The Workshop

Gonna bump this thread to say three things:

1. Given how busy our artists are, sometimes certain requests will posted in the Workshop for quite some time, so to avoid having the first post cluttered with old requests, we're now gonna remove them if no one has volunteered to draw for it after 1 month. When we remove it, the person who made the request will be notified as well. Future will tell if one month is a sufficient time period, but if no one responds during that time, odds are that you'll be better off commissioning it anyway, or simplifying the request. Tournament requests where the deadline is more than a month into the future are exceptions to this rule.

2. Sometimes when I check the activity of certain threads whose requests are unfulfilled, I sometimes find out that they've gotten a response without it being documented in this thread, so please remember to tell us so that we can mark it down as finished and prevent another artist spending their time fulfilling a request that's already done.

3. Moon has graciously offered to maintain this thread now, a round of applause for that.
Requester: Zenithial
For: Break This Team AG Edition project
Art Direction: Looking for a banner with the title: Break This Team AG Edition. The Pokemon I wanted to be used with this banner was Marshadow and Gothitelle, with them working together coherently.
Requester: BackAtYouBro
For: UU Victim of the Week
Art Direction: Hello so I got approval for this project to open up in early January. So what I see in this art is basically a Scarf Krookodile and a Bisharp with Black Glasses chasing after a Latias that ends up slamming into a Mega Aggron or Bronzong for a comedic effect. The scenery can be whatever you prefer. Thanks in advance!
Requester: Serene Grace
For: Little Cup World Cup (LCWC) Team Icon for Team Asia
Art Direction: I'm looking for an icon like the one in my signature, except this team's mascot is Pancham. No real limitations I just want it to look cool af with a Pancham and the word Asia on it. Thanks in advance I really appreciate all the work you artists do!

Hi! Thought I'd show you something I sketched up real quick. If you like it, was there a deadline for it? Haven't really looked for a font yet, just want something clunky, bold, and thick.


  • LCWC_AsiaPancham-wip.png
    271.6 KB · Views: 274
Requester: BackAtYouBro
For: UU Victim of the Week
Art Direction: Hello so I got approval for this project to open up in early January. So what I see in this art is basically a Scarf Krookodile and a Bisharp with Black Glasses chasing after a Latias that ends up slamming into a Mega Aggron or Bronzong for a comedic effect. The scenery can be whatever you prefer. Thanks in advance!
uu victim low.png
Requester: The Ubers moderation team
For: 2019 Ubers Tournament Circuit
Art Direction: This art will feature in many of the tournament OPs that are in our 2019 circuit throughout the year, so something generalized is great. The circuit features many different Ubers generations, so the idea of showing something different from every Ubers generation like our 2018 banner did is an awesome idea.
Requester: The Ubers moderation team
For: 2019 Ubers Tournament Circuit
Art Direction: This art will feature in many of the tournament OPs that are in our 2019 circuit throughout the year, so something generalized is great. The circuit features many different Ubers generations, so the idea of showing something different from every Ubers generation like our 2018 banner did is an awesome idea.
Requester : curiosity
For : PU Squad Dump
Disclaimer: Yes, the thread currently does have a banner, it was designed to be a temporary banner, as stated in the oras thread.
Art Direction : I would love a banner that resembles banners from other team-based projects, including the UU oldgens bazaar and the ou teambuilding workshop. My only other request is to keep it rather simple! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through discord at curiosity#2758. No deadline for me either, as this is a petty relaxed thread.
did this one as well in case any artists look through old requests
Requester: DrapionSwing
Tournament name: Official CAP Tour
Projected Deadline (Sign-Up thread goes live): April 2019
Art Direction: The banner I have in mind is 3 Pokemon standing on a first second and third place podium. In first place I'd like our new snail CAP, Snaelstrom, followed by Gastrodon in 2nd and Magcargo in 3rd. Above them I'd like a banner with OCT on there. Maybe give the CAP snail a trophy with #1 on it? I'm not too fussed by that detail.

Art of Snealstrom:
Main Art
Requester: snake_rattler
For: CAP Viability Rankings
Art Direction: Since Mega Crucibelle, Necturna, Tornadus-T, and Heatran are some of the more dominant Pokemon in the CAP Metagame, I'd like to see Mega Crucibelle using Head Smash into Tornadus-T, and Necturna using Never Ending Nightmare against Heatran. "CAP Viability Rankings" should be on the image, preferably centered.

