Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Most has a previous gen Latias If you only want it for Maison
Not only the Mason, it was mostly meant to be used in Battle Spot Doubles. Thanks anyway :)

I dunno, I find it actually hard to believe :/ i mean flukes happen buuuut
Maybe it's not legit, but I prefer to believe in people's ethics. I mean, what does anyone gain from having a fake streak on this leaderboard? To me, the best parts of this thread are the theorycrafting and discussions, and sharing stories about close calls and dumb luck. The streaks and records are secondary. Of course, being on top must be good af.
Maybe it's not legit, but I prefer to believe in people's ethics. I mean, what does anyone gain from having a fake streak on this leaderboard? To me, the best parts of this thread are the theorycrafting and discussions, and sharing stories about close calls and dumb luck. The streaks and records are secondary. Of course, being on top must be good af.

You'd be surprised actually, some people just want to have numbers for the sake of numbers and seem to miss that it's not nearly as interesting. see: #5 on singles, and this and the resulting discussion

of course "numbers" doesn't really explain *this* streak, so you do have a point
I'm familiar with the JohnJohn situation, long time lurker here. Well, we saw how great that turned out for him. People like him have a chip on their should and can't even pretend to be humble. The guy wanted recognition for his streak and "ability", ended up having to leave the thread/forum in risk of being banned. Still, it doesn't really hurt my pride if someone is cheating to reach a great record. If anything, I'm happy if someone can find a way to feel better about themselves.
All 3 have flawless 31 IVs in all stats cos I got 'em via wi-fi from a Spanish & American pal for a small fee via e-bay.
When you got them off of ebay, by chance did the seller ask you for specifics? I mean did he trade you exactly what you wanted, including shininess, IVs, moves, etc?

I figure if you were well versed in EVs you would have specified them also, which is why he gave them to you untrained.
Thanks for reading (unless you skipped this wall of text and I don't blame you if you did :P) and I'm hoping that I could get some ideas to improve this team. I want to reach 300 wins. :D

Looks like your team might benefit from Wide Guard as a center starting Garchomp3 could OHKO your Heliosk and Typhlosion with an Earthquake. Call_Me_Charlie has a similar Eruption/M.Charizard Y team that you could look at here (he uses a Shell Smash Torkoal instead of a Typhlosion). This way your Garchomp can spam Earthquake without hurting your Eruption user as well.
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Looks like your team might benefit from Wide Guard as a center starting Garchomp3 could OHKO your Heliosk and Typhlosion with an Earthquake. Call_Me_Charlie has a similar Eruption/M.Charizard Y team that you could look at here (he uses a Shell Smash Torkoal instead of a Typhlosion). This way your Garchomp can spam Earthquake without hurting your Eruption user as well.
I think that spread moves are not a as big a problem as you'd expect. Switch outs with this team to take the super effective hits are usually free due to the back up Pokemon having resists to Rock and Ground and I haven't had issues with not sending my Garchomp out in the middle. As for Garchomp3, I wouldn't see it coming and probably wouldn't use Wide Guard so he'd screw me over no madder what.
So... I've got a video to share.


Basically, I'm up against Punk Guy Jensen, who sends in an Arcanine. Durant comes out and successfully Entrains Arcanine, before dying to Overheat. Had I cared at all I would have noticed that Overheat was not a set4 move, it's a set2/3 move, which means there's a 50% chance this Arcanine knows Roar (which was responsible for me losing a streak some time several months ago). Oh, but Overheat doesn't trigger White Herb, meaning it's definitely Roar Arcanine. But I was not paying attention to anything during this streak, I was just playing to see how far I could get with this team before it fell... Anyway, so Durant dies, I send in Drapion (standard protocol against something that kills Durant) and start going through the standard set-up motions. Well, after Drapion Subs, Arcanine hits it with Roar through Protect and swaps it for Cloyster. Since I'm not paying attention, I don't even notice the wrong Pokémon is out until I accidentally realize I used Protect on Arcanine's Truant turn, therefore something must be wrong. Double Protect fails, sadly, so Cloyster takes an Overheat to the face, leaving it with 18 HP. At this point I get my head back on straight and don't fuck up again, and I manage to fully set up Cloyster and kill Arcanine. However, I'm still at 18 HP. Any priority attack can and most likely will kill me... which is, I suppose, why Jensen sends out Staraptor1 (the only Staraptor set with Quick Attack, I may add) next.

So Cloyster's dead, and Drapion is left against Staraptor and an unknown backup that may have Intimidate. I'm fucked at this point, and I realize it, but Drapion is still alive and I figure I might as well fight as well as I can before I succumb. Well, it's helped by the fact that Staraptor uses U-turn as Drapion Subs (U-turn hits first but Drapion still Subs: 76/177 HP) into... Granbull. Well, that's no good; Knock Off is NVE on Granbull, so even if Drapion were able to survive much at this point, there's no damn way he's gonna be able to Knock Off Granbull to death. Uh... fuck. But, Drapion isn't dead yet, so I figure I may as well attempt to do what I can. No real reason not to, right? Maybe I'll get lucky.

Or maybe I'll just notice after several stalling turns (with a couple near-useless Knock Offs thrown in) that it's Granbull1 (!!!!!) whose Retaliate and Payback don't break Drapion's sub with one hit... and that its other moves are Charm and Protect.

