Metagame 1v1 Metagame Discussion

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I wanted to answer osra but lost basically said everything that was important so ill just add some of my thoughts (btw ik this post is way too big for no actual reason) What I've noticed first was that idk what azu set u used + what evs since something like sitrus avoids 2hkoes and beats stuff like m meta. Im sure there are more but that wasn't even the point also if it uses dive it can beat a lot of things with a double protect(that was 1 of the reasons it was used over meloetta which is even better btw) that means a lot of "counters" would only be counters 75% of the time and i bet u wouldn't use the same percentage for sleep counters or at least ik some people that didn't use that amount.
Anyway that's besides the point as lost said p song completely invalidates stall which is plain stupid and sleep isn't even close to doing something like that also p song was banned in gen6 this was a gen7 list and it's very likely if not certain that vrs would look much different, mons would use different sets and stuff like z perish song to avoid and beat Taunt users would exist. Basically the whole meta would be different but once again besides the point.

Now, yes i said that a lot of sleep users aren't good rn bc of the amount of counters ppl run and in general relying on luck but in no way did i say that bc of that they deserve not to be banned or them being competitive. What i said is we should look at how many counters they have since u can take a lot more cases of pokemon that can be very uncompetitive but aren't used just simply because they don't beat much and they still rely on luck and i don't see anyone complaining about thunder wave ban or those 50% accuracy moves. Sometimes u just have to draw the line and in my opinion that is something like deciding the number of pokemon 1 mon can beat with just luck. I would use something like baton pass in ou ,on who we can all agree made uncompetitive strategies, as an example as it wasn't banned for generations because it wasn't as good and had more counters that u straight up lost to on matchup which is sort of comparable with u losing a game in 1v1 by just picking ur "lead" and other mon straight up countering u it was very gimmicky to say the least (comparing bp and sleep is something i don't want to do and i only want to use it as an example for it being 100% uncompetitive and that's the word that has been used a ton if not spammed in this sleep debate ) and then in sun and moon with the metagame change(less counters) and introduction of new even stronger bp abusers it finally got the ban. Now i may be wrong on this i don't believe i am but u didn't even use that as my argument u talked about a different argument i never said.

Sorry for the wall of text i was just frustrated at someone for using a completely broken strategy that can't compare to sleep in almost anything (u can argue with them both being uncompetitive but I just showed u why that alone can't be ur only argument to compare each other with me using bp as an uncompetitive strategy example that wasn't banned for so long simply because there were other variables besides it being uncompetitive and please don't say oh that is 6v6 so it's completely different as all tiers "strive" to remove uncompetitive aspects of them ) that was banned 3+ years ago(almost instantly banned in sm) and even then not doing it right with poor examples.

I suggest reading the whole section first and then coming back to parentheses or ig reading them really fast as they are very large and not as important as the main points
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Well, mimikyu is very good with both an offensive and defensive sets in Curse and Sd Fairium/Ghostium. Mimikyu can also run many different moves on these sets ranging from Will-o-Wisp to Thunder Wave. The problem with mimikyu is that it is so unpredictable, I would even go to say u need a mimikyu counter to have a functioning team. And regarding sleep, U have like 2 prominent users. While very good mons like snorlax and jumpluff use sleep. They both can be beaten easily. Those are my thoughts on the 2 topics.
Inclined to agree with aidan, except I must note that unpredictability should be encouraged until it gets out of hand, like with Koko. After all, we don’t want a predictable metagame, it discourages creativity imo. Mimikyu might be a problem, however.
Inclined to agree with aidan, except I must note that unpredictability should be encouraged until it gets out of hand, like with Koko. After all, we don’t want a predictable metagame, it discourages creativity imo. Mimikyu might be a problem, however.
Although predictability might discourage creativity, it does increase overall competitiveness. People argue that lure sets are part of competitiveness in teambuilding, but at the same time there needs to be a degree of competitiveness at team preview. It's hard to balance these two and draw a conclusion on what is "too much" unpredictability, but I think a more predictable (to an extent) makes for a more fun metagame as well
My own two cents on the matter here.

Mimik is pretty threatening; Curse/Twave, SD Mimikium/Fairium/Ghostium, and some other real gimmicky ones, like a Sub berry, forgot which one. Heck it even beats Yawn/CurseLax(most of the time, I think). It’s not Koko levels of broken though, as anything fast with Taunt shuts down SD Z sets and Curse/Twave sets, unless the Z sets just straight Zmove first.

On sleep, I think its very very hard to counter. Z Yawn is a thing and idk if it gets shut down by Taunt or not. Only Lum can save ya from a turn of sleep. That’s YawnLax, but Jumpluff is faster and has SD. My weird team of Infernape, Scizor and Lele got shut down by Jumpluff with Sleep Powder. I didn’t have Bullet Punch on Sciz. I don’t thing Pluff has any physical flying STAB though, but it murdered my team.
SO basically, when building, you need 3 things: A sleep counter/check, a Mimik counter/check and an anti-meta mon.
My own two cents on the matter here.

