Smogon Simple Questions & Suggestions Thread

Why doesn't every tier or smogon metagame (at least some important ones) have some interesting project like Lure That Thing, Next Best Thing, TeamBuilding Competition...?
Why doesn't every tier or smogon metagame (at least some important ones) have some interesting project like Lure That Thing, Next Best Thing, TeamBuilding Competition...?
A lot of these projects require community investment; in a lot of metagames, people don't use the subforums as much as, say, OverUsed does so the projects end up dying rather quickly. Good example of that could be seen in Ubers, where we tried almost everything you mentioned during gen 8 and it went well... For the first 3-4 weeks. People just lose interest aftee a while.
I understand what you are saying, indeed I was looking for those projects in Ubers, because not finding them in that tier seemed odd to me. Maybe we should reward commenting and posting in those Project in anyway, maybe with badges, points for something, recognition... idk, in order to increment the interest. Anyway thanks for answering
I understand what you are saying, indeed I was looking for those projects in Ubers, because not finding them in that tier seemed odd to me. Maybe we should reward commenting and posting in those Project in anyway, maybe with badges, points for something, recognition... idk, in order to increment the interest. Anyway thanks for answering
we do- good posts in threads that pertain to metagame development count for Ladybug and Community Contributor and are mostly actively tracked.
does anyone know how to add type icons to posts? I know there's a feature for adding sprites to posts, so I'm not sure if there's something similar for type icons or not. any help would be greatly appreciated!
does anyone know how to add type icons to posts? I know there's a feature for adding sprites to posts, so I'm not sure if there's something similar for type icons or not. any help would be greatly appreciated!

There's no built-in way to add type icons to post, so you'll just have to embed an image from somewhere else
Why does Kingambit learn Knock Off and Pursuit in nat dex? But it never learnt those moves. If it's because the pre evolution Bisharp does why doesn't Bisharp learn Kowtow?
How do people feel about a gamemode for gen 9/natdex where stealth rocks had its super effective multipliers removed and heavy-duty boots were removed? It would make so many more pokemon and team varieties viable. Finally pokemon like articuno and moltres can shine, bug and ice become fun semi-viable meme picks instead of completely unusable. Cinderace wouldnt be able to deny hazards and screens for an eternity while still being able to do what it already does thanks to not taking 25% from rocks. Stall would be so much more fun to play as and against (6 boots stall can die thanks). More than a handful setup sweepers would actually be viable in ou. SD Lucario can actually exist thanks to boots not protecting dragapult infinitely. Maybe bring back pursuit as well to make gholdengo easier to deal with in a meta without boots.

Also I think a tiering system based around each pokemon costing points accoring to their usage like what pokemon online had would be really cool. Wanna use caly-s? Go ahead, but the other pokemon on your team will have to be beedrill, noctowl, ariados, magcargo and wigglytuff. I've played smogon mons since gen 5 and while I have had fun in lower tiers, what I want to see is an OU-like meta thats not the same 15 mons on 90% of teams.

Also i think a gen 9 like meta with all pokemon and transfer moves except for toxic on non-poison/poison heal mons and maybe grass types and maybe without teleport would be cool. Mayhaps more changes would be nice/needed but i get that its hard to balance it all out while not making a cryptic metagame with a gigantic mandatory read changelog that would dissuade a lot of potential players.

I would absolutely love to see some of these changes implemented and i dont think they would be too big to scare away any existing or new players.
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How do people feel about a gamemode for gen 9/natdex where stealth rocks had its super effective multipliers removed and heavy-duty boots were removed? It would make so many more pokemon and team varieties viable. Finally pokemon like articuno and moltres can shine, bug and ice become fun semi-viable meme picks instead of completely unusable. Cinderace wouldnt be able to deny hazards and screens for an eternity while still being able to do what it already does thanks to not taking 25% from rocks. Stall would be so much more fun to play as and against (6 boots stall can die thanks). More than a handful setup sweepers would actually be viable in ou. SD Lucario can actually exist thanks to boots not protecting dragapult infinitely. Maybe bring back pursuit as well to make gholdengo easier to deal with in a meta without boots.