I didn't look up the set, I should add; I just noticed it on my own. Point is, the think was using Protect and not breaking Drapion's Sub. A lot. I actually managed to get Drapion back to full health through judicious use of Protect and Sub - and then I realized I could take advantage of Protect and non-lethal attacks and set up. So I started playing that way; spamming Acupressure in the face of an attacking opponent. A miracle Evasion boost on Acupressure #2 (I believe) that actually warded off some attacks made this a thousand times easier. Then, somehow - I sure as hell don't know how - I got Drapion fully set up against Granbull and easily, very easily, finished off it and Staraptor.

Christ, that was a tense battle, I so thought I was dead when Cloyster died.

I don't remember which battle this was, but I'm at 371 now.
Yes, that team is robust to quite a few misplays relative to your standard Durant lead team. Against Mismagius you immediately switch to Drapion because if it uses Mean Look on the first turn you're screwed whether Entrainment hits or not, and as always, once you know the lead has a phazing move (which is pretty much only against that Intimidate trainer because the only other one is Skarmory and you just have to switch in Cloyster) you can just sacrifice Cloyster and set up Drapion without worrying about getting phazed out.
Yes, that team is robust to quite a few misplays relative to your standard Durant lead team. Against Mismagius you immediately switch to Drapion because if it uses Mean Look on the first turn you're screwed whether Entrainment hits or not

Actually I did fight Mismagius a few days ago and won even though I totally forgot that I should switch... it trapped Durant but killed it with Power Gem without getting Perish Song up, and then I was able to set up Cloyster.

lol I love how I'm able to actually win matches I totally shouldn't just because the AI is dumb
I improved my singles streak to 380 wins.


Greninja @ Life Orb
ivs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
evs: 4/0/0/252/0/252
stats: 148/93/87/155/91/191

Ice Beam
Grass Knot

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/0
evs: 252/0/4/0/252/0
stats: 181/114/152/63/184/22
Iron Barbs

Gyro Ball
Leech Seed

Dragonite @ Lum Berry
ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
evs: 4/252/0/0/0/252
stats: 167/204/115/97/120/132

Fire Punch
Dragon Dance

This is basically the same as before but with Life Orb over Choice Specs, which I agree is the better choice for lead Greninja. The power drop and added recoil damage is noticable in certain match-ups but the ability to switch moves is greatly appreciated and most of the match-ups where Choice Specs would be better can be dealt with by other means anyway.

This streak was actually finished last year some time but I withheld from posting it because I believed I could do better. I've been unable to do so however, though I have achieved streaks of 344 and 321 and several in the 200s. My most recent loss was at 167 wins. I've lost the motivation to try beat my PB right now so may as well post this and move up some spots on the leaderboard! It's a shame I could at least make 500 or so since I've gotten to know this team and how to play around certain threats so well, but at this point I'm still satisfied with what I've achieved with it, especially given that the team was literally thrown together with little thought early on during XY (can you believe that this team was once ranked THIRD on the leaderboard? How far we've come...).

In the meantime I'll just keep lurking this thread and enjoy taking in other people's experiences with the Maison. Here's to the next games making some changes to the Maison to spice things up...I hope.
Managed a 72 streak in rotations. The team consists of

Black Star (Greninja) Life Orb
Ability: Protean
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Scald
- Dark Pulse
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam

Excalibur (Aegislash) Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword
- Swords Dance

Thor (Kangaskhan-Mega) @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Parental Bond
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Power-Up Punch
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake
- Double-Edge

Mango (Dragonite) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Roost
- Substitute

Basically threw in some pokemon I had from my earlier triples experiments and built a goodstuff team which starts with Dragonite doing Dragon Dance. Usually he sweeps the field and Kangaskhan will take whatever is leftover. When the opponent has a lot of ice pokemon it gets switched out for Aegislash which can also boost with Swords Dance and sweep as well as debuff physical threats that make contact with King's Shield. It's a overwhelm with power team but being new to rotations and not being good with knowing when to use Substitute for Dragonite I didn't get very far. Also it can't deal with fairies well at all since Dragonite only has Outrage and everything else that hits hard is mostly resisted by fairy barring Greninja and he's not too bulky. I mostly built it to get that last trophy for rotations rather than accumulate a long streak but managed to get past 70 wins so I thought I'd post it anyway.

The proof video code is C5CG-WWWW-WW3D-2XP8

Also proof of all 5 trophies:

Is this ok?
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I.... guess it's time. ORAS Super Singles streak update: 3540 ongoing wins. The marathon has continued for longer than I would have dared hope, and Gliscor is the best Pokemon ever.

#3540: UHNG-WWWW-WW3C-U26R (proof video)
#2717: S7JW-WWWW-WW3A-NMAU (narrow escape elaborated on below)

#1561: QV6G-WWWW-WW33-M5D4
#2229: UU9G-WWWW-WW37-GREC
#3000: CCEW-WWWW-WW3C-U2CK (3k cause 3k)
#3251: VDGW-WWWW-WW3C-U2G2 (record-breaking battle)

Team Marathon again (described here):

Jormungand (Gyarados) @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate -> Mold Breaker
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/4/31/31
EVs: 84 HP / 212 Atk / 36 Def / 4 SpD / 172 Spe
- Dragon Dance
- Substitute
- Waterfall
- Crunch


Naegling (Aegislash) @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
Nature: Brave
IVs: 31/31/31/8/31/29
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Stats: 71 Spe
- Swords Dance
- King's Shield
- Shadow Sneak
- Iron Head