Mimik is pretty threatening; Curse/Twave, SD Mimikium/Fairium/Ghostium, and some other real gimmicky ones, like a Sub berry, forgot which one. Heck it even beats Yawn/CurseLax(most of the time, I think). It’s not Koko levels of broken though, as anything fast with Taunt shuts down SD Z sets and Curse/Twave sets, unless the Z sets just straight Zmove first.

On sleep, I think its very very hard to counter. Z Yawn is a thing and idk if it gets shut down by Taunt or not. Only Lum can save ya from a turn of sleep. That’s YawnLax, but Jumpluff is faster and has SD. My weird team of Infernape, Scizor and Lele got shut down by Jumpluff with Sleep Powder. I didn’t have Bullet Punch on Sciz. I don’t thing Pluff has any physical flying STAB though, but it murdered my team.
SO basically, when building, you need 3 things: A sleep counter/check, a Mimik counter/check and an anti-meta mon.

I'm not going to ask why you had Scizor without Bullet Punch since Bullet Punch is the whole point of Scizor.
Or why you are mentioning SD Jumpluff at all.

However,I do have a few comments.
1.What do you mean by Sub berry?
2.You are saying that Mimikyu gets shut down by anything faster with Taunt,however there are sets that can defeat such pokemon,e.g. Curse with Taunt and Mental Herb.
Generally,an 100% counter to Mimikyu would have to be faster and somehow immune to TWave or able to OHKO turn 1 or Taunt and live any hit (Mimikium Z LSF+Play Rough+Shadow Sneak or Ghostium Z NEN+Play Rough+Shadow Sneak)

This includes:
Haxorus (although Iron Tail can miss)
Mega Scizor
Defensively Bulky Mega Metagross with Rock Tomb/Bulldoze (that can still ohko Mimikyu with Bullet Punch)
Klingklang with Shift Gear and Gear Grind
Choice Scarf Rampardos

The only thing that wins 100% of the time is Excadrill
Metagross and Mega Scizor have over 90% chance to win
Klingklang has around 95%
Haxorus wins providing it doesnt miss Iron Tail
Rampardos wins providing it doesnt miss Iron Tail

(Magic Bounce is a thing,but every user is weak to Mimikyu's stab moves or unable to tank them)
The difference between Mimikyu and Tapu Koko is that Mimikyu relies on RNG to achieve wins it wouldn't otherwise.

Every Mimikyu set loses 100% of the time to 5 pokemon.
it beats a huge portion of the meta if RNG is in its favour
if that isn't banworthy,idk what is
sets taken into consideration

SD Mimikium
Bulk Up Mimikium
SD Ghostium
Z-Charm Fairium
Curse with Thunder Wave
(notice how I didnt take into account Curse without Thunder Wave,since the rest of the sets beat everything this beats)
Pretty much everything that the other sets can beat also loses to Thunder Wave.
Noivern, the forgotten Dragon

So recently I've been using a Dragon Mono-Type Team. Noivern was one of those Pokemon I came across when looking for a Dragon Pokemon to help with a Pokemon 3-0ing me. I saw it not only has access to the ability, Infiltrator, but also out-speeds, Max Speed Naganadel, and Greninja.

Noivern's Base Special Attack may be one of it's reasons of driving people away from it. With it being only 97 it doesn't hit as Naganadel whos Special Attack is 127. Choice Specs is a simple way to deal with it's not so desirable Special Attack. Noivern can beat Pokemon such as Naganadel, Greninja, Zygarde, and Charizard X.

Just wanted to get peoples' thoughts on the Pokemon and it's viability.
(Just a post to get communities thoughts & opinions)
I'm not going to ask why you had Scizor without Bullet Punch since Bullet Punch is the whole point of Scizor.
Or why you are mentioning SD Jumpluff at all.

However,I do have a few comments.
1.What do you mean by Sub berry?
2.You are saying that Mimikyu gets shut down by anything faster with Taunt,however there are sets that can defeat such pokemon,e.g. Curse with Taunt and Mental Herb.
Generally,an 100% counter to Mimikyu would have to be faster and somehow immune to TWave or able to OHKO turn 1 or Taunt and live any hit (Mimikium Z LSF+Play Rough+Shadow Sneak or Ghostium Z NEN+Play Rough+Shadow Sneak)

This includes:
Haxorus (although Iron Tail can miss)
Mega Scizor
Defensively Bulky Mega Metagross with Rock Tomb/Bulldoze (that can still ohko Mimikyu with Bullet Punch)
Klingklang with Shift Gear and Gear Grind
Choice Scarf Rampardos

The only thing that wins 100% of the time is Excadrill
Metagross and Mega Scizor have over 90% chance to win
Klingklang has around 95%
Haxorus wins providing it doesnt miss Iron Tail
Rampardos wins providing it doesnt miss Iron Tail

(Magic Bounce is a thing,but every user is weak to Mimikyu's stab moves or unable to tank them)
The difference between Mimikyu and Tapu Koko is that Mimikyu relies on RNG to achieve wins it wouldn't otherwise.

