Spe 100 ---> 120 (+20)
BST 520 ---> 620 (+100)
New Moves: Quiver Dance, Lunge
Description: Flygon becomes a much more versatile attacker with this upgrade, allowing it to effectively tap into its special move pool which includes moves such as boomburst and earth power. These moves are also boosted by its new included move, quiver dance. This makes flygon an effective setup sweeper on both the physical and special sides, as it already possesses dragon dance to boost its attack, and a decent movepool on the physical side too, including EQ, crunch, and now lunge, a decent bug STAB to mix well with its design influence. Speaking of which, flygon-mega keeps its antlion influences, and really drives home in on the actual insect's appearance. Flygon-mega has another set of wings, and its body gets more slender. Its tail also gets much longer. To mesh well with the large, bug-eyes on flygon, the ability mold breaker to me seemed like a good fit (mold breaker allows you to hit things abilities prevent right, well wouldn't large eyes help with that. I get compound eyes or something would make more sense but back off).
Edit: i forgot to change my OG idea's ability to moldbreaker, sorry for any confusion. <3

Ability: Battle Armor / Sniper / Keen Eye (H) ---> Corrosion
Typing: Poison / Dark
HP 70 ---> 70
Atk 90 ---> 105 (+15)
Def 110 ---> 130 (+20)
SpA 60 ---> 70 (+10)
SpD 75 ---> 115 (+40)
Spe 95 ---> 110 (+15)
BST 500 ---> 600 (+100)
New Moves: Psychic Fangs, Baneful Bunker
Description: Its a scorpion, it's meant to poison things. Ability corrosion helps drapion accomplish this, making toxics from this monster a nuisance to deal with. It's moderately fast while maintaining its decent 105 attack and good defenses at 130 and 115. With only a single weakness, mega-drapion has very little in its way from stalling, setting up its hazards, or setting up for a sweep. it is held back by its ok movepool, but with the addition of psychic fangs to round out it's "Fang collection" and baneful bunker, it makes for an improvement.


Ability: Hyper Cutter / Sand Veil / Poison Heal (H) ---> Triage (if we could rename it to fit the vampire theme, that'd be cool)
Typing: Flying / Dark
HP 75 ---> 75
Atk 95 ---> 110 (+15)
Def 125 ---> 140 (+15)
SpA 45 ---> 65 (+20)
SpD 75 ---> 120 (+45)
Spe 95 ---> 100 (+5)
BST 510 ---> 610 (+100)
New Moves: Leech Life
Description: Triage? Well, it fit well considering that gliscor is like a bat-scorpion amalgamate, and I was going for a vampire theme. this allows it to use roost and it's new found leech life to "drain" enemies faster. this increases its survivability, especially since it misses poison heal, and it wouldn't be used much of the time anyway. The Dark typing also fits my "spooky vampire" theme. This typing gives 1 additional weakness but also reduces its 4X weakness to ice to a 2X, and additionally grants it a psychic immunity.

Is there going to be a MFA MNM ladder on wherever this is playable?
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Ability: Levitate ---> Tinted Lens
Typing: Ground / Dragon
HP 80 ---> 80
Atk 100 ---> 125 (+25)
Def 80 ---> 90 (+10)
SpA 80 ---> 120 (+40)
SpD 80 ---> 85 (+5)
Spe 100 ---> 120 (+20)
BST 520 ---> 620 (+100)
New Moves: Quiver Dance, Lunge
Description: Flygon becomes a much more versatile attacker with this upgrade, allowing it to effectively tap into its special move pool which includes moves such as boomburst and earth power. These moves are also boosted by its new included move, quiver dance. This makes flygon an effective setup sweeper on both the physical and special sides, as it already possesses dragon dance to boost its attack, and a decent movepool on the physical side too, including EQ, crunch, and now lunge, a decent bug STAB to mix well with its design influence. Speaking of which, flygon-mega keeps its antlion influences, and really drives home in on the actual insect's appearance. Flygon-mega has another set of wings, and its body gets more slender. Its tail also gets much longer. To mesh well with the large, bug-eyes on flygon, the ability mold breaker to me seemed like a good fit (mold breaker allows you to hit things abilities prevent right, well wouldn't large eyes help with that. I get compound eyes or something would make more sense but back off).

