Project Metagame Workshop (OM Submissions CLOSED)

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This sounds cool.

However, Taunt seems a bit broken to me. As do Encore, Focus Energy, and Destiny Bond. The first 3 are designed to make defensive counterplay harder, and Destiny Bond on switch in seems like an easy way to dispose of most offensive mons safely.

Also I wonder, would type changes and Transform be permanent? If so I can easily imagine Ditto, Mew, and Soak being hard to work around.

And would trapping moves like Magma Storm only return if they switch into the Pokémon that trapped them?
An idea born from several youtube videos that tried something similar-

Roleplay Teams!

Metagame premise: Your team may only consist of pokemon that are used by a specific trainer from the games- Which trainer you choose is determined by the first slot in your party; it must be that trainer's "signature".

As an example, if you want to use a Cynthia team, your first pokemon MUST be Garchomp, but the other 5 slots can be whatever you want from her wide list of battles. (including Porygon-Z and Eelektross, if you wanted to, since she used them in BDSP and BW respectively.) Any pokemon listed as being used by that trainer on their Bulbapedia page is allowed. This would require a list of what every trainer's signature is.

For certain early-game Gym Leaders, they might not use the fully-evolved version of a pokemon, so if a trainer used any pokemon from a line, the whole line is available. This also allows a bit more creativity such as using Porygon2 instead of Porygon-Z on a Cynthia team.

Due to some trainers having too much overlap, some trainers would have to be differentiated somehow.

Both of them have access to the same pokemon- All three Regis, and all three Kantonian birds. However, Dana also gets 6 more pokemon on top of that. (including Magnezone and Whimsicott, most notably) In order to differentiate the two of them, Brandon also gains access to Regieleki and Regidraco. Additionally, Dana's signature is chosen to be Whimsicott.

Others to be added?

Bans: Standard OU clauses and bans.

The only trainer bans would be Noland, Thorton, and Argenta. The three of them have access to such a massive list of pokemon that they go against the spirit of the tier.

Threats: Any trainer with access to multiple OU pokemon and a decently balanced type spread will be powerful.
Anabel has access to Latios and Weavile.
Cynthia has access to Garchomp and Togekiss.
Ingo has access to Excadrill, Gliscor, Magnezone, and Tangrowth.
Palmer has access to Regieleki and Zapdos.
Erika has access to Blissey, Clefable and Tangrowth.

Questions for the community: How should alternate forms be treated? Giving trainers access to regional variants could help to add more type variety to otherwise monotype teams, but it could also lose some of the identity.

What if a trainer has only used enough pokemon to make a team of 4 or 5? Should the last slot(s) be free-reign, to potentially buff the weaker gym leaders? A notable example would be Korrina- she only has Lucario, Mienshao, Machamp, and Hawlucha. Should she get to choose two new pokemon to fill out the team, or would she be forced to run pre-evolutions/double species?

Last and probably most importantly: Should this be based on SwSh OU, or NatDex? I'm leaning towards the latter, though perhaps some in-between like a NatDex with no megas/z-moves.
An idea born from several youtube videos that tried something similar-

Roleplay Teams!

Metagame premise: Your team may only consist of pokemon that are used by a specific trainer from the games- Which trainer you choose is determined by the first slot in your party; it must be that trainer's "signature".

As an example, if you want to use a Cynthia team, your first pokemon MUST be Garchomp, but the other 5 slots can be whatever you want from her wide list of battles. (including Porygon-Z and Eelektross, if you wanted to, since she used them in BDSP and BW respectively.) Any pokemon listed as being used by that trainer on their Bulbapedia page is allowed. This would require a list of what every trainer's signature is.

For certain early-game Gym Leaders, they might not use the fully-evolved version of a pokemon, so if a trainer used any pokemon from a line, the whole line is available. This also allows a bit more creativity such as using Porygon2 instead of Porygon-Z on a Cynthia team.

Due to some trainers having too much overlap, some trainers would have to be differentiated somehow.

Both of them have access to the same pokemon- All three Regis, and all three Kantonian birds. However, Dana also gets 6 more pokemon on top of that. (including Magnezone and Whimsicott, most notably) In order to differentiate the two of them, Brandon also gains access to Regieleki and Regidraco. Additionally, Dana's signature is chosen to be Whimsicott.

Others to be added?

Bans: Standard OU clauses and bans.

The only trainer bans would be Noland, Thorton, and Argenta. The three of them have access to such a massive list of pokemon that they go against the spirit of the tier.