Little Nicky (Gliscor) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Nature: Careful
IVs: 31/31/31/11/31/31
EVs: 212 HP / 4 Atk / 36 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
- Substitute
- Protect
- Earthquake
- Toxic

I haven't taken _that_ long for the last 1023 battles, have I? I was given a reason for going through it faster as the marathon was nearing its end... After I beat Team Growl, VaporeonIce and I had been in touch discussing our (Intimidate) teams' advantages over each other. And after I beat the Drapula record and had only one peg left to knock down, we were getting ready for "the race" that would ensue. A cataclysmic faceoff between Durant teams and goodstuff teams, lol. Durant vs. Gliscor. My plan was to post at 3k flat—I knew VaporeonIce would still be hundreds of battles ahead of me at that point, and then it'd be really lame to still claim #1 with a streak of 3001 or so—maybe I even would have posted nothing more than a "Battle 3001 is next!" picture and "np: Iron Maiden - The Duellists." I was so looking forward to it, but I wasn't confident I would come out on top, because while I am good at chasing, I really wasn't sure how I would hold up when I just would have to keep going without any clue whatsoever as to how far would be far enough.

Until I was somewhere in the late 2600s and got a PM from him saying he lost. The duel I had been so looking forward to was off, and one final chase ensued. A pretty stressful one at first.


Starter breeders are pretty scary for more reasons than just Blaziken1, there's just so much weird shit among those sets and there are so many that I would want to handle in radically different ways but cannot because there's absolutely no way to tell them apart. In the event of a lead Greninja, it's pretty straightforward what I have to do—the risk of Greninja4 plowing right through Aegislash and Gliscor pretty much mandates that I use my Greninja4 tactics, i.e. Mega Evolving right away and setting up one DD, going for three DDs and one Sub if it does turn out to be set 4—but this time Gyarados got hit for ~50% by (Protean) Grass Knot, revealing set 3. Not much of a problem, that one is stonewalled by Aegislash, so I set up to +6 through a cascade of Rock Slide flinches and KO the Rock-type Greninja. Out comes Feraligatr. Another one with radically different sets, but basically two of them carrying Earthquake and max HP investment, i.e. never OHKOed by +6 Sneak, and two of them carrying DD. My plan was to KS at first and go to Gliscor on an Earthquake set and KO DD sets with Sneak. Foolishly, I forgot that +6 Sneak doesn't always KO Feraligatr2, which DDed on the KS, I knocked into Liechi range, and KOed Aegislash with +2 Aqua Tail. So there I was, more than a little screwed (btw, can I stress how trivial Feraligatr2 would have been had I not been forced to Mega Evolve Gyarados against that Greninja?), and I sent out Gliscor because at first I thought the only way for me to win would be through an Ice Fang / Aqua Tail miss and Mega Gyarados was done for no matter what because Superpower has 100% accuracy—but it also brings stat drops. With a lack of Intimidate, the only way available to get Feraligatr's Attack back down however little. So I switched back and forth between Gyarados and Gliscor, and I got Gliscor to switch into Superpower three times, leaving Feraligatr at -1. At that point, Gyarados was at 22 (iirc) HP and frozen, and I ran a surprising calc that said (non-crit, non-Sheer Force) Ice Fang would only deal about 50% damage to Gliscor. Since I wanted to keep Gyarados alive as death fodder to reset a potential Leech Seed or Encore or something and Feraligatr might very well go for a new DD with this low kind of damage output, I crossed my fingers and clicked Earthquake. No Sheer Force, no crit, dead Gatr. And a lastmon in Samurott3 that was handled without too much trouble by a for all intents and purposes fresh Gliscor. I still don't know what the optimal play against that Feraligatr was, but I reckon I should have just gone for a straight Sneak?

#2771 (I think): no battle video

There are leads that do force this team into suboptimal strategies. Like Chandelure4, which forces Gyarados to go for an immediate Mega Waterfall OHKO. Another one is Vanilluxe4; it's absolutely terrific if it comes out against Gliscor because then I can stall it out of Ice Beam PP, switch-stall Taunt, and fully set up Gyarados, but it's kinda annoying as a lead because there's no way to get Gliscor in safely. The next best thing is going to Aegislash and OHKOing it with Iron Head. It will pretty much always get Taunted in the process, but that hasn't posed any too significant trouble because most things that can come in here and threaten Aegislash are taken care of by Gyarados / Gliscor without too much trouble anyways—a larger inconvenience is obviously the risk of an Ice Beam freeze. Which still doesn't pose too much trouble in practice—after all, if Aegislash dies, I can just go to Gliscor, stall Ice Beam, stall Taunt, and set up Gyarados, which is probably a way more advantageous setup than a Taunted +0 Blade Aegislash anyways, lol. However, this obviously hinges on Gliscor naturally outspeeding Vanilluxe, and that goes straight out of the window if Vanilluxe were to outspeed Gliscor instead. And it actually has, occasionally, a way to accomplish that at its disposal in Weak Armor. However, in order for Weak Armor to actually trigger, Vanilluxe would have to survive Iron Head—which it can do by using Acid Armor on one of its first two turns. Which it usually doesn't. But occasionally does. Either way, if you're still following, this team is kinda screwed if all of:
- lead Vanilluxe4 shows up;
- it uses Acid Armor on one of its first two turns out;
- it has Weak Armor;
- it freezes Aegislash on its third turn;
- Aegislash doesn't unfreeze before getting KOed
occur at the same time. Which obviously is an infinitissimally small chance. Kind of a once in 3000 battles kind of occurrence, lol. It happened in this battle. It then Taunted Gyarados as I was trying to snatch at least one / two DDs before finishing it off (which, again, it wouldn't have been able to had it not been for lol Weak Armor) and froze Gyarados as I was trying to KO it unboosted. Mega Gyarados didn't unfreeze, even until its HP got aaalllll the way down. And when it had like 20 or 30 HP remaining, all Ice Beam PP were gone. I switch-stalled Taunt, waited until Gyarados unfroze, and set up six Dragon Dances. No priority users were among the backups (Slaking4 and Milotic4—which a Taunted, unboosted Mega Gyarados and Gliscor would have beaten too now that I think of it, so I wasn't "lucky" for the second extended freeze allowing me to stall Taunt and set up, which I did think at first), so I completed my escape. The same once-every-3000-battles occurrence that happened here occurred again... not even eight battles later. Only this time Aegislash actually did unfreeze before getting KOed. Much appreciated.

