Ace Emerald
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  • Ace Emerald do you think that i made a good explanation about mawile of moving into A- in VGC 15 viability rankings.Its really important for me to know.You replied to it but i really want to hear it short and clear.
    Ace Emerald
    Ace Emerald
    It wasn't a bad post. But it could use some work to better convince players that Mawile is A- material. I don't say any of this to be mean or discourage you, I want to provide you with honest feedback because it looks like that's what you're after. Your argument should be more in depth. It should include specific calculations from a Pokémon damage calculator. It should include some calculations for all common match ups. How much does lando do to it? How much does Heatran do to it? How much does it do to venusaur? Again, these should be from a calculator, not just you stating how much they did one time. In addition, you really need to consider how something works in practice versus on paper. Example: on paper, it looks like an aegislash check. Sucker punch does a lot and dodges kings shield. But in practice, aegi can do stuff like Substitute and draw mawile's attention, wasting turns. Another example: mawile moves really slowly, so you have consider that in practice, you have to have a way to ensure mawile stays alive through a turn where it could take 2 attacks before it can fire off 1. You need to consider how the metagame, with all its burns and intimidates, is going to treat a physical attacker. This is a lot of information so don't worry if you don't get it all at first. But if you follow those guidelines and try to paint a more complete image of the Pokémon, your arguments will be amazing and more convincing.
    well atleast it wasnt a bad post.
    Yo, can you contact Twitch support about the latest broadcast being gone and ask if they can bring it back somehow? They need the email for that account and I don't have it.
    Hey Ace ! Are you still looking for people who can stream ? My computer is capable and I use to stream for fun and friends on twitch but stopped for school and work
    Yo, how can one contribute to the Smogon youtube account? I used to upload PO vids, but no longer do because of irl stuff; however, I have seen Smogon's channel and I'm quiet interested in helping out. My channel:
    Hey man, if you're free later could you hop on IRC? I need to pop out but I'll be back in a couple hours
    Ace Emerald
    Ace Emerald
    I'll be back in a few hours as well!
    Hi, can you please set up some sessions with your tutee for this round. If you're too busy for this round then it is your responsibility to let the b101 staff know so we can remove you from the active list before rounds actually start
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