Threats: Any trainer with access to multiple OU pokemon and a decently balanced type spread will be powerful.
Anabel has access to Latios and Weavile.
Cynthia has access to Garchomp and Togekiss.
Ingo has access to Excadrill, Gliscor, Magnezone, and Tangrowth.
Palmer has access to Regieleki and Zapdos.
Erika has access to Blissey, Clefable and Tangrowth.

Questions for the community: How should alternate forms be treated? Giving trainers access to regional variants could help to add more type variety to otherwise monotype teams, but it could also lose some of the identity.

What if a trainer has only used enough pokemon to make a team of 4 or 5? Should the last slot(s) be free-reign, to potentially buff the weaker gym leaders? A notable example would be Korrina- she only has Lucario, Mienshao, Machamp, and Hawlucha. Should she get to choose two new pokemon to fill out the team, or would she be forced to run pre-evolutions/double species?

Last and probably most importantly: Should this be based on SwSh OU, or NatDex? I'm leaning towards the latter, though perhaps some in-between like a NatDex with no megas/z-moves.
This... isn't really an OM. There are no mechanical changes, and almost everything is subjective (what trainers are included, which Pokemon is their signature, arbitrary roster changes for variety). This isn't even really a Pet Mod. This is like, a special ruleset that you and some buddies casually compete with over a discord call.
An idea born from several youtube videos that tried something similar-

Roleplay Teams!

Metagame premise: Your team may only consist of pokemon that are used by a specific trainer from the games- Which trainer you choose is determined by the first slot in your party; it must be that trainer's "signature".

As an example, if you want to use a Cynthia team, your first pokemon MUST be Garchomp, but the other 5 slots can be whatever you want from her wide list of battles. (including Porygon-Z and Eelektross, if you wanted to, since she used them in BDSP and BW respectively.) Any pokemon listed as being used by that trainer on their Bulbapedia page is allowed. This would require a list of what every trainer's signature is.

For certain early-game Gym Leaders, they might not use the fully-evolved version of a pokemon, so if a trainer used any pokemon from a line, the whole line is available. This also allows a bit more creativity such as using Porygon2 instead of Porygon-Z on a Cynthia team.

Due to some trainers having too much overlap, some trainers would have to be differentiated somehow.

Both of them have access to the same pokemon- All three Regis, and all three Kantonian birds. However, Dana also gets 6 more pokemon on top of that. (including Magnezone and Whimsicott, most notably) In order to differentiate the two of them, Brandon also gains access to Regieleki and Regidraco. Additionally, Dana's signature is chosen to be Whimsicott.

Others to be added?

Bans: Standard OU clauses and bans.

The only trainer bans would be Noland, Thorton, and Argenta. The three of them have access to such a massive list of pokemon that they go against the spirit of the tier.

Threats: Any trainer with access to multiple OU pokemon and a decently balanced type spread will be powerful.
Anabel has access to Latios and Weavile.
Cynthia has access to Garchomp and Togekiss.
Ingo has access to Excadrill, Gliscor, Magnezone, and Tangrowth.
Palmer has access to Regieleki and Zapdos.
Erika has access to Blissey, Clefable and Tangrowth.

Questions for the community: How should alternate forms be treated? Giving trainers access to regional variants could help to add more type variety to otherwise monotype teams, but it could also lose some of the identity.

What if a trainer has only used enough pokemon to make a team of 4 or 5? Should the last slot(s) be free-reign, to potentially buff the weaker gym leaders? A notable example would be Korrina- she only has Lucario, Mienshao, Machamp, and Hawlucha. Should she get to choose two new pokemon to fill out the team, or would she be forced to run pre-evolutions/double species?

Last and probably most importantly: Should this be based on SwSh OU, or NatDex? I'm leaning towards the latter, though perhaps some in-between like a NatDex with no megas/z-moves.
Before anything else...
You do not fulfil the requirements to submit an Other Metagame. Check out this thread for more details.

This being based on in-game trainers rather than a mechanic makes this extremely unlikely to be accepted.
As is said in DrPumpkinz's (or however you make that possesive) post above, this isn't the sort of thing we approve to be an OM. It is a extremely complex banlist not based on any actual competitive feature of the games, but rather on a gameplay element which doesn't effect competitive. It is also extremely unlikely that this meta would be at all diverse, popular, or healthy, as a couple trainers will inevitably stand above the rest, counterteaming will be easy and rampant, and it requires any players to know ingame opponents to a much greater extent than most of us normally do.