Every Mimikyu set loses 100% of the time to 5 pokemon.
it beats a huge portion of the meta if RNG is in its favour
if that isn't banworthy,idk what is
sets taken into consideration

SD Mimikium
Bulk Up Mimikium
SD Ghostium
Z-Charm Fairium
Curse with Thunder Wave
(notice how I didnt take into account Curse without Thunder Wave,since the rest of the sets beat everything this beats)
Pretty much everything that the other sets can beat also loses to Thunder Wave.
The only reason I mentioned SD Jumpluff is some Jumpluff swept me with Sleep Powder/SD. Weird right?
Replying to your questions:
1. What I mean by Sub berry is Sub+some low health activating berry: forgot which one. It just spammed Sub and got the berry. Super weird but I beat it.
2.OK then. I didn't know that. But is it really that viable? There are plenty checks to Mimikyu and not all of them run Taunt. Running Mental Herb, sacrificing firepower is kinda worthless, just to counter/check things that check it back.
3. Yes, I agree Mimik is banworthy.
4. Also, why Bulk Up? Mimik is frail as heck, almost like Grenin. Specs Gengar beats it and it isn't even that OP.
The only reason I mentioned SD Jumpluff is some Jumpluff swept me with Sleep Powder/SD. Weird right?
Replying to your questions:
1. What I mean by Sub berry is Sub+some low health activating berry: forgot which one. It just spammed Sub and got the berry. Super weird but I beat it.
2.OK then. I didn't know that. But is it really that viable? There are plenty checks to Mimikyu and not all of them run Taunt. Running Mental Herb, sacrificing firepower is kinda worthless, just to counter/check things that check it back.
3. Yes, I agree Mimik is banworthy.
4. Also, why Bulk Up? Mimik is frail as heck, almost like Grenin. Specs Gengar beats it and it isn't even that OP.
1.Generally Mimikyu with Curse and TWave uses an Aguav Berry and odd HP in order to force the opponent into full para
2.Cursekyu doesnt utilize firepower,it aims to be bulky in order to be as annoying as possible.
Therefore, it can do what whimsicott does (run items in order to surprise its checks).
4.You are forgetting Disguise,Specs Gengar gets OHKOed by NEN or KOed by Shadow Claw+Shadow Sneak
Bulk up Ghostium has a chance at defeating Mega Metagross,while Bulk Up Mimikium defeats Mega Gyarados and Mega Charizard X.
Furthermore,it's a good way to boost Mimikyu's weak defense.
(Bulk Up Will-O-Wisp defeats Gyarados 100% of the time)
In addition,Z-Charm with Swords Dance also reliably defeats Mega Charizard X.
So this point does not stand.
1.Generally Mimikyu with Curse and TWave uses an Aguav Berry and odd HP in order to force the opponent into full para
ghostium is much better
2.Cursekyu doesnt utilize firepower,it aims to be bulky in order to be as annoying as possible.
I have never seen a non z curse mimikyu whether it be Z-Curse or Lets Snuggle Forever, the fire power allows for you to risk less turns
4.You are forgetting Disguise,Specs Gengar gets OHKOed by NEN or KOed by Shadow Claw+Shadow Sneak
most mimikyu aren't running shadow claw
Play Rough 69.681%
Shadow Sneak 60.162%
Protect 49.688%
Curse 48.122%
Substitute 47.714%
Swords Dance 37.055%
Shadow Claw 29.418%
Will-O-Wisp 11.301%
Thunder Wave 9.512%
Bulk Up 8.574%
Drain Punch 5.340%
Taunt 5.255%
shout out to the people running taunt or drain punch mimikyu, those are lord sets.
(Bulk Up Will-O-Wisp defeats Gyarados 100% of the time)
Go find the replay for my game vs Xstatic in the Spring Seasonal, did I win?
No shots just some rebuts
ghostium is much better

I have never seen a non z curse mimikyu whether it be Z-Curse or Lets Snuggle Forever, the fire power allows for you to risk less turns

most mimikyu aren't running shadow claw
Play Rough 69.681%
Shadow Sneak 60.162%
Protect 49.688%
Curse 48.122%
Substitute 47.714%
Swords Dance 37.055%
Shadow Claw 29.418%
Will-O-Wisp 11.301%
Thunder Wave 9.512%
Bulk Up 8.574%
Drain Punch 5.340%
Taunt 5.255%
shout out to the people running taunt or drain punch mimikyu, those are lord sets.

Go find the replay for my game vs Xstatic in the Spring Seasonal, did I win?
No shots just some rebuts

hax arent taken into account when measuring a win,unless the matchup itself is based on hax

Taunt Mimikyu is viable

You proved yourself that people do run Shadow Claw

Non Z Curse Mimikyu setsare generally cteam sets that aim to surprise Mimikyu's counters,as I mentioned previously
Or Sitrus Berry

Z-Moves are overcentralizing anyway
hax arent taken into account when measuring a win,unless the matchup itself is based on hax

Taunt Mimikyu is viable

You proved yourself that people do run Shadow Claw

Non Z Curse Mimikyu setsare generally cteam sets that aim to surprise Mimikyu's counters,as I mentioned previously
Or Sitrus Berry

