Unpopular opinions

Dark feels like it's a bit torn as to whether it should be resisted by more. It has a lot of moves that have conditional damage (e.g. Pursuit, Assurance, Lash Out, Power Trip, to an extent Sucker Punch), where it makes sense to have a lot of neutral hits because they have a separate 'minigame' going on to determine if they hit hard. On the other hand, there's nothing stopping an offensive mon from just using Dark Pulse, Crunch, or a (former) signature move like Darkest Lariat or Kowtow Cleave.
Dark feels like it's a bit torn as to whether it should be resisted by more. It has a lot of moves that have conditional damage (e.g. Pursuit, Assurance, Lash Out, Power Trip, to an extent Sucker Punch), where it makes sense to have a lot of neutral hits because they have a separate 'minigame' going on to determine if they hit hard. On the other hand, there's nothing stopping an offensive mon from just using Dark Pulse, Crunch, or a (former) signature move like Darkest Lariat or Kowtow Cleave.
Don’t forget Knock Off during Gen 6-8 for “just use this move instead”, and the cass is for Dark-type Pokémon that still have it.

Water have a similar situation from Gen 5-8 with Scald, where despite a lot of options for Water-type special attackers like Brine, it quickly degenerates into “just spam Scald, lmao”, as too many Water Pokémon can use it despite 80 BP and 30% chance of burning combined.
Dark feels like it's a bit torn as to whether it should be resisted by more. It has a lot of moves that have conditional damage (e.g. Pursuit, Assurance, Lash Out, Power Trip, to an extent Sucker Punch), where it makes sense to have a lot of neutral hits because they have a separate 'minigame' going on to determine if they hit hard. On the other hand, there's nothing stopping an offensive mon from just using Dark Pulse, Crunch, or a (former) signature move like Darkest Lariat or Kowtow Cleave.

Given that Dark's whole thing is underhanded tactics and cheating, it's interesting there aren't any Dark moves that work like Freeze-Dry and hit things they shouldn't super-effectively, or turn neutral hits into super-effective ones. It's not hard to imagine the flavour for that sort of move being "the user sneakily subverts expectations to always hit super-effectively" or something to that effect.
Given that Dark's whole thing is underhanded tactics and cheating, it's interesting there aren't any Dark moves that work like Freeze-Dry and hit things they shouldn't super-effectively, or turn neutral hits into super-effective ones. It's not hard to imagine the flavour for that sort of move being "the user sneakily subverts expectations to always hit super-effectively" or something to that effect.
Now that you mention it, I'm surprised it took all the way until gen 9 for there to be a Dark-type with Tinted Lens.
I feel Bug and Steel should resist Dark.
Fighting resists dark and it's connected to the Kamen Rider cultural ref, yet Bug oddly doesn't despite being the more direct hero type for that connection. Bug is still SE too, yet most aren't really aware due to how poor move options were till later

Steel it's more due to how unfair how gimped Psychic is. It gets me cuz Fairy being SE on Dark was cuz Bisharp's presence Gen 5 comp, yet...they remove a resist? And then buff Knock Off? Baffling

Also Shadow Tag no longer tagging shadows (Ghost types) will forever be dumb to me
Don’t forget Knock Off during Gen 6-8 for “just use this move instead”, and the cass is for Dark-type Pokémon that still have it.

Water have a similar situation from Gen 5-8 with Scald, where despite a lot of options for Water-type special attackers like Brine, it quickly degenerates into “just spam Scald, lmao”, as too many Water Pokémon can use it despite 80 BP and 30% chance of burning combined.
At least in the case of Scald, the move played into Water's general theme of "offense and defense simultaneously". Post-buff Knock Off still sometimes plays into Dark's theme of "cool utility stuff" when used by defensive or special-attacking mons, but most physical-attacking mons (especially Dark- and Fighting-types) just use it as "big damage what remove items"
Thinking about it, Psychic sort of feels similar to how Dragon type is.
Where the type itself isn’t considered all that good because the focus of ghost & dark/fairy types respectively holding them back, but because they have so many strong Pokémon if you buff the type it could easily lead to things getting out of hand.
Like how removing Steels resistances to Ghost and Dark allowed their usage to increase heavily the past few gens with Mons like Dragapult, Calyrex, Kingambit and Flutter Mane. The same could easily happen with psychic types like Lele and Dusk Mane/Dawn wings if they removed an offensive resistance.

