BDSP Battle Tower Discussion & Records

Yeah Suicune will take 3 Earthquakes, the last one is quite comfortable with hail ended + heal from protect and leftover. For Walrein you need Raikou alive, just 1HKO it with Thunderbolt, Suicune can't touch it.

And yeah, weather teams screwed me so many times. But I've enjoyed analyzing and figuring out the complex match-ups. There's another sunny + chlorophyll team with Ninetales/Venusaur/Shiftry that you need to stall out as well.

thanks for your help man.. trying to get 100 wins here but i ran into abbey today and put my Switch to sleep while i try to figure this out

i know this thread isnt intended for pbp help but like im still having a hard time beating her

Turn 1, i switched Suicune into Blizzard, it took suicune to 166/207
Turn 2, i protected to stall out hail
Turn 3, i sent in garchomp on giga drain, took garchomp to 118/184, hail took to 107/184
Turn 4, i outraged, did about 75%, abomasnow used blizzard, garchomp fainted
Turn 5, i sent in raikou and used shadow ball and abomasnow fainted
Turn 6, mamoswine came in and i switched to suicune, it EQ'd suicune on the switch from 166/207 to 100/207
Turn 7, i used protect to stall out hail
Turn 8, mamoswine used EQ on suicune from 100/207 down to 36/207, i calm minded. hail ended, leftovers recovered suicune from 36 to 48.
Turn 9, i protect for more leftovers, took suicune from 48 to 60.
Turn 10, mamoswine used EQ, suicune fainted.

did i do something wrong here ?? i dont think i got haxed- no freezes or crits. i could kill mamo now with specs scald from raikou but then i might have trouble with walrein being locked into scald.

thanks in advance ^^
thanks for your help man.. trying to get 100 wins here but i ran into abbey today and put my Switch to sleep while i try to figure this out

i know this thread isnt intended for pbp help but like im still having a hard time beating her

Turn 1, i switched Suicune into Blizzard, it took suicune to 166/207
Turn 2, i protected to stall out hail
Turn 3, i sent in garchomp on giga drain, took garchomp to 118/184, hail took to 107/184
Turn 4, i outraged, did about 75%, abomasnow used blizzard, garchomp fainted
Turn 5, i sent in raikou and used shadow ball and abomasnow fainted
Turn 6, mamoswine came in and i switched to suicune, it EQ'd suicune on the switch from 166/207 to 100/207
Turn 7, i used protect to stall out hail
Turn 8, mamoswine used EQ on suicune from 100/207 down to 36/207, i calm minded. hail ended, leftovers recovered suicune from 36 to 48.
Turn 9, i protect for more leftovers, took suicune from 48 to 60.
Turn 10, mamoswine used EQ, suicune fainted.

did i do something wrong here ?? i dont think i got haxed- no freezes or crits. i could kill mamo now with specs scald from raikou but then i might have trouble with walrein being locked into scald.

thanks in advance ^^

I don't think you did anything wrong, just very unlucky if your Suicune took 41 for Blizzard, then 66 64 60+ for Earthquake (probably <3% chance).

Abomasnow's Blizzard damage range on Suicune is 36, 36, 37, 37, 38, 38, 39, 39, 39, 40, 40, 41, 41, 42, 42, 43
Earthquake's range on Suicune is 57, 57, 58, 58, 60, 60, 60, 61, 61, 63, 63, 64, 64, 66, 66, 67

One more thing you can do is if Suicune has =<60HP before turn 10, roll protect one more to improve your chance.
▹ The AI does not counterteam, nor does it have increased rates of "hax". This is a common misconception, which usually sprouts from unlucky sequences; keep in mind that a lot of the sets the AI uses are designed to rely on luck (evasion, paralysis, OHKO moves), and over the course of many battles, you're bound to get unlucky with these. The idea for a high streak is usually to find ways to build teams that nullify the luck factor as much as possible.​
This is a blatant fucking lie. Had a 99 win streak and ran into a Shedinja on battle 100 that walled my entire team. Don't tell me this wasn't on purpose.
This is a blatant fucking lie. Had a 99 win streak and ran into a Shedinja on battle 100 that walled my entire team. Don't tell me this wasn't on purpose.

First, chill. Not only because this kind of post is against our rules, but also because it's honestly really embarrassing for this website that an 8-year user with mod status would be so wrong while being so condescending about it. To people who have battled in facilities a lot, your post comes off exactly like the people on PS! low ladder calling you a hacker because your Urshifu crit every move through Protect. I genuinely wondered for a bit whether it was satirical or not, but I'll assume it's not, so here's a serious answer.

BDSP Tower, more than any other facility, actually puts the counterteaming into your hands. You literally have resources that list every single team you can possibly face, you can also view all details about them as soon as you see the trainer name. You can plan for their backline during battle, know what you can safely set up and when, hell, you can plan your ENTIRE team so that it never has a losing or bad matchup. Complaining about getting counterteamed by openly available information you could have prepared for is quite pathetic, especially in the very thread and forum this information is offered in.

Since you faced Shedinja, for example, it means you were doing the regular mode and not Master Class, because Shedinja doesn't show up at all in Masters except on Fantina's roster - which is not a point you'd be at on battle 100.

Regular mode loops around after 49 battles, which means that technically, you lost to a team that shows up in the first set of regular mode (equivalent to battle 2). It should be one of these:

Youngster Ben - Shedinja, Bidoof, Snover
Lady Tiana - Shedinja, Piplup, Oddish
Tuber Aimee - Baltoy, Shedinja, Voltorb

The pool of trainers and teams in the lowest rank isn't particularly large, so the odds you would run into one of these 3 trainers - and so a guaranteed Shedinja - within these 7 battles is not low. As a result, if your entire team is walled by Shedinja and you're playing regular mode, it's not about whether or not it's sent out, it's only a matter of when you'll see the first one. In a way, you're relatively lucky to have gone 99 battles without facing it.