Z-Moves are overcentralizing anyway
afaik the best mimikyu is still fast, max physattack LSF/NEN mimikyu...
[21:20] Theheheheh: .usage1630 mimikyu items 1v1
[21:20] *TIBot: Mimikium Z 57.379% | Ghostium Z 28.185% | Fairium Z 3.630% | Sitrus Berry 2.937% | Leftovers 2.047% | Life Orb 1.756% | Other 4.066%
[21:21] Theheheheh: .usage1630 mimikyu spreads 1v1
[21:21] *TIBot: Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 20.005% | Jolly:240/128/96/0/0/44 11.671% | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 10.119% | Jolly:0/252/4/0/0/252 9.530% | Adamant:252/252/0/0/0/4 7.860% | Timid:252/0/0/0/4/252 3.179% | Other 37.636%

not sure if 57% is a "cteam set", or just "the best set"
the 20-odd percent on shadow claw means that you aren't really seeing shadow claw mimikyu if you see mimikyu at all
also aguav berry? damn I've never once seen that
Z-Moves is a whole different can of worms, we'll open that up when rumplestiltskin decides to make a post after we finish with the issues that people think are pressing
I hate making reaction posts but gotta do it sometimes
Ok so imma put up some points on Mimikyu:
1.Disguise. Only a handful of Mold Breakers can ignore this (Hax, Exca, MGyra, Rampardos, Pangoro, Hawlucha, maybe Druddigon??) Of which, only a couple of them get Poison/Steel moves. (As mentioned above, only Exca wins 100%)
2. Without Mbreakers, Mimik has a free turn of Curse, Twave, SD, Bulk Up, Whatever. Can prepare to nuke things.
3. Without Mbreakers(and Sunsteel, Moongeist, Photon), it can nuke with LSF or TT or NEN after SD.
4. It picks up OHKOs easily after SD.
5.Twave wins rely on RNG.
6. While nowhere near the unpredictability of Koko, Mimik has a variety of sets that, scouted wrongly, can lead to your death.
7.Mimikyu’s checks/counters include: Ferry, certain Mbreakers, MMeta, Mag, and things that resist its STABs. Not a lot. It beats a ton of meta threats like Zard X and MGyra(nuke with LSF or TT).

If Mimik is nerfed Gen 8, it can stay in 1v1; if not, I think it should be banned.(Maybe there should be a suspect or something. Idk.)
Short post but I noticed this in the Elo Bandit video and in a lot of posts on this forum. The optimal play after getting a leech seed up with Jumpluff is not to keep clicking sleep powder. If your opponent doesn’t have either a priority move that can OHKO you or flame charge the optimal play is to sub, protect over and over or if your opponent has a z-move to sub over and over until you bait it out. Jumpluff’s chance of winning in these cases is just the chance of sleep powder missing or the opposing Pokémon waking up on turn 1. This has been a public service announcement from BSU
Edit: the same holds true for whimsicott but even more so because of prankster
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The optimal play after getting a leech seed up with Jumpluff is not to keep clicking sleep powder.

Correct, but the optimal play *before* getting a Leech Seed up is to Sleep Powder -> Substitute until you can Leech Seed safely. I'm calculating total survival odds in this video, which are lower than the raw accuracy numbers since first turn wakes happen a third of the time and Sleep Powder has imperfect accuracy.
Been a while, but quick thoughts on Mimikyu and sleep:

Mimikyu's broken, but not because it's strong. It's broken because it has two radically different play archetypes, offense and defense. Many, many mons can check one or the other, but the trick here is to predict which one turn 1 or you lose. This is the same issue as Kyurem-B, albeit on a much smaller scale. If we go with Kentari's suggestion of only allowing Mimikyu-Totem (removing the ability to use Curse) it will be a lot less broken and much easier to predict and counter.

(Wall of text incoming.)
Sleep has had a lot of discussion. A lot of it was solid analysis. Some was of lower quality. And ayedan , you were completely useless, stop wasting server space with one liners that congratulate your opinions while contributing n o t h i n g.

In quickly perusing three pages of posts, the main arguments I'm seeing here for banning sleep are twofold; sleep abuse is predicated on two RNG rolls, one to land the move and one (or a series of rolls treated as one group, idk which) to determine sleep length. The arguments seem to be as follows:
1. "Sleep moves are inaccurate! It's basically hax to land some of them, and we should make sure that we only allow the 100% accurate ones, if at all; otherwise it's uncompetitive!"
2. "Sleep rolls to wake up are hax! It's impossible to control when you wake up and makes you very vulnerable to counterplay by your opponent!"
(There's also Osra 's thinking that sleep is inherently as unhealthy as, say, Perish Song, but we can immediately dismiss this due to a complete failure to appreciate the sheer power of Perish Song. As frustrating as they are, sleep strategies can't hardwire a wincon like Perish Song.)

