Art Style

Which generation is your favourite in terms of graphics?

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the bear becomes the ringleader
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Graphics have never been a major part of Pokémon - it's all about the gameplay. Even so, the graphics of one game can really put it above another for people, and it can also harm a game's standing in amidst the series, such as the slow graphics in generation 4. Nevertheless, every generation has its own unique style of graphics, and with it its own fans. Which graphics style does Orange Islands think the best? Can the nostalgic green match up to the vibrant sprites or 3D models thereafter? Post your thoughts below!

(I remembered to make the poll public votes Hulavuta!! :D)
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I put my vote in for gen 6. The graphics in X and Y are incredibly gorgeous, and the pokemon look like they've walked right out of the anime. The graphics make the games feel much more immersive and enrich my user experience.
I honestly cannot see any option other than Gen 6. Pokémon brought to 3D absolutely perfectly, there's no problems - apart from maybe Torkoal - it looks gorgeous, I got a fangasm from how beautiful everything was, absolutely adore it. Gen 6, and to a lesser extent Colosseum/XD, hold the title for best main series Pokémon Graphics.
Gen. 3 - Colosseum/XD...

Nah, just kidding, actually. My actual vote goes to Gen. VI - XY. While the environment in Colosseum/XD is stunning, and in my opinion exceeds XY, the Pokémon themselves don't match that art style with their simplistic, plastic-like textures. Making the Pokémon more realistic-looking would detract from their anime-style origin of design, so it was a little stroke of genius to make the environment anime-style too, instead of pushing realism in the newest 3D Pokémon games. This harmony of creature and environment design makes XY look a whole lot better than Colosseum/XD, all things considered.

I wonder how Gen. VII and beyond will fare in this department. While Pokken Fighters seems to go back to the "realism" style of Pokémon, with detailed Pokémon textures to match the environment, I've seen some pretty sweet examples of anime-style graphics in various JRPGs, which end up making the game look like a Studio Ghibli film. I really hope Pokémon will strive to perfect the style of their origin, instead of trying too hard to fit into a more photorealistic style.
I'm going to vote for Gen 3. While Gen 6 is undeniably better now, I feel gen 3 looks amazing given the constraints at the time, whereas I've seen nicer looking 3DS games then XY.

I feel XY is let down a little by retaining things it didn't need to from the 2D era: The gridded environments look silly in 3D (especially some of the road blocks, the patches of grass you can't walk on and the one way ledges look smaller than ever), and while the modelling for pokémon is stellar, the colours are way to faded. Compare the incredibly vibrant colours used in Battle Revolution.

Hoenn in ORAS is looking beautiful as always, but I fear they've been to close to the source material. It's maps were designed masterfully for tiles with 16 colours, but we're in 3D now. There's too much square corners and flat terrain and it doesn't look right.
Lol I'm still deciding whether I should vote for genII or genIV :X
Not bashing genVI though. The thing about graphics is they're relatively unimportant, therefore they just have to be pleasant and functional, and it's most important there are no eyesores about them - then it doesn't matter that much if you're playing on a NES or an HD gaming pc. Case in point is the (imo) monstrosity that is genV, where they tried to do more than the DS could handle, which resulted in (most notably) those horribly blurry back models. GenIV was done a lot better; they knew what the DS could do and rolled with it, which resulted in pleasant colours, pleasant sprites and whatever. Of course it's quite spartan compared to genVI, but that gen is on a 3DS rather than on the DS - if they had tried to make 3D models on the DS, it would've failed horribly.

Anyway, I don't have any good argument as to why i like genII and genIV, it's just that i like the general style, colours, etc. I can understand people's fangasms about genVI though, but I can't ever seem to forget that I'm playing on a 3DS. GenII is up to standard for a GBC and doesn't have any glaring deficits, genIV is up to standard for a DS and doesn't have any glaring deficits, and genVI is up to standard for a 3DS and doesn't have many glaring deficits, then it just comes down to personal preference about the details (and tbqh, XY is not exactly ocarina of time 3D. sorry.)
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I'm going to have to go with Gen VI. When I see the Pokémon battling, it feels like I'm seeing them as they really are for the first time. It feels like the anime in the best possible way.

