Postgame Acid City's Trouble [Day 4/End: City Win! 4/10 Players]

It is now Day 1.
You may now discuss game-related actions or any other. Or vote to lynch somebody by slashing and bolding (Rule 1 was modified: /vote or /unvote player). You may also vote for a No Lynch (/vote No-Lynch)
If you did not receive a PM: Then you either had no result, nothing happened to you or you did not perform your ability.
This day will last 72 hours, Deadline: August 7th 12:37 PM.

Acidphoenix (1) - Blazade.
Blazade (1) - Acidphoenix.
Jumpluff (1) - Jalmont.

Acidphoenix was voted first and all votes are tied, therefore Acidphoenix is in danger of lynching.
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Vote acidphoenix

Who else would cause trouble in acid city?

In other news the way this setup is (lots of random town roles) makes it a lot easier for mafia to fake claim so a lot of the early claiming strategies are probably not so optimal. Best save that for LYLO/If your info is worth dying for like any other NOC.

I hope that today can be about scumhunting and not about gamespec because of this.
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La da da da da da La, Da Daaa, ♫
I was going to scumhunt, until I got high. ♪
I wasn't going to shitpost, but then I got high ♩
♩ And if people try to lynch me, I know why.
Yeeaah Heaaah ♫
Cause I got high, cause I got high, cause I got high. ♪
It's not the most common thing in the world to lynch a scum D1 off of intuitions gathered preflip, but this is offset by the fact that numbers wise it's incredibly rewarding when it happens, and that the alternative, no lynching, is very passive. Scum are not forced to give opinions, defend their buddies, or push lynches, making the game harder in the future.

We've had the no lynch argument hundreds of times on this site, we don't need to have it again, this time the NOC is standard enough.

We have 72 hours, plenty of time for people to feel comfortable with something as long as there's regular posting.

For instance, an explanation from Jalmont would at the very least start some discussion.
vote jumpluff

from my point of view jumpluff is evil
If this post is srs I have raisins to believe we are both good so I won't return the favour

Anyway I have school and will be working. I'll be back later.

Atm interested that butteredtoast bothered to @ us all and is mia despite actually interesting posts appearing after he did.