SPOILERS! Pokemon Legends: Arceus *Leak Thread*

Since some people have pointed out that the list of "new moves for old mons" had a lot of errors (half the list is actually previously available, several Pokémon/moves were missing), I decided to go through the datamine one-by-one for changes.

So here's the complete list of new moves available for existing Pokémon, ordered by move:
Gust: Starly, Staravia, Staraptor, Wormadam, Wormadam-1, Wormadam-2, Chatot, Rowlet, Dartrix, (Decidueye)

Tackle: Clefairy, Clefable, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Lickitung, Chansey, Magmar, Cleffa, Togepi, Togetic, Sudowoodo, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Magby, Blissey, Chimecho, Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Kricketot, Kricketune, Cranidos, Rampardos, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Shellos, Gastrodon, Glameow, Purugly, Chingling, Stunky, Skuntank, Happiny, Lickilicky, Magmortar, Togekiss, Regigigas, Cresselia, Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus,

Double-Edge: Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Cranidos, Rampardos, Cherubi, Cherrim, Ambipom, Buneary, Lopunny, Glameow, Purugly, Chingling, Stunky, Skuntank, Happiny, Mantyke, Rufflet, (Braviary)

Poison Sting: Budew

Pin Missile: Gliscor

Bite: Bidoof, Bibarel, Cranidos, Rampardos, Landorus

Ember: Heatran

Ice Beam: Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Gallade

Absorb: Duskull, Dusclops, Kricketot, Cherubi, Cherrim, Carnivine, Dusknoir,

Poison Powder: Roselia, Budew, Roserade, Petilil, (Lilligant)

Stun Spore: Cherubi, Cherrim

Sleep Powder: Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra, Cherubi, Cherrim, Shaymin

Petal Dance: Budew, Cherubi,

Thunder Shock: Pachirisu

Confusion: Stantler, Drifloon, Drifblim, Arceus

Hypnosis: Kadabra, Alakazam, Misdreavus*, Mismagius, Uxie

Quick Attack: Vulpix-1, Ninetales-1, Pichu, Aipom, Ambipom, Arceus,

Mimic: Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon

Recover: Gardevoir, Vespiquen, Mesprit, Cresselia, Shaymin, Petilil, (Lilligant)

Focus Energy: Gyarados, Staraptor, Riolu, Gallade,

Swift: Clefairy, Clefable, Cleffa*

Soft-Boiled: Happiny

Poison Gas: Magmar, Magby, Magmortar

Leech Life: Duskull, Dusclops, Carnivine, Dusknoir

Bubble: Psyduck, Golduck, Vaporeon, Remoraid, Octillery, Finneon, Lumineon,

Tri Attack: Psyduck*, Golduck,

Slash: Heracross, Oshawott, Dewott,

Flame Wheel: Vulpix, Ninetales

Mach Punch: Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Lopunny, Lucario

Spikes: Gliscor

Outrage: Heracross

Spark: Electabuzz, Porygon, Pichu, Porygon2, Elekid, Electivire, Porygon-Z, Thundurus

Twister: Rufflet, (Braviary), Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus,

Crunch: Pachirisu, Yanmega, Landorus

Ice Ball: Lickitung, Snorlax, Steelix, Lickilicky,

Silver Wind: Wormadam, Wormadam-1, Wormadam-2

Extrasensory: Misdreavus, Dustox, Drifloon, Drifblim, Mismagius, Chingling, Spiritomb, Arceus

Aerial Ace: Whiscash, Lumineon, Shaymin, Rowlet, Dartrix, (Decidueye)

Iron Defense: Bonsly, Mime Jr.