These are two of the five escaping before death's sight battles that I recall on this streak—I described the other three earlier in their appropriate streak update posts (the 400-something Blaziken1 + Venusaur2 + Zard4 battle where I was too dumb to Intimidate switch against Venusaur, Zard flinched Gyarados as it was coming in for the win, and Gliscor subbed with 2 HP remaining; the 880-something battle against lead Drizzletoed where I went straight to Gliscor without a Sub on Gyara and it got put to sleep, which still has the video up; and the 1027 tilt against lead Absol4). Afterwards, there were a couple "uncomfortable" battles like the one where lastmon Contrary Serperior4 came out on Gliscor after a second mon Vaporeon4 that had drained Gliscor of all Protect PP, which I would have lost if the second Leaf Storm had been an absolute max roll on Aegislash AND double KS wouldn't have worked AND it had actually hit of course, and like that one where I went on a tilt against a lead Sceptile4 (after a first-turn Leech Seed on Aegislash and an immediate Energy Ball SpD drop after), where I ended up finishing it off with a crit that prevented Aegislash from going down against it and the second mon revealed itself to be Garchomp4, which I probably still would have won had there not been that bit of hax in my favour but I might have not either. After the 2700s, though, I felt good enough in between holidays to play 70 battles a day a couple times (think I even did 90 one time ~_~), and I ended up hitting 3k a little before the new year. And after a little breather, 3251 followed last week's Wednesday, and the first cute number available was reached yesterday.

It's taken a lot of time to get this far. And turskain does have a point, y'know. These streaks really do get too long, and it'd be nice if future games would even this out in some way. I agree with many of his ideas, but I would like to take this opportunity to say "please don't" to the idea of letting the AI run megas, because I think that would even things out a bit further than intended. The AI has a clear advantage over us in that we have to cover everything. And covering "everything" currently is doable, because we have access to everything the AI has access to, and more. But it becomes pretty damn hard when you can only use one of the ten most powerful threats yourself but still have to cover all ten of those. It really does kinda remind me of the matchup concerns in OU that people were very vocal about a little under a year ago in any case (don't keep up with those things all that well) and seem to be a direct consequence of the Mega concept—it is seriously hard to cover "everything" when you're only allowed to use one Pokemon of the very best ones. And competitive battles don't completely hinge on win streaks—we on the other hand cannot even afford to run crap like Fire Blast simply because we do have to minimise all eventualities because streaks are the only thing that matters, and I think we might even be shooting ourselves in the foot harder by giving the AI megas. Also please don't add Aegislash to the Maison roster either lol because with the AI's random Protect usage that one would be just dumb to face, and I don't like the idea of making the Maison harder simply by introducing pure guesswork. The rest of turskain's recommendations are fair game though imo. I am still a bit ambivalent towards making it more difficult to obtain longer streaks because I've got this ominous feeling that the other formats would become kinda like multi—throw together something that "works" and covers "much" of the Maison but ultimately is still seriously flawed no matter how you slice it, meaning you'd be playing through the Maison with a strong feeling that you're just winging it. And I don't like that—when I'm building a team with the purpose of beating "everything", I want it to be decently reliable at beating "everything", and I want to be able to grind my way up with a relative peace of mind. A peace of mind that team Marathon has definitely been able to provide.

But when all is said and done, I've been at this streak literally since late August, without any real extended breaks (except a week or two when I was waiting to hit 1000 posts). And it's just blatantly stupid that someone with a semblance of a life who has been (not always successfully) trying not to play Battle Maison all day would need five literal months to set a competitive record. I have been at this streak for roughly 300 hours now, and do you know just how many Zelda games I could have beaten during that time lol. I'm not ditching this streak for good because I don't like having unfinished business and it feels really wrong not to take this team to its true limit, but I think no one can blame me for saying the novelty has kinda worn off at this point ~_~ I'm downright ecstatic about this number, but I don't think I would have minded terribly had a lower number been equivalent to this achievement.