Lol I'm still deciding whether I should vote for genII or genIV :X
Not bashing genVI though. The thing about graphics is they're relatively unimportant, therefore they just have to be pleasant and functional, and it's most important there are no eyesores about them - then it doesn't matter that much if you're playing on a NES or an HD gaming pc. Case in point is the (imo) monstrosity that is genV, where they tried to do more than the DS could handle, which resulted in (most notably) those horribly blurry back models. GenIV was done a lot better; they knew what the DS could do and rolled with it, which resulted in pleasant colours, pleasant sprites and whatever. Of course it's quite spartan compared to genVI, but that gen is on a 3DS rather than on the DS - if they had tried to make 3D models on the DS, it would've failed horribly.
(and tbqh, XY is not exactly ocarina of time 3D. sorry.)
I do agree that in the end, graphics don't really matter. And yeah, Gen V did bite a little more than they could chew.
I do disagree with that last statement. Mainly for two reasons:
1) The graphics in Ocarina 3D and the graphics in X and Y were approached differently in style.
2) Ocarina 3D had the advantage of taking a much smaller (and originally less detailed) world meant for the Nintendo 64 and updating the graphics for the 3DS. X and Y had to make models for 700+ Pokémon (including alternate forms and gender differences) complete with battle animations in addition to Kalos, various clothing for the characters, and cutscenes. That's a lot of stuff to put in there. And also to be fair, Ocarina 3D still kept elements of Hyrule a little polygon-y (Hyrule Field's hills show this the worst, along with the "stairs" to Kakariko Village).
Sorry about that rant. I've put hundreds of hours into both games and I think they both look amazing.
Going with Gen 6 here. Everything looks amazing as 3D models, and it's a real treat to see both Pokemon and their trainers (those that have in-battle 3D models anyway...) playing out animations that fit what's going on. From seeing your first partner on your journey actually look like its using the attack you've selected to watching that hundredth Team Flare grunt crumple to the ground in disbelief at having their butt handed to them, it all seems more like this world Game Freak has created is real. It's just downright gorgeous.
Generation VI obviously objectively has the best as far as details and animation go, but I actually voted for Generation II.

The way I see it is that it is really split into three categories, Generation I and II's "prehistoric" sprites that were very hardware limited, Generation III, IV, and V's sprites that finally could use all of the true colors they needed, and then Generation VI is in its own category with 3D models.

Generation I's sprites obviously had a lot of issues that Generation II's sprites fixed, but that gives them their own uniqueness as they are definitely the silliest of all 6 generations. But if you're like me and like your Pokemon sprites to...actually look like the Pokemon...which Gen I did not always do, especially when it came to backsprites, Generation II is the best.

As for the second group, I feel bad for Generation III because Generation IV was pretty much just a plain and simple straight upgrade from its sprites. Unlike I, there wasn't much silliness to the Gen III sprites to give it its own uniqueness either (Feraligatr ass is the exception). Generation V of course is the only generation to have full body sprites, which makes it very unique.

Gen VI is just awesome as we all know, there's really not much to say about it. I will say it does fail in some regards in respect to the flying Pokemon. All the Pokemon have to perpetually fly now due to sky battles and for some of them, like Charizard X, it looks bad. The issue is too much realism; in the previous games, they just had a little bit of color for a background and the angle of the battle always made the opponent look more elevated than your Pokemon anyway. Now that the backgrounds and settings for each battle are completely realized, and the Pokemon are more fully animated, it looks weird to see something like Charizard-X, Honchkrow, or Skarmory, rather than flapping their wings, in a constant gliding pose and staying in place.

P.S. I like how I said "there's not much to say about it" and it ended up being my longest paragraph.
I'm honestly torn. In terms of Pokemon appearance, it's probably gen 5. In gen 5, the models are either awesome (Breloom, Sceptile, Sneasel) or awful (Excadrill, anything that has flame or smoke, especially Musharna, and winged mons that just float in midair such as Salamence and Skarmory). For battle animations, however, none can even come close to Battle Revolution. Not counting that, I'd say probably gen 3. (Gen 4 and 5 overdid the "impact" animations akin to stuff like Tackle, while in XY those squiggly circle things are all over the place. Looking at you, Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse.)

But I feel like Generation II has a good balance between the two, but more than that, the GS overworld looks awesome, while still having that retro 8(16?)-bit charm. Thus, my vote goes to Gen II.
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Can anyone give reasons as to why Gen 2 is their favourite? I've seen a lot of people say it but next to no explanation. To me it was rather... meh, so it'd be interesting to see why people think this.
Generation VI obviously objectively has the best as far as details and animation go, but I actually voted for Generation II.

The way I see it is that it is really split into three categories, Generation I and II's "prehistoric" sprites that were very hardware limited, Generation III, IV, and V's sprites that finally could use all of the true colors they needed, and then Generation VI is in its own category with 3D models.