Magical Leaf: Wormadam, Rowlet, Dartrix, (Decidueye)

Calm Mind: Scyther, Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Cleffa, Togepi, Togetic, Umbreon, Scizor, Heracross, Happiny, Togekiss, Leafeon, Glaceon, Phione

Leaf Blade: Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra,

Roost: Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Finneon, Lumineon, Mantyke,

Close Combat: Scyther, Scizor, Riolu, Croagunk, Toxicroak,

Aura Sphere: Gardevoir

Poison Jab: Budew, Stunky

Night Slash: Murkrow, Glameow, Purugly,

Air Slash: Togetic, Murkrow, Beautifly, Starly, Staravia, Staraptor, Honchkrow, Chatot, Finneon, Lumineon, Rowlet, Dartrix

Drain Punch: Machamp, Infernape

Energy Ball: Chingling, Vulpix-1, Ninetales-1,

Earth Power: Croagunk, Toxicroak,

Giga Impact: Rhyhorn, Starly, Staravia, Munchlax

Nasty Plot: Vulpix, Vulpix-1, Murkrow, Glameow, Purugly,

Ice Shard: Bergmite, (Avalugg)

Ice Fang: Vulpix-1, Ninetales-1,

Shadow Sneak: Darkrai

Mud Bomb: Aipom, Gligar, Ambipom, Hippopotas, Hippowdon, Gliscor

Psycho Cut: Rowlet, Dartrix

Zen Headbutt: Barboach, Mime Jr., Phione, Manaphy,

Flash Cannon: Nosepass,

Leaf Storm: Rowlet, Dartrix

Cross Poison: Zubat, Golbat

Head Smash: Bonsly

Double Hit: Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Ponyta, Rapidash, Tangela, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf

Ominous Wind: Chimecho, Chingling, Rufflet, (Braviary)

Acid Spray: Tangela, Tangrowth, Goomy

Hex: Darkrai

Struggle Bug: Burmy

Bulldoze: Turtwig, Grotle,

Hurricane: Chatot

Snarl: Chatot

Icicle Crash: Snover, Abomasnow

Draining Kiss: Chansey, Blissey, Buneary, Lopunny, Happiny

Play Rough: Pachirisu, Chatot, Shaymin

Fairy Wind: Clefairy, Clefable, Chansey, Cleffa, Blissey, Happiny

Moonblast: Cleffa, Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss, Phione, Manaphy

Mystical Fire: Drifloon, Drifblim, Arceus

Dazzling Gleam: Arceus

Baby-Doll Eyes: Pikachu, Raichu, Clefairy, Clefable, Chansey, Pichu, Cleffa, Togepi, Togetic, Swinub, Piloswine, Blissey, Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein, Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Finneon, Lumineon, Togekiss, Mamoswine, Shaymin, Petilil

High Horsepower: Teddiursa, Ursaring, Swinub, Munchlax

Leafage: Leafeon, Shaymin, Petilil, (Lilligant)

Liquidation: Spheal, Sealeo, Piplup, Prinplup

Power Shift: Gengar, Onix, Mr. Mime, Flareon, Umbreon, Steelix, Mantine, Blissey, Nosepass, Dusclops, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Vespiquen, Drifblim, Chatot, Gliscor, Porygon-Z, Probopass, Dusknoir, Uxie, Azelf, Regigigas, Cresselia, Thundurus,

Mystical Power: Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf

Raging Fury: Infernape

Wave Crash: Empoleon

Headlong Rush: Torterra

Shelter: Goomy, (Sliggoo), (Goodra)

Bleakwind Storm: Tornadus

Wildbolt Storm: Thundurus

Sandsear Storm: Landorus

Lunar Blessing: Cresselia

Take Heart: Phione, Manaphy

*Was available previously as an event exclusive move in gen2.