Either way, when it gets right down to it this is actually pretty awkward... I still remember obtaining the (att) longest non-Aron streak in doubles, and I then realised that people who were struggling with goodstuff doubles teams might come to me and that they had every right to expect me to give them sound advice. And while I usually tend to undersell myself a little, I am most certainly not the most knowledgeable player around here, nor the best player... And I mean, I know those things don't correlate directly to streak length, but that's still the unit by which we measure performance around here, and iirc I even ended up apologising to turskain for beating Greninja / Lucario att, as dumb as that is. I obviously still do know my stuff about the Maison and am able to build teams / help out with building them to a certainly reasonable extent, but what I've just said stands. Usually, I'll end up noticing flaws in my teams by actually playing them, not from pure theory, and when I am able to net a deep run, it's for the most part because of consistency and knowing what to do in a great number of standard situations. In a sense it's really not surprising that a stally, complete-control team like this one ended up giving me my best record. I haven't contributed anything to the great theoretical breakthroughs in this thread either... I guess I can chalk that up simply to me becoming a "good" player only after most of those had already taken place, but still. Team Plaguarism, team Kangliscune, and (for sheer badassity alone) team Glalie are legendary, and I'm not sure if team Marathon has approached that level yet. But yeah, heck, when Jumpman posted Kangliscune and made the monstrosity that is Gliscor known to the public for good, I was still plugging away with that crappy Mega Kangaskhan / Aegislash / Dragonite team that would eventually reach 330. And maybe my breakthrough here was that pretty lucky 810 streak with Greninja / Mega Scizor / Gliscor, when VaporeonIce was at 2366 already? I really am a rookie compared to most folks here, lol.

On the other side of the coin, this streak obviously has been mostly due to determination for the most part. The circumstances were pretty much perfect in that regard: "third 1000+ streak for my 1k post" and beating my triples record in order to finally redeem myself for the double 1k loss in April, beating the number JohnJohn has listed, and from there on out... just chasing! I didn't expect this at first, but the farther away a target is, the stronger determination gets? It kinda does make sense that a large task is a better catalyst for determination than having "only" like 250 battles to bridge. It really was all due to determination. The same determination that I had in March when I hit 1k in doubles, giving me the "I cannot lose" and "it's meant to be" feelings that I had then, and didn't have when I resumed that streak in April. I'm glad that the determination has been taking longer to wear off this time :)

I don't know for how long the current leaderboard standings will last—after all, one can be #1 for over a year, but next thing you know, some rambling, eccentric Dutch kid and their Mega Gyarados might show up and turn out not to have a damn clue how to lose a battle. And next time, it might be an American mad scientist. Maybe the one with the Mongolian kangaroo, maybe the one with the ill-tempered frozen hockey mask—I'll just have to see. But if they do decide to destroy my streak, I'm not going down without a fight x) I shall be slowly continuing it in some time probably (not too much, knowing me), but currently I'm done for a while and want to play different games (Zelda and Ace Attorney), some things are probably gonna come up irl, and I also have a couple non-videogame-related things that I really want to do. I'll find plenty of ways to pass my time. On Smogon too—I do think I was put on this site primarily as a GP ace, not a Maison ace (even though I think I may call myself that too now?), and I've been given quite a few opportunities for helping out with that kinda stuff.

In any case, I sure as hell am not winning 3540 battles in a row without hanging out in this here thread for almost two years now (including lurking), and I'm very happy to be able to be part of this group of people trying, and succeeding, to break this place and exchanging their stories. I'm very happy about this number lol, but these walls of text make for better contributions here. It feels a bit off to shout people out once again kinda quickly after my 1k, but I would like to say thank you to NoCheese for running this thread so smoothly. Also to turskain for being super good at the Maison and super helpful and for pretty much thinking up my Gyarados's EV spread lol. Especially to VaporeonIce for being a really cool dude, for rising from the ashes basically completely out of nowhere to knock JohnJohn off #1 more than a year ago and give that position back to a deserving player, and for accepting my challenge when it presented itself... I really wish we could have made this into a proper race :[ But mostly for giving this thread a team that won't be forgotten any time soon regardless of what numbers other people end up cranking out! And to P Squared for being cool and for cheering me on during my milestone battles :) hope to continue the tradition into 4k... somewhere way down the line.

Good luck everyone!


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And we have a new singles leader! Exciting stuff and congratulations The Dutch Plumberjack! Lots of new streaks too, so good show. I've updated through here, but with all those updates, I might have missed something, so please, if you catch any errors or omissions, let me know.

CTNC, if you'd like, link the loss video on that triples streak and I'll get you added to the leaderboard, though I understand if you'd prefer to hold off while you try to put together a longer streak.

Continued good luck on the streaks, everybody!
Has anyone who used the M-Kangaskhan / Gliscor / Suicune team had trouble with the Hypnosis / Dream Eater / Nightmare / Shadow Ball Gengar? I lost to it as early as battle 13 or 14. If Kangaskhan mega evolves, which mine did since it faced (and KO'd) a non-Ghost-type before Gengar, then it can't damage Gengar outside of Sucker Punch, and the only time Sucker Punch will work is if Gengar selects Dream Eater but Kangaskhan wakes up (I slept for the maximum 3 turns, and died to Dream Eater on the final turn). Gliscor is useless against it, and your only real hope is Suicune. My Suicune took a CH Shadow Ball with a SpD drop on the switch-in, then Gengar used Hypnosis followed by 2 Dream Eaters for the KO. I guess all things considered, I got unlucky (max duration of sleep, CH and SpD drop on Shadow Ball), but it still seems like a very difficult Pokémon for this team to face.

At least I faced it again in my very first battle back and got redemption (Suicune Burned it with Scald, and that was all I really needed).

