This is probably gonna sound kind of stupid and I'm probably making a false comparison or something, but if Mimikyu is coming under fire for it's curse set, shouldn't stuff like Whimsicott also be coming under fire for similar reasons?
Similar to Mimikyu, Whimsicott can also stall out opponents if given an opportunity, and often times forces the opponent to OHKO it turn one or get "leech seed+sub+Protect" stalled to death, which is made worse by how bulky most Whimsicott are run and their multitude of type berries they equip?
As a few examples of what ridiculous things whimsicott can survive:
252 SpA Blacephalon Mind Blown vs. 120 HP / 252+ SpD Occa Berry Whimsicott: 237-280 (81.4 - 96.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Iron Head vs. 120 HP / 136 Def Babiri Berry Whimsicott: 243-286 (83.5 - 98.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Tough Claws Charizard-Mega-X Flare Blitz vs. 20 HP / 252+ Def Occa Berry Whimsicott: 225-265 (84.5 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Aegislash-Blade Never-Ending Nightmare (140 BP) vs. 20 HP / 252+ Def Whimsicott: 223-264 (83.8 - 99.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Hustle Durant Iron Head vs. 120 HP / 136 Def Babiri Berry Whimsicott: 255-301 (87.6 - 103.4%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
0 SpA Tapu Koko Gigavolt Havoc (370 BP) vs. 120 HP / 252+ SpD Whimsicott in Electric Terrain: 246-291 (84.5 - 100%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO Charged Z Thunder (assuming Koko avoided the leech seed turn one and charged up)
And so on and so forth... (and these were super strong or super effective attacks from some of the heaviest hitters in the format, let alone some of the weaker stuff)
Not to mention the fact that the Whimsicott can just as easily run stuff like taunt, encore, cotton guard, stun spore, and grass whistle for special opponents who might otherwise beat it, not unlike how Mimikyu can run thunder wave or will o wisp to deal with other specific threats to it.
If Whimsicott can be EVd to survive a huge variety of things and can stall so much to death Because: "Lol I survived your one attack with my ridiculous spread, YOU LOSE XDXDXD"
How is Mimikyu that much different? Mold breakers are common enough and stopping Mimikyu from cursing at all with stuff like taunts, sleep, flinches; or just reducing it's speed or boosting yours (rock tomb and flame charge come to mind) or just out-speeding it and KOing while it tries in vain to protect against your scarfer or naturally faster and stronger Pokemon.
I may just be drawing a dull/faulty comparison between two unlike Pokemon, but If we don't see stuff like Whimsicott as an issue, why Mimikyu?
(No this post isn't me trying to ban Whimsicott, contrarily, it's me trying to understand why two somewhat similar Pokemon exist, yet only one is really getting the attention)
(I can't believe I just tried to defend Mimikyu, kill me now)
Similar to Mimikyu, Whimsicott can also stall out opponents if given an opportunity, and often times forces the opponent to OHKO it turn one or get "leech seed+sub+Protect" stalled to death, which is made worse by how bulky most Whimsicott are run and their multitude of type berries they equip?
As a few examples of what ridiculous things whimsicott can survive:
252 SpA Blacephalon Mind Blown vs. 120 HP / 252+ SpD Occa Berry Whimsicott: 237-280 (81.4 - 96.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Iron Head vs. 120 HP / 136 Def Babiri Berry Whimsicott: 243-286 (83.5 - 98.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Tough Claws Charizard-Mega-X Flare Blitz vs. 20 HP / 252+ Def Occa Berry Whimsicott: 225-265 (84.5 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Aegislash-Blade Never-Ending Nightmare (140 BP) vs. 20 HP / 252+ Def Whimsicott: 223-264 (83.8 - 99.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Hustle Durant Iron Head vs. 120 HP / 136 Def Babiri Berry Whimsicott: 255-301 (87.6 - 103.4%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
0 SpA Tapu Koko Gigavolt Havoc (370 BP) vs. 120 HP / 252+ SpD Whimsicott in Electric Terrain: 246-291 (84.5 - 100%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO Charged Z Thunder (assuming Koko avoided the leech seed turn one and charged up)
And so on and so forth... (and these were super strong or super effective attacks from some of the heaviest hitters in the format, let alone some of the weaker stuff)
Not to mention the fact that the Whimsicott can just as easily run stuff like taunt, encore, cotton guard, stun spore, and grass whistle for special opponents who might otherwise beat it, not unlike how Mimikyu can run thunder wave or will o wisp to deal with other specific threats to it.
If Whimsicott can be EVd to survive a huge variety of things and can stall so much to death Because: "Lol I survived your one attack with my ridiculous spread, YOU LOSE XDXDXD"
How is Mimikyu that much different? Mold breakers are common enough and stopping Mimikyu from cursing at all with stuff like taunts, sleep, flinches; or just reducing it's speed or boosting yours (rock tomb and flame charge come to mind) or just out-speeding it and KOing while it tries in vain to protect against your scarfer or naturally faster and stronger Pokemon.
I may just be drawing a dull/faulty comparison between two unlike Pokemon, but If we don't see stuff like Whimsicott as an issue, why Mimikyu?
(No this post isn't me trying to ban Whimsicott, contrarily, it's me trying to understand why two somewhat similar Pokemon exist, yet only one is really getting the attention)
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