You cannot submit a metagame yet and regardless of that...
I would deny this, and am EXTREMELY doubtful anyone on our approval team would be otherwise inclined.

I recommend becoming a little more familiar with the Other Metagame community and the various OMs we offer. Try and see what makes a good OM, what's popular, and if you want to submit and lead a metagame at that point, what doesn't exist.
Non-Volastyle Status
The Premise: In this Metagame, all Volatile Status (confusion, infatuation, encore, ect.) and Volatile Battle Status (Substitute, Bracing, Rooting, ect.) are treated as Non-Volatile Status (Badly Poisoned, Burns, Sleep).

Potential Bans and Threats:
  • :gastly: Curse on a Ghost type would mean any wall will constantly lose 1/4th HP every turn and would last until Heal Bell was used​
  • :misdreavus: Perish Song being permanent also lets you nab easy KOs, guaranteed if they opponent lacks Heal Bell. However, this means Mean Look+Perish Song no longer works as both are now Non-volatile​
  • :rhydon: Substitute being about to stay on a Pokemon after they switch out would make switching is too powerful, even if it might fail due to another status being inflicted​
  • How should unique cases like Can’t Escape and Infatuation be handled when it comes to curing? Normally it would only be cured once the opposing Pokemon left the field or after you would switch with moves like U-turn, but only because it’s a volatile status. What happens if they switch back in with the Pokemon still there?
  • Similarly, how would status like Bracing and Protection work if the user were suddenly forced out that turn? Are they still cured, or is it cured when they get back in?
  • Since Charge and Recharge are volatile status, would they override the current status or would those moves fail if they are already statused? Or what about Focus Punch?
Before I respond to this in any depth I have one question I need answered: do statuses with timers (semitrapping, confusion, etc) go away in the same way they usually do, or are they as permanent as our current nonvolatile statuses? Essentially, is stuff being cured on switch the only changed mechanic?

This metagame would be broken beyond belief if statuses with timers don't go away when the time runs out, if you're wondering which answer I'm looking for (: Endure, Semi-Trapping, Protect, Semi-Invulnerability, etc.... whew... There's a lot of stuff that could be super super broken depending on how they work.

I like the idea. I'm not sure it's practical to code or tier.
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Do we already discussed a one-turn dynamax OM suggestion? (Aka z-moves 2.0)
No, I don’t think we did. Although I don’t predict that being especially likely to be an OM. OMs that focus on reworking Dynamax to be balanced haven’t been approved to my knowledge.
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Do we already discussed a one-turn dynamax OM suggestion? (Aka z-moves 2.0)
I thought this through a while back and my conclusions are it's just "Z-moves are back but broken". Because Max Airstream is really dumb, doubling your HP is dumb, and being able to break choice lock is really, really dumb. Also, it probably doesn't differ from OU enough.
No, I don’t think we did. Although I don’t predict that being especially likely to be an OM. OMs that focus on reworking Dynamax to be balanced haven’t been approved to my knowledge.

We are almost finishing this generation without any OM that uses the main gimmick of the gen. Thats a shame. But I'm sure we will have our 500th stat swap meta
OM: Brick Bronze

In this OM, you are only allowed to use Pokemon found in the Pokedex of the lost Pokemon Roblox Game, Pokemon Brick Bronze. The format is based on Gen 7 AG, the only competitive format in PBB.

  • Haunter, Gengar, & Mega Gengar have Halloween Variants. Haloween Mega Gengar, unfortunately keeps Cursed Body instead of it being replaced with Shadow Tag
  • Pikachu has a Red Heart variant for a Valentimes Event, it is signifigantly stronger than Pikachu
  • Sceptile & Mega Sceptile has Christmas Variants, bein Green Christmas, Red Christmas, & White Christmas. All 3 can Mega Evolve with a Sceptilite C, with the last one swapping it's Grass Type with Ice Type. Mega Sceptile C also gains the Ability, North Pole, which is an Ice-Type version of Lightning Rod (Absorbs Ice-Type attacks to boost it's Sp. Atk.)
  • Onix, Steelix, & Mega Steelix have a Crystal Reskin, but this is a purely aesthetic change.
  • Kecleon will have a Pink reskin, but this is a purely aesthetic change.
  • Ryhorn & Rhydon (and likely Rhyperior) has a Pink color reskin, but this is a purely aesthetic change.
  • Oddish & Vileplume (and likely Gloom) has an Aku Aku reskin, but this is a purely aesthetic change.
  • Honedge (and likely Doulblade & Aegislash) has a Master Sword reskin, but this is a purely aesthetic change.
  • Magikarp (and likely Gyarados & Mega Gyarados) have 28 reskins, but this is purely aesthetic.
  • All Type Boosting Gems from the Gen 5 (and Fairy Gem from the 6 Games) games are legal.
  • New Items: Sawsbuck Coffee (Increases Pokemon's Speed by 1 every turn), Gengarite H (Allows Halloween Gengar to Mega Evolve), Sceptilite C (Allows Christmas Sceptile to Mega Evolve)
  • The only Z-Crystals legal are Grassium Z, Waterium Z, Fireium Z, Iceium Z, Bugium Z, & Dragonium Z
  • Keldeo cannot be in it's Resolute Forme
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OM: Brick Bronze