**Pokémon listed in (brackets) are not available in Legend Arceus, but can evolve from a Pokémon that gets a new move.
And here's the list sorted by Pokémon (newer, with icons):
:Pichu::Pikachu::Raichu: Baby-Doll Eyes
:Pichu: Quick Attack, Spark
:Cleffa::Clefairy::Clefable: Tackle, Swift*, Fairy Wind, Baby-Doll Eyes
:Cleffa: Calm Mind, Moonblast
:Vulpix::Ninetales: Flame Wheel
:Vulpix: Nasty Plot
:Vulpix-Alola::Ninetales-Alola: Quick Attack, Energy Ball, Ice Fang
:Vulpix-Alola: Nasty Plot
:Zubat::Golbat: Cross Poison
:Psyduck::Golduck: Bubble, Tri Attack*
:Kadabra::Alakazam: Hypnosis
:Machop::Machoke::Machamp: Tackle, Mach Punch, Double Hit
:Machamp: Drain Punch
:Ponyta::Rapidash: Double Hit
:Gengar: Power Shift
:Onix::Steelix: Power Shift
:Steelix: Ice Ball
:Lickitung::Lickilicky: Tackle, Ice Ball
:Rhyhorn: Giga Impact
:Happiny::Chansey::Blissey: Tackle, Draining Kiss, Fairy Wind
:Happiny: Double-Edge, Soft Boiled, Calm Mind
:Chansey: Baby-Doll Eyes
:Blissey: Baby-Doll Eyes, Power Shift
:Tangela::Tangrowth: Acid Spray
:Tangela: Double Hit
:Mr. Mime: Power Shift
:Mime Jr.: Iron Defense, Zen Headbutt
:Scyther::Scizor: Calm Mind, Close Combat
:Elekid::Electabuzz,: :Electivire: Spark
:Magby::Magmar::Magmortar: Tackle, Poison Gas
:Gyarados: Focus Energy
:Eevee::Vaporeon::Jolteon::Flareon::Espeon::Umbreon::Leafeon::Glaceon::Sylveon: Mimic
:Eevee::Vaporeon::Jolteon::Flareon::Umbreon::Leafeon::Glaceon: Calm Mind
:Vaporeon: Bubble
:Flareon: Power Shift
:Umbreon: Power Shift
:Leafeon: Leafage
:Porygon::Porygon2::Porygon-Z: Spark
:Porygon-Z: Power Shift
:Snorlax: Ice Ball
:Munchlax: Giga Impact, High Horsepower
:Togepi::Togetic::Togekiss: Tackle, Calm Mind, Moonblast, Baby-Doll Eyes
:Togetic: Air Slash
:Sudowoodo: Tackle
:Bonsly: Iron Defense, Head Smash
:Aipom::Ambipom: Quick Attack, Mud Bomb
:Ambipom: Double-Edge
:Murkrow::Honchkrow: Air Slash
:Murkrow: Night Slash, Nasty Plot
:Misdreavus::Mismagius: Hypnosis*, Extrasensory
:Gligar::Gliscor: Mud Bomb
:Gliscor: Pin Missile, Spikes, Power Shift
:Heracross: Slash, Outrage, Calm Mind
:Teddiursa::Ursaring: Tackle, High Horsepower
:Swinub::Piloswine::Mamoswine: Baby-Doll Eyes
:Piloswine: High Horsepower
:Remoraid::Octillery: Bubble
:Mantine: Power Shift
:Mantyke: Double-Edge, Roost
:Stantler: Confusion
:Beautifly: Air Slash
:Dustox: Extrasensory
:Ralts::Kirlia::Gardevoir::Gallade: Ice Beam
:Gardevoir: Recover, Aura Sphere
:Gallade: Focus Energy
:Nosepass::Probopass: Power Shift
:Nosepass: Flash Cannon
:Budew::Roselia::Roserade: Poison Powder
:Budew: Poison Sting, Petal Dance, Poison Jab
:Barboach: Zen Headbutt
:Whiscash: Aerial Ace
:Duskull::Dusclops::Dusknoir: Abosorb, Leech Life
:Dusclops::Dusknoir: Power Shift
:Chimecho: Tackle, Ominous Wind
:Chingling: Double-Edge, Extrasensory, Energy Ball
