Suggestions for Pokémon Showdown

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If monotype random battles isn't making it because it isn't competitive then that must be true of Metronome(though it wasn't added on TI's part, it's on the ladder none the less), CC1v1, and hackmons cup, which are all on the ladder, no?

BSS factory is on the ladder yet its teams are completely unrepresentative of the tiers they represent, I don't really see why there would be a reason to exclude Monotype Random battles for being random when there are many formats on the ladder that are more guilty of being random than it is.

Personally I just don't see the logic of keeping a feature that a lot of users want just because it's "uncompetitive" and I'm confused as to why mono is being excluded?
Ok, so you are trying to say that monorands isnt a ladder because it is "uncompetitive." So, why tf are CC, REGULAR randbatts, BSS and BSF considered "competitive"? They are RANDOMIZED metagames dependent on the luck of the draw. So what exactly is the issue of taking a hugely popular part of PS battling and making it a format, even though damn near half of ps wants it? Because it certainly isnt because it is "uncompetitive".
I'm not the one deciding, just relying the info I've heard from TI in the past. Take it up with him.
Not sure why you thought this was, in any way, more constructive than what you first wrote. If you can't formulate what is bad, why it's bad and possibly how it could be improved, then it's just baseless complaints that no one will be able to help you with.
Simple, I was tired, lazy and thought my wifi would cut out at 2am like usual, so I made it as short and sweet as I could lmao

Where do I begin?

Screenshot 2018-09-02 at 00.24.51.png

(old af picture ik (taken back in like september iirc) but its the only one I have and I'm too lazy to go out of my way to get a hl, screenshot it and crop it (chromebooks are sus) just bear with me here)

I don't like how it's a translucent interface. Light mode is also slightly translucent, but it's like 90% opaque, whereas dark mode is 50% at best. Make it opaque pls.
I don't like how the Format and Team selectors are still a light grey, especially how they just become translucent on the bottom (when a team is selected) whereas the other buttons are entirely opaque.
The News window and PM windows are white on top even though the room tabs on the top are changing color.
I don't like the 'lighting effect' at the top. I'd love a flat UI on the entire site, but even if it were just the room tabs/sound and option menus it'd look a lot better. This goes for light mode too, but it's a lot less noticeable there.
Blue hls and room notification things isn't a bad idea tbh but I wish it was a more vibrant shade of blue, tbh. It's literally periwinkle and that's a meh color at best.
The userlist is darker in light mode, so why isn't the same true for dark mode?
Idek what the interface looks like for battles but I'm sure that's probably just as bad tbh.

Pretty sure that's everything I have an issue with regarding dark mode being inferior
In teambuilder when you search pokemon you can also filter your search. My suggestion is add Gens to the filter. So that way players can search Gens and also see what new mons came from that gen
In teambuilder when you search pokemon you can also filter your search. My suggestion is add Gens to the filter. So that way players can search Gens and also see what new mons came from that gen
Coming off this idea, while it is a good one, you can have filters in your search, but your search isn’t filtered by the filters, maybe make it so you filter your search like this dude suggested.
In teambuilder when you search pokemon you can also filter your search. My suggestion is add Gens to the filter. So that way players can search Gens and also see what new mons came from that gen

The idea is nice, but with the /ds feature readily available in chat to search Pokemon from a generation along with the ability to see a Pokemon's generation by using the /dt feature, everything is already covered and implementing it wouldn't really be necessary.

[Some examples if these features are unfamiliar to you, "/ds gen3" or "/dt bagon"]
In teambuilder when you search pokemon you can also filter your search. My suggestion is add Gens to the filter. So that way players can search Gens and also see what new mons came from that gen
that's a great start, too. would love it if I could type in the dex number and they came up also or sort them by stats
Hello, so in trying to make a themed group chat on Pokemon Showdown, I have found that spreading the word about the group chat is very difficult to do on PS, as advertising is limited/banned in most public rooms, for obvious reasons.

Would it be possible for a streamlined and moderated process for advertising group chats to be created on either Smogon or PS, so that approved ideas could be shown off and get off the ground more easily? Naturally this would only be used for group chats that have the potential to become rooms, not just "Dave's hangout chat" or whatever, something like "The Uno Room" or "The Harry Potter Room".

