Post your searing hot takes

Highkey have a mild grudge against Netflix One Piece. Prior to its release it truly felt like, at least to me, that we were seeing the tail-end of these god-awful live action remakes of animated properties. Disney's income stream off their renaissance movie remakes was drying up, PR around the concept continued to be in the gutter, it felt like the end was nigh and the corpos were just a few more flops away from finally giving up. Then Oda and co. managed to put together something competent and its reward was breaking all sorts of Netflix viewership records so now we're probably locked in for at least another half a decade of cinematic refuse because of moron execs not realizing the highly specific circumstances that made a sort of international "relaunch" for One Piece actually sensible
USA are the main Cause of pollution in the world, nO one can prove me wrong
There are sexier drawings than others :zonger:
(Not derailing the thread towards anime waifus...)
Nico Robin, Princess Daisy and Helen Parr are the girls

Anyways, enough degeneracy for this fiscal quarter. Here's another hot take

I sometimes feel like TV writers never went to high school or college. All media about HS and college depict it as this lively and important place, with parties and all that shit whilst never really getting into the academics of it all. They never show how dull and boring HS is and how frustrating college can be with all the deadlines you have. There's a never depiction of learning or anger with an incompetent teacher. There's weirdly enough always this depiction of people's entire social lives surrounding these places, which I can absolutely not confirm, 100% of my social life was outside of HS and 95% of it was outside of college
cartoons as in like drawings > computer animation

(good on both sides but lets be honest to each other which side really lives with us more and and got more heaters lol)
I don't like when games have like sliders for things like physics. Like, "more options is better", is it? I'd rather the designer just base the game around one thing. If you make so many options then you need to make your game world work fine with all of that, which means it's going to end up being more generic.

Ftr this isn't against options that are more quantifiable. Like I think having two physics options is reasonable. Especially when you can then easily have edits of levels to make one not impossible if necessary. But having so many options makes an optimal experience for each one unfeasible
ok, this one im pretty sure that most of you are not going to know anything about, but trust me, in this slightly obscure community im in, this song is largely considered a bop. i, however, find it absolutely terrible, and i need someone to verify that i am not going insane. this is the song:
please, everyone is saying that this song is one of, if not, the best in the series, and i dont know what they are talking about
ok, this one im pretty sure that most of you are not going to know anything about, but trust me, in this slightly obscure community im in, this song is largely considered a bop. i, however, find it absolutely terrible, and i need someone to verify that i am not going insane. this is the song:
please, everyone is saying that this song is one of, if not, the best in the series, and i dont know what they are talking about
something tells me Gametal cover has made people talk about this song more

I love it because I feel like it has an amazing tone. I kinda wish it was more grungy around 0:30 though, but like that's fine. Overall I think it's a bop I'm sorry
something tells me Gametal cover has made people talk about this song more

I love it because I feel like it has an amazing tone. I kinda wish it was more grungy around 0:30 though, but like that's fine. Overall I think it's a bop I'm sorry
to be honest, my main problem with it is that the opener actively makes me want to cry. the rest of the song is fine, and has some neet progression, but is nowhere neer good enough to make up for the opener. the tone is good, and i do see what they were going for with the start, and if it were another instrement i wouldnt hate it nearly as much, but the opener is so grating. and yes, the gametal cover is what reminded me of this song. if you want a song from the series that does everything better, listen to tough guy alert.
to be honest, my main problem with it is that the opener actively makes me want to cry. the rest of the song is fine, and has some neet progression, but is nowhere neer good enough to make up for the opener. the tone is good, and i do see what they were going for with the start, and if it were another instrement i wouldnt hate it nearly as much, but the opener is so grating. and yes, the gametal cover is what reminded me of this song. if you want a song from the series that does everything better, listen to tough guy alert.
I am a mario/luigi fan ftr, my issue with Tough Guy Alert is that it feels too whimsical and unserious, even when it goes to its most serious point I think Dream Team does it better sorryyyy
I am a mario/luigi fan ftr, my issue with Tough Guy Alert is that it feels too whimsical and unserious, even when it goes to its most serious point I think Dream Team does it better sorryyyy
funnily enough, thats also how i feel about never let up. i think big bang also outdoes never let up in every way. that being said, i jsut realized i dont hate never let up as much as i used to. the opener isnt as grating as it used to be, and i enjoy the other parts more. still think it is hella overated, but to each there own. as long as you agree that the best song from the series is destroy the dark power.
Writing/English teachers should be required to take linguistics courses. Trying to explain rules that you don't know the foundations of is unhelpful and, frankly, embarrassing.
Writing/English teachers should be required to take linguistics courses. Trying to explain rules that you don't know the foundations of is unhelpful and, frankly, embarrassing.
one problem with that buckaroo. famous wrighters have been making gramar mistakes for centuries. and there isnt a difinitive guide for language, as language is constantly evolving and changing. meme is in the dictonary now. books dont decide grammar, we do. you can say its figuratively all you want, but if more people disagree with you than agree with you, its litterally, and there is litterally nothing you can do about it. the book can say whatever it wants, but it cant control how we talk. and how we talk is language. if i get enough people to agree that language is spelled langwage, that is how it is spelled, and no amount of books can change that. language is how we communicate, so our comunication is what defines language. also, as someone once said, english isnt a language, it is three laguages in a trenchcoat.
one problem with that buckaroo. famous wrighters have been making gramar mistakes for centuries. and there isnt a difinitive guide for language, as language is constantly evolving and changing. meme is in the dictonary now. books dont decide grammar, we do. you can say its figuratively all you want, but if more people disagree with you than agree with you, its litterally, and there is litterally nothing you can do about it. the book can say whatever it wants, but it cant control how we talk. and how we talk is language. if i get enough people to agree that language is spelled langwage, that is how it is spelled, and no amount of books can change that. language is how we communicate, so our comunication is what defines language. also, as someone once said, english isnt a language, it is three laguages in a trenchcoat.
See, the funny thing is that I agree that language can be fluid. What bothers me is that not only are hard and fast rules being set despite communication not being like that, those rules are being set and explained badly. Like, English could switch to OSV word order any time it feels like, but it does not currently switch between SVO and OSV based on passive/active voice, which you can tell based on the few case endings it still has.
See, the funny thing is that I agree that language can be fluid. What bothers me is that not only are hard and fast rules being set despite communication not being like that, those rules are being set and explained badly. Like, English could switch to OSV word order any time it feels like, but it does not currently switch between SVO and OSV based on passive/active voice, which you can tell based on the few case endings it still has.
dude, USA english classes still use The Things They Carried which has maybe some of the most annoying fucking formatting styles I've ever read

if we want to make one formalized ruleset, we can't be using examples like this to teach

overall, writers just get weird with it and kind of always had, so I get why there isn't that much focus on it in classes like that