Also I think a tiering system based around each pokemon costing points accoring to their usage like what pokemon online had would be really cool. Wanna use caly-s? Go ahead, but the other pokemon on your team will have to be beedrill, noctowl, ariados, magcargo and wigglytuff. I've played smogon mons since gen 5 and while I have had fun in lower tiers, what I want to see is an OU-like meta thats not the same 15 mons on 90% of teams.

Also i think a gen 9 like meta with all pokemon and transfer moves except for toxic on non-poison/poison heal mons and maybe grass types and maybe without teleport would be cool. Mayhaps more changes would be nice/needed but i get that its hard to balance it all out while not making a cryptic metagame with a gigantic mandatory read changelog that would dissuade a lot of potential players.

I would absolutely love to see some of these changes implemented and i dont think they would be too big to scare away any existing or new players.
This would most likely fall under Pet Mods which you can check out in their subforum here.
I dont'
Welcome to Smogon, the premier competitive battling Pokemon website! If you're new to the forums or competitive battling in general and looking for help on how things work around here, feel free to ask any questions you have in this thread.

Please keep in mind that this is not an introduction thread, so do include relevant queries in your posts. You're more than welcome to ask questions regarding competitive battling, our forums in general, or how to get involved in a particular section of the website, and we'll be happy to help you out or direct you to the appropriate resource.

We'll do our best to answer every question in this thread, but if your question relates to a specific part of the forums, you'll likely get a much quicker answer there. For your convenience, here are links to the Simple Questions & Answers threads in Smogon's various forums:
If your question pertains to any of these areas, please use the forum-specific SQSAs.

There are also several other threads in the Information & Resources forum which might contain the information you're looking for:
  • Introduction to Smogon - Provides an introduction to the website and information regarding our various resources and contribution opportunities.
  • Global Forum Rules - You know what these are; you should read them.
  • Competitive Battling FAQ - A basic introduction to competitive battling. If you're completely new to the competitive aspect of Pokemon, then this thread will give you a solid foundation to build from.
  • Tiering FAQ - A useful introductory resource to Smogon's tiering processes.
  • Badge FAQ - A rundown of Smogon's contribution/staff-based awards for contribution: badges. Also, their Badge Leaders.
  • Smogon Staff & Promotions - Contains a list of all staff members and the section of the site they moderate.
  • Smogon Discord Server Directory - All of Smogon's Discord servers are here, ranging from OverUsed to Circus Maximus!
If your question is related to base stats, moves or abilities, it'd be a good idea to check out the SWSH research thread or the Past Generations research thread depending on the game.

Here is a short list of very frequently asked questions that you can consult before asking your own question, as the answer you're looking for may already be here.
Q: Can we delete inactive accounts with 0 posts?
We're not deleting inactive accounts because chances are an older user could return and want their account back. The most that'll probably be done is name changes if a user is desperate for the name. But in general a purge is very unlikely in the near future.

Q: What is an alert?
Alerts are notifications that you receive in the dropdown in the top right corner of the forum index. You get an alert if you've posted in a thread and there are new replies, you've been tagged by someone in a post, you're watching a forum and there are new threads, you're watching a thread and there are new replies, if you receive a "Like" on a post, if someone follows you, and if you receive a visitor message on your profile. Furthermore, if you don't want to receive alerts for any or all of these things, you can toggle your preferences in the Control Panel.

Q: What are followers and how do you get them?
Followers are a very minor quirk of the forum system that Smogon uses. Following someone is simply a way of seeing whether or not they are online more easily, as they appear on the index underneath the "Staff Online Now" list. Furthermore, you can use the news feed to see what the people you follow are doing around the forum, from when they change their avatar to what post they just "Liked". You don't gain or lose anything from having a lot of followers or following other people, but it can be a fun way to connect with other users and keep up with your friends on Smogon.

Q: Why do only some staff appear on the "Staff Online Now" list?
The "Staff Online Now" list exclusively shows Super Moderators and Administrators. Furthermore, some staff members have their online visibility private, and they will not show up on the "Staff Online Now" list if that is the case.

Q: What is hyperlinking and how do you do it?
Hyperlinking text or images means that you are assigning a URL to said text or image so that it redirects you to the URL when you click it. To hyperlink something, wrap URL tags around the text or image, like so:
[URL=URL]text you want to hyperlink[/URL]
Alternatively, you can highlight the text or image, click the chain icon in the post format toolbar, and paste your link in the text box. This will automatically embed the link the selected content.