Mega Crucibelle Artwork
Necturna Artwork
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Requester: snake_rattler
For: CAP Viability Rankings
Art Direction: Since Mega Crucibelle, Necturna, Tornadus-T, and Heatran are some of the more dominant Pokemon in the CAP Metagame, I'd like to see Mega Crucibelle using Head Smash into Tornadus-T, and Necturna using Never Ending Nightmare against Heatran. "CAP Viability Rankings" should be on the image, preferably centered.

Done, hope you enjoy snake_rattler

CAP Viability.png
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Requester: Yoshi
For: LGPE OU Viability Rankings (this doesn't exist yet but it will soon)
Art Direction: As long as it looks nice and amazing along with some dominant Pokemon in the meta it's good. To be specific, Melmetal, Mew, Mega Gengar, and Alolan Dugtrio (if you have any other ideas ask us in the Discord!)

Requester: Yoshi
For: LGPE OU Sample Teams (this doesn't exist yet but it will soon)
Art Direction: Now make this one look nice too but if I had to pick certain Pokemon I think Melmetal, Eevee, and Pikachu are both necessities. Mew, Mega Gyarados, and Mega Gengar are both potential options as well (pick one mega over the other though). If this is unspecific in anyway please contact me!
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Requester: Yoshi
For: LGPE OU Viability Rankings (this doesn't exist yet but it will soon)
Art Direction: As long as it looks nice and amazing along with some dominant Pokemon in the meta it's good. To be specific, Melmetal, Mew, Mega Gengar, and Alolan Dugtrio (if you have any other ideas ask us in the Discord!)

Requester: Yoshi
For: LGPE OU Sample Teams (this doesn't exist yet but it will soon)
Art Direction: Now make this one look nice too but if I had to pick certain Pokemon I think Melmetal, Eevee, and Pikachu are both necessities. Mew, Mega Gyarados, and Mega Gengar are both potential options as well (pick one mega over the other though). If this is unspecific in anyway please contact me!
vr lets.png

lgpe ST copia.png
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requester: Lyd
for: ou teambuilding competition
art direction: i think something like three ou psychic-types (because they’re smart) on a podium would be a cool idea. mega alakazam, mega medicham, tapu lele, in that order is an idea i’ve had, but any psychic-type or smart-looking pokémon should be fine if it’s ou viable, just ask me on discord beforehand. if you have any other ideas feel free to ask me too. thanks in advance to whoever does this ^^

requester: Lyd
for: ou teambuilding competition
art direction: i think something like three ou psychic-types (because they’re smart) on a podium would be a cool idea. mega alakazam, mega medicham, tapu lele, in that order is an idea i’ve had, but any psychic-type or smart-looking pokémon should be fine if it’s ou viable, just ask me on discord beforehand. if you have any other ideas feel free to ask me too. thanks in advance to whoever does this ^^
Requester: BoopToOblivion
For: My server (idk If that’s allowed)
Art Direction: I’m not entirely sure, it would be the roomintro of my lobby, so it would have to be clear, and big. Perhaps feature a couple of reared-Up Primal Groudons with a Psyduck in between looking very smug? Else, just some cool writing (ChillZonez!) on it with some fancy backround!

E: oops sorry just realised this is wrong place to request this, i’ll Try somewhere else
Requester: KingooliR
For: My Tournament Team
Art Direction: Our team name is Iron Inztinct and our mascot is Yveltal and Darkrai I would like Iron on top of Inztinct and Yveltal in the back fighting Darkrai if you could do this that would be great and also if you can you make the words a bit large. Hope that helps thx whoever is doing this!!
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Requester: KingooliR
For: My Tournament Team
Art Direction: Our team name is Iron Inztinct and our mascot is Yveltal and Darkrai I would like Iron on top of Inztinct and Yveltal in the back fighting Darkrai if you could do this that would be great and also if you can you make the words a bit large. Hope that helps thx whoever is doing this!!
sorry, team logos aren't allowed here (see this post), I realize you may have been misled by some leftover wording in the OP. aside from that this sounds like it's not directly related to smogon. anyone with requests like this one and the one above should try Smeargle Commissions or the discord
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