(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

There's also a lot more ways to mitigate advantageous types in the main battle system. It may well not be able to read immunities from items or abilities, and there's no reason it would be able to play around the type-reducing berries.
Yep, besides, I assume that when teambuilding (in any format) it isn't rare to "EV in order to survive a check's hit and 1hko back", in fact VGC has often been all about surprise resist berries in some formats.

I really think people oversell the brokedness of Legend Plate when it translates in the real game. I don't think it's anywhere close to Zacian and Calyrex -S (who actually sport optimized stats and don't end up wasting a solid 120 BST in a stat they dont use).

Now, I'd still wish that GF would calm a bit with the power creep though... I get it's inevitable (you need to make the new stuff stronger in order to actually hype people to use it, it's just the nature of this type of games that get continued to very long periods). But they could at least... tone down a bit.

One of my hopes is that the continuation of Dexit will allow them to calm a bit since if you don't want "Zacian to overshadow every single pokemon" you can just... not include it in a given game.
But my expectation on this are... pretty low. After all Zacian came in the game that introduced partial pokedex in the first place...
Yeah it's almost like Dexit isn't a dedicated balancing application and is just "what pokemon do we think is neat for this region + some main stay + we can bring in other popular ones for the DLC". There will likely, as in SWSH, be an attempt to sub in some folks for different categories they want to cover, which will hold over until the "real" one returns, but on the whole it should never be lifted up as being necessarily better for balance because a lot of those main stays are going to stick around and updated pokemon coming in DLC will probably continue to be a thing so the bulk of the metagames are going to be approximately the same and only altering based on the new blood + any new additions to movepools by the end.

Legends Plate Arceus in particular is funny compared to say Crowned Zacian because, like, as a Mythical it will probably never be allowed in official formats (outside of weird 2 week tournaments) and as some people like to bang again and again that's all they really care about. Battle Spot and unofficial formats they will never give a fuck about so here's a koooky pokemon byeeeeee. And that assumes the mythic in question even comes back; as we saw this very generation Mythics were very touch and go and even by the time of Legends Arceus we still dont have access to like 3 of them, and a number of them are only available in one game or another and cant touch the others. But Crowned Zacian will always be back to the main series "primary battle game"; they love bringing back all the legendary Pokemon and they love the second/third/fourth years of VGC letting you use otherwise-banned legends.

e: eh well on second thought will "NEVER give a fuck about" is perhaps too strong, they do clearly at least touch on them generation to generation so they're not full up a creek. But you get the point, hopefully; the play zone for Mythics is the zone of randos
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Eh, there was someone at the time who was saying that Legend Plate would be strong but not as strong as people make it to. It kinda has the same "downside" as Protean that it's not optional, with arceus being on a speed tier that's actually not as amazing as it used to be for Ubers standards (expecially with the addition of Calyrex and Zacian), while still being limited by not holding a item (so no power boosting and no scarf or status protection) so it'd not be able to magically take over the tier. It'd also not be able to fulfil Arceus usual defensive or support roles since outside of using Judgement it'd be locked to Normal type, and also if for example Judgement changes it to a bad type, it'd be easy to revenge kill via shadow tag / arena trap / similar means or just being faster than 120 speed.

Like, sure, it'd be strong, but way less op that people make it. It's kind of a Regieleki case where people thought it was absolutely bonkers and would break the game but in reality it turned out to be an average pokemon with its up and downsides in both VGC and smogon.
That was me, among others. Because yeah it's good, but it's sort of like Thick Club Marowak/Light Ball Pikachu in that giving up your item for the gimmick is a big deal. A Plate Arceus is already pretty powerful, and has coverage to hit a lot of things super effective. Making Judgement STAB SE on everything is nothing to sneeze at, but a 20% power drop on your STAB compared to normal can hurt, it screws with your defensive options, and we still don't know how it will interact with, say, Primal Groudon*. I'm sure it will be common, but actually being better than EKiller or Arceus Water/Dragon/Fairy is a tall ask and I think it's reasonable to wait and see what actually happens.

*My guess? Badly.

Back to how this discussion started, I do think that L:A, Max Raids, and Totem battles all show a willingness to mess with the battle formula. Now, I haven't been a fan of all those changes, but I do think trying something new is not a bad thing, and hopefully we see what GF learned from those changes implemented in SV.
That was me, among others. Because yeah it's good, but it's sort of like Thick Club Marowak/Light Ball Pikachu in that giving up your item for the gimmick is a big deal. A Plate Arceus is already pretty powerful, and has coverage to hit a lot of things super effective. Making Judgement STAB SE on everything is nothing to sneeze at, but a 20% power drop on your STAB compared to normal can hurt, it screws with your defensive options, and we still don't know how it will interact with, say, Primal Groudon*. I'm sure it will be common, but actually being better than EKiller or Arceus Water/Dragon/Fairy is a tall ask and I think it's reasonable to wait and see what actually happens.

