Data Battle Tower (For all your Match-Seeking Needs!)

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Still hoping for a newer opponent! :)

2v2 Singles
Switch = KO
1 day
No items

I'd gladly ref this when you find an opponent, if you're okay with having a first-time ref.
Tortferngatr will be tutoring me and checking for mistakes.
Feel free to PM mons.

Looking for a quick 1v1 Match w/ a Beginner pokemon (less than 3 moves other than starting moves).
1v1 Singles
Switch = not possible
1 day DC (looking for a quick match)
No Items
ASB Arena
Looking for a quick 1v1 Match w/ a Beginner pokemon (less than 3 moves other than starting moves).
1v1 Singles
Switch = not possible
1 day DC (looking for a quick match)
No Items
ASB Arena

Boom. Let's do it.

Since you picked everything else, I'll pick All Abilities.
4 vs 4 Doubles
3 Day DQ
2 Recoveries / 5 Chills

Arena: Shape-Shifting Arena!
Ref Instructions: At the beginning of the match, a random field will be selected from the options below. Every time a Pokemon is fainted, the arena will change again at the end of the round. If more than one Pokemon faints in the same round, then the arena will change only once. Each arena has an equal chance of being chosen. Once the arena changes, all Pokemon will automatically teleport to the center.

The arena is 50 feet wide and 70 feet long. At the beginning of the match, and after a Pokemon is KO'd, the arena can change into the following:

Grass / Standard: The arena is covered with soft grass. The soil is loamy, and Pokemon can dig on it. There are no water source.

: This arena has sand all over it, with a few sand dunes here and there. Although it is possible to dig in the sand, Pokemon who are not of the Ground, Rock, or Steel types may find this a bit difficult. In the center of the arena, a small oasis appears. This oasis is 15 feet deep and 10 feet in diameter. That is not a lot of water, so trainers are advised to use Surf carefully!

Water: This arena is almost completely underwater! There is about 10 feet of space from each side of the arena that is not underwater. In addition, there are three "islands", each with a radius of 10 feet, that are not underwater either. One "island" is at the center of the arena. The other two "islands" are 20 feet directly north and south, respectively, from this center "island". Since these "islands" are made from concrete, it is impossible to use Dig on them. The water itself is 40 feet deep.

Winter: The whole arena is covered with snow. The snow is about 6 feet deep. There is a frozen lake at the center of the arena, 15 feet deep and 30 feet in diameter. In addition, it is also snowing (not hailing), somewhat lowering visibility. Weather moves are permissible, though it will start to snow again once the weather effect is over.
I will be using four of my strongest Pokemon (well, I think they are strong), so you should bring your strongest mons too!
Limewire, consider your challenge accepted.


Now we need a ref...
Me & Limewire need a ref for this!

Also, requesting a Subref for this! Come on guys, It'll be quick...ish...

Also, Issuing an open challenge.

2v2 Singles
3 Day DQ Time
2 Recoveries, 5 Chills per Pokemon
No Perish Song, please.
Arena: Busy Highway
Field Type: Neutral
Complexity: Moderate
Format: All

Restrictions: No Water Source, No Rocks

Description:A busy highway with constant high speed traffic. Battling takes place on top of the vehicles. Fall off and you could be roadkill.
At the end of each action, all Pokemon not on cars will be hit by cars. There is a 50% that a hybrid would come (5 dmg), a 30% chance that a truck would come (7 dmg), and a 20% chance a tanker would come (10 dmg).

Summary: Endless Highway, millions of cars, 100% chance of a Pokemon becoming roadkill.
Edit: Dropping this challenge and accepting Jas61292's 3v3 singles match.
One Ability
No items

PMing Shadoo as we speak. Type. Whatever. :)
Also, how about a battle of my own:
3v3 Singles
2 Day DQ
2 Rec/5 Chill
Arena - A mountain. Lots of rocks all around, a little grass near the bottom, and some snow on the top. There are some pine trees scattered through out the place. No real water source, though the snow could be melted if you really want to.

I will be using mostly or all middle stage Pokemon, so equally powered opposing Pokemon would be appreciated.

This challenge is still open, and SoS already volunteered to ref. Anyone want to take this battle?
I'll issue an open challenge, this is a quick training match. I'm bringing middle-stage mons.

2v2 Doubles
2 Day DQ
0 recovers/0 chills

Arena; We're going back to Crystal Colosseum

Field Type: Electric/Rock
Complexity: Simple/Moderate
Restrictions: Water source far below (costing extra energy to use), seismic activity will cause crystals to drop, electric and rock moves get +2 BAP, no weather.

