CAP 1 Smogon's 1st "Create a Pokemon"

Would You Actively Participate in the Smogon "Create a Pokemon" Program?

  • Yes, I will vote whenever I can

    Votes: 156 86.2%
  • No, this idea is stupid/premature, as are you

    Votes: 25 13.8%

  • Total voters
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i didn't just make those, i was just wondering is that the idea you're trying to do, cause with voting, it's not gonna be that successful

the process is going to be very long

and none of those pokes are broken, they have high stats but not proken (maybe spunchy is)

also, what are we voting on, everything for the poke

or you create a poke and we vote on it

also, those were just ideas/examples

is that the outlook of what you want the pokes to look like, at least have base stats

also, those can spark ideas, it doesn't matter if they'r ebroken (which nothing a little moveset syndrome can't fix)
There have been several "post a new pokemon" threads, and do you see any of them anymore? No, because they failed. If you read the details in the very first post, you'd know exactly what's going to happen here. And yes, the process may take a long time (not really, probably between 1-2 months), but I feel it will work better and make everyone a lot happier than reading about how people want Ghost/Dark pokemon with Wondergaurd.

Also, so this isn't a completely worthless post, I'm expecting to start the actual voting on Monday, December 3. I want to get some more opinions on the possible weaknesses of this idea so I can correct for them. So yes, please post comments/suggestions, not worthless dribble.
I have a question, since we're talking about an organized way of making pokemon, would having the same thing for "new" move count towards this too?
basically what you are going to do is create a poll onto how a poke will come out

might work, but most likely will die due to no one wanting to wait that long (americans want instant satisfaction), some might but not enough

it might work, if people are willing to participate for a long time

smashboards has a new idea thread in which we kept posting (basically, it was 6 of us) and it came out very successful, we stopped with the poke ideas cause we had like 300 pokes created, not all were broken and most were evos

so try it and see how it goes, but i have a feeling, that a lot of people will just give up

and i think new moves will be added into this, along with abilities, hopefully
I was thinking it would be more along the lines of

1st move poll: Decide on move name
2nd move poll: Vote on the five best names from poll #1 to get a winner
3rd move poll: Decide on move function based on name
4th move poll: Vote on best five functions from poll #3 to get a winner

Or possibly shorten it, though that seems quick for such a delicate process.
why don't you at first do it more like this

list a few poke type comboes

we vote on our favorite one

then abilities (new ones with explanations too)
we vote

then list base stat spreads

we vote on that

then make learnable move spreads (with moves already obtainable in current poke)

we vote

make some names

we vote

then make new moves taht this poke could take advantage of

then we vote on that

with thta, you can have other pokes you create use that move

puts you in complete control
Because if I'm in complete control, then what's the point of involving others? We're a community at smogon, and as such, I want others to be allowed to voice their opinions as well, not just vote on what I come up with on my own. Besides, most of the things to be voted on aren't really up for debate (we're not creating new types here, and pokemon jobs like sweeper have already been estabished).
I was thinking it would be more along the lines of

1st move poll: Decide on move name
2nd move poll: Vote on the five best names from poll #1 to get a winner
3rd move poll: Decide on move function based on name
4th move poll: Vote on best five functions from poll #3 to get a winner

Or possibly shorten it, though that seems quick for such a delicate process.
That could work thought the whole poll thing wasn't my first method at deciding the move and such ^^;
I would support this. Making up pokemon would be cool, especially if anyone from game freak read this and got ideas from threads like this. Hopefully what everyone posts would balance the game and make it more fun and not just more retarded or imbalanced.
basically what you are going to do is create a poll onto how a poke will come out

might work, but most likely will die due to no one wanting to wait that long (americans want instant satisfaction), some might but not enough

it might work, if people are willing to participate for a long time

smashboards has a new idea thread in which we kept posting (basically, it was 6 of us) and it came out very successful, we stopped with the poke ideas cause we had like 300 pokes created, not all were broken and most were evos

so try it and see how it goes, but i have a feeling, that a lot of people will just give up

and i think new moves will be added into this, along with abilities, hopefully
All six of you participated? That sounds tremendously successful.

