I don't think significant calcs are very relevant to Chansey and Blissey personally. Factoring in SR damage, how many times they've been brought in, how weak they are from wish passing, etc, the calcs will be different almost every game. Calcs are more important for offensive mons imho. If you really want calcs, CM Pogre breaks Blissey if Blissey switches in on a Calm Mind, it gets Toxic stalled by Chansey.On Blissey versus Chansey, it basically comes down to if anybody can provide calcs of significant hits chansey can live that's useful consistently to justify its use. Otherwise there's literally no reason to use it over the thing that can't be trapped. Not much content but what else needs to be said, and if anybody has these calcs then please post them because we'd likely simply leave them in D
On Salamance, pure defensive merit does not justify being a worse ray and there's no reason this shouldn't be in the C ranks, Gunner's Iron Defense set is incredibly obnoxious but you can't justify this at the same level as things like Arceus-Water or Deoxys-Attack which don't take up a Mega slot or suck. No way this thing rises, it's not a question of if it drops but where to.
I just noticed we have Arceus-Dragon in C-, this is a direct result of "nobody's really used it lol". It's basically the same thing as Arceus Water but you can actually *gasp* hit megaray. And Pdon. And if you're running Ice Beam Arc Water, you don't have moderately powerful STAB Judgement. No reason this shouldnt be bumped into C minimum, although obviously people need to start running it first and bring in more opinions. And it does come with the downsides of not hitting Keys/Diancie with water judgement, it's not exactly a clear cut case. Have barely used this but it's not a "garbage, level of regular sableye" mon. Speaking of which, has anybody ever used this? Oh and I retract Garchomp needing to drop, tested and it's surprisingly nice. The things that happen when you actually play the game.
+1 252+ SpA Primal Kyogre Origin Pulse vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey in Rain: 289-342 (45 - 53.2%) -- 32.4% chance to 2HKO
+1 252+ SpA Primal Kyogre Origin Pulse vs. 0 HP / 252 SpD Blissey in Rain: 364-429 (55.9 - 65.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
But like I said, factoring in so much, for something that's supposed to blanket check every special attacker in the game, imo calcs are too game-specific to be relevant.
I still strongly feel Chansey is better. Mega Gengar is super rare, and Chansey is just a lot bulkier, I don't think sacrificing all that bulk to deal with one uncommon threat is worth it (besides on very specific teams). Furthering that, every decent player will see that Blissey isn't getting Leftovers recovery, and by default assume it is Shed Shell (unveil Chople Blissey) and won't even attempt to bring Mega Gengar in on it. This puts you in a worse position, because you need to play around mindgames of if they'll double, if you can even send something in on the Perish Song/Taunt and win 1v1 in the first place, etc, and that's assuming they even bring Mega Gengar in on Blissey which they very well might not.
Mega Mence can be in D imho, it is just so completely outclassed by Ray. It definitely has niches, but to justify using it? Near impossible. I'd even push for unranked until someone shows me a solid team with it, but that's another story.
I pushed Arceus Dragon for higher, and still support it. I'll make Zangy build around it one of these days.
And merry Christmas AG!