Tips and General Information
A Few General EV Training Tips:
These routes take into account frequency of encounters, number of EVs gained per Pokémon defeated, and ease of access to the location.
Encounters are color coded as follows:
[Common] Gulpin (1 HP) = 5 HP
[Uncommon] Scraggy (1 Atk) = 5 Atk
[Rare: Y] Minun*4 (4 Spe) + Plusle*1 (1 Spe) = 5 Spe
[Rare: X] Plusle*4 (4 Spe) + Minun*1 (1 Spe) = 5 Spe
Route 7 - Rivière Walk
[Common] Hoppip (1 SpD) = 5 SpD
[Uncommon] Psyduck (1 SpA) = 5 SpA
[Rare] Roselia (2 SpA) = 10 SpA
Connecting Cave
[Common] Whismur (1 HP) = 5 HP
[Uncommon] Zubat (1 Spe) = 5 Spe
[Rare] Axew (1 Atk) = 5 Atk
Route 8 - Muraille Coast
[Common] Wingull (1 Spe) = 5 Spe
[Uncommon: Y] Seviper*4 (4 Atk + 4 SpA) + Zangoose*1 (2 Atk) = 6 Atk + 4 SpA
[Uncommon: X] Zangoose*4 (8 Atk) + Seviper*1 (1 Atk + 1 SpA) = 9 Atk + 1 SpA
[Rare] Taillow = 5 Spe
Route 10 - Menhir Trail
[Common] Nosepass (1 Def) = 5 Def
[Uncommon] Yanma (1 Spe) = 5 Spe
[Rare: Y] Electrike (1 Spe) = 5 Spe
[Rare: X] Houndour (1 SpA) = 5 SpA
Route 11 - Miroir Way
[Common: Y] Nidoran♀*4 (4 HP) + Nidoran♂*1 (1 Atk) = 4 HP + 1 Atk
[Common: X] Nidoran♂*4 (4 Atk) + Nidoran♀*1 (1 HP) = 4 Atk + 1 HP
[Uncommon] Stunky = 5 Spe
[Rare] Starly = 5 Spe
Reflection Cave
[Common] Mime Jr. (1 SpD) = 5 SpD
[Uncommon] Roggenrola (1 Def) = 5 Def
[Rare] Roggenrola*4 (4 Def) + Carbink*1 (1 Def + 1 SpD) = 5 Def + 1 SpD
Route 12 - Fourrage Road
[Common] Wingull = 5 Spe
[Uncommon] Mareep = 5 SpA
[Rare] Tauros*4 (4 Atk + 4 Spe) + Miltank*1 (2 Def) = 4 Atk + 4 Spe + 2 Def
Azure Bay
[Common] Wingull (1 Spe) = 5 Spe
[Uncommon] Slowpoke (1 HP) = 5 HP
[Rare] Exeggcute (1 Def) = 5 Def
Route 14 - Laverre Nature Trail
[Common] Bellsprout (1 Atk) = 5 Atk
[Uncommon] Skorupi (1 Def) = 5 Def
[Rare] Ekans (1 Atk) = 5 Atk
Route 15 - Brun Way
[Common] Murkrow (1 Spe) = 5 Spe
[Uncommon] Foongus (1 HP) = 5 HP
[Rare] Klefki (1 Def) = 5 Def
Route 16 - Mélancolie Path
[Common] Murkrow (1 Spe) = 5 Spe
[Uncommon] Foongus (1 HP) = 5 HP
[Rare] Klefki (1 Def) = 5 Def
Frost Cavern
[Common] Vanillite (1 SpA) = 5 SpA
[Uncommon] Cubchoo (1 Atk) = 5 Atk
[Rare] Smoochum (1 SpA) = 5 SpA
Route 18 - Vallée Étroite Way
[Common] Geodude (1 Def) = 5 Def
[Uncommon] Durant (2 Def) = 10 Def
[Rare] Durant*4 (8 Def) + Heatmor*1 (2 SpA) = 8 Def + 2 SpA
Terminus Cave
[Common] Durant (2 Def) = 10 Def
[Uncommon] Geodude (1 Def) = 5 Def
[Rare: X] Aron (1 Def) = 5 Def
[Rare: Y] Larvitar (1 Atk) = 5 Atk
Route 19 - Grande Vallée Way
[Common] Weepinbell (2 Atk) = 10 Atk
[Uncommon] Gligar (1 Def) = 5 Def
[Rare] Arbok (2 Atk) = 10 Atk
Route 20 - Winding Woods
[Common] Foongus (1 HP) = 5 HP
[Uncommon] Trevenant (2 Atk) = 10 Atk
[Rare] Trevenant*4 (8 Atk) / Sudowoodo*1 (2 Def) = 8 Atk + 2 Def
The Pokémon Village
[Common] Foongus (1 HP) = 5 HP
[Uncommon] Poliwag (1 Spe) = 5 Spe
[Rare] Lombre (2 SpD) = 10 SpD
Route 21 - Dernière Way
[Common] Spinda (1 SpA) = 5 SpA
[Uncommon] Swablu (1 SpD) = 5 SpD
