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  • Aye, what's your steam account since you're the only one else I see with the tf2 thread on watch.
    wenzzz, but I barely play TF2 anymore. Mostly OW now.
    I'd have dl'd ow any time it was free, but I've been stuck with a mac for the past 5 years or so
    Ah Mac. Gotta ditch it mans haha
    So I was tryna figure out how many badges I needed for rotating and thought it was 6, but it's 7, fml
    I wish sombra was better, she's a lot of fun. Think she'd be broken if she had no delay on her destealthing? I feel like that'd be a reasonable buff
    Haha... Sombra is one of those harder to master heroes though !! You need to know when to flank and when not to flank. woooo christmas stuff xD her hack is still the best highlight intro lmao it's so triggering when you just steal a potg.

    Once you steal a potg as sombra you can never go back xD anyway what do you want to know about sombra haha.
    I feel like I don't hack enemies enough because it's so difficult to do unless they're completely blind, so I end up just hacking a million health packs and using the heals to charge my ult. Seems like I can't really do anything else. Basically most of my games are like hack a health pack, throw my translocator at hit, go invis, throw some pellets, then teleport back to health pack before I die. Just a fairly stale strategy, but it seems to be the only one that actually works to any extent :/
    the best way to hack players is from behind or from above them. Most people cannot react quick enough and aim fast enough to disrupt it. Or you can get used to windows where you can hack for free like Genji using Deflect, ppl reloading, D.Va using Defense Matrix etc.

    Yea the teleportnig tempo is pretty boring but that's how it goes half the time. You can alternatively stay more with your team but it depends. You should watch the recent tournament games from compLexity where they ran Sombra. lmk if you need links.
    I was gonna be like we should play overwatch sometime but you're probably on Asia server :(

    Also I suck at fps especially playing on a laptop
    Yea I'd get near 300 ping on NA D:

    Haha it's alright as long as you have fun!! I play on laptop too! Since when did you start OW :o
    De-stress from school lol! Dude it's been so many years, how's life treating ya little squirt.

    EDIT: Also what the, smogon made me auto-unfollow you somehow.
    Hahaha. Hey I've fired a gun since I was 15 okay haha. Doing computer engineering. Thanks man I'll need it xD whatttttttttt why 8 omg. By new you mean the new arrangement or what haha. It's been this way for years!
    New World Order
    New World Order
    Waterguns don't count dude. I saw that neuro degree to completion despite how much I used to complain on IRC about dropping out... then went into pharmacy lol. Yeah never got used to the new forum style, vbulletin looked better imo.
    Shhhhhhh don't expose me hahaha. But it was a revolver though. Wait so you took 2 diff degrees??? Omggggg why haha.

    Well you know xenforo is by the splinter original devs of vb :p hahaha. Yeaaaa there's some stuff vb does better but o well
    are u excited to do the SM research dataing o.o
    I don't own a console for that matter haha. I never played any of the Pokemon games from gen4 onwards.
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