*My guess? Badly.

Back to how this discussion started, I do think that L:A, Max Raids, and Totem battles all show a willingness to mess with the battle formula. Now, I haven't been a fan of all those changes, but I do think trying something new is not a bad thing, and hopefully we see what GF learned from those changes implemented in SV.
Well, the thing with judgement is that you can kinda just be brainless with the move. STAB + Super effective damage means in practice, it will be getting a 3x multipliier on everything at minimum while not having any of the limitations of boosting items like Life Orb, Choice Specs, etc. The point of coverage moves is to hit Pokemon that you would normally not hit super effectively, but Arceus wouldn't need to use coverage moves at that point because Judgement is 2HKOing everything but the most bulky Pokemon in the game (and I guess Eelektross). So it could just run a boosting move + Recover. Comparing its damage output to Choice Specs Kyogre, one of the more prominent one button nukes...

252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey in Rain: 427-504 (60.7 - 71.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Origin Pulse vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey in Rain: 313-370 (44.5 - 52.6%) -- 23.8% chance to 2HKO
252 SpA Arceus-Fighting Judgment vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 198-234 (28.1 - 33.2%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Ferrothorn in Rain: 218-257 (61.9 - 73%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Origin Pulse vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Ferrothorn in Rain: 160-189 (45.4 - 53.6%) -- 1.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Arceus-Fire Judgment vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Ferrothorn: 408-480 (115.9 - 136.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 240 HP / 252 SpD Eternatus in Rain: 275-324 (57.1 - 67.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Black Sludge recovery
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Origin Pulse vs. 240 HP / 252 SpD Eternatus in Rain: 202-238 (41.9 - 49.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Black Sludge recovery
252 SpA Arceus-Ground Judgment vs. 240 HP / 252 SpD Eternatus: 254-300 (52.8 - 62.3%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Black Sludge recovery

When Kyogre's water move is neutral to the target, it will fair better than Arceus (which makes sense as it has effectively a 1.5 * 1.5 * 1.5 = 3.375 times boost + higher Special attack, BP and a Modest Nature). However, against resist that cut into Kyogre's damage output,, Arceus ends up having the upper hand. Add onto the fact that Arceus has this ludicrous damage output on everything while also being able to cram in a bunch of other utility moves like Defog & Stealth Rock and I'd imagine it'd a pretty big menace to deal with

That being said, if Judgement's PP stays at 5 in the next game, then I think whether or not Legends Plate Arceus is busted would be much more debatable since while it is strong, Arceus still isn't OHKOing most mons the same way Kyogre or Zacian are and pressure mons would be able to stall it out much more easily, esp if they run Protect. Hell, even if Judgement PP stays at 10, Arceus would still have the issue of having to deal w/ a reasonably strong counter in Confide Chansey (which is a set that's really good at handling many other Special attackers in Ubers like Eternatus) as well as some other super effective damage limiters like Necrozma Dusk-Mane. Ultimately, I think it would be busted still, but certainly not to the same degree as Mega Rayquaza or Zacian were. That's of course assuming that the Legends Plate will even be in Scarlet and Violet.

I might have gotten a bit too carried away with speculation there, but I do like thinking about this stuff since its pretty fun.

As for something that annoys me, the request in the Pokemon Home GTS suck! Pretty much 90% of the request that I see are some form of Furfrou which is annoying since these forms can only be found in Pokemon Go and I don't play that game too extensively. Based on the request that I've been seeing, Furfou forms genuinely seem like they are the most valuble thing on the GTS (even more valuable then Shiny Legendaries and the like). I'm hoping that Scarlet and Violet reintroduces Furfrou and makes it so that the forms can be transferred to Home to drastically de-value Furfrou and take away its stranglehold on the trading market.
Isn't that how Judgement works in Conquest?
Arceus has the Omnipotent ability in Conquest, which lets Judgment deal normal damage to Rock/Steel/Ghost. (It also recovers 1/8 HP per turn, ignores terrain height (Conquest mechanic), and increases evasion (not nearly as broken in Conquest).)

