Like all bans/unbans we do. I don't mind as long as they are done fairly and publicly.
As for should we ban koko. IDK. I always enjoy team building. And think a lot of people in the past have faced something that beats their team or is annoying and cried about it. Saying how its unfair and broken. Just because they like their team and the lose 3-0 to something. Now...Koko on the other hand was fine with its special/physical sets until the roost/set up sets came to be. recently I've been running Nature's Madness on a more bulkier Koko that beats Elo Bandit's "beat any koko" metagross set.
Having to predict what set of Koko & its bulk is a pain. Which make it a case to be banned. With it's speed you can't taunt it. So you have to adapt. I've run kecleon to beat koko.sorry freddy And komala. which can tank a hit from both z move koko's but in turn has to run sleep talk eq as its only moves.
so there's 3 areas i look at to decide if a pokemon is broken. more or less depending on the case.
1) The Amount of Diverse Sets. Not just add 20 def or something. Like how many viable sets can be run. Koko has a lot.
2) What do these sets beat. If these sets don't beat the meta pokemon is it ban worthy? If Koko who's weak to ground can beat Ground type pokemon like Donphan, constantly. Then it's a problem.
3) How many people use it. Now this doesn't mean if no one uses it, it's fine. It more or less means do you have to run Koko. No...but it does feel that way to some people.
Do I think it should be banned?
well people will always complain about something being broken or ban worthy. Does us banning Koko mean its banned for good? No. But I like looking ahead. We have a new pokemon that's electric and faster than Koko. so I see it being a more like the koko we had before. No set up. So sure. I would vote for a Koko Ban.
As for should we ban koko. IDK. I always enjoy team building. And think a lot of people in the past have faced something that beats their team or is annoying and cried about it. Saying how its unfair and broken. Just because they like their team and the lose 3-0 to something. Now...Koko on the other hand was fine with its special/physical sets until the roost/set up sets came to be. recently I've been running Nature's Madness on a more bulkier Koko that beats Elo Bandit's "beat any koko" metagross set.
Having to predict what set of Koko & its bulk is a pain. Which make it a case to be banned. With it's speed you can't taunt it. So you have to adapt. I've run kecleon to beat koko.
so there's 3 areas i look at to decide if a pokemon is broken. more or less depending on the case.
1) The Amount of Diverse Sets. Not just add 20 def or something. Like how many viable sets can be run. Koko has a lot.
2) What do these sets beat. If these sets don't beat the meta pokemon is it ban worthy? If Koko who's weak to ground can beat Ground type pokemon like Donphan, constantly. Then it's a problem.
3) How many people use it. Now this doesn't mean if no one uses it, it's fine. It more or less means do you have to run Koko. No...but it does feel that way to some people.
Do I think it should be banned?
well people will always complain about something being broken or ban worthy. Does us banning Koko mean its banned for good? No. But I like looking ahead. We have a new pokemon that's electric and faster than Koko. so I see it being a more like the koko we had before. No set up. So sure. I would vote for a Koko Ban.