Also, when do I start facing legendaries?
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Has anyone who used the M-Kangaskhan / Gliscor / Suicune team had trouble with the Hypnosis / Dream Eater / Nightmare / Shadow Ball Gengar? I lost to it as early as battle 13 or 14. If Kangaskhan mega evolves, which mine did since it faced (and KO'd) a non-Ghost-type before Gengar, then it can't damage Gengar outside of Sucker Punch, and the only time Sucker Punch will work is if Gengar selects Dream Eater but Kangaskhan wakes up (I slept for the maximum 3 turns, and died to Dream Eater on the final turn). Gliscor is useless against it, and your only real hope is Suicune. My Suicune took a CH Shadow Ball with a SpD drop on the switch-in, then Gengar used Hypnosis followed by 2 Dream Eaters for the KO. I guess all things considered, I got unlucky (max duration of sleep, CH and SpD drop on Shadow Ball), but it still seems like a very difficult Pokémon for this team to face.

At least I faced it again in my very first battle back and got redemption (Suicune Burned it with Scald, and that was all I really needed).

Also, when do I start facing legendaries?

Battle 40 is when u start seeing legendaries and I don't think you'd be seeing anymore of Gengar1 after battle 40 there's a lot of pokemon sets that don't get used, I think there may be a link on page 1 to give you an idea NoCheese can direct you to the post 40 battle quick guide list if it's not on page 1
Gengar1 is very rare past battle 40 but it is a possibility on Ace Trainer Jai's team (he uses all Gengar sets).

One way you could deal with Gengar1 is by PP stalling through switches. Gengar1 can't actually harm Kangaskhan in any way unless it gets put to sleep, so presumably it's going to go for Hypnosis first. Switch to Suicune to absorb the Hypnosis first (if it misses, leave Suicune in until it hits I guess), and then switch back to Kangaskan on whatever move it uses to follow up (none of which will hurt Kangaskhan), and then keep switching back and forth until all the Hypnosis PP is gone. After that you can just send Kangaskhan back in and it won't be able to do anything.
Hi everyone, I'm back. I'm posting an update of 1501 wins in Super Triple Battles.

Battle #1501 - VS Veteran Dorian (Zapdos / Moltres / Virizion / Thundurus / Articuno / Terrakion)

I've made some changes to the team:
-Replaced Talonflame’s Flare Blitz with Taunt
-Replaced Garchomp with Life Orb Landorus-T
-Replaced Rotom-W with Choice Specs Thundurus-T

Greninja @ Focus Sash
Ability: Protean
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Mat Block
- Dark Pulse
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam

Same Greninja.

Blastoise-Mega @ Blastoisinite
Ability: Rain Dish -> Mega Launcher
Level: 50
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Water Spout
- Aura Sphere
- Ice Beam
- Protect

I moved the 4 HP EVs to Defense so that it could survive Leafeon4's non-crit Leaf Blade. Otherwise, same Blastoise.

Talonflame @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Tailwind
- Taunt
- Protect

I finally replaced Flare Blitz with Taunt. Taunt is a nice move, since it shuts down set-up Pokemon such as Lanturn, Cradily, and Cresselia, and can even help out against Trick Room (though it's incosistent due to Aroma Veil and Oblivious). Flare Blitz would be useful against Regice and Magnezone4, but I think Taunt is the better move overall.

Landorus-Therian @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 68 HP / 244 Atk / 4 Def / 20 SpD / 172 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Superpower
- Protect

I was surprised at the lack of Landorus-T on the leaderboard. Landorus-T has a lot of advantages over Garchomp: Intimidate is an excellent ability that makes the team more durable, though I need to watch out for the odd Defiant or Competitive Pokemon; it has higher Attack, allowing it to OHKO Shuca Berry Electivire and Lanturn4; and Tailwind makes up for its lower Speed.

Of course, Landorus-T has some disadvantages as well. It has no good secondary STAB, since Fly is its only notable physical Flying move; it lacks a Rock resistance, so my team is slightly weaker against Rock attacks; and it doesn't have room for Swords Dance, which makes it slightly weaker in last-Pokemon situations. However, I think Landorus-T's advantages far outweigh its disadvantages, especially with Tailwind support.

Knock Off helps against Ghost- and Psychic-types, and removes annoying items such as Bright Powder and Lax Incense. Superpower destroys walls such as Snorlax, Blissey, Regice, and Wide Guard Bastiodon. I initially used a Choice Band Earthquake / Rock Tomb / Superpower / Knock Off Landorus-T along with a standard Bullet Punch / Bug Bite / Superpower / Protect Life Orb Scizor, but swapped their items since Choice Band Earthquake was unwieldy and I never used Rock Tomb.

The Speed EVs give Landorus-T 133 Speed, allowing it to outrun base 80 Speed Pokemon naturally and the entire post-40 Maison after a Tailwind. It survives -1 Tyrantrum4's Head Smash and Milotic4's Ice Beam, and survives Lanturn4's Ice Beam and Latios2's Draco Meteor after one round of Life Orb recoil. It OHKOs Entei4 and non-Levitate Bronzong4 with a spread Earthquake, OHKOs annoying TR Pokemon such as Trevenant4 and Slowking4 with Knock Off, and has an 87.5% chance of OHKOing Lanturn4 with a spread Earthquake. If Landorus-T had 20 Defense EVs, it could survive -1 Granbull4's Ice Fang all of the time instead of 93.8% of the time; however, I think that surviving Lanturn4 and Latios2's attacks after one round of LO recoil is more important, since they're bigger threats to the team.