This is a colosseum from Pokemon Battle Revolution. It is an underground cave with crystals glowing with electricity (or at least that is how I perceive it). There is a nicely painted arena-rectangle for battling, but that certainly doesn't define any boundaries. This cave is just charged with electricity and full of rock. All electric or rock moves get +3 to their base attack power. There is no water supply except for down below, so it takes extra energy (3 energy) to summon it up for moves like Surf. If any seismic activity should take place, all Pokemon are hit will crystals (a 4 BAP physical electric attack with 3 Attack). Since it is an underground cave, no weather can reach the arena. It should make for interesting battles - it could potentially even be a gym if someone wanted to use it for that!

Also, Issuing an open challenge.

2v2 Singles
3 Day DQ Time
2 Recoveries, 5 Chills per Pokemon
No Perish Song, please.
Arena: Busy Highway
Field Type: Neutral
Complexity: Moderate
Format: All

Restrictions: No Water Source, No Rocks

Description:A busy highway with constant high speed traffic. Battling takes place on top of the vehicles. Fall off and you could be roadkill.
At the end of each action, all Pokemon not on cars will be hit by cars. There is a 50% that a hybrid would come (5 dmg), a 30% chance that a truck would come (7 dmg), and a 20% chance a tanker would come (10 dmg).

Summary: Endless Highway, millions of cars, 100% chance of a Pokemon becoming roadkill.


all abilities
no items
I'll issue an open challenge, this is a quick training match. I'm bringing middle-stage mons.

2v2 Doubles
2 Day DQ
0 recovers/0 chills

Arena; We're going back to Crystal Colosseum

Field Type: Electric/Rock
Complexity: Simple/Moderate
Restrictions: Water source far below (costing extra energy to use), seismic activity will cause crystals to drop, electric and rock moves get +2 BAP, no weather.

This is a colosseum from Pokemon Battle Revolution. It is an underground cave with crystals glowing with electricity (or at least that is how I perceive it). There is a nicely painted arena-rectangle for battling, but that certainly doesn't define any boundaries. This cave is just charged with electricity and full of rock. All electric or rock moves get +3 to their base attack power. There is no water supply except for down below, so it takes extra energy (3 energy) to summon it up for moves like Surf. If any seismic activity should take place, all Pokemon are hit will crystals (a 4 BAP physical electric attack with 3 Attack). Since it is an underground cave, no weather can reach the arena. It should make for interesting battles - it could potentially even be a gym if someone wanted to use it for that!

I need to train some mons now.

Switch = lewl
One Ability
No Items
Open Challenge!

2v2 Doubles
2 Day DQ
Send 2 Pokemon to ref
2 Recovers / 2 chills

Arena: Swamp of Two
A rather generic swamp. This swamp seems to be closely associated with the number two, though, so all Pokemon susceptible to the Poison status at the end of a round will take 2 damage, not affected by weakness or resistance.

Note that I will be using fully evolved Pokemon. I don't care about items.

Also, Issuing an open challenge.

2v2 Singles
3 Day DQ Time
2 Recoveries, 5 Chills per Pokemon
No Perish Song, please.
Arena: Busy Highway
Field Type: Neutral
Complexity: Moderate
Format: All

Restrictions: No Water Source, No Rocks

Description:A busy highway with constant high speed traffic. Battling takes place on top of the vehicles. Fall off and you could be roadkill.
At the end of each action, all Pokemon not on cars will be hit by cars. There is a 50% that a hybrid would come (5 dmg), a 30% chance that a truck would come (7 dmg), and a 20% chance a tanker would come (10 dmg).

Summary: Endless Highway, millions of cars, 100% chance of a Pokemon becoming roadkill.

Sure, why not? I GOT YA THIS TIME!

EDIT: All abilities, switch = KO, Items = off.
Open Challenge!

2v2 Doubles
2 Day DQ
Send 2 Pokemon to ref
2 Recovers / 2 chills

Arena: Swamp of Two
A rather generic swamp. This swamp seems to be closely associated with the number two, though, so all Pokemon susceptible to the Poison status at the end of a round will take 2 damage, not affected by weakness or resistance.

Note that I will be using fully evolved Pokemon. I don't care about items.

I'm taking this; it had to be done. Switch=Derp, One Ability, Items=On.
Seeking 3 consecutive 1v1's (a 3v3 Brawl), best record of the 3 wins the match in a whole.

