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  • I am afraid that I cannot give you the Swellow since it's in my Plat and it's getting buggy lately D:

    Choose something from my HG breeds instead. Or if you want I can breed something for you, by the way, you should go online
    Yeah, you can get 2 credits per poke + the Poke you trained, so it's 6 Pokes in total, I am this generous :P

    By the way, I will VM you once I am online with my HG, I will pay you once I got my Pokes
    Okay, that's fine. Now I need to wake up earlier to find you, lol. Or, if you see Skymin frequently, I could give them to that user.

    edit: 5027 9048 8311 for the first 4. 4898 7859 8948 for Articuno. Also, since I'm using patched games, do you mind if Articuno has an English name from a Japanese cart? If not, I'll re-name if to Japanese if you want.
    lol, don't mind the "random" part because that's not important. Go ahead and choose five Pokemon that you'd like.
    Hi, I know this is kinda random, but would you like 5 free Pokemon from my thread?
    Is this a wifi tournament or what? b/c if it's wifi your options are kinda limited atm :/

    I'd be willing to help though; I just need more information :)
    YAY ^^ HI DUDE. Hey um, I got the thread started btw, I got Mingot to add a post below mine for your Wants section. So its officially open (and I can RNG :D) I hope you had a good vacation, see you tomorrow man ^^
    Hey Yury next time you are online, post your "Wants" section in the thread, and I will post mine then we can open it ^^ unless you wanna post anything else :P
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