My Pokemon Mainline Game Tier List
I will willingly play the games in “I’m ok with their existence”, and BDSP is ment to be in “I’m ok with their existence.”
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View attachment 564955
My Pokemon Mainline Game Tier List
I will willingly play the games in “I’m ok with their existence”, and BDSP is ment to be in “I’m ok with their existence.”
If i were to do such list it's only have 2 rows, a "Fine game with flaws" with the latest release, and a "Why would I play this old game instead of the last one" with all the others.
View attachment 564955
My Pokemon Mainline Game Tier List
I will willingly play the games in “I’m ok with their existence”, and BDSP is ment to be in “I’m ok with their existence.”
Pretty decent tier list, all things considered, even if you’re one of the few people I’ve seen who would rank Scarlet & Violet this highly. I think part of the issue with a lot of the games is how many of them tend to render other games useless by comparison. More specifically, the combination of third versions and remakes eventually makes it so there’s literally no reason to go back to an original pair of versions most of the time.
Pretty decent tier list, all things considered, even if you’re one of the few people I’ve seen who would rank Scarlet & Violet this highly. I think part of the issue with a lot of the games is how many of them tend to render other games useless by comparison. More specifically, the combination of third versions and remakes eventually makes it so there’s literally no reason to go back to an original pair of versions most of the time.
The reason I rank it highly is because I have played online games on a Chromebook at McDonald’s, those who complain about that merely adopted the bugs and lag, I was born in it, molded by it. Jokes aside, I have played Minecraft 1.17.1 with experiments on, it was something special lets just say that.
How I judge games is based on there story and there Pokémon selection.
My mainline game tier list categories would probably be like
  • Can always start up a new run and trust that I'll have a good time
  • Good enough that I regularly forget its flaws, but flawed enough that I'm always a little disappointed when I come back to it
  • Won't replay unless I have a very specific challenge run idea that seems fun enough to paper over (or make use of!) the game's shortcomings
  • Never again (unless......)
View attachment 564961
We need this death battle matchup, it would be sick, give me your thoughts on it, and who you think wins. I believe it would be Koraidon, ynow, the one who can split continental crust with a punch
Is it specifically Razewing Rathalos/Ratha from Monster Hunter Stories 2, or just any Rathalos, not like I expect Death Battle to do good research anyway.
Is it specifically Razewing Rathalos/Ratha from Monster Hunter Stories 2, or just any Rathalos, not like I expect Death Battle to do good research anyway.
Razewing, and from what I know, I think Koraidon wins.
He can jump 65 feet into the air, is immensly powerful for his size according to his Pokedex entries and the Pokemon SV website, is very durable, and has insane stamina
I think these things are silly, but I feel obligated to mention that an average Rathalos is about 55 feet in length from head to tail. Stories has a chibi art style, so this might be hard to grasp comparing directly with it, but a Rathalos is typically several times Koraidon's size. Eternatus (65 feet long) is the only Pokemon of comparable size.
Razewing Ratha has no canon statistics, with fanon esimates between 18-74 feet in length. But size isnt everything, as power also matters, as well as speed and mobility.
Exhibit A;
ScarletThis seems to be the Winged King mentioned in an old expedition journal. It was said to have split the land with its bare fists.
I know the Pokedex exagerates, but this is a legendary Pokemon, this is feasable
Interpreting this as crack the continental crust, a strike as powerful as the one that wiped out the dinosaurs, the KT meteor, wasnt strong enough, so Koraidon is fucking rediculous if that is canon
Koraidons full power punch is greater than 8000 Fat Man's (the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima)
Basically, in pure destructive power, Koraidon is not being beat by Razewing Rathalos
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