Ability: Battle Armor / Sniper / Keen Eye (H) ---> Corrosion
Typing: Poison / Dark
HP 70 ---> 70
Atk 90 ---> 105 (+15)
Def 110 ---> 130 (+20)
SpA 60 ---> 70 (+10)
SpD 75 ---> 115 (+40)
Spe 95 ---> 110 (+15)
BST 500 ---> 600 (+100)
New Moves: Psychic Fangs, Baneful Bunker
Description: Its a scorpion, it's meant to poison things. Ability corrosion helps drapion accomplish this, making toxics from this monster a nuisance to deal with. It's moderately fast while maintaining its decent 105 attack and good defenses at 130 and 115. With only a single weakness, mega-drapion has very little in its way from stalling, setting up its hazards, or setting up for a sweep. it is held back by its ok movepool, but with the addition of psychic fangs to round out it's "Fang collection" and baneful bunker, it makes for an improvement.


Ability: Hyper Cutter / Sand Veil / Poison Heal (H) ---> Triage (if we could rename it to fit the vampire theme, that'd be cool)
Typing: Flying / Dark
HP 75 ---> 75
Atk 95 ---> 110 (+15)
Def 125 ---> 140 (+15)
SpA 45 ---> 65 (+20)
SpD 75 ---> 120 (+45)
Spe 95 ---> 100 (+5)
BST 510 ---> 610 (+100)
New Moves: Leech Life
Description: Triage? Well, it fit well considering that gliscor is like a bat-scorpion amalgamate, and I was going for a vampire theme. this allows it to use roost and it's new found leech life to "drain" enemies faster. this increases its survivability, especially since it misses poison heal, and it wouldn't be used much of the time anyway. The Dark typing also fits my "spooky vampire" theme. This typing gives 1 additional weakness but also reduces its 4X weakness to ice to a 2X, and additionally grants it a psychic immunity.
You can make a renamed version of Triage if you want. It's not against the rules, and many of us have done it before
Wow, there were a lot of submissions while I was designing.

Mega Flygon
Tinted Lens
Typing: Bug/Dragon
HP: 80 → 80 (0)
Atk: 100 → 110 (+10)
Def: 80 → 90 (+10)
SpA: 80 → 120 (+40)
SpD: 80 → 100 (+20)
Spe: 100 → 120 (+20)
New Moves: Outrage, Megahorn

Mega Flygon gains the bug/dragon tying it always deserved! It gets a boost all around, with the biggest going to special attack, so it becomes a special attacker, differentiating it a bit from its biggest competitors, but it gets a boost to attack too, making that also usable. Its streamlined body also us its seed enough to hit a better speed tier. Its goggle-like bug eyes give it tinted lens to ensure that it doesn’t have to worry much about resistances, though fairies are still immune to one of its STABS.

Mega Drapion
Tough Claws

Typing: Poison/Dark

HP: 70 → 70 (0)
Atk: 90 → 120 (+30)
Def: 110 → 140 (+30)
SpA: 60 → 70 (+10)
SpD: 75 → 95 (+20)
Spe: 95 → 105 (+10)
New Moves: Assurance, Gunk Shot
Mega Drapion’s pincers and tail become even bigger and mre menacing, giving it Tough Claws and therefore, a big damage output, especially with the big attack increase. It’s armour also gets bulkier, increasing its defences, with its defense taking a particularly large buff. It even gets a seed buff as it scuttles faster. It gets a secial attack buff too, but you’re unlikely to use it much. That said, even with the buffed defences and seed, there are faster pokemon and something like STAB Earth Power will hurt.

Mega Gliscor
Venom Coat (Absorbs poison moves to increase attack. Sap Sipper clone)
Typing: Ground/Flying
HP: 75 → 75 (0)
Atk: 95 → 125 (+30)
Def: 125 → 145 (+20)
SpA: 45 → 55 (+10)
SpD: 75 → 95 (+20)
Spe: 95 → 115 (+20)

New Moves: Hone Claws, Mud-Shot
Megas don’t benefit from oison Heal as much, but I didn’t want to do away with the poison connection, so now, Mega Gliscor takes your poison attacks and uses them to coat its tail and claws like an assassin, making its own attacks even stronger to compliment its big attack buff. To compensate for losing Poison Heal, it also buffs its defences to improve its walling ability. Its larger wings also allow it to swoop to a better speed tier as well. That said, some of the buffing goes to the comparatively useless Special Attack and the loss of automatic healing does hurt.