The only thing this loss actually exposes is the fact that whatever team you're running isn't adequately prepared for the Tower, which is quite simply a prep issue on your end, and not a nefarious illuminati plot by the AI to rob your trainer star (which, as it happens, other people have managed to obtain without running into anything they weren't prepared for on battle 100).

Now, before you make another post like the previous 2, please take a second to think about the fact you're representing Smogon as a moderator, and how poorly this reflects on us. Thanks.
So I wanted to get 100 straight wins in the Battle Tower Masters Class prior to the release of PLA and I managed to do so with some interesting luck and strange turn of events in specific battles. One change I made was replacing Ice Shard with Razor Shell on Cloyster since Ice Shard's main purpose was to break potential Sturdys and Sashes on Pokemon that may have priority moves. Razor Shell was kinda clutch in certain situations and it really made matchups more favorable. Overall, 0/10 would not recommended doing another battle tower run for anyone unless you like pain and suffering.

Here are my final videos that I recorded during the streak!

Battles 50-63:
Battles 64-70:
Battles 71-100:
The lack of a Steel-type hurts, but Empoleon doesn't strike me as... good. Maybe I'm wrong and a Swords Dancin' penguin will solve all my problems, but I'm also worried I'll miss Leech Life for Cresselia (all those damn Cresselia). Anyone have any thoughts (or prayers)?
I was wrong; a Swords Dancin' penguin solved all my problems. My Water-type Master Class Doubles streak has officially ended at 130.

Windjammer (Pelipper) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Brine
- Hurricane
- Tailwind
- Protect

Ludi Gras (Ludicolo) @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 60 HP / 252 SpA / 196 Spe
Modest Nature
- Scald
- Giga Drain
- Ice Beam
- Fake Out

Speed Queen (Rotom-Wash) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 124 HP / 252 SpA / 134 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunder
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Volt Switch

Pamplemousse (Empoleon) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 44 HP / 252 Atk / 212 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Shadow Claw
- Swords Dance
- Protect

Pelipper is Eisenherz's. Ludicolo is PerishVGC's, though I gave it a little extra Speed to also snag Scarf Staraptor; I don't know why I ever tried Kingdra (yes I do, Kingdra is one of my favorites and I was heartbroken leaving it behind), because Giga Drain is game-changing. Rotom is still my custom not-Raikou, and 77 wins into my final attempt it occurred to me that it could be one point *faster* than Raikou and Starmie instead of tying them, so now it is. Finally, Empoleon is an absolute star, whom I can't believe I ever underestimated. The amount of times that Steel typing let me get to +4 or even +6 was silly. 107 Speed really is the number to hit.
I lost to some critical fumbling around Titus and Edmund, whom I've beaten before, so that's frustrating. I managed to let Pelipper go down to Articuno's use of Hail on the turn it reached its Sash and, flustered in the aftermath and reading DoubleCheck sideways on my phone, failed to notice that Victreebel secreted STAB Jab.
Now the real confession: I never fought Ellis and Irene on this streak. My heart stopped every time I saw a green-haired pair, and their clones Lionel and Abbey did occasionally put me on the back foot, but my nemeses just never showed up as a pair. I had some close calls around other Abomasnow leads and ultimately lost to Hail, so I'm not confident I would have won had they showed. But I did stall out Trick Room a couple times against other teams, so I guess we'll never, ever, ever know.
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Hi guys - I would really appreciate your input on my team.

Current team structure Master Rank 3:
Cloyster lead @ sash
Scizor @ Leftover
Garchomp @ Lum

Potential Subs:
Tyranitar @ Chople
Latios @ Life Orb

I am pondering whether I should bring in LATIOS For Garchomp to have a special attacker on the team.

Also debating whether I should bring in Tyranitar for Scizor to have a Dragon Dancer .

Any thoughts on this?

On the current team, given Garchomp is not lead poke should I swap Lum Berry for Life Orb?

Scizor I am running leftovers and I really like it. I could swap in citrus or lum instead (if i decide to move lum away from Garchomp).

I am happy with my current team in terms of types ie there is no type I am particularly weak against. However, the usual threats like Starmie, Breloom or Mamoswine remain dangerous. Suicune is also a tough nut to crack even though Scizor is mostly superior.

Thanks for your input! I really appreciate it.
Well completed singles tower for my 100 streak on classic and got my 5 star black card finally. Having never done doubles before I went straight into doubles masters. It took forever to breed and ev train etc for the team but I have an exact replica of Q8altaria team. This team is legit and just want to say thank you for posting it. Am currently at 42 wins and haven't had even a slight problem yet. Trick room-protect-endeavor-night shade is so OP and I love it. Plus trolling with the level 1 is just great lol. Thanks man. I do expect it to get harder but just wanted you to know this helped a fellow poke trainer out a ton
I got a 100 win streak in normal doubles plus beat Palmer+Barry in master doubles with this team. It's a pretty similar rain team to what other's have recommended, with some slight modifications.

Pelipper @ Focus Sash
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hurricane
- Brine
- U-turn
- Protect

Kingdra @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Scald
- Dragon Pulse
- Protect
- Rain Dance

Scizor @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Thief
- Quick Attack

Rotom-Mow @ Magnet
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunder
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Leaf Storm

Pelipper and Kingdra lead is able to destroy a significant amount of teams fairly consistently. I wanted to think of a way to deal with other weather teams so I put rain dance on Kingdra, this has actually come in handy in a lot of situations to set rain back up quickly. If scald + brine/hurricane both hit a target in the rain it's almost certainly dead unless it's really specially defensive.