In the Battrio spin-off, Arceus can also automatically change its type to resist the current attack, so it automatically resists everything and has seven immunities. But this doesn't affect Judgment, which remains Normal-type.
I never had any, but there were some weird people thinking Chilled and Drowsy would have been something coming to the main series and not just an adaptation of the statuses for the battle system.

Drowsy? Nah, not needed when we have Confusion/Paralysis for possible turn skipping (and normal Sleep). If they want a "delayed Sleep" effect than there's Yawn which maybe could be used in other moves.

Chilled/Frostbite, that's tougher. It makes sense... but at the same time is still a copy of Burn. As off as it sounds, if there ever was an Ice-type move which would do something like this in the main game, it would likely just inflict normal Burn with maybe some additional programming to assure it doesn't affect Ice-types and maybe affect Fire-types (pretty much giving the move a Corrosion effect but for Burn instead of Poison).

I kinda hope they will keep the possibility to catch pokes without battling them (by flinging the pokeball directly at them) but I don't have a lot of hopes for that, might remain as "battle only".

I would put down money that mechanic is Legends only. Maybe at the very least we'll get a chance to throw one Poke Ball at a wild Pokemon but if it doesn't catch it'll immediately start a normal battle. Though I'd imagine we also wouldn't have to worry about getting knocked out (and lose some of our items).

There's also a lot more ways to mitigate advantageous types in the main battle system. It may well not be able to read immunities from items or abilities, and there's no reason it would be able to play around the type-reducing berries.

Would be a major hindsight if it didn't take Item & Abilities into account. Infact, since it only works with Judgement, might as well just have it double Judgement's Power and have it ignore the Type Chart, Abilities, and Held Items (maybe even bypass Protect (+ variants) and Light Screen/Aurora Veil).

Now, if it changed Arceus Type and it kept the change even after Judgment (or until it uses Judgement again on a different Pokemon), maybe that would be a different story. But as of right now, honestly, the Legend Plate feels underwhelming (certainly powerful when used with Judgement, but at the same time doesn't really play with Arceus's Type changing gimmick).

Some other past posts wanted to comment on:
The Blackthorn Gym is lava-themed even though every Pokémon used by the trainers there is aquatic.

Well the thing is while the Dragon-type Pokemon (aka Dratinin & Dragonair) can take the heat, not so much the humans. Luckily since Kingdra was discovered that gives them an excuse to have the Horsea family to provide the Gym trainers and Clair some much needed relief from the heat that should be melting their skin off.


When evolving Tyrogue, you'll get a Hitmonlee if its Attack is greater than its Defense, and a Hitmonchan if its Defense is greater than its Attack.

Now that they're changing around evolution methods these three should ditch the EVs and have Tyogue learn a kick (Low Sweep), punch (Power-Up Punch), and Rapid Spin to evolve.
Lag in Pokemon games when playing on real hardware just irks me. The most common examples given are the Gen 7 games on 3DS but I stumbled upon one that I hadn't heard about. I heard that Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon was filled with references to previous PMD games but I can't figure it out because the game is so laggy on my 2DS that it's borderline unplayable
Lag in Pokemon games when playing on real hardware just irks me. The most common examples given are the Gen 7 games on 3DS but I stumbled upon one that I hadn't heard about. I heard that Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon was filled with references to previous PMD games but I can't figure it out because the game is so laggy on my 2DS that it's borderline unplayable
I'm afraid that has more to do with the fact these games were way past what the 3ds hardware could handle than with the games themselves.

USUM were particularly infamous for 5 fps gameplay when weather + terrain effects were at play.
I'm afraid that has more to do with the fact these games were way past what the 3ds hardware could handle than with the games themselves.

USUM were particularly infamous for 5 fps gameplay when weather + terrain effects were at play.
Oh God yeah USUM were a nightmare to beat. As were those Horde encounters in Gen 6. Also as I'm trying to currently complete the NatDex on Platinum I noticed Hearthome City has a lot of lag when going through the town's center area. Not too annoying given that I just bike through it but it's still noticeable.

On the topic of SPMD, I'm thinking of copping a N3DS just to play it and see if it would even make a difference but who knows
Lag in Pokemon games when playing on real hardware just irks me. The most common examples given are the Gen 7 games on 3DS but I stumbled upon one that I hadn't heard about. I heard that Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon was filled with references to previous PMD games but I can't figure it out because the game is so laggy on my 2DS that it's borderline unplayable

I don't have an immediate source or hard backing for this, but I'm inclined to believe the games aren't "past what the 3DS hardware could handle" in the sense that they were particularly complicated or intensive like, for a random game to name, Yoshi's Island on the SNES (which had some issues with despawning objects in certain levels and had a chip installed to allow more advanced graphical effects). I think the more likely scenario is simply that the 3DS onward games have been rocky at optimization (both some mainline and some spin-offs), which could be for a variety of reasons such as questionable dev cycles, focus on features/ambition over performance, or lack of experience with the Hardware. Pokemon games even in their 2D entries were never technical marvels or even bug-catching experts, but outside of early Gen 4, they didn't usually have trouble simply running in normal gameplay to such an extent that the average player noticed or was impacted by it.