Q: How do you tag someone in a post?
You can tag users by putting an "@" before their username, e.g.
@Username123 . In order to link to someone's profile, you can also use the member ID found at the end of the profile URL and place it between the following tags:

So to link Quite Quiet's profile, it would look like the following:

[USER=196780]Quite Quiet[/USER]

However, unlike tags, this does not send them a notification.

Q: How do you get a name/ profile details change?
You may post in this thread, and wait for a staff member to go through it.

Q: How do you post an image?
If you have a URL ending in a valid file extension (.png, .jpeg, .gif, etc.), you can paste it within [IMG][/IMG] tags. This will embed an image in your post. Alternatively, you can click the portrait icon in the post toolbar and paste your link there, which automatically embeds your image in a post.

Q: How do you change your avatar?
Click on your username in the top right corner of the index and hover over your current avatar in the dropdown menu. If you click the "Edit" button in the pop-up, you can upload an image from your computer to Smogon. You can also click on your avatar directly if you are viewing your own profile. Furthermore, if you have a Gravatar account, you can simply input your email and activate your Gravatar on Smogon.

Q: How do you private message someone?
On Smogon, "private messages" are just known as conversations, and you can start them with multiple people at once! To do so, hover over the "Inbox" button in the top right corner of the index and click "Start a new conversation". In the new window, type your participants in the first box; if you have more than one person you want to send a private message to, separate their usernames with a comma (,). In the next box, you can choose a title for the conversation. In the last box, just type your message, then click "Start a Conversation" and your PM will be sent.

Q: What is a "CT"?
"CT" is an abbreviation for "custom title", the term the Smogon forum uses to identify the text underneath a member's username and avatar in their postbit. Regular members don't have the ability to edit their CT, but after becoming a badgeholder (a member that's been awarded a badge for their on-site contributions), a member can freely edit their CT. There are some cases in which non-badgeholders have a CT, such as if a member gets a username change and the CT is "formerly [their old username]", or if they have Nitro Boosted the official Smogon Discord server.

Q: How do you post a YouTube video?
To post a video, all you have to do is take the part of a YouTube URL after the "v=" and put it in [media=youtube][/media] tags. For example, to post this video, you should take what's at the end (1yw1Tgj9-VU) and place it between the aforementioned tags, like so: [media=youtube]1yw1Tgj9-VU[/media]. You can also use the media section of the post format toolbar.

Q: How do you use hide tags?
Hide tags, or "spoiler tags", as they're referred to on other boards, are exactly what they sound like: a hidden message. These hidden messages will appear with an orange background a gray text box which will either say "Show Hide" or "Example (open)". The code to create this box is [HIDE][/HIDE] or [HIDE=Example][/HIDE] alternatively. If left without an equal sign, the box's title will simply be Hide. The example area is where to put your hide tag's title; for example, a tag for all Gen 1 Pokemon would be [HIDE=Gen 1][/HIDE].

Q: How do you quote a post?
Clicking on 'Reply' (located on the bottom right of someone's post) will automatically quote the post for you. [quote] Message [/quote] will also quote the post, but it won't tag the user of the post. You can click "Reply" on multiple posts to respond to more than one quote at once. You can also highlight parts of a user's message and click on the "Reply" tag that shows up to only quote specific portions.

Q: What is a VM?
VM is a "Visitor Message" and is the equivalent to posting on somebody's wall for Facebook, or any social media along those lines. This is where easy interactions and communication will occur. Every user has a page for VMs, but privacy settings can be set to turn this ability off. To do exactly this, click on your name in the top right corner of the forum index, then click on "Privacy" and adjust the setting next to "Allow users to post messages on your profile page". Simply clicking on a user's name will pull up this page and where it says "Write a message" is where the post will go when this privacy setting is not activated.

Q: What are badges and what do they do?
Badges are rewarded to users that contribute to the site. Having a badge allows you to have a larger filesize avatar and access to a discussion board for contributors to the community. More information about badges and how to earn them can be found here. A list of all of Smogon's badgeholders can be found here.

Q: What are trophy points?
Trophy points are part of Xenforo, the forum software Smogon uses. There is currently no use for them.