:Spheal::Sealeo::Walrein: Baby-Doll Eyes,
:Spheal::Sealeo: Liquidation
:Turtwig::Grotle::Torterra: Sleep Powder, Leaf Blade
:Turtwig::Grotle: Bulldoze
:Torterra: Headlong Rush
:Chimchar::Monferno::Infernape: Tackle, Double-Edge
:Infernape: Drain Punch, Raging Fury
:Piplup: Double-Edge, Roost, Baby-Doll Eyes
:Piplup::Prinplup: Liquidation
:Empoleon: Wave Crash
:Starly::Staravia::Staraptor: Gust, Air Slash
:Starly::Staravia: Giga Impact
:Staraptor: Focus Energy
:Bidoof::Bibarel: Bite
:Kricketot::Kricketune: Tackle
:Kricketot: Absorb
:Cranidos::Rampardos: Tackle, Double-Edge, Bite
:Rampardos: Power Shift
:Shieldon::Bastiodon: Tackle
:Bastiodon: Power Shift
:Burmy: Struggle Bug
:Wormadam::Wormadam-Sandy::Wormadam-Trash: Gust, Silver Wind
:Wormadam: (Grass) Magical Leaf
:Vespiquen: Recover, Power Shift
:Pachirisu: Thunder Shock, Crunch, Play Rough
:Cherubi::Cherrim: Double-Edge, Absorb, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder
:Cherubi: Petal Dance
:Shellos::Gastrodon: Tackle
:Drifloon: Confusion, Extrasensory, Mystical Fire
:Drifblim: Power Shift
:Buneary::Lopunny: Double-Edge, Draining Kiss
:Lopunny: Mach Punch
:Glameow::Purugly: Tackle, Double-Edge, Night Slash, Nasty Plot
:Stunky::Skuntank: Tackle, Double-Edge
:Stunky: Poison Jab
:Chatot: Gust, Air Slash, Hurricane, Snarl, Play Rough, Power Shift
:Spiritomb: Extrasensory
:Riolu: Focus Energy, Close Combat
:Lucario: Mach Punch
:Hippopotas::Hippowdon: Mud Bomb
:Croagunk::Toxicroak: Close Combat, Earth Power
:Carnivine: Absorb, Leech Life
:Finneon::Lumineon: Bubble, Roost, Air Slash, Baby-Doll Eyes
:Lumineon: Aerial Ace
:Snover::Abomasnow: Icicle Crash
:Yanmega: Crunch
:Uxie: Hypnosis, Double Hit, Power Shift, Mystical Power
:Mesprit: Recover, Double Hit, Mystical Power
:Azelf: Double Hit, Power Shift, Mystical Power
:Heatran: Ember
:Regigigas: Tackle, Power Shift
:Cresselia: Tackle, Recover, Power Shift, Lunar Blessing
:Phione: Calm Mind, Zen Headbutt, Moonblast, Take Heart
:Manaphy: Zen Headbutt, Moonblast, Take Heart
:Darkrai: Shadow Sneak, Hex
:Shaymin: Sleep Powder, Recover, Aerial Ace, Play Rough, Baby-Doll Eyes, Leafage
:Arceus: Confusion, Quick Attack, Extrasensory, Mystical Fire, Dazzling Gleam
:Oshawott::Dewott: Slash
:Petilil:(:Lilligant:) Poison Powder, Recover, Leafage
:Petilil: Baby-Doll Eyes
:Rufflet:(:Braviary:) Double-Edge, Twister, Ominous Wind
:Tornadus: Tackle, Twister, Bleakwind Storm
:Thundurus: Tackle, Spark, Twister, Power Shift, Wildbolt Storm
:Landorus: Tackle, Bite, Twister, Crunch, Sandsear Storm
:Goomy:(:Sliggoo:)(:Goodra:) Shelter
:Goomy: Acid Spray
:Bergmite:(:Avalugg:) Ice Shard
:Rowlet::Dartrix:(:Decidueye:) Gust, Aerial Ace, Magical Leaf
:Rowlet::Dartrix: Air Slash, Psycho Cut, Leaf Storm
*Was available previously as an event exclusive move in gen2.

