CAP 7 CAP 7 - Art Submissions

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Well here's my submission, thanks Alchemist. ^_^


When I saw that it would be "The Ultimate Scout", I instantly thought of binoculars. Then I thought of Voldo's mask in in one of the older Soul Caliburs, and based it off of that.

The blending thing would have turned out alot better if I had something good to blend with, AND if I hadn't been stupid enough to save the colored version as a PNG, with no layers. *facepalm* At any rate, I'll put up some scanned drawings that'll show off what it looks like without my retarded tablet-drawing. Viewing it as a ghost with some scouting tech and binoculars should give you a good idea though.

Long Binocular eyes and Drill Elbows, where have I seen those before :3
Hi guys, this is my first time posting for CAP Art stuff, this is my WIP for the Ghost-Steel type.

I wanted to create a "Shy" ghost that hid in or behind armor, I chose a shield. I'm thinking that it's arms can stretch too. It gets freaked out by being seen, but when it's behind the mask, the mask's eyes look threatening, kind of a concept of false bravado. I'm thinking that it can also move the "mouth" and the eyebrows from behind the mask.

Feedback would be very welcome!
Oh God, this vote will be really hard. There are soo many good ones out there. I'm probably gonna vote for EoE or Calad's since I love them too much.
Here's a few more support pics I made for my skelebot design. The first is an action sketch of the skeleton bounding over a brick wall and pointing ahead.


I imagined it like the robot was the scout for a team. So, it's out in front, looking for trouble. It's visually indicating "This way, team!" I figure it's a very "scouty" thing to do.

I also wanted the pose to show off how the skeleton is very nimble, even though it is a robot. For those of you that read comic books, you'll notice that the pose above is in the classic Spiderman mold -- leaping over something with his legs in a dynamic contorted position, shooting a web-line. I think Spidey is the ultimate acrobat -- so using this pose shows how the skelebot is fast, agile, and dare I say.... "Limber"?

Also, someone on the server mentioned that they wished the skelebot had claws or blades to justify the move Shadow Claw. I imagine that this robot can do just about anything -- call it the "Inspector Gadget" effect... Anyway, I drew a little sketch of blades extending out from the skelebot's fingertips.


They could be just about anything, but I decided to model them after Voldo's blades in Soul Calibur. Since the skeleton is lanky and flexible, I imagine that it will fight like Voldo, my main from SC. For any Soul Calibur fans out there, you may appreciate the reference.
Caladbolg's Ninja was really good, unfortunatelly everyone seems to like the knight alot more, it is also great and I think the red colored Knight looks alot better.

ixfalia's is also really good, I liked the idea of a shy ghost. The scouter thing does seem to apply with it, so does the metal typing.

I woudl like to submit soemthing but perhaps its too late now but I will try to get something on time before the thread is closed. So far my vote would go to ixfalia.
I played with auras just a little bit, but nothing really fit. This skeleton just isn't the hellfire/ghostly aura type.
The thought came to me, "Why not just put an aura around the head? That might look coo--No, it'd look like Ghost Rider."

You know, I'm kinda surprised no one's tried a sort of Wall-E-looking ghost-E xDDD Unless I missed it.

The blending thing would have turned out alot better if I had something good to blend with, AND if I hadn't been stupid enough to save the colored version as a PNG, with no layers. *facepalm* At any rate, I'll put up some scanned drawings that'll show off what it looks like without my retarded tablet-drawing. Viewing it as a ghost with some scouting tech and binoculars should give you a good idea though. He has a little device underneath his wrist. Dunno exactly what moves this guy would have but it would be kinda useful though. No fireballs coming out of his hands, just the wrists. :P
It doesn't need an aura. Aura's are really for things that don't look like a ghost, but this creation has an obvious ghost body.

I think it'd look cool if it had, instead of separate scopes, they were one of those merged pairs. Then give it digital-looking eyes.

Tech this guy up a bit more. Then I think it'd be a pretty awesome entry.
Hi guys, this is my first time posting for CAP Art stuff, this is my WIP for the Ghost-Steel type.

I wanted to create a "Shy" ghost that hid in or behind armor, I chose a shield. I'm thinking that it's arms can stretch too. It gets freaked out by being seen, but when it's behind the mask, the mask's eyes look threatening, kind of a concept of false bravado. I'm thinking that it can also move the "mouth" and the eyebrows from behind the mask.

Feedback would be very welcome!

Definitely looks better in color. I like this design a lot more than I thought I was going to. One thing I can't help but notice, though, is that the ghost's eyes aren't as far apart as the shield mask's eyes, so it's not going to be doing a very good job looking through it and being intimidating.

Lucario doesn't look like a steel type either does it?

CAP is so fickle ._.

It's got those spikes on it. Really, I can see what you've presented as steel just fine. As far as I can tell, though, there's nothing ghostly about it.
The design is cool Atyroki, but when i see it i think of a dark-normal type. If you emphasized the drills and made the ears more willowy, I think you could pull it off. Maybe change the color scheme to be more ghostly.
Plus made a design of a bear with drill hands and wings if that's what you're talking about...


Smudged the ears and added some stitches >>
Definitely looks better in color. I like this design a lot more than I thought I was going to. One thing I can't help but notice, though, is that the ghost's eyes aren't as far apart as the shield mask's eyes, so it's not going to be doing a very good job looking through it and being intimidating.

Actually I was thinking that it stretches it's face to fit, but I'll try fiddling around to see if I could get it to work without it having to resort to doing that. I've already planned for it's arms to stretch though (perfect for shadow sneaking).
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