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A+B+Select+Start does work. But I've only ever soft-resetted in the credits as well, so I never realised that it couldn't be used elsewhere.
Soft reset has always worked for me. start+select+L+R, good grief. You can reset all over the place when things aren't suiting your fancy (like hatched eggs).
I need help with Ev's and possibly moves.

Ninjask @ Focus Sash
EV's 252 Atk/ 252 Spd/ 4 Hp
nature: Adamant- just to hopefully cause some damage before it dies

X-Scissor (I guess I could go with U-Turn if i need him to see another day)
Swords dance
Baton pass
protect/night slash

Besides the Ev's I'm not sure if I should go with protect to maybe get a few more speed burst before passing or night slash for a little bit more coverage

Overall im just trying to squeeze the most i can which may only be one sword dance/ speed burst but thats where focus sash comes to play and then after he will proabably have 1 hp so i can get like one hit in then hes dead, or i could protect and baton again.
If you're using Focus Sash, why would you want Def EVs? Put those into speed instead - to outspeed other Ninjask, if nought else.
128EVs is a horrible number, on anything. Anyway, for Ninjask, go with 252HP/56Atk/200Spd. Good leftovers recovery, enough speed to outspeed Choice Scarf Heracross, and the rest in attack. Its defenses are too bad.

edit- Don't use Protect or Night Slash, use Substitute.
My Ninjask would be:

Ninjask @ Focus Sash
252 atk/252 speed/4hp
~ Aerial Ace
~ Swords Dance
~ Protect
~ Baton Pass

With Protect and Swords Dance you can be almost guaranteed to pass a 150% speed and 100% attack buff to your recipient, if your opponent doesn't haze/status/priority move etc. I'd go with Aerial Ace over X-Scissor because Flying hits more than Bug does, iirc. You want to be playing to his strengths as a passer, really. Use him as a sweeper and you'll soon run into trouble.
Well, if he was using Leftovers. I wasn't thinking about the Sash, but that's really not as good/consistent as the Sub/leftovers one.

128 is bad because people just randomly throw 128 in both defensive stats to try to keep the stats "the same" (even though the base stats are different). For Ninjask especially, the defenses too are bad to try to increase. For walls such as dusknoir, you're better off deciding which defense you care more about, and putting more in that. Trying to split it evenly, on anything, is just not a good thing to try to do.

edit- this was in response to blizzard

Priory- once you're below 1/4 (unless they changed it to 1/3 for DP), they go up 1 stage (x1.5 or x50%)
Ok, thnx Porygon.

I know I should have posted this question with my other question, but since one stage is 1.5, is two stages (like Swords Dance or Agility) make them go up to 2x their stat?
Yes, 2 stages is 200% the original stat, thus the ninjask discussion.

I need to test/find if priority moves work around protect. The only thing I know for sure that does is machamp sometimes, and maybe sandstorm/hail.

The idea for focus sash is to guarantee you at least one turn, since as far as I know, ninjask is going to get OHKO's on the first or second turn otherwise. I suppose if you substitute on the first turn and the opponent switches you can get in a swords dance, but otherwise I'm not sure I follow the logic.
Ninjask actually rarely gets to Swords Dance. You have to hope they use something that can miss, and hope it does miss (well, if you're using Sub. If you're not, you probably will get to SD even less often)
I'm not sure if this has been answered, but does Aftermath work through Subs? For example, if a [Pokemon] used [contact move...let's say Fire Punch] on my Drifblim and killed the Drifblim, but the [Pokemon] had a sub up, would Aftermath still hurt [Pokemon]?
It would hit the pokemon, however I don't know if it effects the HP or the Sub (I'm thinking the Sub)

Is this a good Sneasel:

Nature: Naive
HP: 26
Attack: 31
Defense: 19
Speed: 25
Special Attack: 19
Special Defense: 8

I'll start cloning this one if it is good
It would hit the pokemon, however I don't know if it effects the HP or the Sub (I'm thinking the Sub)

Is this a good Sneasel:

Nature: Naive
HP: 26
Attack: 31
Defense: 19
Speed: 25
Special Attack: 19
Special Defense: 8

I'll start cloning this one if it is good

keep breeding, imo. you can definitely do better than 19 and 8 in defenses
I am trying to build a Rain Dance team and I came across this Shiny Floatzel

HP: 6-7
Att: 31
Def: 13-14
SpA: 25-26
Sp.Def: 23-24
Speed: 14-15

Should I keep it or breed for one with better speed and Baton Pass
I am trying to build a Rain Dance team and I came across this Shiny Floatzel

HP: 6-7
Att: 31
Def: 13-14
SpA: 25-26
Sp.Def: 23-24
Speed: 14-15

Should I keep it or breed for one with better speed and Baton Pass

breed, but that's a pretty sexy shiny
In a double battle, does Mold Breaker remove both opponent's abilities or does it only work against the opponent opposite(like with Trace)?
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