This team has an unfavored matchups against bulky water leads, water immune mons (storm drain mainly), cloud nine golduck, and Fantina's prankster sableye with sunny day. It's actually not too bad versus other weather ability mons since Kingdra can change the weather, but it's certainly not a preferred match up.

I used U-turn over tailwind on Pelipper. U-turn helps break sashes/sturdy and can help with pivoting, but switch it if you like. Hurricane always hits in the rain along with thunder and brine does insane damage if the target is below 50%. I'm not sure what the ideal nature is actually, but timid feels pretty good since it helps you follow up Kingdra a little more. Politoed could maybe be considered if home brings helping hand, but to be honest the flying stab just hits so many targets at least neutrally it's hard to give it up.

Kingdra is pretty standard except the rain dance slot. If home ever comes you could use flip turn or hurricane but I feel like it just makes your matchups versus other weather setters worse. Kingdra doesn't have the greatest fire power, so some things will survive and you need to be aware/comfortable with dealing with this. Protect; it's good. You don't want to stall out your rain but smart usage of protect allows you to get more "free" hits in if the protecting mon gets focused. Scald can also be used to thaw yourself, which has come in handy on occasion. 4 hp EVs also put you at 151 hp, so you have 11 life orb attacks.

I like CB scizor for the raw revenge power it brings. If you like you could probably use SD, but mostly it comes in to clean stuff up and CB helps with that. Thief is good for hitting enemy scizors and also bronzong, though you could consider brick break to remove screens. Obviously you are move locked, which does factor in occasionally, but good pivoting can mitigate this. Scizor's typing is amazing and synergizes extremely well with Kingdra (these are also two of my favorite mons so I'm glad they can both be used on a team like this). Scizor also deals with Cradily which is problematic. It's also the only physical attacker on this team so try to play it smart if you are going to need that.

I wanted to see if I could go far without legendaries so I needed a thunder user to replace Raikou with. Raikou is probably more BIS but rotom mow does bring some unique advantages/disadvantages. Rotom-M quad resists electric so it can often come into the Pelipper slot easily, is immune to ground, and also resists grass (I know scizor also does better but it cannot always switch in). Leaf storm, while not used too frequently, destroys gastrodon and quagsire, in addition to lanturn. The grass typing does bring an ice and fire weakness. This team does not resist ice except scizor and both of the backline pokemon are weak to fire so it could be trouble if they both end up out versus sun.

I've actually been considering using rain dance over thunder bolt for further weather control, but never tried it out. Protect could also be an option. Not sure if magnet is optimal, but you're mostly using electric moves so it's not bad. First I tried scarf but it didn't feel good to be move locked with scizor. I also tried leftovers but didn't really feel an impact. Lum berry isn't really necessary since you're immune to paralysis and the other status effects don't bother you except freeze. Leaf storm isn't used enough for white herb, plus you have volt switch to help reset. Rotom-M is certainly not as strong or as fast as Raikou, but it's a great fit for this team imo.
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I pulled together a team that is very similar to ones used by others to get the current top streaks on the leaderboard (specifically Willow Mango and DaWoblefet), but with a few small changes. Managed to hit 119 wins in a row on my first run! I will probably be playing some more so hopefully I can update in the future with a better streak. Here is the team!


Aron @ Berry Juice
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 1
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Endeavor
- Protect
- Iron Head
- Roar

Sturdy + berry juice + endeavor. The battle tower AI doesn’t really know how to handle this thing. They love doubling into its protect turn one allowing you to get TR off for free, and they love wasting their subsequent attacks into its 3 sturdy procs allowing you to win without a sweat. I may experiment with smeargle in the future but for now I love this thing. Roar is 100% filler, I only used it one time to roar out some double teaming pokemon. Other people have run rain dance and screech, I really don't think it matters.

Dusknoir @ Lum Berry
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 148 Def / 108 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 SpA / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Gravity
- Night Shade
- Brick Break

Dusknoir has proven a very good TR setter. This one is the one from DaWoblefet's post, EV’d to live Gengar-4 shadow ball. Gravity is amazing, assuring hits on the enemy is so satisfying. Especially when they waste time trying to double team up.

Machamp (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Dynamic Punch
- Bullet Punch
- Knock Off
- Ice Punch

Fantastic mon. Never misses, has great coverage, always has a chance to reverse-hax the AI with dynamic punch, and can get rid of any items if ever necessary (hasn’t really come up for me yet).

Tyranitar @ Chople Berry
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Assurance
- Stomping Tantrum
- Stone Edge
- Crunch

This thing hits hard with this team. It can fire off 100% accurate stone edges after gravity, is under sped by everything on the team allowing assurance to go up to 120 BP before STAB in TR, and can reset weather (hail really pokes a hole in Aron). Dark + Rock coverage is pretty dang good, especially at 100+ BP. Chople has saved me once or twice and I never found myself needing more power out of ttar, so I’m sticking with it. I like stone edge over rock slide as I never found myself wishing I could hit both mons, and stone edge hits much harder.