The great thing about this is the amount of time it will take to finish. It's good that it will take a while. Like you said, some people will not like the waiting and will become bored with it. Basically, it will weed out all the n00bs crying out for Ghost/Dark/Wonerguard, and will overall end in a much more satisfactory and much less broken result.

I think the polls could work, but I suggest doing the naming last instead of first. I would much rather analyze what we created, and name it based on that. For instance, we create a Psychic-type Special-based Dragon Dance. Then we decide what would be most fitting for that (too bad Psycho Boost and Meditate are already taken).
I think the polls could work, but I suggest doing the naming last instead of first. I would much rather analyze what we created, and name it based on that. For instance, we create a Psychic-type Special-based Dragon Dance. Then we decide what would be most fitting for that (too bad Psycho Boost and Meditate are already taken).

Trance would be a good name for that move.

Anyways, I think this is a good idea. There are a lot of good fakemon out there just waiting to be recognized. I have an idea for a Castform evolution that immediately changes the weather and its form depending on which rock it's holding (Damp Rock, Icy Rock, Heat Rock or Smooth Rock).
it's small

but others came in

it was basically 6 of us who controlled it, we're up to something like 66 pages, and only like 15 posts are spam, and there are 15 posts to a page

so i consider it quite successful
I've heard creating custom pokes/abilities/moves on Shoddy was possible, but not easy, so in theory an entire playable metagame on a custom server can be used.

AA's Mod Server is in the process of choosing 7 created pokes and implementing them in their server, so if you're really interested in it you should at least check that out..
I'd like to see a Split evolution of Dragonair, maybe a water/dragon hybrid. I'd be up for making a Pokemon.

how about Fire/Ghost. A Poison Dark type
The choices presented in the first few polls won't give the option to vote for an evolution, but once the type and pokemon function has been decided I'll have a poll devoted to determining whether the pokemon is basic, 2nd stage, or final evolution. We'll then vote on whose evolution it is, if it is determined to evolve at all.
i have an idea

why don't you give us a type combo to work off of
then ask if we want it to be defensive or offensive
after that, we post base stat spreads, you make a poll of the best spread
we post abilities (if new we explain), you pick best ones and make a poll
then we post movesets, you choose the best ones for a poll
and finally, we make up names and you choose the best ones for us to vote for
I've loved these,I doodled some when I was bored.I could definitely make some.Oh,there are some great drawings in the Smeargle Studio.Someone made a full set of their own starts,and stuff.I really want a cool Ghost/Steel type with Levitate.That would be awesome,and would mess up some stuff.

It has a bazillion resistances,spikes resist,stealth rock resist,toxic spike resist,rapid spin resist,and it could have stats like this,or something close.


It would be a freaking b*tch to take down.One of the few pokemon that would have a decent special defense,can get 384 HP,good defense,decent attack,and great low speed for Gyro Ball.

Sounds broken,so maybe..


i lol'd at 0 sp. atk. needs at least 1 point in spAtk
what about

Cooper, unfortunately, it's probably better to have the first poll be something like:

XXX Evolution
YYY Evolution
ZZZ Split Evo

and such, with the tenth option being an entirely unrelated NEW pokemon. You can't have a Dark type being voted in as a Miltank evo.
^You're getting closer, but I still don't like it. First off, you're still trying to shorten the process, which, as Tytus explains here:

The great thing about this is the amount of time it will take to finish. It's good that it will take a while. Like you said, some people will not like the waiting and will become bored with it. Basically, it will weed out all the n00bs crying out for Ghost/Dark/Wonerguard, and will overall end in a much more satisfactory and much less broken result

is not necessarily a good thing. Second, your idea is far too open to debate. I feel it'd be better to have a guideline in polls (especially for moves, abilities, and jobs) to try and eliminate needless and pointless discussions as much as possible, so that this

rampant with useless subjectivity over something that won't make an impact in the grand scheme of things. Besides, it could perfectly well lead to some ridiculous debates over the most insignificant things.

can be avoided.

Hyra, I don't quite understand what you mean with the "XXX" and "YYY" options. I do like the idea of a split evolution though.
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