[Rare] Scyther (1 Atk) = 5 Atk
Victory Road [Caves 1 & 4]
[Common] Geodude (1 Def) = 5 Def
[Uncommon] Floatzel (2 Spe) = 10 Spe
[Rare] Lickitung (2 HP) = 10 HP
Victory Road [Caves 2 & 3]
[Common] Geodude (1 Def) = 5 Def
[Uncommon] Graveler (2 Def) = 10 Def
[Rare] Lickitung (2 HP) = 10 HP
A Few General EV Training Tips:
- Pokémon gain EVs whenever they gain experience; if you're not starting with a freshly hatched Pokémon, you'll probably need to reset its EVs with a Reset Bag first.
- Pokérus doubles the EVs gained per Pokémon defeated.
- Macho Brace doubles the EVs gained per Pokémon defeated.
- Power items add +4 in a specific stat to the EVs gained per Pokémon defeated.
- With Exp. Share ON, all Pokémon in the party gain EVs.
- Using Sweet Scent or Honey initiates a Horde battle 100% of the time on the routes listed below.
- Common Sweet Scent Pokémon include Combee (Route 4) and Bulbasaur (Pokémon Lab).
- Sweet Scent Horde battles will not activate on rainy routes.
- If it is currently raining on a route you were going to use for EV training, choose another route from the list below.
- To defeat all five Pokémon in one turn, use a powerful Pokémon with a move that hits all opponents.
- Common choices include Pokémon with Surf, Parabolic Charge Heliolisk, and Petal Blizzard Venusaur.
- You gain EVs for each Pokémon defeated in battle. In Horde battles, you gain a total of five times the regular EVs.
- Power item, Macho Brace, and Pokérus boosts are applied to each Pokémon defeated.
- With Exp. Share ON, a Pokémon who does not participate in battle can gain additional EVs by equipping the aforementioned EV-boosting items.
- The total number of EVs gained from defeating every Pokémon in a Horde Battle can be found at the end of each line below.
- Pokérus doubles the total EV gain per Horde Battle.
- Macho Brace doubles the total EV gain per Horde Battle.
- Power Items add four EVs per Pokémon defeated.
- All multipliers are cumulative (e.g., Pokérus + Macho Brace = 4*EVs).
These routes take into account frequency of encounters, number of EVs gained per Pokémon defeated, and ease of access to the location.
- HP - Route 5, Connecting Cave, Route 20
- Attack - Route 19, Route 14
- Defense - Terminus Cave, Victory Road
- Special Attack - Frost Cavern
- Special Defense - Reflection Cave
- Speed - Route 8, Route 12, Route 15
Encounters are color coded as follows:
- Health Points
- Attack
- Defense
- Special Attack
- Special Defense
- Speed
- Mixed

Route 7 - Rivière Walk

Connecting Cave

Route 8 - Muraille Coast

Route 10 - Menhir Trail

Route 11 - Miroir Way

Reflection Cave

Route 12 - Fourrage Road

Azure Bay

Route 14 - Laverre Nature Trail

Route 15 - Brun Way

Route 16 - Mélancolie Path

Frost Cavern

Route 18 - Vallée Étroite Way

Terminus Cave

Route 19 - Grande Vallée Way

Route 20 - Winding Woods

The Pokémon Village

Route 21 - Dernière Way

Victory Road [Caves 1 & 4]

Victory Road [Caves 2 & 3]