**Pokémon listed in (brackets) are not available in Legend Arceus, but can evolve from a Pokémon that gets a new move.
Note that this list focuses exclusively on new moves that can't be transferred. If it was a move that was say previously available only through the 3ds Virtual Console releases or from Pokémon XD, I didn't list them (so everything besides gen1/2 events).

I'll update this post later today to have a second list sorting by Pokémon, rather than by moves (Edit: it's up)

Edit: Removed Froslass/Powder Snow. Added Happiny/Tackle, Togekiss/Calm Mind
Another Edit: cleaned up a little, and added the 2nd list.
Next Edit: Forgot Togetic/Togekiss and Ursaring being grouped with their base forme in the 2nd list.
Edit: Forgot to add Lopunny/Mach Punch for both lists.
Last edited:
Has there been a datamine of all the NPC Trainer teams in Legends Arceus? (Specifically, info with Mastered Moves and GVs)
Updated the post with the 2nd list, complete with icons.

Some notes I had:
Chimecho can finally learn Swift directly, despite Chinaling getting it via TM/Tutors since gen4. Same story with Beautifly and Dustox with Iron Defense.
Gyarados is the only Pokémon to learn Focus Energy via level-up (everyone else it's through tutor). While this itself isn't unique, what is noatiable about it is that the move is new for Gyarados.
I noticed that Onix has never been able to learn Hyper Beam ever, even though it was a fully evolved Pokémon back in gen1 (and isn't a gimmick Pokémon like Unown and such).
I have seen people talk about Moonblast for Togikiss, but not Calm Mind.
I finally found a Happiny at the coastlands (it actually has much better rates than orebarrow, especially if you hit Drought weather), though I still havent seen a rift spawn here.

I also got a Pichu at the floaro gardens. Which would be fantastic and the end of that if not for the idiotic fact that it has absolutely no tasks related to battle. So if I want its stupid dex entry I'll need to catch at least one more...how frustrating.

in the mean time i guess i'll just...keep hanging out looking for another happiny. I can finish off its entry with baby doll eye spam but i still need the rift to form so...
I only noticed today that the pulse moves have actually perfect accuracy rather than their usual 100, so that's Water/Dark/Dragon pulses. Also Wild Charge can paralyze. I wonder if any of these changes will carry, since they're less obtrusive than some of the move major changes.

I think in Water and Dark Pulse's cases it's because their current effect doesn't exist in PLA, plus evasion is a lot more common in this game because it's used in place of other effects for things like Shadow Force. Interesting that they went with the trend, though, and Dragon Pulse is long overdue for a secondary effect of some description.
I only noticed today that the pulse moves have actually perfect accuracy rather than their usual 100, so that's Water/Dark/Dragon pulses. Also Wild Charge can paralyze. I wonder if any of these changes will carry, since they're less obtrusive than some of the move major changes.
I think in Water and Dark Pulse's cases it's because their current effect doesn't exist in PLA, plus evasion is a lot more common in this game because it's used in place of other effects for things like Shadow Force. Interesting that they went with the trend, though, and Dragon Pulse is long overdue for a secondary effect of some description.
On a similar note, I hope X-Scissor and Dragon Claw retain their high crit rate in future games. Much like Dragon Pulse, they all have seemed pretty bland and overshadowed by other moves of their types.
I'd be down for the Pulse moves retaining guaranteed accuracy. Aura Sphere, the pulse move, has had that since its creation so hey why not the rest? Gives a little extra flavor to them, even if it won't necessarily come up that often in PVP; I know I'd like to have a few mof otshoe in my pocket for PVE content, certainly! Dark Pulse in particular I think people would love for battle tower runs, eh?

OK well, not Origin Pulse. Obviously. That one got 85 accuracy for a reason. But all the rest can!
Strength and its variants have been in dire need of a secondary effect since 2006. Still, this makes X-Scissor pretty much the same attack as Attack Order, which is a shame.

Still, I'd be down for more attacks to become Leaf Blade variants. Hell, Stone Edge and Cross Chop getting down to 90 BP, but getting perfect accuracy and 3 times as much PP, would be IMO nice.
I'd be down for the Pulse moves retaining guaranteed accuracy. Aura Sphere, the pulse move, has had that since its creation so hey why not the rest? Gives a little extra flavor to them, even if it won't necessarily come up that often in PVP; I know I'd like to have a few mof otshoe in my pocket for PVE content, certainly! Dark Pulse in particular I think people would love for battle tower runs, eh?
I like the idea, but I suspect the only reason for which the Pulse moves got this effect in Arceus is cause Fog is a gameplay element and playing lottery every time you click a button isn't exactly intriguing gameplay, which you can play around by using these guaranteed-hit moves.
I like the idea, but I suspect the only reason for which the Pulse moves got this effect in Arceus is cause Fog is a gameplay element and playing lottery every time you click a button isn't exactly intriguing gameplay, which you can play around by using these guaranteed-hit moves.
I think we're aware of why they got it here but retaining it feels like it'd be a fine thing to take from this game. I doubt EVERY single change would just be left to rot
I think we're aware of why they got it here but retaining it feels like it'd be a fine thing to take from this game. I doubt EVERY single change would just be left to rot
You know what I think, I think not a single of the Arceus changes will reach main series, and even the new moves / abilities may not be the same once moved to main series (if they even will be).
If it wasn't for datamining finding that IV/EVs are actually in the game just doing nothing, I would have thought that moving Arceus > Home would cause a full reroll of the pokemon GO-style.

