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  • Users: Lawman
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  1. Pokemon R/B Piano Arrangements

    I would love the Game Corner Basement (Rocket Hideout) and Silph Co sheet music.
  2. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Final Product

    Just a quick post (don't expect many more anytime soon) to say that I love who CAP7 turned out and to submit the move name Spectral Charge.
  3. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 9 - Art Poll 1

    Elegy of Emptiness CyzirVisheen KoA
  4. Prolific CAP Server Battlers - January 2009

    I swear I won't be able to battle as much as I used to until maybe summer. Keep up the good work guys, I still have to find the time to catch up. =P
  5. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 8 - Stat Spread Poll 2

    Go G_T go! You guys know you want the lower speed.
  6. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 8 - Stat Spread Poll 1

    It came down to Darkie and Gothic Togekiss, Both had the Higher attack with speed I wanted, and were bulky enough, but in the end, Gothic Togekiss wins my vote. It was almost a coin toss between the two. I didn't like Deck Knight's only because of the speed. If it was lower I probably would have...
  7. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Art Submissions

    Okay my scanner hates me so I am going to have to draw my submission in paint, without a tablet or anything =[
  8. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 5c - Secondary Ability Poll 2

    Ferron who actually runs Max SpAtk Fidgit? I have never, and I mean never, seen an offensive Fidget used.
  9. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 5c - Secondary Ability Poll 2

    - Speed Intimidate got my vote, with Limber being my second choice.
  10. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Art Submissions

    I will have my rough draft in hopefully by tonight. I am LOVING all of the art here; Caladbolg, Atyroki, and EoE definately stick out.
  11. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 7 - Stat Rating Poll 2

    From here on out I am going to be more active. Thank god school is letting up for a bit x_x. Anyways I am pulling for Quite Good. I feel that Very Good will mean that Stats would be very unnecessarily high. Plus, the last few CaPs iirc have been Very Good so I do want to work with a more...
  12. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Stat Spread Submissions/Discussion

    Just a quick to post to say Doug is absolutely right on the speed thing. Also, Steel/Ghost is pretty underrated offensively IMHO. Steel keeps Rock types from switching in *coughstratagemcough*, and ghost itself has plenty of neutral coverage, not to mention hitting Psychics and Rev SE. Stat...
  13. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Art Submissions

    EoE's is my current favorite, love the design <3 My design should be up friday night, or at least a sketch up, ha
  14. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 7 - Build Bias Poll 2

    Lets get Physical
  15. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 7 - Build Bias Poll 1

    Darkie speaks the truth; voted physically offensive 20+
  16. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Art Submissions

    Just a quick post to say some nice submissions here (though it seems to be centralized around either robots or knights x_x), and that I plan to have a rough draft of my submission by the end of the week.
  17. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 4 - Style Bias Poll 1

    Somewhat Offensive. This thing needs to be able to scare off threats with decent attack whilst keep bulk to take some hits.
  18. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 3 - Secondary Type Poll 1

    Ghost imo is the way to go. I don't find the Fire/Ground weak too bad, it has plenty of immunities, and is decent defensively without posing a large offensive threat.
  19. What musical instruments do you play?

    I am a drummer and a self-taught pianist. I am pretty damn good at Bass Drum in marching band, and as far as mallets and piano go, I have taught myself to play everything for Coldplay to Dragonforce. I also compose my own music, and I am in the early phases of my own band.
  20. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 4

    GO Partner in Crime!