MaceMaster for the tiebreaker.
Mega Flygon
: Ground/Dragon (not bug gasp)
Stats: 80 (+0) /135 (+35) /70 (-10) /130 (+50) /80 (+0) /135 (+35)
Ability: Webslinger (Bug Type Steelworker + Levitate)
New Moves: Leech Life
Description: The connection between Flygon and Bugs is apparent from its egg group and design. Upon Mega Evolution its eyes split into smaller eyes and it gains spiny legs, making it look slightly like a tarantula-dragon hybrid. While it cannot use its wings, it keeps itself off the ground with its webs! It gains a sizeable amount of offense on both ends as well as a newfound nimbleness, at the expense of some physical defense. This makes it hard to tell whether Mega Flygon will be a Physical or Special Attacker, both being strong enough and having good enough coverage to threaten a lot of teams.
Set Ideas: Earthquake / Dragon Claw / Leech Life / Dragon Dance, Earth Power / Draco Meteor / Bug Buzz / U-Turn
Possible Tier: OU

Mega Gliscor
: Ground / Dark
Stats: 75 (+0) / 140 (+45) / 135 (+10) / 75 (+30) / 65 (-10) / 120 (+25)
Ability: Guts
New Moves: Leech Life, Sucker Punch
Description: Mega Gliscor takes a turn for the sinister and becomes vampiric! Its wings fall and drape as if they were a cape. Black and red lines appear all across its body, which has also taken a darker hue. Its eyes still glow their sinister yellow. Due to its much more frenzied nature, it is no longer healed by having poison in its bloodstream, but instead made stronger by it. However this frenzied nature comes at the expense of its composure, leading it to lose special defense. Simply having a Mega Gliscor on your team will heavily deter your opponent from using any kind of hazard.
Set Ideas: Earthquake / Knock Off / Swords Dance / Roost, Swords Dance / Sucker Punch / Earthquake / Knock Off
Possible Tier: OU

Mega Drapion
: Poison/Steel
Stats: 70 (+0) / 135 (+45) / 160 (+50) / 70 (+10) / 50 (-25) / 115 (+20)
Ability: Tough Claws
New Moves: Metal Claw, Iron Tail
Description: Drapion's armour plates turn into a super lightweight Magnesium alloy due to chemical reactions with the Mega Stone! Not only does this improve its defenses, it gives it an entirely unique type. While this typing makes Drapion extremely vulnerable to Ground type moves, it also makes Drapion considerably stronger and physically sturdier overall. Its claws are covered in this material too, hence the Tough Claws. While the new armour plates are definitely lighter than Drapion's old plates, they provide less special-based protection. Set up a Hone Claws with this monster though and you'll be running through teams with super strong attacks.
Set Ideas: Hone Claws / Poison Jab / Iron Tail / Earthquake, Substitute / Swords Dance / Earthquake / Poison Jab
Possible Tier: UU
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Mega Flygon
Ability: Infestate (Bug -ate)
Stats: 80/100/80/80/80/100
New Stats: 80/125/90/110/90/120
Added moves: Taunt, Gravity
Flygon has been like one of my fav mons. So this stat spread boosts its attacks and gives it normal-type moves into bug-types. Also, it has now a ok Special Attack stat?

Mega Drapion
Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 70/90/110/60/75/95
New Stats: 70/91/137/60/137/105
Added moves: Spikes, Stealth Rock
This makes it a Hazard with really good bulk, or you could just go defensive. In timidate makes it physical wall, and its defenses are high and mixed. Its also pretty fast. However it has a 91/60 offensive stats which don't really help it but it's a wall, doesn't need that.