Scizor @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
Level: 50
EVs: 236 HP / 164 Atk / 4 Def / 52 SpD / 52 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Superpower
- Knock Off

I tweaked turskain's EV spread. Scizor now has 175 HP, minimizing residual damage, and can outrun base 115s like Starmie and Raikou after a Tailwind. It can still survive Zapdos2's spread Heat Wave.

As stated above, I used a standard Life Orb Bullet Punch / Bug Bite / Superpower / Protect Scizor for a little while. I actually liked Life Orb Scizor more than Choice Band Scizor due to its versatility and ability to OHKO Lati@s1, but Landorus-T needs the Life Orb more.

I replaced Scizor with a standard Flash Cannon / Shadow Ball / Wide Guard / King's Shield Aegislash for ~15 battles, but quickly switched back to Scizor. While Aegislash is normally the better Pokemon, Scizor is a better fit for this team. It fares better against threats such as Regice and Lati@s1, and works better in Tailwind. Aegislash has a low base Speed, and Tailwind can backfire since it will be exposed in its vulnerable Blade Forme. Trick Room is a double-edged sword; Shadow Ball works well against common TR Pokemon, but Aegislash is also weak to a lot of moves carried by TR Pokemon, and Stance Change can backfire once again. Scizor also forms a VoltTurn core with Thundurus-T, so that's another point in its favor.

Thundurus-Therian (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Volt Absorb
Level: 50
EVs: 36 HP / 180 SpA / 36 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: ? Atk, 30 Def
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Grass Knot
- Volt Switch

Thundurus-T is the second new Pokemon on the team. I initially used Rotom-W as a counter to rain and sand, but that turned out to be unnecessary; Mega Blastoise already destroys sand teams, while Beauty Lana didn't give me a lot of trouble. Rotom-W was a good Pokemon, and its strong STAB Thunderbolt destroyed bulky Waters, but I rarely used its other attacks and it added another Grass weakness. So, I looked for a replacement.

Enter Thundurus-T. It has higher Special Attack, giving it more of a punch; it can take out annoying Water/Ground types, such as Storm Drain Gastrodon, with Grass Knot; it's immune to Electric attacks, which is very handy since I have three Electric-weak leads; and its naturally fast, which is important since I dropped Garchomp for the slower Landorus-T. Of course, Thundurus-T has some disadvantages as well. Its defensive typing is arguably worse, since it adds additional Rock and Ice weaknesses to the team; its high Speed backfires in Trick Room, especially against Slowthings that carry Ice attacks; and it lacks Trick, which is useful for shutting down defensive Pokemon. To be honest, I'm not sold on Thundurus-T yet, but I'll keep testing it out.

Typically, Thundurus-I is more useful than Thundurus-T due to Prankster and its higher base Speed. However, Prankster Thunder Wave is unnecessary due to Tailwind, and Talonflame also carries Taunt. The higher base Speed is nice, but there are no big threats in the 102-110 base Speed range, and Tailwind allows Thundurus-T to outrun the Maison anyway. Finally, Thundurus-T has Volt Absorb, making it a better fit on an Electric-weak team.

Thundurus-T's moveset is standard. I actually wanted HP Flying to cover Grass-types, but I didn't have a HP Flying Thundurus on hand, so I made do with HP Ice. The defensive EVs give Thundurus-T 159 HP to minimize residual damage, and allow it to survive Kingdra3's rainb-boosted Hydro Pump. It still OHKOs all Articuno and Suicune (sans Articuno2) with Thunderbolt and non-Sturdy Steelix with Grass Knot, 2HKOs Latios1 with HP Ice, 2HKOs all Raikou with Grass Knot, and even has a 98.4% chance of 2HKOing Cresselia4 with Thunderbolt. Since Thundurus-T has a 30 Defense IV, the remaining 4 EVs do nothing.

The new team is faster and stronger than the older team, fares better against Electric- and Grass-types, carries an Intimidate user, and has a better Trick Room matchup due to Talonflame's Taunt and Landorus-T's Knock Off. The Regice matchup is slightly better since Landorus-T can OHKO all Regice except Regice3 with LO Superpower, and the Lati@s1 matchup is slightly better due to Landorus-T's Knock Off. The Zapdos matchup is about the same; Landorus-T isn't as effective as Garchomp, but it can Knock Off Bright Powder while Thundurus-T is immune to Charge Beam and 2HKOs it with Thunderbolt. However, the team no longer has a Rock resist, and is more vulnerable to Ice Pokemon since Talonflame lacks Flare Blitz and I have two Ice-weak Pokemon in the back. If Trick Room goes up, things are iffier since Thundurus-T is faster and less bulky than Rotom-W.

The threats are the same. Trick Room is still terrifying; Regice has insane special bulk, can paralyze the team with Thunder Wave, and freeze any switch-ins with its Ice moves; Lati@s1 and Zapdos2 are bulky Pokemon with instant recovery moves and evasion items; and Lanturn4 can boost its Defenses with Stockpile while randomly absorbing Electric or Water attacks. Specially defensive Pokemon like Snorlax, Blissey, and Luxray are obnoxious; Pokemon like Cradily make battles drag on for longer than they should; Tangrowth4 has Lax Incense and destroys Blastoise with Power Whip; Leafeon4 has Quick Claw and can survive Talonflame's Brave Bird; Absol4 carries Bright Powder and can Swagger Blastoise before it attacks; Donphan4 can fire off Quick Claw Fissures and Stone Edges; and Wide Guard Bastiodon, Mienshao, and Regigigas prevent me from just spamming Water Spout or Earthquake. Since I'm using Landorus-T, I now have to be wary of Defiant and Competitive users as well. Gothitelle4 is the most annoying Competitive user, since it carries Bright Powder and Flatter and can trap my Pokemon with Shadow Tag. Chef Cobb is more of a threat, due to my two Ice-weak Pokemon in the back.

