Cool Weapon Mafia Game Thread

Shit we can do stuff with:
an vig
an RB
an redirect
an time knife thingy
some other shit that I have neglected to remember

lmk where we're putting everything, i imagine we vig a PoE, RB another PoE, and redirect a 3rd PoE onto themselves.
I meannn I'm town but like. I guess sure... also if this is the case then I don't know why I would drop my item steal randomly especially when my scum partners in this scenario being laurel and AG weren't there at the time. Like the thing is that you can lynch me, I will flip green and then you can go from there.

also apricity would the roleblock inform someone if they were roleblocked because it did not for me
part of me wants to meta the host for something to do with sheaths

we used to have images associated with these things but they had to be stopped in case the lightsaber got sheathed and we'd be able to tell if it was town or scum based on the colour.