Q: Where can I find damage calculations?
You can find the most recently updated damage calculator here.

Q: Where can I trade Pokemon?
The primary place on Smogon to find others to trade Pokemon with would be the Wi-Fi section, as there's tons of shops there to choose from, and quick/minor trade can be posted in this thread. If you want live interaction with other traders/breeders, you can check out the Wi-Fi room on Pokemon Showdown! Remember, hacking is strictly frowned upon on Smogon and most places promoting otherwise legitimate trade practices. Have some integrity.

Q: How do I see past Smogon bans/suspect tests?
There is a listing of threads that contain past suspect tests in the Blind Voting forum, but there's no currently existing compendium of suspect tests or bans for most tiers in generations prior to Generation 8, but a full list of tiering decisions made this generation can be found here.

If you can't find the answer you're looking for above, then we encourage you to use this thread!

If you spot an error on one of the site pages (such as a Pokemon being listed in the wrong tier in the Strategydex), post here.
Welcome to Smogon, the premier competitive battling Pokemon website! If you're new to the forums or competitive battling in general and looking for help on how things work around here, feel free to ask any questions you have in this thread.

Please keep in mind that this is not an introduction thread, so do include relevant queries in your posts. You're more than welcome to ask questions regarding competitive battling, our forums in general, or how to get involved in a particular section of the website, and we'll be happy to help you out or direct you to the appropriate resource.

We'll do our best to answer every question in this thread, but if your question relates to a specific part of the forums, you'll likely get a much quicker answer there. For your convenience, here are links to the Simple Questions & Answers threads in Smogon's various forums:
If your question pertains to any of these areas, please use the forum-specific SQSAs.

There are also several other threads in the Information & Resources forum which might contain the information you're looking for:
  • Introduction to Smogon - Provides an introduction to the website and information regarding our various resources and contribution opportunities.
  • Global Forum Rules - You know what these are; you should read them.
  • Competitive Battling FAQ - A basic introduction to competitive battling. If you're completely new to the competitive aspect of Pokemon, then this thread will give you a solid foundation to build from.
  • Tiering FAQ - A useful introductory resource to Smogon's tiering processes.
  • Badge FAQ - A rundown of Smogon's contribution/staff-based awards for contribution: badges. Also, their Badge Leaders.
  • Smogon Staff & Promotions - Contains a list of all staff members and the section of the site they moderate.
  • Smogon Discord Server Directory - All of Smogon's Discord servers are here, ranging from OverUsed to Circus Maximus!
If your question is related to base stats, moves or abilities, it'd be a good idea to check out the SWSH research thread or the Past Generations research thread depending on the game.

Here is a short list of very frequently asked questions that you can consult before asking your own question, as the answer you're looking for may already be here.
Q: Can we delete inactive accounts with 0 posts?
We're not deleting inactive accounts because chances are an older user could return and want their account back. The most that'll probably be done is name changes if a user is desperate for the name. But in general a purge is very unlikely in the near future.

Q: What is an alert?
Alerts are notifications that you receive in the dropdown in the top right corner of the forum index. You get an alert if you've posted in a thread and there are new replies, you've been tagged by someone in a post, you're watching a forum and there are new threads, you're watching a thread and there are new replies, if you receive a "Like" on a post, if someone follows you, and if you receive a visitor message on your profile. Furthermore, if you don't want to receive alerts for any or all of these things, you can toggle your preferences in the Control Panel.

Q: What are followers and how do you get them?
Followers are a very minor quirk of the forum system that Smogon uses. Following someone is simply a way of seeing whether or not they are online more easily, as they appear on the index underneath the "Staff Online Now" list. Furthermore, you can use the news feed to see what the people you follow are doing around the forum, from when they change their avatar to what post they just "Liked". You don't gain or lose anything from having a lot of followers or following other people, but it can be a fun way to connect with other users and keep up with your friends on Smogon.

Q: Why do only some staff appear on the "Staff Online Now" list?
The "Staff Online Now" list exclusively shows Super Moderators and Administrators. Furthermore, some staff members have their online visibility private, and they will not show up on the "Staff Online Now" list if that is the case.