The general strategy of this team is well known. I think I would say 60 – 75% of battles can be won with just aron and dusknoir. That may be a little bit of an overestimation. Threats I’ve encountered to this team are:
  • Swampert – spams STAB earthquake which can do pretty significant damage to dusknoir if left alive (I remember I left him alive in one battle, can’t remember if I could have chosen to target his side instead)
  • Hail (abomasnow)
  • Ghost types, especially ones that carry shadow ball as they tend to target dusknoir turn 1 instead of aron (hence the dusknoir EV spread)
  • Berries (jaboca, sitrus, wiki/iapapa, maybe custap magnezone but I never encountered him in my streak)
  • Rough skin
  • Fake out
  • Protect/detect
  • Machamp was pretty annoying in one battle, he can’t kill aron but he uses dynamicpunch and confuses him. I believe I should just target down the Machamp side in this battle next time (Layne + Noelle).
  • I don’t really understand how the AI chooses its targets, but it seems to really prefer aron over dusknoir. Notable exceptions are EQ/other spread spammers (granbull, typhlosion, swampert, abomasnow) and strong ghost types (mismagius, gengar-4)
This team does very well in this tower since the entire enemy team can be deduced from trainer names. Just pay attention and you can certainly reach 150+ streaks with a team like this and correct maneuvering.

Lost to the infamous Torkoal and Bellossom lead the first time I faced it. Dusknoir got crit by eruption turn one :\ oh well. In the future I think I will try switching in Ttar instead of protecting with Aron turn one. Gives Dusknoir ~40% chance to survive eruption crit, idk if this is optimal or not though so we shall see.
Hello everyone, I managed to reach a nice streak while going for 100 wins for the Trainer Card star. Figured I would make a profile to post my results here and share.


I figured the Dusknoir + Endeavor Trick Room team would be pretty easy to use so I borrowed the team idea from some other long streaks, namely from WillowMango and Adamant Zoroark.

Dusknoir (M) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP/148 Def/108 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/0
-Night Shade
-Trick Room
-Brick Break

Pretty standard Dusknoir set. Nothing original. The EV split is to 100% guaranteed live against Gengar-4 Shadow Ball but this never came up. I'm not good enough at any sort of Battle Tower or VGC to theorize a more practical and optimal EV spread but this works just fine.

Aron (M) @ Berry Juice
Ability: Sturdy
Level 1
Quirky Nature
-Aerial Ace

Attract was helpful maybe once, I think its definitely one of the better filler options but still filler regardless. Aerial Ace can kill anything that holds on with 1 HP and is guaranteed to hit but I don't know if this was ever relevant. Like many other users have stated, the AI *really* likes to target Aron so you can usually count on that. Aron also sounds better overall than Smeargle, in my mind at least, as it can more consistently do what the team wants to do.

Machamp (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/0
-Knock Off
-Dynamic Punch
-Bullet Punch
-Ice Punch

Machamp is based. He hits stuff real hard. Not much to say here either except that Machamp is cool.

Tyranitar (F) @ Dread Plate
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/0

-Rock Slide

First of all, I wish I had Black Glasses on here because they're way sicker than a plate. Second of all, Tyranitar felt like it did its job really well but also felt a bit frail at times. Though, this was probably because of poor gameplay decisions on my part (lol). Offensively though, she is a powerhouse. I wouldn't change anything about this set in particular; it did its job and did it well. Definitely my least used Pokémon on the team though, Machamp feels more consistent for punching through things and less squishy at times.

My loss was to Ace Trainers Ellis and Irene with Rhyperior-4. Abomasnow lead kind of blows for this team and I didn't really know how to effectively navigate the team altogether since the last battle was the first time I had seen it.
Again, I don't consider myself an especially good player when it comes to Battle Facilities and whatnot, but this team is mostly pretty simple. I'm sure somebody could draw out a flowchart on how to most effectively deal with anything and just about anyone could get a 100 streak with this. Props to the people who came up with this though. I'm probably content with this and if I try and runs in the future it will be with a different team altogether. Fun experience overall, glad I could 100% complete Legends: Arceus and get back to this relatively quickly before I lost interest.
I have an active streak of 203 in Master Singles.

Arbok @ Choice Scarf
Jolly, 252 HP | 4 Def | 252 Spe
IVs: 31/12-13/31/31/31/31
- Glare
- Gastro Acid
- Switcheroo
- Scary Face

In the first iteration of this Glalie team (Drapion/Gliscor/Glalie) I was consistently hitting 70+ straight wins but could not best my 'unofficial' (interrupted by game freezing) record of 105 straight. The most common culprit was extremely awful hax (sample loss: 30ish turns in when setting up Glalie against a -4 accuracy Flareon I was taken out by a critical hit Quick Attack, which required Glalie to have -5 or worse Defense and to have gotten enough Subs broken beforehand to be at ~50% HP) exacerbated by not being able to see my boosts and adjust accordingly. Another problem area was unpredictable leads that could boost their Attack and Speed (or just boost Attack while also carrying priority); case in point would be Blaziken, which I could easily deal with if I Whirlwinded it out as it SDed or switched to Gliscor on CC, but Whirlwinding in something fast and hard-hitting while getting Drapion's Sash broken could screw me over. Tl;dr - boo to BDSP for being faithful remakes that keep the crappy UI that doesn't show stat boosts and don't allow for mock battles to iron out strategies against tough matchups.

Gliscor was a great staller and was very useful when it came to making Volt Switch leads a non-issue by switching in on an Electric move and setting up, but ultimately I felt it wasn't offering enough support to Glalie for how long it took to set it up while still not having that much sweeping potential on its own or addressing the weakness to physical set-up sweepers (especially given how overrepresented Palmer's Lum DD Dragonite is at higher levels). In other words, the team was probably better on average than the generic Garchomp/Suicune type of team but not so much better to offset that one could probably get in 20+ runs (and then multiply that by however many people would be using nearly identical teams) with such a team in the time it would take me to complete one. If the opponents weren't PP maxed it would be a different story, but Bullet Punch having 48 PP or Outrage having seemingly that many (because figuring out what counts as a PP of it being used is beyond me) made it impossible for Gliscor to pull out some battles against stat boosters it could've outstalled in previous generations.

