Pokemon Gold and Silver 3DS Virtual Console: Back to the Future 2(000)!

Approved by DHR-107

Alright everybody!

In a post I made in this thread a while back (on the 19th of September) I promised to host a Giveaway with both of my shiny HA Johto cover legendaries.
Today I'd like to welcome the opportunity to proudly announce that the Giveaway is finally open, just as I promised a while back!

If you wish to participate, please click here and please don't forget to read the rules!

Good luck!
Got ninja'd about the announcement, but here's the trailer anyways.

Most interesting of it is that it advertises encountering Celebi, which could not be done without glitches outside of Japan. Are they making the GS Ball available?
I assume so. The question is, can we get it without an event? We know they’ll have had to make some changes to the Communication Centre to make it not just pointless (and to the programming in general to make the Battle Tower work in Japan) so I wouldn’t be surprised if they just made the GS Ball a normally obtainable item.
I assume so. The question is, can we get it without an event? We know they’ll have had to make some changes to the Communication Centre to make it not just pointless (and to the programming in general to make the Battle Tower work in Japan) so I wouldn’t be surprised if they just made the GS Ball a normally obtainable item.
Says on Serebii you get given the GS Ball in Goldenrod after beating The Elite Four at the communication center, but that's only for the Japan version. Unless they also put the communication center in the US and EU versions, they probably just give it to you in the Pokemon Center.
Given that the English trailer mentions that Celebi will appear ingame, I’m sure there will be a workaround to how it will be obtained, and it shouldn’t be Japan-only, in theory.

What new move tutors/egg moves combined with the various hidden abilities of the Gen 1 and 2 Pokemon would be considered competitively viable?

Also, don’t be fooled by Lugia’s GSC Serebii page. It says it gets Flamethrower via move tutor, but that is false.

Edit: the only thing I can think of is Curse on Extreme Speed Multiscale Dragonite, but I doubt it’ll be that good in practice.
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Is it possible to do stuff like cloning glitch on the new 3ds? I'm considering getting Crystal when it comes out. Also, is there any different mechanics than current one, like IVs EVs? I have forgotten how earlier version works
Interesting. I always thought that a Crystal VC release would happen eventually, but had no idea about when. Feels like it wasn't that long since the G/S release happened, it was almost 3 months ago but feels like yesterday to me. Though I didn't get either of them so maybe that's one of the reasons why.

Anyway, will I get this? Maybe. G/S was a definite no for me, but Crystal is a big maybe. Why is it a maybe and not a definite no when the Johto games are my least favorites in the series? Well, there are a few reasons. First of all, Crystal is my favorite Johto game, I had more fun with it than I had with both G/S and HG/SS. I like how it tried to address some of the issues G/S had with the Pokemon placement and distribution. The battery of my Crystal copy died many years ago, making me unable to play it anymore. That said, I probably wouldn't have played it even if I could, but being able to occasionally go back and visit my old memories would have been fun. There are also a couple of things I wanted to do in my original Crystal copy which I never got around to. Two major things stand out. The first is catching the legendaries. Or essentially Raikou, Entei and Ho-Oh at least, since I got Suicune and Lugia in my original game. The second is to complete the Battle Tower. It is to date the only battle facility in any generation that I have never even won 7 battles in a row at, so being able to finally do that would be fun. Finally, Crystal is also the only game to feature Kris as a playable character. I prefer her over Ethan and Lyra so it would be fun to play as her again.

The Celebi thing is also interesting since I never got a Celebi in the original Gen 2 games. I didn't get a Celebi at all until Gen 4 thanks to Wi-Fi trading. I hope it will be available in-game without an event for all regions.

Unfortunately, not everthing is sparkling about Crystal. I will probably miss being able to use the Mareep line, maybe some of the other version exclusives too. I will also miss having access to Lugia's and Ho-Oh's signature moves, Gen 2 Aeroblast was always so damn cool to watch in the games. Then I'm not sure if I can handle the massive Johto gameplay flaws combined with badly aged game mechanics, physics and graphics either.

So, in the end, I'm not saying I will get the game. Nor am I saying I won't. It is not a yes or no, but a maybe. I will have to see. Right now I don't have time either, I have been so busy with real life for the past months that it feels like I have barely had time for anything. I haven't even completed the main story in Ultra Moon even if I got the game on the release date, and I am still quite far from completing it. Though this doesn't really affect Crystal as it is still more than a month from now until it gets released (it is released one day before my birthday!). If I get it, it will probably not be on or close to the release date. I happened to come across the prices for G/S on the eShop today while downloading the patch for Ultra Moon, and I saw that they were actually quite cheap (though they are probably more expansive in my country than in most others). If Crystal gets the same price then it will be fine, money-wise.

Okay, enough rambling from my side. I just wanted to write this now that I could.

TL;DR: Maybe.
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I've never done the cloning glitch before in Gen 2 until today. Wow, it's ridiculously easy. I don't really want to clone Pokémon, just the useful TMs that you only get once in a save file and maybe a couple Master Balls. Apparently this is a really safe code to do, but I read that some people have generated corrupted data or bad clones with the Gen 2 cloning glitch. How common are those things and what exactly do you have to screw up in order for them to generate?

I'm doing the cloning glitch in my Gold save file (by trading the items from Silver and Crystal), which has 20 minutes of playtime, just to be sure in case it messes up with the save file.
I've never done the cloning glitch before in Gen 2 until today. Wow, it's ridiculously easy. I don't really want to clone Pokémon, just the useful TMs that you only get once in a save file and maybe a couple Master Balls. Apparently this is a really safe code to do, but I read that some people have generated corrupted data or bad clones with the Gen 2 cloning glitch. How common are those things and what exactly do you have to screw up in order for them to generate?

I'm doing the cloning glitch in my Gold save file (by trading the items from Silver and Crystal), which has 20 minutes of playtime, just to be sure in case it messes up with the save file.
Ah, you mean the clone corruption glitch. Yeah I'll just be honest. That's MUCH harder to do than a simple clone. You have to pretty much intentionally get the timing wrong on the cloning glitch for that one to happen.

Look it up on Youtube, it's technically a way to get any Pokemon you want. Even Celebi.... Although, it won't be transferable, since you know, event only and all that.
Ah, you mean the clone corruption glitch. Yeah I'll just be honest. That's MUCH harder to do than a simple clone. You have to pretty much intentionally get the timing wrong on the cloning glitch for that one to happen.

Look it up on Youtube, it's technically a way to get any Pokemon you want. Even Celebi.... Although, it won't be transferable, since you know, event only and all that.
Yeah, I'm aware of that but never tried it myself. I prefer to catch the Pokémon in a legit way with the exception of Mew, because that's literally impossible.