On their own, these arguments make sense - sure, it's part of the game, but a lot of luck factors into sleep plays. However, it seems to me that these two philosophies don't really coexist properly - if you're only allowed to use 100% accurate sleep moves, aren't you guaranteeing your own loss in many situations? I see a lot of ban posts that have figures on the accuracy of these sleep moves, and I can't help but think that it's a dumb argument to try to guarantee your own loss - losing sucks, but the idea that you hate unexpectedly losing so much that you would move towards guaranteeing your own loss is nuts to me, especially since nearly all sleep cheesers suuuuuuck. And if you want to ban sleep for being uncompetitive hax, why don't we get rid of flinch, Leech Seed+SubProtect sets, paralysis, etc.? By definition those are comparably uncompetitive, yet sleep seems to be the only condition being fought over.

On the flip side of the coin, the RNG involved in sleep accuracy and sleep rolls is basically comparable to many common moves and effects in Pokemon - should we ban Focus Blast because it's frustrating bullshit to miss 30% of the time? How about Dark Pulse for that 20% flinch chance? Shit happens. Stop being salty because you couldn't predict and/or were unlucky. There are strong sleep abusers like Jumpluff and Snorlax, but even then that's still counterable. The rest of them should be easy to deal with on a normal basis, and an inability to deal with them speaks either to poor preparation or the use of Z-moves to bypass Taunt (which is kinda bullshit - this is the overpowered part of Z-moves I wanted them banned for).

TL;DR: Some sleep users are unbalanced, and we should deal with those. We have the tools, now stop whining about how sleep is broken/uncompetitive and do better.
Mimikyu's broken, but not because it's strong. It's broken because it has two radically different play archetypes, offense and defense. Many, many mons can check one or the other, but the trick here is to predict which one turn 1 or you lose. This is the same issue as Kyurem-B, albeit on a much smaller scale. If we go with Kentari's suggestion of only allowing Mimikyu-Totem (removing the ability to use Curse) it will be a lot less broken and much easier to predict and counter.
Mega Metagross, Mega Charizard Y, Magnezone, Taunt Mega Aggron, Heatran, Substitute/Scarf Kartana, Excadrill, Mega Scizor, Tapu Bulu, Band Haxorus, Substitute Nihilego, Taunt Skarmory
Heatran, Mega Altaria, Crustle, Mega Diancie, Archeops, Terrakion, Nihilego
If we're going to be banning something for unpredictability, it should be Charizard, not Mimikyu
5.Twave wins rely on RNG.
"Thunder Wave Mimikyu is haxy"
Under the assumption that Mimikyu beats everything slower than it, the only Pokemon that Mimikyu would bother to try to "hax" with Thunder Wave is faster Pokemon. We'll be under the assumption that this faster Pokemon will simply attack and until it either wins or loses and doesn't have any tricks up its sleeves like Taunt. With 90% accuracy and 5 turns with potential for paralysis behind Substitute, the odds of Mimikyu beating generic faster offensive Pokemon is given by 90-(100*.75^5), which equals 66%. Losing to this isn't getting haxed. Losing to this is you picking the wrong Pokemon and losing to something that you should expect to lose to. So, therefore, the only Pokemon that are really concerned about getting haxed by TWave here are Mold Breakers (Mega Gyarados), slower Taunt users and Pokemon with sustain. While it can beat these Pokemon with hax, the odds of it actually pulling it off are very low in any given instance and aren't the intention of the set. Let's take the example of Mega Gyarados. In order for Mimikyu to win this matchup, it has to get either a turn 1 or turn 2 paralysis, plus an additional paralysis depending on Substitute plays, Taunt, turn 1 or turn 2, etc. Not going to do all of that disgusting math, but bottom line is that it's about 10%.

I really fail to see how Mimikyu is remotely problematic
Been a while, but quick thoughts on Mimikyu and sleep:

Mimikyu's broken, but not because it's strong. It's broken because it has two radically different play archetypes, offense and defense. Many, many mons can check one or the other, but the trick here is to predict which one turn 1 or you lose. This is the same issue as Kyurem-B, albeit on a much smaller scale. If we go with Kentari's suggestion of only allowing Mimikyu-Totem (removing the ability to use Curse) it will be a lot less broken and much easier to predict and counter.

(Wall of text incoming.)
Sleep has had a lot of discussion. A lot of it was solid analysis. Some was of lower quality. And ayedan , you were completely useless, stop wasting server space with one liners that congratulate your opinions while contributing n o t h i n g.

In quickly perusing three pages of posts, the main arguments I'm seeing here for banning sleep are twofold; sleep abuse is predicated on two RNG rolls, one to land the move and one (or a series of rolls treated as one group, idk which) to determine sleep length. The arguments seem to be as follows:
1. "Sleep moves are inaccurate! It's basically hax to land some of them, and we should make sure that we only allow the 100% accurate ones, if at all; otherwise it's uncompetitive!"
2. "Sleep rolls to wake up are hax! It's impossible to control when you wake up and makes you very vulnerable to counterplay by your opponent!"
(There's also Osra 's thinking that sleep is inherently as unhealthy as, say, Perish Song, but we can immediately dismiss this due to a complete failure to appreciate the sheer power of Perish Song. As frustrating as they are, sleep strategies can't hardwire a wincon like Perish Song.)