Mega Gliscor
Ability: Liquid Ooze
Stats: 75/95/125/45/75/95
New Stats: 75/125/155/45/80/80
Added moves: Disable, Spite
Although its base form still has a niche in Poison Heal, it now has immensely better bulk and good attack. It's special stats though, really suck. It's now able to punish Giga Drain users, like Venusaur and Amoongus that it once lacked the power to do so. It also can switchin on other draining moves.
Mega Flygon

Ability: Levitate > Shed Skin
Type: Ground/Dragon > Flying/Dragon

HP: 80
Atk: 85 (-15)
Def: 95 (+15)
Sp. Atk: 106 (+26)
Sp. Def: 129 (+49)
Speed: 125 (+25)
BST: 620 (+100)

New Moves: Hurricane, Whirlwind
Description: Flygon gets the typing it's always deserved. It becomes whitish gray with extended wings, as well as a second pair of long wings that help it reach high speeds. It has suffered a drop in Attack that makes it less usable as a physical sweeper, but it makes up for this with a good rise in Special Attack, which it can exploit with powerful attacks like Boomburst, Draco Meteor, and Hurricane. It has the potential to be annoying by healing itself with Roost, also being able to shake off status effects using Shed Skin, and blowing away hazards by using its Defog.

Mega Drapion

Ability: Battle Armor/Sniper/Keen Eye > Adaptability
Type: Poison/Dark > Poison/Dragon

HP: 70
Atk: 116 (+28)
Def: 145 (+35)
Sp. Atk: 94 (+34)
Sp. Def: 75
Speed: 98 (+3)
BST: 600 (+100)

New Moves: Gunk Shot, Outrage
Description: Drapion has given in to its draconic side to become a feared Dragon-type. Hone Claws gives it accurate Gunk Shots, which will hit hard thanks to Adaptability. Drapion already has a good physical movepool, good enough to cover all of its weaknesses. With a hardcore Defense, it can tank hits from physical Dragon attackers and strike back with an Outrage.

Mega Gliscor
Ability: Hyper Cutter/Sand Veil/Poison Heal > Natural Cure
Type: Ground/Flying

HP: 75
Atk: 115 (+20)
Def: 130 (+5)
Sp. Atk: 55 (+10)
Sp. Def: 130 (+55)
Speed: 105 (+10)
BST: 610 (+100)

Description: Gliscor is somehow even more annoying than it used to be. All of its stats have been boosted. This fortunately includes a large gain in Special Defense that allow it to survive more Water and Ice hits. Not only can it Roost off damage faster than before, but Natural Cure will counter the use of poison as a wallbreaker. With U-turn, it can also attack before losing its status condition.

Flygon @ Flygonite
Ability: Levitate > Shed Skin
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Roost
- Whirlwind
- Defog / Toxic
- Hurricane / Draco Meteor

Flygon @ Flygonite
Ability: Levitate > Shed Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Hurricane
- Fire Punch / Earthquake

Drapion @ Drapionite
Ability: Battle Armor > Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Hone Claws
- Gunk Shot
- Outrage

Gliscor @ Gliscorite
Ability: Hyper Cutter > Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe or 4 HP / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Careful or Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance / Toxic
- U-turn / Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Roost
I'm gonna vote Miyami~~ to piss everyone off The strikethrough means ignore this, considering most people don't understand that :/



New stats: 80 / 110 / 120 / 130 / 120 / 60 (+10 Atk, +40 Def, +50 SpA, +40 SpD, -40 Spe)
New Ability: Levitate
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Meteor Smash
Flygon becomes a completely armoured version of itself, causing it to lose a lot of speed, but it makes up for it with mixed 110 Atk, 130 SpA, 80 / 120 / 120 bulk and only 1 weakness (excluding extra moves/abilities). It also has a good setup move in Dragon Dance. It's SpA is Higher than its Atk because it has no SpA boosting move, so it makes it more variable, as it's special attacks will hit harder. It has nice moves such as: Earth Power, Earthquake, Draco Meteor, Flash Cannon, Meteor Mash, Flamethrower, U-Turn, Thunder Punch, Superpower and Stone Edge. However, it has no real way to take out the Fighting types that take it out...
252 Atk Adaptability Lucario-Mega Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Flygon: 396-468 (108.7 - 128.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Lopunny-Mega Fake Out vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Flygon: 24-28 (6.5 - 7.6%)
252 Atk Lopunny-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Flygon: 306-362 (84 - 99.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

and it is also walled by things like Skarmory
252 SpA Flygon Draco Meteor vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Skarmory: 141-166 (42.3 - 49.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 Atk Flygon Thunder Punch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 84-100 (25.2 - 30%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
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