Pokémon Corviknight

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With Pressure, it just naturally happens through switching into things, Roosting, etc. over time.

So Corv PP stalls by just cycling in and out right? I've been thinking about it and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have to actually PP stall certain mons all the way cause Pressure scares them out (correct me if that's wrong).

Is it generally worth it to try and PP stall hazard setters like pex, seismitoad and ferrothorn? Getting a burn or getting knocked makes Corv's job harder
So Corv PP stalls by just cycling in and out right? I've been thinking about it and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have to actually PP stall certain mons all the way cause Pressure scares them out (correct me if that's wrong).

Is it generally worth it to try and PP stall hazard setters like pex, seismitoad and ferrothorn? Getting a burn or getting knocked makes Corv's job harder
You are looking at it in a bit too linear of a fashion, which is why direct gameplay experience is the best way to handle things. At earlier stages in the games, pursuing the 1v1 for temporary removal when they can just reset is oftentimes not useful, but later on in more drawn out games it can be appropriate. It is all dependent upon the state of the game, honestly.
So Corv PP stalls by just cycling in and out right? I've been thinking about it and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have to actually PP stall certain mons all the way cause Pressure scares them out (correct me if that's wrong).

Is it generally worth it to try and PP stall hazard setters like pex, seismitoad and ferrothorn? Getting a burn or getting knocked makes Corv's job harder

Usually you only pressure stall against stuff like Clefable and T-Tar that carry Fire Blast to beat Ferro. It makes your own Ferro's job easier when you can take that out of the equation.

You can of course PP stall stuff like Tox if your team has issues dealing with it, but typically you're killing it long before you reach the point where PP stalling is your best bet
Welp...with the trailer for the Expansion Pass establishing the return of Talonflame, I honestly find myself wondering if we need to reassess this mon.

Talonflame definitely outspeeds Corviknight, and it has access to Flare Blitz...of course, it also takes 4x damage from Stealth Rock...
Welp...with the trailer for the Expansion Pass establishing the return of Talonflame, I honestly find myself wondering if we need to reassess this mon.

Talonflame definitely outspeeds Corviknight, and it has access to Flare Blitz...of course, it also takes 4x damage from Stealth Rock...

You're comparing apples with oranges. If Gale Wings is still nerfed, Talonflame is near irrelevant in OU, and if it isn't, the two still serve completely different roles. Plus, Talonflame can't come in on Corviknight because:

0 Atk Corviknight Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Talonflame: 153-180 (51.5 - 60.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

The confirmed returning Pokemon that actually makes a significant difference for Corviknight is Magnezone, which might start forcing people to run Shed Shell, U-turn, or Body Press more consistently so it can't trap for free. However, regardless of what is released, Corviknight is still one of the sturdiest pivots / defoggers / bulky set up mons in OU and will have a place in the metagame checking dangerous new threats like Garchomp and Landorus-T.

All that said, let's not derail this with speculation.
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