On their own, these arguments make sense - sure, it's part of the game, but a lot of luck factors into sleep plays. However, it seems to me that these two philosophies don't really coexist properly - if you're only allowed to use 100% accurate sleep moves, aren't you guaranteeing your own loss in many situations? I see a lot of ban posts that have figures on the accuracy of these sleep moves, and I can't help but think that it's a dumb argument to try to guarantee your own loss - losing sucks, but the idea that you hate unexpectedly losing so much that you would move towards guaranteeing your own loss is nuts to me, especially since nearly all sleep cheesers suuuuuuck. And if you want to ban sleep for being uncompetitive hax, why don't we get rid of flinch, Leech Seed+SubProtect sets, paralysis, etc.? By definition those are comparably uncompetitive, yet sleep seems to be the only condition being fought over.

On the flip side of the coin, the RNG involved in sleep accuracy and sleep rolls is basically comparable to many common moves and effects in Pokemon - should we ban Focus Blast because it's frustrating bullshit to miss 30% of the time? How about Dark Pulse for that 20% flinch chance? Shit happens. Stop being salty because you couldn't predict and/or were unlucky. There are strong sleep abusers like Jumpluff and Snorlax, but even then that's still counterable. The rest of them should be easy to deal with on a normal basis, and an inability to deal with them speaks either to poor preparation or the use of Z-moves to bypass Taunt (which is kinda bullshit - this is the overpowered part of Z-moves I wanted them banned for).

TL;DR: Some sleep users are unbalanced, and we should deal with those. We have the tools, now stop whining about how sleep is broken/uncompetitive and do better.
aphrion thats rude :( i have feelings too. And i did put my opinion on mimikyu. Ok, going on, sleep is problematic. With a check gone, named koko, it makes sleep much better. With jumpluff and snorlax, they use the mechanic in different ways. Jumpluff uses sleep to put it to sleep (obviously) and leech seed the opponent. Once it leech seeds the opponent, it basically comes down to if the opponent has a flame charge or speed boosting move. (assuming they dont wake turn 1) Snorlax uses sleep to set up on opponents or get free damage off. For that to happen tho, snorlax must live a move or the opponent to not have sub. If the opposing threat doesnt neither, u have a high chance to win. Usually after its asleep, u can belly drum or attack straight out to kill the opponent. Thats what i get from sleep. aphrion, :(
I gotchu

"Thunder Wave Mimikyu is haxy"
Under the assumption that Mimikyu beats everything slower than it, the only Pokemon that Mimikyu would bother to try to "hax" with Thunder Wave is faster Pokemon. We'll be under the assumption that this faster Pokemon will simply attack and until it either wins or loses and doesn't have any tricks up its sleeves like Taunt. With 90% accuracy and 5 turns with potential for paralysis behind Substitute, the odds of Mimikyu beating generic faster offensive Pokemon is given by 90-(100*.75^5), which equals 66%. Losing to this isn't getting haxed. Losing to this is you picking the wrong Pokemon and losing to something that you should expect to lose to. So, therefore, the only Pokemon that are really concerned about getting haxed by TWave here are Mold Breakers (Mega Gyarados), slower Taunt users and Pokemon with sustain. While it can beat these Pokemon with hax, the odds of it actually pulling it off are very low in any given instance and aren't the intention of the set. Let's take the example of Mega Gyarados. In order for Mimikyu to win this matchup, it has to get either a turn 1 or turn 2 paralysis, plus an additional paralysis depending on Substitute plays, Taunt, turn 1 or turn 2, etc. Not going to do all of that disgusting math, but bottom line is that it's about 10%.
You're not entirely right on this one.

Minor detail: You can also hax slower Pokémon with Thunder Wave, and in some cases (like Flame Charge ZardX) you can use it for speed control too even though your opponent is slower.

But the one thing you're doing in this post is tackling the individual arguments. Yes you're right Mimikyu being a speed trap just means you'll need to be faster, yes you're right mimikyu only haxes faster non-ground mons without taunt and without sub. Yes you're right Mimikyu isn't the most unpredictable pokemon in the universe. If the universe were divided into people who want to ban mimikyu because it's a speed trap, people who want to ban it for haxing with thunderwave, and people who want to ban it because they think it's too unpredictable... Then yes you'd have just defended yourself against three armies. But truth is there are people who want to ban mimikyu for all 3 of your reasons. I think you've done a sufficient job proving that each of those individual arguments aren't enough to warrant a mimikyu ban, but I personally think that the biggest problem with mimikyu is that it not only speed traps slower pokemon, but also haxes faster pokemon. And to add more problems, it can also run a variety of offensive sets like Z-Charm, Bulk Up, Bulky Will-O-Wisp, or just your plain old SD+LSF or SD+NEN.

I still approve of this :^)
should we ban Focus Blast because it's frustrating bullshit to miss 30% of the time? How about Dark Pulse for that 20% flinch chance? Shit happens. Stop being salty because you couldn't predict and/or were unlucky
It's time to put this argument to rest.

Yes, many moves have less than 100% accuracy, and yes, many moves have beneficial side effects that can turn the tables in what would have been a lost matchup.

That's a given, but you inherently cannot be absolute with that mindset without the inclusion of OHKO moves. Just like any other move, they have a set accuracy, and just like any other <100% accurate move, they can miss.