Q: What is hyperlinking and how do you do it?
Hyperlinking text or images means that you are assigning a URL to said text or image so that it redirects you to the URL when you click it. To hyperlink something, wrap URL tags around the text or image, like so:
[URL=URL]text you want to hyperlink[/URL]
Alternatively, you can highlight the text or image, click the chain icon in the post format toolbar, and paste your link in the text box. This will automatically embed the link the selected content.

Q: How do you tag someone in a post?
You can tag users by putting an "@" before their username, e.g.
@Username123 . In order to link to someone's profile, you can also use the member ID found at the end of the profile URL and place it between the following tags:

So to link Quite Quiet's profile, it would look like the following:

[USER=196780]Quite Quiet[/USER]

However, unlike tags, this does not send them a notification.

Q: How do you get a name/ profile details change?
You may post in this thread, and wait for a staff member to go through it.

Q: How do you post an image?
If you have a URL ending in a valid file extension (.png, .jpeg, .gif, etc.), you can paste it within [IMG][/IMG] tags. This will embed an image in your post. Alternatively, you can click the portrait icon in the post toolbar and paste your link there, which automatically embeds your image in a post.

Q: How do you change your avatar?
Click on your username in the top right corner of the index and hover over your current avatar in the dropdown menu. If you click the "Edit" button in the pop-up, you can upload an image from your computer to Smogon. You can also click on your avatar directly if you are viewing your own profile. Furthermore, if you have a Gravatar account, you can simply input your email and activate your Gravatar on Smogon.

Q: How do you private message someone?
On Smogon, "private messages" are just known as conversations, and you can start them with multiple people at once! To do so, hover over the "Inbox" button in the top right corner of the index and click "Start a new conversation". In the new window, type your participants in the first box; if you have more than one person you want to send a private message to, separate their usernames with a comma (,). In the next box, you can choose a title for the conversation. In the last box, just type your message, then click "Start a Conversation" and your PM will be sent.

Q: What is a "CT"?
"CT" is an abbreviation for "custom title", the term the Smogon forum uses to identify the text underneath a member's username and avatar in their postbit. Regular members don't have the ability to edit their CT, but after becoming a badgeholder (a member that's been awarded a badge for their on-site contributions), a member can freely edit their CT. There are some cases in which non-badgeholders have a CT, such as if a member gets a username change and the CT is "formerly [their old username]", or if they have Nitro Boosted the official Smogon Discord server.

Q: How do you post a YouTube video?
To post a video, all you have to do is take the part of a YouTube URL after the "v=" and put it in [media=youtube][/media] tags. For example, to post this video, you should take what's at the end (1yw1Tgj9-VU) and place it between the aforementioned tags, like so: [media=youtube]1yw1Tgj9-VU[/media]. You can also use the media section of the post format toolbar.

Q: How do you use hide tags?
Hide tags, or "spoiler tags", as they're referred to on other boards, are exactly what they sound like: a hidden message. These hidden messages will appear with an orange background a gray text box which will either say "Show Hide" or "Example (open)". The code to create this box is [HIDE][/HIDE] or [HIDE=Example][/HIDE] alternatively. If left without an equal sign, the box's title will simply be Hide. The example area is where to put your hide tag's title; for example, a tag for all Gen 1 Pokemon would be [HIDE=Gen 1][/HIDE].

Q: How do you quote a post?
Clicking on 'Reply' (located on the bottom right of someone's post) will automatically quote the post for you. [quote] Message [/quote] will also quote the post, but it won't tag the user of the post. You can click "Reply" on multiple posts to respond to more than one quote at once. You can also highlight parts of a user's message and click on the "Reply" tag that shows up to only quote specific portions.

Q: What is a VM?
VM is a "Visitor Message" and is the equivalent to posting on somebody's wall for Facebook, or any social media along those lines. This is where easy interactions and communication will occur. Every user has a page for VMs, but privacy settings can be set to turn this ability off. To do exactly this, click on your name in the top right corner of the forum index, then click on "Privacy" and adjust the setting next to "Allow users to post messages on your profile page". Simply clicking on a user's name will pull up this page and where it says "Write a message" is where the post will go when this privacy setting is not activated.

Q: What are badges and what do they do?
Badges are rewarded to users that contribute to the site. Having a badge allows you to have a larger filesize avatar and access to a discussion board for contributors to the community. More information about badges and how to earn them can be found here. A list of all of Smogon's badgeholders can be found here.

