Chansey (Imposter) | Imposter
Its Imposter. It defines the meta. While it is early into the meta I think its reasonable to say that among all the recent metas the current meta is the most friendly for utility Imposter. Imposter-proofing is extremely challenging, especially considering Spirit Shackle is blocked by Covert Cloak.

Zacian-Crowned | Gorilla Tactics, Sword of Ruin, Orichalcum Pulse, Pixilate, Well-Baked Body, Flash Fire, Desolate Land, Good as Gold, Magic Bounce, Ice Scales, Levitate, etc.
Its Zacian-Crowned. It defines the meta. Its the fastest viable mon while being the best breaker (Calyrex-S flashbacks). Its very hard to justify not running one, even if you don't want to run offensive Zacian-C you should run a utility one because it just compresses so much roles.
I don't think anything is worthy of S- rn.

Blissey (Imposter) | Imposter
Covert Cloak Imposter is the strongest Imposter right now.
Arceus-Ghost | Fur Coat, Simple, Normalize, Regenerator, Teravolt, Beads of Ruin, Good as Gold, etc.
Arceus-Ghost is incredibly threatening, insanely easy to fit on teams, offers role compression, and dictates very specific checks. Sets ranging from offensive ability Judgment to defensive ability Judgment to defensive ability Infernal Parade are all extremely good.

Miraidon | Hadron Engine, Fur Coat
Strongest special damage output, basically forces Electric-immunes, has its issues with a few hard to bypass threats.
Arceus-Fairy | Pixilate, Ice Scales
Fantastic role compression. Strong wallbreaker + spinner + best priority. Unfortunately 4mss + Zacian-C.
Arceus-Fire | Fur Coat, Orichalcum Pulse, Prankster
Excellent Zacian-C check, non-passive.

Groudon | Fur Coat, Ice Scales, Gorilla Tactics
Decently flexible, defensive sets can cover either spectrum while offensive sets can also be good. Very useful Electric-immunity thats not Imposter.
Dialga-Origin | Ice Scales, Regenerator
Excellent special sponge. Fighting and Ground special moves either are too weak or never hit. 150 SpA + potential Adamant Crystal means the damage output is extremely good so stuff don't just setup on you.

Slaking | Fur Coat, Gorilla Tactics, Magic Guard, ?
Should be a fairly flexible pick similar to Groudon. Extra speed and less weaknesses is very useful, since you can afford Adamant and still outspeed at +1, while Fighting-type is pretty negligible in this meta breaking wise.
Arceus-Ground | Fur Coat, Ice Scales
Groudon with better stats defensively but high opportunity cost.
Arceus-Water | Fur Coat, Prankster
Excellent physical catch-all that comes with an unfortunate opportunity cost when this role is more or less easy to replace.

Dondozo | Fur Coat, Prankster
Excellent physical catch-all that is just a little too passive.

Eternatus | Dragon's Maw, Fur Coat, Beads of Ruin
Very dangerous wallbreaker through the threat of Final Gambit. Also has excellent bulk and a useful Poison-immunity.
Palkia-Origin | Beads of Ruin, Adaptability, Fur Coat, Primordial Sea
Extremely dangerous breaker that is annoying to improof.

Flutter-Mane | Beads of Ruin, Pixilate, Normalize
Dangerous special wallbreaker taking advantage of its excellent STAB combination. However, its very vulnerable due to poor bulk and high reliance on item.

Hoopa-Unbound | Tough Claws
Very dangerous setup breaker. However very slow before setup and predictable.

Moltres | Fur Coat, Prankster
Very solid Zacian-C check that isn't passive because Fire STAB breaks Tera Sub pretty consistently.

Clodsire | Ice Scales
Its Electric-immune that doesn't die to Grass-moves which are actually reasonable common. You also have a neat Fairy-resistance which can help against some stuff. Passive.
Enamorus | Pixilate
Decent alternative to Arceus-Fairy. Also has a Ground-immunity which can be helpful.

Rayquaza | Aerilate, Gorilla Tactics, Adaptability
A potent mixed attacker that also provides a great Ground-resist while not taking up the Arceus slot. Good source of removal too thanks to immunity to Spikes.

Ting-Lu | Ice Scales, Misty Surge
Its bulkier than Groudon and also has a neat perk of being immune to Prankster, but being forced out by Zacian-C feels bad.
Ursaluna | Gorilla Tactics, Ice Scales
A potent wallbreaker and priority-user while also offering a Electric-immunity. It can also play a defensive role decently, offering a Ghost-immunity over Grounds.
Arceus-Dark | Fur Coat, Prankster, ?
Decent Ghost-resist that can also heavily threaten Ghosts back.
Arceus-Electric | ?
Decent Electric and Flying resist actually, also resists Steel but that isn't very relevant.
Arceus-Flying | Aerilate
Sturdy Ground-immune and solid hazard removal. Doesn't do much else.

Bellibolt | ?
I did not get bribed by sevag. This is a direct replacement for Arceus-Electric that doesn't use the valuable Arceus slot while also providing a really slow pivoting.

Giratina | ?
Normal immunity. Loses to literally everything. Infernal Parade doesn't make this that less passive.

Giratina-Origin | ?
A notably stronger alternative to Giratina since you die to the top threats anyways.
Goodra-Hisuian | Regenerator
A very situational alternative to Dialga-O, the speed drop isn't actually very significant because there lacks relevant mons between 90 and 60, so something like 248 EV Dialga-O will get a lot of the slow pivots anyways. In fact extra speed for Dialga-O actually helps against the dangerous Hoopa-U by U-turning on it.

Koraidon | Serene Grace?
Triple Arrows spammer.

Kyogre | Fur Coat
For when you want a Water-type with reasonable offensive potential. Scald breaks Sub.

Mewtwo | ?
I have Mewtwo very optimistically ranked here because it has the tools to be extremely dangerous, notably since Psychic is actually not terrible offensively and it has access to the coveted STAB Lumina Crash.

Palafin-Hero | Gorilla Tactics, Sword of Ruin, ?
Water is not a great offensive type. Otherwise see Kyogre.

Zamazenta | Serene Grace?
An alternative to Koraidon, always outspeeding Miraidon and no Dragon weaknesses is nice.

Not D because Slaking is back and Triple Arrows is a funny move.
Arceus-Grass | Ice Scales
Idk why you wouldn't use Dialga-O.
Arceus-Steel | Levitate, Well-Baked Body
V-create and Precipice/Headlong are everywhere. You can only pick one to be immune to (No, Air Balloon WBB is not it).

Calyrex-Ice | ?
I have yet to find a purpose for this offensively since Ice isn't very good offensively. Could be UR.

Regieleki | Hadron Engine, ?
Fastest mon. Also the only viable mon faster than Zacian-C. Thus it has a small niche.

Skeledirge | Fur Coat
Fringe defensive purpose with a Ghost-type to be immune to annoying Triple Arrows and Population Bomb stuff.

Volcanion | Levitate, Fur Coat
Fringe defensive purpose with 4x resist to Fire and Steel, useful against the high BP V-create and Gigaton Hammer.