To me, Arceus mechanics are basically Mystery Dungeon mechanics: they exist in a vacuum cause the game is not following same formula and have absolutely no impact on the way the main series works.
Haven't been up to date on this as I've been busy for a few weeks. Some questions:

1) How do the stats work? Is it the same as a BDSP Poke? I know we can't battle but are there IVs, EVs, HA, and all that?

2) Currently no trading to Home right?
You know what I think, I think not a single of the Arceus changes will reach main series, and even the new moves / abilities may not be the same once moved to main series (if they even will be).
If it wasn't for datamining finding that IV/EVs are actually in the game just doing nothing, I would have thought that moving Arceus > Home would cause a full reroll of the pokemon GO-style.

To me, Arceus mechanics are basically Mystery Dungeon mechanics: they exist in a vacuum cause the game is not following same formula and have absolutely no impact on the way the main series works.
I do feel like everything will be kept. One thing one of the main dataminers had said is that Legend Arceus was fairly easy to go through because it's very similar to SwSh under the hood. I'll assume they'll be adjusted for regular games, so we'll go back to using EVs/IVs for instance.

Does anyone know if the candy boosts from the Let's Go games are saved in Home? Or are they lost once transferred.
Haven't been up to date on this as I've been busy for a few weeks. Some questions:

1) How do the stats work? Is it the same as a BDSP Poke? I know we can't battle but are there IVs, EVs, HA, and all that?

2) Currently no trading to Home right?
Stats are calculated very differently. Not only are there no IVs or EVs, but even the formula for turning base stats into raw stats is different. You can find more information here, but the jist is that stats are higher than normal, but grow slower. The game also has some other system for boosting stats that takes the place of EVs. It's kinda complicated so I don't really know how to summarize it, but you can read about it here.

There are also no hidden abilities (or regular abilities) used in Legends, but they still exist internally, so we know what abilities the new Pokemon will have when they become available in a traditional game.

There is currently no way to connect to Home, correct.
I assume HOME connectivity may be a thing later this month, with the same update that brings HOME to BDSP.

I seriously hope we at least get the Origin formes in BDSP.
Infernape getting Drain Punch is pretty nice, espicially since it gets boosted by Iron Fist. I'd imagine it'll still be running Close Combat in competitive, but I personally prefer running less powerful moves with more PP and no downsides, so it'll be a good alternative option. On SD sets, it also seems particularly useful since it gives you a decently strong attack that also offsets LO / Flare Blitz recoil.
I’m not sure if the Hisuian forms and the new evolutions could be logically available in future present-day traditional games without some sort of ”Fossil-styled” or distortion / Hoopa shenanigans, or in the case of the new evos, rectonning the evolution methods or even forget them altogether.

Enamorous could reasonably come back since it’s essentially a newly discovered member of the Forces of Nature.
I’m not sure if the Hisuian forms and the new evolutions could be logically available in future present-day traditional games without some sort of ”Fossil-styled” or distortion / Hoopa shenanigans, or in the case of the new evos, rectonning the evolution methods or even forget them altogether.

Enamorous could reasonably come back since it’s essentially a newly discovered member of the Forces of Nature.

I mean to be fair, we've had stuff like that constantly in these games. Like the Hoopa rings you alluded to earlier in ORAS, ultra wormholes in USUM, and whatever the hell is going on with Ranmas Park and Dynamax Adventures.

I'm sure the Hisuians will be playable competitively at some point, and Gamefreak can easily BS up a justification if needed, because Pokemon gives them plenty of outs to do so!