Generation I's sprites obviously had a lot of issues that Generation II's sprites fixed, but that gives them their own uniqueness as they are definitely the silliest of all 6 generations. But if you're like me and like your Pokemon sprites to...actually look like the Pokemon...which Gen I did not always do, especially when it came to backsprites, Generation II is the best.

As for the second group, I feel bad for Generation III because Generation IV was pretty much just a plain and simple straight upgrade from its sprites. Unlike I, there wasn't much silliness to the Gen III sprites to give it its own uniqueness either (Feraligatr ass is the exception). Generation V of course is the only generation to have full body sprites, which makes it very unique.

Gen VI is just awesome as we all know, there's really not much to say about it. I will say it does fail in some regards in respect to the flying Pokemon. All the Pokemon have to perpetually fly now due to sky battles and for some of them, like Charizard X, it looks bad. The issue is too much realism; in the previous games, they just had a little bit of color for a background and the angle of the battle always made the opponent look more elevated than your Pokemon anyway. Now that the backgrounds and settings for each battle are completely realized, and the Pokemon are more fully animated, it looks weird to see something like Charizard-X, Honchkrow, or Skarmory, rather than flapping their wings, in a constant gliding pose and staying in place.

P.S. I like how I said "there's not much to say about it" and it ended up being my longest paragraph.
Eh, Charizard X is a little silly in that regard...but Swellow is downright awful. Poor thing's wingtips are constantly fidgety.
Can anyone give reasons as to why Gen 2 is their favourite? I've seen a lot of people say it but next to no explanation. To me it was rather... meh, so it'd be interesting to see why people think this.

I'm unsure if you meant me as I did give a bit of an explanation, but just in case you did I'll elaborate. Like I said earlier, I split sprites into three categories. I'm not a spriter or a tech guy so I'm not really sure of the words for it, but I like the more "pixelated" and less colorful original sprites, just for novelty and nostalgia I guess. The Generation I sprites had a lot of errors, such as having certain body parts too big, or otherwise not being the same as the official art. And the backsprites are so blurry they resemble the Pokemon even less (Charmeleon is actually Dragonite anyone?). Generation II's sprites actually looked like the Pokemon, while still having that novelty/nostalgic look, so they're my favorite. I wonder, if there was a third generation done on the Gameboy Color rather than Gameboy Advance, how the sprites would look, where they would go from Generation II's sprites.
The graphics improved each generation. Every time I start a new generation's first game, I always take some time to run around the starting towns, just in awe of the new look of the overworld. Therefore of course I voted for Generation 6. 3D worlds are great!

Pokemon sprites/models also improved each generation. There have been some blunders along the way for certain pokes, but overall each gen made an improvement. XY definitely faltered in this regard - while the 3D models are awesome and I would not want to go back to sprites, with the XY models most pokemon lost all of the personality they had with BW's moving sprites. Now pokemon just stand idly around, while fliers are in constant flight. Some of the flying pokemon make this look really awesome (wingull, talonflame), but some just look dumb (xatu). Also, some of the non fliers have personality - Spinda and Magikarp are great! It's a bummer more pokemons' models aren't like them. That's the key area to improve for Gen 7, IMO.
I agree with everyone saying Gen VI. The 3D animated sprites make everything so real. I love how they all have several different unique animations too, whether it be in battle, or in Pokemon Amie. Some of my favourites are the animations the Pokemon sometimes do while waiting for you to command their next move. I was only trying Mega Kangaskhan out one day but the sprite where her baby is beginning to tip backwards and she pushes her back onto her feet was so precious, I can almost never make a team without her now.

I think the cuteness of some mons were slightly ruined by their 3D models (Growlithe was cuter in almost everything except 3D and it took me a long time to warm up to Purrloin standing up) but it hardly detracts from how amazing they are in general.