So enter Arbok. It uses the combination of Switcheroo + Choice Scarf (as far as I can tell I haven't seen anyone use this strategy before, I think I'll call it SwitchScarfing) to dissuade set-up from opposing leads. Being able to lock a lead into SD/DD and then get a free Glare off as it switches out is so amazing, and to make matters even better the AI doesn't understand how the Scarf works (e.g. you may see something like Dragonite or Feraligatr using DD turn 1, switching out, and then locking itself into Scarf DD and switching out again when it comes in after the first KO). Glare is just the cherry on top (and actually the most-used move) where you're essentially compressing Scary Face + Sand-Attack into a single 100% accurate move on anything that's not Electric type or has a Lum Berry (plus it doesn't make Levitators switch in, plus it synergizes with those moves where paralysis and -1 accuracy is more crippling than -2 accuracy and paralysis and -2 Speed is more crippling than -4 Speed).

Scary Face is used on some Glare-immune mons or when Arbok comes back in after already having paralyzed something. Gastro Acid is clutch when it comes to taking away Speed Boost on Blaziken locked into Fire Punch, and taking away Pressure to give Glalie twice as many Disables to use against a crippled lead is probably where it sees the 2nd-most use. Really it has every move it needs for its role, although something like Skill Swap would be better than Gastro Acid due to working against Espeon.

This stat spread is not optimized - Timid with a 0 Atk IV to reduce Foul Play damage is an obvious improvement, and Arbok could probably afford to drop some speed (I just want to be careful that there isn't some slow thing that at +1 and Arbok at +0 would outspeed and be more of a threat). One more great thing about Arbok is that with Intimidate it obviously does pretty well against physical attackers, but it actually has higher Sp. Def than Defense, which prevents those annoying Bright Powder Porygon-Zs from getting a Sp. Atk boost. I don't have any of Arbok's moves PP maxed because I appreciate the ability to switch it back in on something that's not hitting/damaging Entei and sacrifice it more expeditiously via using all the PP of a single move and then Struggling; if you're in a situation where it's still alive and you need to waste PP against a last-mon defense/evasion booster with recovery, Glare's 30 PP is more than enough.

Entei @ Focus Sash
Inner Focus
Timid (minted), 224 HP | 32 SpA | 252 Spe
IVs: 31(hyper trained)/31/31(hyper trained)/31(hyper trained)/31/31
- Smokescreen
- Scary Face
- Flamethrower
- Snarl

Again I could not get over the 80s hump with Arbok/Drapion/Glalie (my longest official streak before this current one was 88). Some losses were of the outrageous hax variety (the one time I tried Switcheroo on Kelby's Raikou, it recorded a flawless victory of paralyzing Arbok with Thunderbolt, para/full para 2HKOing Drapion to prevent a Scary Face, and para/full para 2HKOing Glalie to prevent a Disable, and then there were a handful where bad Moody luck combined with some leads that couldn't have their accuracy reduced due to Sand-Attack possibly bringing in a backup with Levitate - think a paralyzed Garchomp with its Sash broken never failing to break a Glalie Sub with -2 Rock Tomb and then surviving a Freeze-Dry that was like -4 after 15+ turns of boosts), but then I hit a groove where I lost 3 straight streaks of 70+ in which Dragon Tamer Hernan's Brightpowder Scizor turned a 3-1 with a fully-boosted Glalie into a 0-1; between the first 2 it evaded 1 would-be KO due to a Sp. Atk drop the previous turn, 2 with just Brightpowder evasion and 3 with +1 evasion, and in the 3rd loss I managed to Disable Bullet Punch in order to switch Arbok in and lock Scizor into a non-attacking move only to miss 3 straight Switcheroos. So that was pretty goofy since I was something like 8-0 against that team before that stretch, but with Drapion offering nothing besides some possible Sand-Attack support in the Scizor matchup and forcing some awkward switch-ins with Sand-Attack, that was my last straw with that team. Plus while 3 straight was crazy, it's not like I'd be expected to win that matchup 10 times out of 10.

Entei is mostly using the first two moves to do what Drapion did but with better stats (sure it can be crit, but Focus Sash mitigates a lot of that plus crits on something that Arbok has likely paralyzed - even before factoring in the move's raw accuracy - are rare enough as well) and Smokescreen not forcing any switches. The typing comes in handy for extra crippling against leads like Blaziken and Lucario that have to be Switcherooed into Fire/Steel moves. Flamethrower is mostly used to come in and get a free KO on Scizor (the somewhat arbitrary EVs just make the roll for the OHKO on 252/252+ Scizor more likely than not where guaranteeing it would've taken quite a bit more, plus a Scizor that manages to survive on like 1 HP is likely to be spamming Roost) and to 2HKO Roughneck Aidan's lead Metagross, which forces me to sacrifice Arbok to just get off a Glare. I used to have Roar, but I never really needed to use it and after losing to a lead Espeon (every other time it had gotten locked into Reflect against Arbok, but this time it KOed with Psychic, 3HKOed Entei, and then OHKOed Glalie thanks to a Sp. Def drop on a turn 1 Protect followed by a crit) I replaced it with Snarl.

Entei can also be improved stat-wise if only to reduce Foul Play damage (I have been able to play around the Bright Powder Umbreon every time so far, but having some extra breathing room against it surely wouldn't hurt), plus there might be at least a little speed it could afford to drop (although if it's truly marginal it's probably worth possibly winning a speed tie with something to get off a Smokescreen/Scary Face rather than having an extra couple points in bulk). I don't have anything PP Maxed on this either (I guess I'm holding out until I get a 'perfect' one with a low Attack IV) but so far it's either managed to faint within the 30 turns of non-attacking moves it has or I've had the opportunity to bring Arbok back in for a self-struggle; ironically I wouldn't change Entei's ability to Pressure even if I could, plus Inner Focus comes with the slight perk of being able to get more crippling moves off against a paraflinch Togekiss.