I also have an 880-something win streak in Super Singles, using turskain's and Jumpman16's teams. I had an embarrassing 3-0 loss to Jynx4 with Jumpman's team due to sloppy play. I'll upload the battle video and a full lead guide using turskain's team later on.

Battle on, Maison trainers!
Posting a 153 win streak in Super Rotations. The team is:

Gengar (Stay Puft) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Level: 50
- Shadow Ball
- Perish Song
- Destiny Bond
- Protect

Excalibur (Aegislash) Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword
- Swords Dance

Thor (Kangaskhan-Mega) @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Parental Bond
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Power-Up Punch
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake
- Return

Mango (Dragonite) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Roost
- Iron Head

I did not expect this team to get this far as my trio of Dragonite/M.Kang/Aegislash + a rotating 4th usually ended up losing around battle 70 so this was a pleasant surprise. I incorporated Gengar as I was going to try to use turskain team to extend my streak but soon found out that I had no clue on how to use Klefki effectively. Gengar filled a role that I needed, that is as a fast special attacker so I kept him in the team (Greninja had a tendency of being easily KOed based on what its last move was). Its Levitate ability compliments Aegislash's ground weakness very well and would sometimes bait opposing pokemon to use a contact move on Aegislash allowing King's Shield to debuff its attack. Furthermore, Destiny Bond and Perish Song crucial KOs on bulky pokemon such as those that have a tendency to use Stockpile, Curse or Volcarona with Quiver Dance or force a switch out with Perish Song. The rest of the pokemon on the team are fairly straightforward sweepers. I changed Dragonite's Substitute to Iron Head to allow me to deal with fairies without having its Outrage stopped cold.

Proof video: 9K2G-WWWW-WW3D-KTWD
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I have a team for the Tripple Battle board, seen here losing in a comedy of errors as I play early in the morning:
The loss occurs at battle 159 and the code XA7W-WWWW-WW3D-RDKY
Before I get into too much detail, what counts as "hacked?" I maxed out the IVs and set the natures before I sent the Zapdos and Landorus up from gen 5.
I would say that hacked mons are the illegal ones, as in illegal stats, moves, abilities and what not. But I'm not the one running this thread and my opinion is not worth much.
I would say that hacked mons are the illegal ones, as in illegal stats, moves, abilities and what not. But I'm not the one running this thread and my opinion is not worth much.

"hacked" also extends to event mons for whom it is very unlikely that the event could have been gotten with the requisite stats, or retained into gen 6 (ex. Wish Chansey, which was only obtained in a rather rare gen 3 event - what are the odds a person could realistically have gotten a bold 6iv one during that time that they kept into 6th gen?)
Using Pokegen at all is a no-no. Having said that, the only streaks that have really come under heavy suspicion are those where the guy bragging about his team clearly did not understand the AI or Maison, yet had several hundred if not over a thousand wins under his belt, which indicated the use of save backups. I'm not specifically referring to JohnJohn but another guy who made a comment about Walrein that indicated he didn't know its actual set. It was a long ways back and I wasn't the only guy to think something was amiss.

Gen 6 made it extremely easy to get perfection or close to it if you're willing to put in the time. My 0 Speed Landorus has only 3 IVs of 31 (HP, Att, SDef) and it's been with me all this time, though its Def is 28 IIRC, so it's usable. I took two days of resetting to get a 31/11/26/31/29/31 Mewtwo. It's really fucking annoying, actually, but if you're willing to endure the monotony of thousands of battles, it won't bother you *that* much <_<
Been lurking on this thread for a while getting tips. Have got my first trophy on the Multi format with Steven and the Greninja/Salamence combo used here getting to 51 before my console reset for some stupid reason.

Couple of questions for people
A) For Salamence Double Edge or Return? I've been using DE but without Roost it feels very kamikaze at times
B) If I was turning this into a relatively simple good stuffs double team which types or Pokemon would seem useful? Finding it hard to get my head into Greninja typewise with synergy. I tried Heatran as a partner for Salamence for a bit but found it useless. Also tried Milotic which was reasonably useful as a defensive buffer.
Been lurking on this thread for a while getting tips. Have got my first trophy on the Multi format with Steven and the Greninja/Salamence combo used here getting to 51 before my console reset for some stupid reason.

Couple of questions for people
A) For Salamence Double Edge or Return? I've been using DE but without Roost it feels very kamikaze at times
B) If I was turning this into a relatively simple good stuffs double team which types or Pokemon would seem useful? Finding it hard to get my head into Greninja typewise with synergy. I tried Heatran as a partner for Salamence for a bit but found it useless. Also tried Milotic which was reasonably useful as a defensive buffer.

For multis I'd definitely use Return over DE since Steven can be quite unreliable at times so living longer is always better.

As for a simple goodstuff team, one idea might be pairing M.Sal with Greninja and letting Greninja run Mat Block while M.Sal uses Dragon Dance to boost and sweep. Things to note though is that M.Sal is quite weak to ice and thus might get KO-ed while while it targets one pokemon by something like Slowbro which it can't OHKO even with a DD boost.