This is one reason I've been iffy about Pokemon's extremely frequent release schedule, because the Jump from 2D to full 3D for games with the asset scale and scope of most Pokemon games is daunting, and while XY were reasonable first attempts, the games have continued to have these hiccups since then even with projects that could reuse familiar assets or were built on an existing engine. I won't say longer dev cycles would be a magic bullet, but I imagine they'd do some good for getting more technically solid projects out.
I don't have an immediate source or hard backing for this, but I'm inclined to believe the games aren't "past what the 3DS hardware could handle" in the sense that they were particularly complicated or intensive like, for a random game to name, Yoshi's Island on the SNES (which had some issues with despawning objects in certain levels and had a chip installed to allow more advanced graphical effects). I think the more likely scenario is simply that the 3DS onward games have been rocky at optimization (both some mainline and some spin-offs), which could be for a variety of reasons such as questionable dev cycles, focus on features/ambition over performance, or lack of experience with the Hardware. Pokemon games even in their 2D entries were never technical marvels or even bug-catching experts, but outside of early Gen 4, they didn't usually have trouble simply running in normal gameplay to such an extent that the average player noticed or was impacted by it.

This is one reason I've been iffy about Pokemon's extremely frequent release schedule, because the Jump from 2D to full 3D for games with the asset scale and scope of most Pokemon games is daunting, and while XY were reasonable first attempts, the games have continued to have these hiccups since then even with projects that could reuse familiar assets or were built on an existing engine. I won't say longer dev cycles would be a magic bullet, but I imagine they'd do some good for getting more technically solid projects out.
I think you have a valid point as in general GF's questionable early decisions really only started to show when the move to 3d was made, as their ability to code for 3d has shown to be much worse than 2d and it took them ages even to get a optimized (kinda) version of SwSh.
They are at least making a lot of progress on this regard and honestly L.A. was EXTREMELY promising as far as 3d animation and optimization goes.

Sadly we all know that easier release schedule is never happening: they need the yearly releases to keep the other parts of the franchise going, you can't have the entire franchise have to stop just for GF to have more time.
While hte overworld lag (mostly found in XY than ORAS or Gen 7) is probably more on gamefreak, the in battle lag can be laid solely at the fact that the Pokemon models were so high poly. They really are high quality, Volcanion has more polys than, like, some player models in other HD games.

They clearly made them with the idea to continue use them for longer, it was clearly them looking forward at the cost of battle effects having more of an issue (though they slowly optimized it). Personally speaking Gen 7 was way more stable than XY, with the big exception being Totem Wishiwashi where the combination of the Totem Aura, the on-going rain AND the battle arena having splashing waves effects.
ANd the Battle Royal which had the questionable decision to have 8 models on screen at once and ran on 2 FPS even on the N3DS. But thats okay because literally no one anywhere cares about them

Really the fact that the battles could have a stable framerate in a number of instances, especially online, is kind of impressive.
Lag in Pokemon games when playing on real hardware just irks me. The most common examples given are the Gen 7 games on 3DS but I stumbled upon one that I hadn't heard about. I heard that Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon was filled with references to previous PMD games but I can't figure it out because the game is so laggy on my 2DS that it's borderline unplayable

It's clear as day that those games were made with the New 3DS in mind.

Not that that justifies anything in any way or form.
You know how BDSP went back to single-use TMs but gave you multiple copies?

What's annoying is that this method would have unironically been good had it been present in original DP.
They used it in Gen II for field moves that weren't HMs(Rock Smash and Headbutt). You got them for free in the wild, and then could buy them later. Which is PERFECT. Make us hunt for them, but then make them available in some other way. Nope, GF is locked to either of the two worse ways of doing TMs.
Infinite Use TMs is the actual perfect option every single time but here we are in hell world where they're either infinite use (but 90% of them are bad moves no one cares about) while all the good moves are in one-use grind-up-the-game TRs or BDSP's "some are given in multiple copies, some aren't, some are but only when you buy them from the Tower, they're all one use, have fun figuring that out"