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  • Be careful when you clone the Blaziken. Make sure it doesn't get the dashes "---------" in it's info when you clone it. Okay?
    I need you to clone the DW blaziken. I need one copy plus the original.

    If you want a copy of it, you can have one if you want. :)
    If you can find someone to clone I can give you an EVd Venusaur in exchange for a Gliscor if you find it before me. But I traded my female versions away the second I was able to breed a powerful male. (I dont enjoy battling with females)
    Blastoise, Venusaur, Donphan, Ninetales, Staraptor, Dragonite, Blaziken and Donphan. Im working my ass off to find a thick fat Abomasnow and Poison Heal Gliscor
    I actually found a few DW pokemon last night, I spent about 3 hours transferring EVERYTHING from my Diamond and HG games just in case I needed trade fodder.
    Unfortunately no Arbok, but I was able to obtain a drought Ninetails last night over GTS ^.^
    ill try to find bonds speed boosting torchic for you but i havent seen it anywhere yet
    can you check evs on a drought ninetails i just got done for me, you can keep a copy and i just need 1 clone back .
    also i need help clonning 2 other random pokes . two partys full haha if you feel up to that let me know
    hey man, CMT for the Droughtales! also, what other 5th Gens do you have for trade? if you want to CMT for as many as you have, and post a list for me to look at too, that would be swell. :toast:
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