What's the difference?

OHKO moves completely render the opposing Pokemon useless in the sense of instantly knocking them out. "But wait, using really strong moves like Head Smash and Hyper Beam do the same thing! We better ban those too!", this mindset simply does not apply, as OHKO moves, much like Sleep-inducing moves, act without regards to type matchups or the individual mon's stats; they either do or don't work, based solely on RNG and nothing else.

To make the point even easier to understand, have an illustration:
  1. OHKO Moves. At the top of the hierarchy for good reason. All you need to do is hit, and you're golden. Basically the perfect coverage move to hit anything besides Sturdy mons.
  2. Evasion Boosting/Accuracy Dropping. They don't instantly win, but they basically make you immune to damage, if you're lucky enough. Unlike Z-evasion or Brightpowder, Evasion boosting and accuracy dropping moves are stackable, such to the extent that your opponent will only have a 1/3 chance to do anything to you at all (when set up as much as possible).
  3. Perish Song. In the context of 1v1, it made matchups absolute in the sense that the battle will literally end in 3 turns. This forced many mons to either run hyper offensive sets in order to counteract it, or Taunt in order to prevent it from being used at all.
  4. Swagger. It was the most exemplary move when it came to forcing switches (in 6v6), before being banned. Like other immobilization-based strategies, it worked solely based off of the set percentage of instances in which the opponents are rendered incapable of doing anything for that turn, with the added benefit of them dealing damage to themselves, based off of their own Attack stat, which Swagger very conveniently adds a +2 boost to. Swagger's threat to competitive play is only aided by the fact that nearly every Pokemon is capable of learning it. Due to Gen 7 Confusion chances being dropped from 50% per turn to 33%, as well as Swagger's accuracy nerf, Swagger was unbanned from the main tiers on account of not haxing battles as badly as it used to, though it still remains banned in a handful of non-main tiers and metagames (LC, Monotype, 1v1, CAP LC, 2v2, DOU, and DUU).
  5. Sleep-inducing Moves. In the context of 1v1, they effectively put your entire team to sleep, rendering you incapable of doing anything about it other than hoping that the %-based chance of waking up sooner works in your favor. Much like Perish Song, the strategy requires opponents to carry Taunt or hyper offensive sets in order to keep from losing.
  6. RNG-manipulating Moves. These mainly include attacks that either have a beneficial secondary chance, are inaccurate but useful as long as they hit, or a combination of both. Unlike how all the above moves are used, these moves also have to factor in the additional context of dealing damage, which involves management of type matchup and overall offensive and defensive statistics of you and your opponent's Pokemon. What separates these moves from regular old moves is that they are often inefficient in comparison to other moves within a mon's learnset, but are often preferred due to the added benefit of being able to "hax" opponents, which is innately uncompetitive. However, results of haxing through these moves vary from matchup to matchup, much like Jirachi's matchups against various opponents in which it needs different numbers of flinches in order to win. Since no other hax strategy involving these moves works comparably as often as Jirachi, or such to the extent that the community and council would believe is "too much", these moves and their abusers have been left more or less untouched, for now.
  7. Regular Old Moves. These are just regular attacks that deal damage, nothing more, nothing less. Like the RNG-manipulating Moves above, these moves have to take type matchup and bulk/power into consideration when using them. The main difference between the two is that these moves either rely solely on the damage they're dealing as a win condition, or that the chance they have at "haxing" opponents is so miniscule that it often isn't taken into account when considering matchups.
It is up to us and the council to decide where in this hierarchy we draw the line to determine what is and isn't uncompetitive enough to warrant a ban, and it is to my belief that that line should be drawn just below Sleep-inducing Moves, due to how they reduce battles to mere uncontrollable RNG far more often than Iron Head flinches, Focus Blast misses, damage rolls, or any other uncontrollable random chance does.
Now please stop using the accuracy argument as reasoning or I will smack you
It's time to put this argument to rest.

Yes, many moves have less than 100% accuracy, and yes, many moves have beneficial side effects that can turn the tables in what would have been a lost matchup.

That's a given, but you inherently cannot be absolute with that mindset without the inclusion of OHKO moves. Just like any other move, they have a set accuracy, and just like any other <100% accurate move, they can miss.

What's the difference?
I would assume the difference is that ohko moves are an auto win against almost anything when they hit and the others arent?