In this OM, you are only allowed to use Pokemon found in the Pokedex of the lost Pokemon Roblox Game, Pokemon Brick Bronze. The format is based on Gen 7 AG, the only competitive format in PBB.

  • Haunter, Gengar, & Mega Gengar have Halloween Variants. Haloween Mega Gengar, unfortunately keeps Cursed Body instead of it being replaced with Shadow Tag
  • Pikachu has a Red Heart variant for a Valentimes Event, it is signifigantly stronger than Pikachu
  • Sceptile & Mega Sceptile has Christmas Variants, bein Green Christmas, Red Christmas, & White Christmas. All 3 can Mega Evolve with a Sceptilite C, with the last one swapping it's Grass Type with Ice Type. Mega Sceptile C also gains the Ability, North Pole, which is an Ice-Type version of Lightning Rod (Absorbs Ice-Type attacks to boost it's Sp. Atk.)
  • Onix, Steelix, & Mega Steelix have a Crystal Reskin, but this is a purely aesthetic change.
  • Kecleon will have a Pink reskin, but this is a purely aesthetic change.
  • Ryhorn & Rhydon (and likely Rhyperior) has a Pink color reskin, but this is a purely aesthetic change.
  • Oddish & Vileplume (and likely Gloom) has an Aku Aku reskin, but this is a purely aesthetic change.
  • Honedge (and likely Doulblade & Aegislash) has a Master Sword reskin, but this is a purely aesthetic change.
  • Magikarp (and likely Gyarados & Mega Gyarados) have 28 reskins, but this is purely aesthetic.
  • All Type Boosting Gems from the Gen 5 (and Fairy Gem from the 6 Games) games are legal.
  • New Items: Sawsbuck Coffee (Increases Pokemon's Speed by 1 every turn), Gengarite H (Allows Halloween Gengar to Mega Evolve), Sceptilite C (Allows Christmas Sceptile to Mega Evolve)
  • The only Z-Crystals legal are Grassium Z, Waterium Z, Fireium Z, Iceium Z, Bugium Z, & Dragonium Z
Before anything else...
You do not fulfil the requirements to submit an Other Metagame. Check out this thread for more details.

This metagame would never be accepted or supported by any Smogon-affiliated server or forum. We do not work with fan games, especially ones which a quick Google search tell me have already been shut down for Copyright violation.
The most you could possibly expect to be allowed is a Pet Mod where you make similar changes, but I wouldn't be confident in that being accepted.

We are always careful to follow copyright law, and anything questionable will not be approved.
My Idea is :Talent Swap
It basically swap type of your team..
example: Talonflame .......... ferrothorn ............... swampert ................. dracovish .............. cinccino ............... hydreigon
Fire/Flying................. Grass/Steel ................ Ground/Water............. water/dragon................... normal ................. dark/dragon
Grass/Steel ............... Water/Dragon..................... Dark/Dragon ................... Normal .............. Fire/Flying ................. Ground/Water

i think it would be cool to have
so like a camomon
My Idea is :Talent Swap
It basically swap type of your team..
example: Talonflame .......... ferrothorn ............... swampert ................. dracovish .............. cinccino ............... hydreigon
Fire/Flying................. Grass/Steel ................ Ground/Water............. water/dragon................... normal ................. dark/dragon
Grass/Steel ............... Water/Dragon..................... Dark/Dragon ................... Normal .............. Fire/Flying ................. Ground/Water

i think it would be cool to have
so like a camomon
I'm also unsure what mechanism this is using to swap types.

We also frankly have enough metas that change type around, so barring this one adding something really new and special I don't see it becoming a hit.
This sounds cool.