Glalie @ Leftovers
Timid, 172 HP | 86 SpA | 252 Spe
IVs: 31/25-26/31/31/31/31
- Substitute
- Protect
- Freeze-Dry
- Disable

Glalie is pretty self-explanatory in that it stalls for boosts against a lead that has hopefully had its speed and accuracy reduced; to paraphrase Churchill it's the worst Moody sweeper with the exception of everything else that gets Moody. I haven't changed the EV spread on this yet - I'm set on the amount of HP because I think being able to set up even one extra Sub to fish for a miss or the right boost outweighs having like 2-3 more HP per Sub when that extra bulk could very well be nullified by negative boosts. Maybe there is some tiny amount of Speed to drop just to not deal with possible speed ties at +0 and for a certain situation against a trainer whose name I'm forgetting who leads with Brave Bird/U-Turn/Poison Jab/Sleep Talk Inner Focus Crobat and has Quick Claw Weezing as backup; the recoil damage it takes from KOing Arbok while getting Glared plus a +0 Frost Breath is just shy of a KO, and both times I've Subbed turn 1 with Glalie for a little extra recoil damage I've gotten a Sp. Atk drop. However, figuring out speed tiers with Moody and Scary Face/paralysis is somewhat daunting (the vast majority of the time it feels like Glalie has an overkill amount of Speed, but maybe there's something important that at -1 and paralyzed is still outsped by a -3 max speed Glalie, that kind of thing).

I've been somewhat tempted to go with a Jolly Glalie with Icicle Spear for the extra PP, average power, crit chances, and Multiscale/Yache/Sash bypassing since it's not like Glalie has to worry about Intimidate and it doesn't rely on the freeze nearly as often as I thought it would (plus there are a lot more leads that boost Sp. Def than Defense it seems). Against a Suicune with 6 Calm Minds, Freeze-Dry and a 3-hit Icicle Spear do comparable amounts of damage, and the same goes against something like Unaware Quagsire where you're not going to OHKO while boosted but should win the battle of attrition since they can't damage you and your 48 attacking PP would outlast their recovery. I suspect there are situations against more offensive Ice resists where multiple 2-hit Spears could screw you over though, plus it's nice synergy where only Fire, Ice, and Steel resist Freeze-Dry and Entei can come in on all those attacks.

This Glalie is female, my thinking at the time being that Froslass is always female and Umbreon has a 1/8th chance of being female as well. However, I could be wrong where the potential backup Umbreons are locked as male (and even if not, with Bright Powder and recovery it's a lot more annoying to deal with than Froslass). If I were to do a male Glalie I'd breed a female Timid Arbok as well. In the past I've been agnostic about the 'minimize Attack to minimize self-hurt and Foul Play damage' conventional because I've found possibly having to do some damage with Struggle comes into play more than either of those, but with no evasion/accuracy boosts, the Umbreon having Bright Powder, and Freeze-Dry allowing for a respectable hit on the bulky Water/Ice types maybe that's changed.

Just on a preliminary look, a Timid Glalie with 0 Attack IVs and my current Glalie would both have their Sub broken 100% of the time by Foul Play when Attack and Defense are equally boosted, and at +0 Attack/+1 Defense it's a 1/16th roll for my Glalie to lose its Sub. I don't know how much I really need Struggle (it can finish off the Encore/Disable Dewgong when I've Disabled its Rest, but I could probably take longer and stall that out just as easily even if only Glalie was remaining), but the Foul Play situation seems like a very fringe benefit as well where it's relying on specific combinations of boosts to make a difference when there are plenty of opportunities to switch Glalie's teammates back in and cripple Umbreon enough to eventually stall it out of Foul Plays.

Last edited:
hi guys i managed to get to masters rank 10 streak 73 with lead garchomp life orb, cloyster sash, and raikou choice specs. not sure if its eligible for leaderboard? haha

anyway my main question here is regarding suicune, im trying to do another run with the build recommended at game8 website which is lead garchomp sash, suicune chesto and scizor lum.

the typical crocune build for suicune
calm mind
sleep talk

evs invested into hp and def


calm mind
ice beam

evs invested into hp and sp def.

1) isnt crocune pretty unreliable if sleep talk decides to use rest or calm mind

2) should suicune ev train def or sp def? cos most of electric and grass moves super eff against suicune r sp which is better? or can he go def and sp def, and sacrifice hp. i see most ppl invest in def instead of sp def, is there a reason for that?

3) how do u properly play suicune? against faster mons, should u take a hit and then calm mind of get in a damage move straight away. lets assume its against a garchomp or dragonite with outrage, basically a heavy hitter, if im not wrong suicune only can tank 2 outrages, so it cant afford to calm mind since it goes second. outrage calm mind out rage faints. so in this situation should suicune just queue the ice beam? and only do the stacking calm mind technique if its against a mon that isnt so damage heavy? similar qns for scizor who is relatively slower and has sd. (invested in hp and att)

side qns: apparently enigma berry doesnt work in battle tower, is there a list of stuff that dont work?
hi guys i managed to get to masters rank 10 streak 73 with lead garchomp life orb, cloyster sash, and raikou choice specs. not sure if its eligible for leaderboard? haha

It's eligible! But per the OP:
▹ If you'd like to submit a streak to the leaderboard, please make a post detailing your team and strategy, and include a screenshot or picture of your win streak from the Tower computer.▹ From now on, only streaks done on game version 1.1.3 or later will be eligible. Alongside your streak, please include a screenshot or picture proof of your version number (Switch menu, hovering the game -> + button). This is to prevent people abusing the previous glitch in the Tower itself to cheat.

