Resource SM RU Simple Questions, Simple Answers

At the start of USM why did Yanmega rise to A on the VR? What changed for it?
yanmega was always good but was held back way too much by lack of good hazard control so it was really hard to fit on a lot of teams. usum introduced a lot of options for hazard control so it naturally became that much better.

the decline in registeel also helped big time
Usually, stall will have fast Fairium Z Cresselia to take on slow Fighting-types like Machamp and Pangoro.

Cresselia @ Fairium Z
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 112 Def / 144 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Moonlight
- Moonblast

Something like this.
Well, Donphan's unviable (and always has been) because it's, for lack of a better term, a do-nothing mon. It doesn't effectively wall anything, it doesn't threaten most if not all of the defoggers to set rocks well, it doesn't switch in to most of the hazard setters to spin hazards, it doesn't force enough switches in general to spin effectively and when it does get a chance to spin it's not particularly hard to block if you're using any Ghost except Doublade. It's also not particularly hard to switch into despite its decent Attack stat and access to STAB EQ simply because it doesn't have the right coverage to back it up, so it just has very low impact on the average match.
Not to mention, there are simply vastly more effective Ground-types, spinners, and Stealth Rock users in general.
How is Trick Room as a playstyle in general in RU? If I want to make a Trick Room team to play, where would be the best place to start?

Also, what happened to Kingdra? Did it drop or not? It wasn't included in the new VR changes but I thought I saw somewhere that it had dropped back to BL3.
Is SD RestTalk Escavalier still viable? And what would be some good teammates for it if it were?
I wouldn't say so, no. milotic being everywhere and very commonly running haze means it'll win 1v1, and moltres has been in favour + mons like mandibuzz that can take a hit and foul play. escavalier in general isn't out of favour but if anything I'd use band, and even then why use it over durant?

How is Trick Room as a playstyle in general in RU? If I want to make a Trick Room team to play, where would be the best place to start?

Also, what happened to Kingdra? Did it drop or not? It wasn't included in the new VR changes but I thought I saw somewhere that it had dropped back to BL3.
trick room in general is never consistent, u win and lose on team preview and trick room imo is a very uncompetitive move for that reason so I don't recommend using it, at least not in RU. however individual mons that use trick room for themselves to sweep can be good and are a bit undiscovered atm I feel like. stuff like OTR slowbro or eggy-alola are still niche though

as for kingdra, it is indeed usable in ru.
Not a Gen 7 player, but why is M-Camerupt ranked D while being decent in OU? Surely it can break even more stuff down here while being threatened by less mons?
Not a Gen 7 player, but why is M-Camerupt ranked D while being decent in OU? Surely it can break even more stuff down here while being threatened by less mons?
the thing with mega camerupt is that its a balance breaker that cant break balance. milotic, umbreon, cresselia, and now mandibuzz and mega blastoise being everywhere really hurts is viability, since its unable to break these pokemon. and while it does hit hard, we already have other, faster breakers with better typings, stronger damage outputs and better match up against common walls. higher competition for a mega slot also limits the teams it can be used on. the only kind of team it really excels in is trick room but trick room as a whole is kind of iffy.

i dont play much ou, so im not sure why its better there myself, but im sure an ou player can give you a better idea why.
Not a Gen 7 player, but why is M-Camerupt ranked D while being decent in OU? Surely it can break even more stuff down here while being threatened by less mons?


if you want an anti-meta mega, use 4 Atk Mega Ampharos. it can actually break balances effectively.
Not a Gen 7 player, but why is M-Camerupt ranked D while being decent in OU? Surely it can break even more stuff down here while being threatened by less mons?

To briefly explain why M-Cam is somewhat decent in OU is that the Tapus provide terrains that Cam can take advantage of with Nature Power, allowing it to dent the water types (and others) that threaten M-Cam - something Cam can't do in RU. Also, as tyrantytar said, Milotic runs amok in RU and M-Cam can't touch it. There are simply better Megas to use in RU
with the drops and the recent durant ban, the tier is currently still adapting and i doubt there'd be another suspect test anytime soon. despite that, what would be the thoughts on re-suspecting previously banned mons?
i'm thinking tornadus and reuniclus, but leanin more towards tornadus since i feel the tier is more or less ready for its presence. not too sure on reuniclus though. just some thoughts.
torn is just ridiculous. nothing has changed since it got banned, and as such i don't see how it could possibly be balanced. reuni was a more controversial ban, but i don't see how it has become more manageable since then either. resuspecting bl2 mons seems like a bad idea now that we finally got rid of all the broken mons. i say, let the tier flourish in a healthy environment, rather than getting caught up in a cycle of constantly suspecting and resuspecting mons.
Re-suspecting previously banned mons will always be a possibility but as many of us see it right now, I dont think it is a good idea to retest something just for the sake of retesting it and shake up the meta just for the thrills. It is rather pointless from my point of view imo.

