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  • Mac of York was the original owner and rnger from which I obtained it from. Ot is Ginny.
    Okay cool, could I offer a shiny flawless Machoke adamant evd (252hp/atk 4 sp def) with closecombat and elemental punches. Also, which of my names did you like better?
    Thanks for picking me as one of the winners for your giveaway! Can you trade around this time on Friday?
    welcome back i do remember you. I think you hosted another giveaway awhile back
    I also saw this Vaporeon evd on your trade thread that would be perfect on my water team. Can I offer a flawless Modest Ditto for it? And is it on 4th gen or 5th, cause I'd like it on 5th:)
    Hi, I noticed I won giveaway:) Thanks for choosing me, and I was wondering if we could trade after you nickname it? Fc : 4942-7674-2361
    in that case, yeah, i will do it for 1 credit
    please add my FC and see you online
    remember to bring a random Pokemon that YOU caught
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