Or, alternatively, the process for creating private rooms could be altered, so that an emphasis is put more on permissible room themes instead of the 30 users minimum requirement. As it currently stands, I need to PM 30 or more people out of the blue asking to join a group chat, which is clearly not appropriate after a certain point. Because some ideas are obviously going to be more popular than others, and I think a dedicated team of individuals could easily tell what will and will not work
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Hello, so in trying to make a themed group chat on Pokemon Showdown, I have found that spreading the word about the group chat is very difficult to do on PS, as advertising is limited/banned in most public rooms, for obvious reasons.

Would it be possible for a streamlined and moderated process for advertising group chats to be created on either Smogon or PS, so that approved ideas could be shown off and get off the ground more easily? Naturally this would only be used for group chats that have the potential to become rooms, not just "Dave's hangout chat" or whatever, something like "The Uno Room" or "The Harry Potter Room".

Or, alternatively, the process for creating private rooms could be altered, so that an emphasis is put more on permissible room themes instead of the 30 users minimum requirement. As it currently stands, I need to PM 30 or more people out of the blue asking to join a group chat, which is clearly not appropriate after a certain point. Because some ideas are obviously going to be more popular than others, and I think a dedicated team of individuals could easily tell what will and will not work

The only way we know which groupchats have "potential" to become rooms is when they have a sustainable community behind them. We're not looking to change the requirements for private rooms at this time. There are other ways to show activity besides creating groupchats; for example the last couple of requests we received they used primarily discord to showcase activity and we defiently take that into account. It takes more then a good theme to get approved for a private room, if we just approved every guy with a "good idea for a room" without the groundwork put in we'd have a lot of dead private rooms. This is why the requirements are the way it is.
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would be possible to add more musics during battles ? would be possible to make a music list and let the player choose ? like a list of all available musics, you check them on a checklist and will randomly play those cheked
Add in Generation 7 and more Generation 6 trainer sprites :3

Add in a friending feature like on Wavelength as well as adding a friend list and displaying when online or not :3

Enable users to change their color once per user, which means even if the user has alts, they can only change once.

Create an rpg game somewhat like Spacial Gaze game with a storyline and etc.

Make hosts in groupchats able to promote someone to driver, and give host some moderator permissions as well to make it balanced or make it so someone can take over if the host leaves. These perms do not include /whois /alts /ip /ban, but enable them to kick a user or promote someone to host.
Add in a friending feature like on Wavelength as well as adding a friend list and displaying when online or not :3
Friend list feature is on the todo list.

Enable users to change their color once per user, which means even if the user has alts, they can only change once.
No, not really doable.

Make hosts in groupchats able to promote someone to driver, and give host some moderator permissions as well to make it balanced or make it so someone can take over if the host leaves. These perms do not include /whois /alts /ip /ban, but enable them to kick a user or promote someone to host.
Those features were intentionally removed from groupchat hosts (except for promoting to host, but that won't be added either) and will not be re-added.
The username color can be changed by leaders + admins though, so maybe an appeal for it?
This probably won't happen since the most common reason I've heard is that color changes can be used to impersonate people easier.
That's why insist it to be an appeal like a username change on the forum.
as I also recall, Zarel has to do custom colors himself, so it also falls under the same reason as a custom avatar.
Edit: i meant that he has to add them to a name himself
(don't think others can do it on the main server)
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Can replays include all the information about both teams, or have an option that lets them include that? When I host tournaments, I want to be able to see all the moves and EVs that the people are using.
Merritt Why do you hate this idea so much?
My guess would be that replays showing this information would make scouting out your opponent much, much better. Since you wouldn't only see what mons they commonly use, but the EV spreads they use as well. This could greatly increase the level of counterteaming that occurs within tournament play.
In that case, we should have the option to include team information in replays like how we have the option to make replays public or private.
In that case, we should have the option to include team information in replays like how we have the option to make replays public or private.
Except one person shouldn't be able to control whether or not both players' team information is visible or not, it's a pretty big breach of privacy for a site focused around competitive Pokémon. As getting full team info from a replay is currently limited to technical admins for trust reasons, it's not something that's gonna be implemented for everyone.
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