Right now I dont think the tier really needs any of the Pokemon sitting on the BL2 atm since those will have rather gruesome side effects in the metagame. Maybe Reuniclus if the tier demands an stallbreaker in the future but it is far too soon to tell.
Hey i wonder how well HO is in ru right now? I have been testing a bit and i cant seem to figure out a way to get it working
Hyper Offense can be pretty tricky to pull off since the Durant ban. The ant provided the archetype some unmatched offensive and defensive utility that it was pretty much necessary to put a Durant on your team and you would have been pretty much fine.

Even so, it is still possible to pull off. It is a matter of getting much more creative with your team choices. Most HOs variants I have seen that are true to the core use a suicide lead of some sort like Archeops and Lycanroc (it got Endeavor on USM) or Froslass for Spikes, or even a sticky web setter like Ribombee or Araquanid. Another pokemon that has a lot of value for the archetype atm is Zygarde-10% since it has a great speed tier and strong priority to keep many threats at bay, and Thousand Arrows being spammable. Priiority is super important to have on these type of archetypes so you should consider having a good amount of this so Pokemon like Mega Abomasnow, Mega Glalie, Honchkrow and such are good options for the archetype.

Another tip is that this archetype would generally not run hazard removal on the most conventional way if you arent using Mega Blastoise or even Tsareena so a Pokemon like Espeon fits perfectly with this type of builds. From there, you just stack yourself with a good amount of breakers and thankfully the tier has plenty of those: Salazzle, Virizion, Tyrantrum, Moltres, Pangoro, Gardevoir, Mismagius and stuff like that. HO is also a style that can make some more niche stuff work so dont feel discouraged of trying stuff that may be seen as unconventional like: Vanilluxe, Rain Dance or Focus Energy Kingdra, Mega Banette, Delphox, Barbaracle, and stuff like that. Even Klinklang can work but it is rather restrictive.

Hope this helps you to have a better idea on what to do. If you have more questions you can always ask around on the Rarelyused PS Room.
Hey i wonder how well HO is in ru right now? I have been testing a bit and i cant seem to figure out a way to get it working
Hyper offense is as viable as ever, though spike stack variants are somewhat underwhelming currently. If you want to use HO, the most effective variant rn is screens, but webs are also not obsolete. Mega Glalie pairs great on HO, even when its not dedicated to spikestack, as taunt is always useful in preventing defogging, and Double Edge in combination with it is pretty good at core breaking, and even putting Milotic in a very sketchy position. If you're not already using Linoone, you should be, as it offers the most reliably threatening wincon in the tier when supported and played correctly. Other than your webs setter (usually should be Ribombee) or Screens setter (usually should be Espeon), most setup sweepers work fine under screens and webs, and a plethora of wallbreakers are available on webs archetypes as well. Try experimenting with different combinations until you get something that can reliably break down cores and outpace BO and you'll be good.
Hyper offense is as viable as ever, though spike stack variants are somewhat underwhelming currently. If you want to use HO, the most effective variant rn is screens, but webs are also not obsolete. Mega Glalie pairs great on HO, even when its not dedicated to spikestack, as taunt is always useful in preventing defogging, and Double Edge in combination with it is pretty good at core breaking, and even putting Milotic in a very sketchy position. If you're not already using Linoone, you should be, as it offers the most reliably threatening wincon in the tier when supported and played correctly. Other than your webs setter (usually should be Ribombee) or Screens setter (usually should be Espeon), most setup sweepers work fine under screens and webs, and a plethora of wallbreakers are available on webs archetypes as well. Try experimenting with different combinations until you get something that can reliably break down cores and outpace BO and you'll be good.

Thanks a lot for this it will definetly help out!