NFE only
Switch = Not possible
No Items
ASB Arena
Order of Pokemon decided when sent to Ref

Yeah, this outta get more people xD
After my latest team update, it has come to my attention that several members of my team need training. Therefore, I will post the following challenge:

6v6 singles (special format)
3 day DQ for players, 7 day DQ for ref (with possible prodding and poking after 3 days)
Unlimited recoveries, unlimited chills, no move restrictions whatsoever
I will be using fully evolved pokemon. It is recommended (but not compulsory) that you do too.
Switch = KO (for reasons I will describe below)

Arena: Training Simulator

A special room designed to simulate pokemon battles. The arena dimensions are 50ft by 50ft by 50ft and can simulate any terrain or effect, meaning all moves are usable to their normal standard. Furthermore, if a move has variable effects depending on terrain (eg, Camouflage), the trainer can choose what effect they want (the terrain will change to match the desired effect).

This battle will use a format similar to two-turn brawls from the old dojo thread, with the main difference being that each brawl lasts three rounds instead of two. The first pokemon sent in by each trainer will be released first, and then those two pokemon will fight for three rounds or until at least one of them is KO'd (whichever happens first) and then both pokemon will return to their pokeballs and the second pokemon sent in by each trainer will be released, and those two will fight for three rounds or until one of them is KO'd, and so on and so forth.

In the event that both pokemon are still standing after three rounds, the training simulator will decide which pokemon wins the bout by awarding points to both pokemon and whichever pokemon has more points gets a KOC (in the event of a tie, both pokemon get a KOC). Here is how points are awarded:
  • Percentage of HP remaining (ie, current HP / max HP)
  • Current energy / 2
  • 5 points for every status effect the opponent is affected by (including ones like Taunt, Encore, Leech Seed, Foresight, etc.)
  • 2 points for every negative stat stage the opponent has (eg, -2 attack and -1 speed awards 6 points)
  • 2 points for every positive stat stage the pokemon has (eg, +2 attack and +1 speed awards 6 points)
  • 5 points if the pokemon has a substitute up, plus the substitute's current HP

Finally, at the end of each bout, any arena effects like weather or Trick Room are dispelled.

<&Kaxtar|AFK> objection
<&Kaxtar|AFK> can you reserve your abttle challenge for me?
<&Kaxtar|AFK> a match of mine will be ending in about 2 minutes

Reserving this challenge for Kaxtar.
After my latest team update, it has come to my attention that several members of my team need training. Therefore, I will post the following challenge:

6v6 singles (special format)
3 day DQ for players, 7 day DQ for ref (with possible prodding and poking after 3 days)
Unlimited recoveries, unlimited chills, no move restrictions whatsoever
I will be using fully evolved pokemon. It is recommended (but not compulsory) that you do too.
Switch = KO (for reasons I will describe below)

Arena: Training Simulator

A special room designed to simulate pokemon battles. The arena dimensions are 50ft by 50ft by 50ft and can simulate any terrain or effect, meaning all moves are usable to their normal standard. Furthermore, if a move has variable effects depending on terrain (eg, Camouflage), the trainer can choose what effect they want (the terrain will change to match the desired effect).

This battle will use a format similar to two-turn brawls from the old dojo thread, with the main difference being that each brawl lasts three rounds instead of two. The first pokemon sent in by each trainer will be released first, and then those two pokemon will fight for three rounds or until at least one of them is KO'd (whichever happens first) and then both pokemon will return to their pokeballs and the second pokemon sent in by each trainer will be released, and those two will fight for three rounds or until one of them is KO'd, and so on and so forth.

In the event that both pokemon are still standing after three rounds, the training simulator will decide which pokemon wins the bout by awarding points to both pokemon and whichever pokemon has more points gets a KOC (in the event of a tie, both pokemon get a KOC). Here is how points are awarded:
  • Percentage of HP remaining (ie, current HP / max HP)
  • Current energy / 2
  • 5 points for every status effect the opponent is affected by (including ones like Taunt, Encore, Leech Seed, Foresight, etc.)
  • 2 points for every negative stat stage the opponent has (eg, -2 attack and -1 speed awards 6 points)
  • 2 points for every positive stat stage the pokemon has (eg, +2 attack and +1 speed awards 6 points)
  • 5 points if the pokemon has a substitute up, plus the substitute's current HP

Finally, at the end of each bout, any arena effects like weather or Trick Room are dispelled.

<&Kaxtar|AFK> objection
<&Kaxtar|AFK> can you reserve your abttle challenge for me?
<&Kaxtar|AFK> a match of mine will be ending in about 2 minutes

Reserving this challenge for Kaxtar.

I accept this challenge.

NO Items, NO Switch, ALL Abilities
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