Oh and another thing I love: the fact that your character crouches down to talk to kids. It's such a minor thing but it's a really nice touch, like how your hair blows out behind you when you cycle and things like that.
I'm unsure if you meant me as I did give a bit of an explanation, but just in case you did I'll elaborate. Like I said earlier, I split sprites into three categories. I'm not a spriter or a tech guy so I'm not really sure of the words for it, but I like the more "pixelated" and less colorful original sprites, just for novelty and nostalgia I guess. The Generation I sprites had a lot of errors, such as having certain body parts too big, or otherwise not being the same as the official art. And the backsprites are so blurry they resemble the Pokemon even less (Charmeleon is actually Dragonite anyone?). Generation II's sprites actually looked like the Pokemon, while still having that novelty/nostalgic look, so they're my favorite. I wonder, if there was a third generation done on the Gameboy Color rather than Gameboy Advance, how the sprites would look, where they would go from Generation II's sprites.
Ah... I getcha. Basically preference and Gen 2 being the best of that - thank you for clarifying.
I'm unsure if you meant me as I did give a bit of an explanation, but just in case you did I'll elaborate. Like I said earlier, I split sprites into three categories. I'm not a spriter or a tech guy so I'm not really sure of the words for it, but I like the more "pixelated" and less colorful original sprites, just for novelty and nostalgia I guess. The Generation I sprites had a lot of errors, such as having certain body parts too big, or otherwise not being the same as the official art. And the backsprites are so blurry they resemble the Pokemon even less (Charmeleon is actually Dragonite anyone?). Generation II's sprites actually looked like the Pokemon, while still having that novelty/nostalgic look, so they're my favorite. I wonder, if there was a third generation done on the Gameboy Color rather than Gameboy Advance, how the sprites would look, where they would go from Generation II's sprites.

The generation 2 sprites are also really colorful and most of them also just stand in a badass way like these for example:
The generation 2 sprites are also really colorful and most of them also just stand in a badass way like these for example:
Scizor's... is not what I'd call badass. It honestly looks kinda sloppy; surely there's better examples than that.
Scizor's... is not what I'd call badass. It honestly looks kinda sloppy; surely there's better examples than that.

Yeah there may be better examples out there but Scizor is a personal favorite of mine. I just really like his come at me bro look.
I love the Platinum/HGSS and XY sprites, they looked much better than DP. Gen 5 were good but i was dissapointed how some of their sprites looked equal or better in HGSS, ignoring the animations. Emerald animations were better than Gen 4 tho, even if the sprites were better. The Gen 3 battle animations were my favorite, and it wasnt until XY that they topped them (Dragon Pulse FTW). Gen 4 were somewhat ok (the sound effects in battle animations were moslty forgetabale), and Gen 5 animations even more boring (the sound effects again had to do). The bluriness of back images sucked. BTW i jumped into pokemon in gen 3 so i have no emotional attachment nor familiarity with gen 1 and 2 other than ocassionaly seing them.

As for the console games, i hated how they kept reusing the stadium models till the Wii games. The gen 1 pokemon really stood out. Pokemon XD had the best battle animations tho (ice beam is god.

Another PKMN whos Gen 5 is better is better than Gen 6 is Eelektross. Seriously, it looks so small and unimposing in XY.
As for the console games, i hated how they kept reusing the stadium models till the Wii games. The gen 1 pokemon really stood out. Pokemon XD had the best battle animations tho (ice beam is god.
But, Hydro Cannon Blastoise in Battle Revolution is even cooler.
Though that does lead me to one problem with it in X and Y: Hydro Cannon comes out of only one of Blastoise's cannons, not both. It's even worse on Mega Blastoise. It doesn't even come out of a cannon at all!
But, Hydro Cannon Blastoise in Battle Revolution is even cooler.
Though that does lead me to one problem with it in X and Y: Hydro Cannon comes out of only one of Blastoise's cannons, not both. It's even worse on Mega Blastoise. It doesn't even come out of a cannon at all!
Gets 3 cannons; shoots out of mouth
I guess that's a little problem with XY - and it's kinda discriminatory, as Volcanion clearly shoots it's attacks out of it's cannon... things, so why not Mega Blastoise?
Gen III is the only gen whose graphics I find beautiful. Meteor Falls...Fallarbor Town...Every single cave...even the endless oceans look gorgeous. A perfect use of the limitations at hand. I guess I'm a sucker for fully colored pixelly enviroments. Yeah, and the sprites are good too. Except Marshtomp.
Gens IV and V never clicked with me, they seem like they want to be more than they can be and gens I & II seem a tad too primitive.
XY is pretty cool tho with all its 3D-models...that are a bit hit-and-miss when it comes to execution, definitly second best imo.
Gen 4 has the coolest poses (see Scizor), especially in HGSS in my opinion. This is also why I think Pokesho is great, it makes new Pokemon into a HGSSish styled sprites.

But if I were to do double battles a lot I would go with Gen 5 sprites because all the Pokemon move in interesting ways and in a battle field with 4 Pokemon it looks pretty great.

I didn't pick Gen 6 here though because in my opinion most of the animations are a waste. They sort of just sit there and move slightly in place and in some cases on when searching them up on google it actually takes me a second to realize the sprite is actually animated.

Also Gen 3 gets bonus points for Feraligatr's butt.
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