However, Taunt seems a bit broken to me. As do Encore, Focus Energy, and Destiny Bond. The first 3 are designed to make defensive counterplay harder, and Destiny Bond on switch in seems like an easy way to dispose of most offensive mons safely.

Also I wonder, would type changes and Transform be permanent? If so I can easily imagine Ditto, Mew, and Soak being hard to work around.

And would trapping moves like Magma Storm only return if they switch into the Pokémon that trapped them?
Before I respond to this in any depth I have one question I need answered: do statuses with timers (semitrapping, confusion, etc) go away in the same way they usually do, or are they as permanent as our current nonvolatile statuses? Essentially, is stuff being cured on switch the only changed mechanic?

This metagame would be broken beyond belief if statuses with timers don't go away when the time runs out, if you're wondering which answer I'm looking for (: Endure, Semi-Trapping, Protect, Semi-Invulnerability, etc.... whew... There's a lot of stuff that could be super super broken depending on how they work.

I like the idea. I'm not sure it's practical to code or tier.
Sorry for late reply, but the status will go away like they normally would. It would be similar to how Sleep and Freeze can be used by natural means, but instead it will be the respective Status’s conditions.
For example, Encore will be cured once the Pokemon been out for 3 turns.
Another Idea

Why don't make a mechanic that already been make by fakemon creator?
like Norden Region Unearthly Form or Edenma region Berserk Form?(with permission asked)
not sure what that mean but alright
Other Metagames (OMs) have a single objective rule or change that applies evenly to all mons. For example, in Almost Any Ability, all mons get access to (almost) any ability.

Pet mods are allowed to make non-objective changes to mons, abilities, moves, and mechanics that do not apply evenly to all mons/abilities/etc. Creating new Pokémon certainly qualifies as non-objective changes, so any project like that would be a Pet mod.

Hope that explanation was clear and helps!
Instead, you could do something different with dynamin.
You could make it so it cuts down your HP but grants you a higher speed stat, you would probably have to ban sticky webs though.
Other Metagames (OMs) have a single objective rule or change that applies evenly to all mons. For example, in Almost Any Ability, all mons get access to (almost) any ability.

Pet mods are allowed to make non-objective changes to mons, abilities, moves, and mechanics that do not apply evenly to all mons/abilities/etc. Creating new Pokémon certainly qualifies as non-objective changes, so any project like that would be a Pet mod.

Hope that explanation was clear and helps!
oh ok thx youu very much
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Metagame premise: Level 1 Mayhem. What would happen if a metagame is full of level 1 Pokemon. We have dealt with level 5 and in some places level 50 but what if we lowered it all to Level 1. Some pokemon are may finally run mixed attacks when they couldn't before. Such low stats and small evs can really Juice up a metagame.
Potential bans and threats: Smogon OU Clauses + Pokemon who can't be level 1 such as Kartana and Corviknight
Questions for the community: What do you think should be banned? do you think the concept would be fun an unique? show me some sets
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Metagame premise: Level 1 Mayhem. What would happen if a metagame is full of level 1 Pokemon. We have dealt with level 5 and in some places level 50 but what if we lowered it all to Level 1. Some pokemon are may finally run mixed attacks when they couldn't before. Such low stats and small evs can really Juice up a metagame.
Potential bans and threats: Smogon OU Clauses + Pokemon who can't be level 1 such as Kartana and Corviknight
Questions for the community: What do you think should be banned? do you think the concept would be fun an unique? show me some sets
Lvl 1 156 SpA Magikarp Hydro Pump vs. Lvl 1 0 HP / 0 SpD Blissey: 6-7 (37.5 - 43.7%)
Lvl 1 28 Atk Kartana Leaf Blade vs. Lvl 1 116 HP / 156 Def Pichu: 7-10 (58.3 - 83.3%)

I feel like restricting it to Pokemon that can legally exist at level 1 doesn't really add much. Not only is it not properly implemented on Showdown (namely for third stage Pokemon that evolve by something other than level-up like Magnezone and Nidoking) but at level 1, almost everything has the exact same stats. With the exception of Pokemon with absurdly high stats like Kartana and Blissey, pretty much everything has 13 HP and 7 everything else, plus or minus 1.
Metagame premise: Bloodline Cup. A tier where the only pokemon you can use is of one species, male and female variants are both counted as one species each and not a species together and if a pokemon has more than one evolutions, you can pick which path to go.
Potential bans and threats: Cosmog Line, Zygarde line (10% and 50%), Urshifu Line
Questions for the community: What do you think will be a cool pokemon line that will shine in this tier like no other and why?
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