And for the side question:
side qns: apparently enigma berry doesnt work in battle tower, is there a list of stuff that dont work?
I've never heard about Enigma Berry not working in the Tower, could you elaborate on this? Enigma Berries are obtainable in BDSP if that's what you mean, being obtained from Kyogre's chamber in Ramanas Park or by talking to Following Pokemon. You'd probably not want to use an Enigma Berry anyways though, it's not a particularly good berry and is largely outclassed by other items, most notably the Sitrus Berry which also restores 1/4 HP but doesn't require you to get hit by a super-effective move for it to activate.

Good luck!
anyway my main question here is regarding suicune, im trying to do another run with the build recommended at game8 website which is lead garchomp sash, suicune chesto and scizor lum.

the typical crocune build for suicune
calm mind
sleep talk
evs invested into hp and def

calm mind
ice beam

evs invested into hp and sp def.

1) isnt crocune pretty unreliable if sleep talk decides to use rest or calm mind

2) should suicune ev train def or sp def? cos most of electric and grass moves super eff against suicune r sp which is better? or can he go def and sp def, and sacrifice hp. i see most ppl invest in def instead of sp def, is there a reason for that?

3) how do u properly play suicune? against faster mons, should u take a hit and then calm mind of get in a damage move straight away. lets assume its against a garchomp or dragonite with outrage, basically a heavy hitter, if im not wrong suicune only can tank 2 outrages, so it cant afford to calm mind since it goes second. outrage calm mind out rage faints. so in this situation should suicune just queue the ice beam? and only do the stacking calm mind technique if its against a mon that isnt so damage heavy? similar qns for scizor who is relatively slower and has sd. (invested in hp and att)
1. Don't use Sleep Talk on battle facility Suicune. It's unreliable as you say, and usually you only want to set up against weaker foes that can't 3HKO you. Typically Icy Wind or Substitute is used, but as Icy Wind isn't available Ice Beam is probably a usable replacement.

2. Make it maximum HP and near maximum Defense, you probably want a bit of speed to outspeed certain things but I haven't got the list to hand. Use the damage calculator to work out how much speed you can afford while having enough bulk to take important attacks for the team. Physical defense investment is definitely better because you aren't going to be setting up against Electric and Grass-types anyway, and you can boost special bulk with Calm Mind.

3. If you're against Dragonite or Garchomp, you usually want to switch in your Steel-type, which in your case is Scizor, which takes low enough damage from Outrage to grab a Swords Dance or two then hit back with boosted Bullet Punches. Don't just KO things with super-effective moves when not set up unless you absolutely have to, because you'll be back at square one when the next Pokemon comes out. Good teams should be able to take advantage of the lead by setting up on it with something, then muscle through the backups with boosted attacks. Dragon/Water/Steel cores like yours work well for this reason - each has lots of useful resistances to attacks and has nearly all its weaknesses resisted by teammates, meaning that in nearly every situation you'll be able to follow a path like this, considering each option in order:

1. Can your most reliable sweeper (usually the lead) set up sufficiently on the lead?
2. Can one of the backups set up sufficiently on the lead?
3. Can you PP stall key moves from the lead, either by switch-stalling (for example, against a lead with a moveset of Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Shadow Ball/Psychic, you can bait Ice Beams from Garchomp and switch to Suicune to take them, and vice versa with Thunderbolts from Suicune onto Garchomp, then set up something on Shadow Balls and Psychics) or Pressure stalling with Suicune?
4. Even if setting up as much as you want is not possible, can you set up partially in one of the above ways?
5. Can you KO the lead with your own lead without taking considerable damage?
6. Can you KO the lead with one of the backups without taking considerable damage?
7. Do you have to sacrifice a Pokemon to KO the lead? (You might have to sacrifice something to set up one of the other Pokemon fully, in which case it takes priority over KOing a lead without setup, but sacrificing if you can't get something else set up fully is always a last resort.)

The big thing to remember when using a successful Singles team is that nearly every Pokemon on its own is not a big threat - there will always be some that are troublesome to face with a particular Pokemon out and some that can't be set up on safely, but you can nearly always deal with them without risking too much. Take a look at past generation battle facility leaderboards and you'll see the loss or near-loss of a streak usually comes from having one of these moderate threats as a lead, preventing safe setup, then running into another as the second Pokemon (one that could be laughed at had the lead been something safer that allowed setup), so above all you need to prevent that happening.
* = ongoing streak. Last updated December 23rd, 2021.


#01. Sirya (200*) - Starmie / Scizor / Garchomp & their team report from a previous 180 streak
#02. TheReflexWonder (138) - Shuckle / Breloom / Suicune & the loss

#03. tjptchr9 (94) - Garchomp / Suicune / Raikou
#04. Burning Justice (66) - Magneton / Dragonite / Clefable
#05. GG Unit (62) - Gyarados / Blissey / Drapion


#01. Eisenherz (504*) - Pelipper / Kingdra / Raikou / Scizor & the progress to 504
#02. Q8altaria (200*) - Dusknoir / Aron / Snorlax / Hariyama
#02. Willow Mango (200*) - Dusclops / Aron / Machamp / Tyranitar
#04. JustinTR (171) - Pelipper / Raikou / Kingdra / Gliscor
#05. PerishVGC (170) - Ludicolo / Scizor / Politoed / Latios
#06. Eppie (159) - Dusknoir / Aron / Torkoal / Machamp
#07. DaWoblefet (154) - Dusknoir / Smeargle / Machamp / Tyranitar
#08. Adamant Zoroark (146) - Dusknoir / Smeargle / Tyranitar / Machamp
#09. 4BiddeN (123) - Dusknoir / Aron / Snorlax / Hariyama (Q8altaria's team)
#09. WMello (123) - Aron / Dusknoir / Crawdaunt / Weavile



[Empty for now!]