OHKO moves completely render the opposing Pokemon useless in the sense of instantly knocking them out. "But wait, using really strong moves like Head Smash and Hyper Beam do the same thing! We better ban those too!", this mindset simply does not apply, as OHKO moves, much like Sleep-inducing moves, act without regards to type matchups or the individual mon's stats; they either do or don't work, based solely on RNG and nothing else.
"Machamp used fissure! the opposing flying type is immune!" but fr, sleep doesnt win solely off of not having no type advantage, unlike ohko. it needs backup moves like leech seed, SE moves, strong moves, and type advantage (mainly yawn) to win the matches it needs to. honestly i dont understand the comparison between ohko and sleep as sleep is used to help the mon win some (normally) unfavorable matchups while ohko is used to beat anything if it hits or not. honestly ohko moves and moves that ohko (like head smash hyper beam) are much more comparable. "hit i win miss i dont".
To make the point even easier to understand, have an illustration:
  1. OHKO Moves. At the top of the hierarchy for good reason. All you need to do is hit, and you're golden. Basically the perfect coverage move to hit anything besides Sturdy mons.
  2. Evasion Boosting/Accuracy Dropping. They don't instantly win, but they basically make you immune to damage, if you're lucky enough. Unlike Z-evasion or Brightpowder, Evasion boosting and accuracy dropping moves are stackable, such to the extent that your opponent will only have a 1/3 chance to do anything to you at all (when set up as much as possible).
  3. Perish Song. In the context of 1v1, it made matchups absolute in the sense that the battle will literally end in 3 turns. This forced many mons to either run hyper offensive sets in order to counteract it, or Taunt in order to prevent it from being used at all.
  4. Swagger. It was the most exemplary move when it came to forcing switches (in 6v6), before being banned. Like other immobilization-based strategies, it worked solely based off of the set percentage of instances in which the opponents are rendered incapable of doing anything for that turn, with the added benefit of them dealing damage to themselves, based off of their own Attack stat, which Swagger very conveniently adds a +2 boost to. Swagger's threat to competitive play is only aided by the fact that nearly every Pokemon is capable of learning it. Due to Gen 7 Confusion chances being dropped from 50% per turn to 33%, as well as Swagger's accuracy nerf, Swagger was unbanned from the main tiers on account of not haxing battles as badly as it used to, though it still remains banned in a handful of non-main tiers and metagames (LC, Monotype, 1v1, CAP LC, 2v2, DOU, and DUU).
  5. Sleep-inducing Moves. In the context of 1v1, they effectively put your entire team to sleep, rendering you incapable of doing anything about it other than hoping that the %-based chance of waking up sooner works in your favor. Much like Perish Song, the strategy requires opponents to carry Taunt or hyper offensive sets in order to keep from losing.
  6. RNG-manipulating Moves. These mainly include attacks that either have a beneficial secondary chance, are inaccurate but useful as long as they hit, or a combination of both. Unlike how all the above moves are used, these moves also have to factor in the additional context of dealing damage, which involves management of type matchup and overall offensive and defensive statistics of you and your opponent's Pokemon. What separates these moves from regular old moves is that they are often inefficient in comparison to other moves within a mon's learnset, but are often preferred due to the added benefit of being able to "hax" opponents, which is innately uncompetitive. However, results of haxing through these moves vary from matchup to matchup, much like Jirachi's matchups against various opponents in which it needs different numbers of flinches in order to win. Since no other hax strategy involving these moves works comparably as often as Jirachi, or such to the extent that the community and council would believe is "too much", these moves and their abusers have been left more or less untouched, for now.
  7. Regular Old Moves. These are just regular attacks that deal damage, nothing more, nothing less. Like the RNG-manipulating Moves above, these moves have to take type matchup and bulk/power into consideration when using them. The main difference between the two is that these moves either rely solely on the damage they're dealing as a win condition, or that the chance they have at "haxing" opponents is so miniscule that it often isn't taken into account when considering matchups.
I dont too much get the point of having this but I dont think its completely accurate. the title is "uncompetitive moves" and you bring up counter to psong and sleep. Why bring up counters when talking about uncompetitive? talking counters is talking about how broke something is not how uncompetitive it is. psong was deemed broken iirc, not uncompetitive? sleep is also inaccurate, as many mons have a better chance of winning with sleep than winning with rng manipulating moves or moves that can miss. imo, if a move is more reliable it should rank lower on the uncompetitive chart than something that is less reliable like hoping to get a flinch, but thats just me. (since one is a more lucky win than the other). also, going back to psong, why is it not the lowest since it doesnt abuse or use RNG at all? what?
It is up to us and the council to decide where in this hierarchy we draw the line to determine what is and isn't uncompetitive enough to warrant a ban, and it is to my belief that that line should be drawn just below Sleep-inducing Moves, due to how they reduce battles to mere uncontrollable RNG far more often than Iron Head flinches, Focus Blast misses, damage rolls, or any other uncontrollable random chance does.
Now please stop using the accuracy argument as reasoning or I will smack you
tbh this hierarchy is very inaccurate. also half of battles that involve sleep dont involve RNG other than missing which is the exact same as any other strategy that can miss so like idk. Also, sleep doesnt reduce battles to RNG as much as a lot of stuff like say zap cannon, toge, (stuff like focus blast thunder head smash etc when it comes to fairly accurate sleep moves that dont use turns like jump and stuff). "Far more often" is very subjective. I know many many people can say they have lost to a move missing or a crit or a secondary effect "far more often" than they have ever lost exclusively to a sleep turn rng.

Also idg why people say rachi was banned cus of hax when toge sawsbuck and shit is still here. I laddered to 1500s only clicking sawsbuck before off of beating gyaras and more things by almost exclusively flinching with headbutt.

this was probs a messy post but im sleep depraved af ill try and get more rest before my next post.
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