Q: What are trophy points?
Trophy points are part of Xenforo, the forum software Smogon uses. There is currently no use for them.

Q: Where can I find damage calculations?
You can find the most recently updated damage calculator here.

Q: Where can I trade Pokemon?
The primary place on Smogon to find others to trade Pokemon with would be the Wi-Fi section, as there's tons of shops there to choose from, and quick/minor trade can be posted in this thread. If you want live interaction with other traders/breeders, you can check out the Wi-Fi room on Pokemon Showdown! Remember, hacking is strictly frowned upon on Smogon and most places promoting otherwise legitimate trade practices. Have some integrity.

Q: How do I see past Smogon bans/suspect tests?
There is a listing of threads that contain past suspect tests in the Blind Voting forum, but there's no currently existing compendium of suspect tests or bans for most tiers in generations prior to Generation 8, but a full list of tiering decisions made this generation can be found here.

If you can't find the answer you're looking for above, then we encourage you to use this thread!

If you spot an error on one of the site pages (such as a Pokemon being listed in the wrong tier in the Strategydex), post here.
I don't understend how to participe AT a compétition .Can somebody help me ??
I dont'

I don't understend how to participe AT a compétition .Can somebody help me ??
Check this forum (and this too) [Tournaments / PS Tournaments forum] and type "in" if the tournament you want to join is in Signups or [Accepting Substitutes] phase. Make sure to read the rules / check the format before joining stuff tho.

Have fun and I hope you enjoy smogon :blobnom:

What happened to sleep clause in SV doubles OU? I vaguely remember now there was some discussion on this, but cannot find it back. Colour me the fool when for games on end I was not using Spore on more than 1 mon, and suddenly my opponent started basically spamming it
So little story time, I got into smogon mainly through False Swipe Videos. During some of his commentary he talked about how you could tech for certain resists and matchups with hidden power. Since it was removed in Gen 8 I have never used it, or understood its impact. Was it powerful/game winning if you got to pull it off? How 'powerful' was it?
So little story time, I got into smogon mainly through False Swipe Videos. During some of his commentary he talked about how you could tech for certain resists and matchups with hidden power. Since it was removed in Gen 8 I have never used it, or understood its impact. Was it powerful/game winning if you got to pull it off? How 'powerful' was it?
Very powerful basically allowed special attackers too "pick" their counterplay and toy with metagame trends, For example Gastrodon/Jellicent were popular for how they checked Keldeo in BW so it just slapped on HP Grass and poof dropped on the switch. Overall im glad the move is gone but it definitely made special attackers one hell of a lot better.
So little story time, I got into smogon mainly through False Swipe Videos. During some of his commentary he talked about how you could tech for certain resists and matchups with hidden power. Since it was removed in Gen 8 I have never used it, or understood its impact. Was it powerful/game winning if you got to pull it off? How 'powerful' was it?
I think the best way to conceptualize it is you just have on any special or mixed attacker a random coverage move for whatever you want. Usually it’s kinda shitty unless it’s a 4x weakness but it obv depends. It definitely changed a lot about the game
could i get a definition for the term 'suicide lead'? I'm pretty sure i know but I would just like to clarify.
A Pokémon designed to accomplish its goal (hazards, screens, trick room, whatever) and then die immediately after (being ko’d, explosion, final gambit/memento, whatever) for something else to come in and make use of its setup.
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Reactions: R8
could i get a definition for the term 'suicide lead'? I'm pretty sure i know but I would just like to clarify.
A Pokémon designed to accomplish its goal (hazards, screens, trick room, whatever) and then die immediately after (being ko’d, explosion, final gambit/memento, whatever) for something else to come in and make use of its setup.
A bit of additional info: it may also do other things (whether that be keeping rocks off w spin [excadrill] defog [aerodactyl], taunting [loads], or even paralyzing). The fundamental idea is you are accepting playing 5v6 if you have hazards/screens/whatever up and a free switch (eg if they use a water type to kill your lead, then you can go to your grass type and apply pressure). Explosion etc are not necessary but often do appear - often they just roll w a sash
I have actually a trouble with my Showdown sometimes it's normal but when I connecté sometimes I Lost all my teams and m'y saves are erase too. Do you know how Can I fixe this ???