I probably won't have time to EV train some uber pokemon I have in my 4th gen games, will most likely use random pokemon at the last minute just for the heck of it lol.
And all Aron has to do is Endavour against most legendaries.
Anyone else think it is close to pointless running a choice item?
I don't anticipate much if any switching to reset the item, and being locked into a disadvantageous move could spell disaster for your team. Thoughts on this?
Regarding Substitute. I love being able to set up a Sub and rotate out while preserving that Sub. Has come in super handy.
Anyone have a decent place in game to practice? Best I've got is PWT Mix Tournament. There I can at least face one likely opponent..
PWT is probably the best place to practice in game, you could always try to find a real person to play though, Thats what i've been doing. Oh and sub is busted :)
Still need one more Pokemon to finish my team. Decided to try a Magic Room based team (probably will fail, but whatever) because Scarfed Tail Glow Manaphy FTW!
As long as you've already registered on the website, that's not a problem. You can lock your Battle Box any time before your first match. You don't need to do it before the competition starts. If you get internet access back on Friday, you can start playing on Friday with no problems.