There may be ways to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies, and that would obviously be a good thing, but unwanted pregnancies will happen anyway, and you have to figure out what to do about them. If, *hypothetically*, we could objectively show that a fetus is only human after three months, then we can allow abortions up to that point. Since abortion is a valuable service to women suffering from an unwanted pregnancy, it's important to think about it. Or consider the morning-after pill: I think it's pretty clear that the fetus is just an insignificant lump of cells at that point. Banning that pill on the grounds that it might kill a "human" is asinine. Saying "you made a mistake, deal with it" solves nothing. You want to know what mistakes are okay to "correct", and let people correct them, not unilaterally declare that all mistakes of a certain type cannot be undone.