[Empty for now!]



Since many are just getting started, here is an (arbitrary) list of teams that have been reported to have the most success and aren't listed on the leaderboard:


Magnezone / Dragonite / Azumarill by EZaboo
Garchomp / Suicune / Scizor by Jinrou
Garchomp / Scizor / Suicune by Theorymon
Garchomp / Suicune / Latios by Q8altaria
Garchomp / Clefable / Heatran by elf_01
Cloyster / Dragonite / Magnezone by TheMantyke
Yanmega / Latios / Scizor by hmsa2012
Garchomp / Heatran / Rotom-W by Tcut
Magnezone / Staraptor / Gardevoir by TheReflexWonder


Venusaur / Torkoal / Cresselia / Garchomp by Legend of Kage
Azumarill / Togekiss / Raichu / Garchomp by gback911
Zapdos / Garchomp / Togekiss / Heatran by hassofalisco
* = ongoing streak. Last updated December 23rd, 2021.


#01. Sirya (200*) - Starmie / Scizor / Garchomp & their team report from a previous 180 streak
#02. TheReflexWonder (138) - Shuckle / Breloom / Suicune & the loss

#03. tjptchr9 (94) - Garchomp / Suicune / Raikou
#04. Burning Justice (66) - Magneton / Dragonite / Clefable
#05. GG Unit (62) - Gyarados / Blissey / Drapion


#01. Eisenherz (504*) - Pelipper / Kingdra / Raikou / Scizor & the progress to 504
#02. Q8altaria (200*) - Dusknoir / Aron / Snorlax / Hariyama
#02. Willow Mango (200*) - Dusclops / Aron / Machamp / Tyranitar
#04. JustinTR (171) - Pelipper / Raikou / Kingdra / Gliscor
#05. PerishVGC (170) - Ludicolo / Scizor / Politoed / Latios
#06. Eppie (159) - Dusknoir / Aron / Torkoal / Machamp
#07. DaWoblefet (154) - Dusknoir / Smeargle / Machamp / Tyranitar
#08. Adamant Zoroark (146) - Dusknoir / Smeargle / Tyranitar / Machamp
#09. 4BiddeN (123) - Dusknoir / Aron / Snorlax / Hariyama (Q8altaria's team)
#09. WMello (123) - Aron / Dusknoir / Crawdaunt / Weavile



[Empty for now!]


[Empty for now!]



Since many are just getting started, here is an (arbitrary) list of teams that have been reported to have the most success and aren't listed on the leaderboard:


Magnezone / Dragonite / Azumarill by EZaboo
Garchomp / Suicune / Scizor by Jinrou
Garchomp / Scizor / Suicune by Theorymon
Garchomp / Suicune / Latios by Q8altaria
Garchomp / Clefable / Heatran by elf_01
Cloyster / Dragonite / Magnezone by TheMantyke
Yanmega / Latios / Scizor by hmsa2012
Garchomp / Heatran / Rotom-W by Tcut
Magnezone / Staraptor / Gardevoir by TheReflexWonder


Venusaur / Torkoal / Cresselia / Garchomp by Legend of Kage
Azumarill / Togekiss / Raichu / Garchomp by gback911
Zapdos / Garchomp / Togekiss / Heatran by hassofalisco
Blaziken/Latios/ Magnetzone/Azumarill
Attn DoubleCheck users: there was a (rather major) bug in search v0.1 which caused the first Pokemon of the left trainer to have an incorrect second move. This has been fixed; you may wish to make a new copy, or you can make the edit yourself by performing the following:
  • Go to cell E19 in "Team Search v0.1"
  • Change both of the "B20"s in the formula to "B19"
  • The formula should now say =IF(B19<>"",VLOOKUP(B19,'Tower Sets'!B:K,4,),"")
I hope this didn't cost any streaks. Thanks to JustinTR for pointing this out, and sorry for any inconvenience caused!
Hello! I'm trying to get a 100-win master single streak, but it's impossible. I've reached 98 and I don't even know how. Every time they defeat me before and it seems that the game has learned my team to throw the counters. Could someone give me a hand? Thank you very much.
Hello! I'm trying to get a 100-win master single streak, but it's impossible. I've reached 98 and I don't even know how. Every time they defeat me before and it seems that the game has learned my team to throw the counters. Could someone give me a hand? Thank you very much.
Sure! Start by showing us the team you've used, and we'll see if it can be improved or if you should make a completely new team.
Sure! Start by showing us the team you've used, and we'll see if it can be improved or if you should make a completely new team.

Yes, thanks in advance!
I play Blaziken as sweeper and then i adapt to the situation, if im lucky i get some high rank, but the IA can be awful

Blaziken @ Focus Sash
Ability: Speedboost
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Fire Punch
- Reversal
- Swords Dance

Latios @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Energy Ball
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Inner Focus
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Calm Mind
- Roar
Yes, thanks in advance!
I play Blaziken as sweeper and then i adapt to the situation, if im lucky i get some high rank, but the IA can be awful

Blaziken @ Focus Sash
Ability: Speedboost
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Fire Punch
- Reversal
- Swords Dance

Latios @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Energy Ball
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Inner Focus
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Calm Mind
- Roar
That's a nice starting point! My immediate thoughts:

1) Suicune is great, but it must have Rest. With Rest, it can set up on a large portion of the tower, as well as status users. Use it over Roar.
2) Blaziken is pretty poor lead imo, because there are a ton of pokemon it simply can't beat (even after SD). Fire/Fighting coverage simply isn't good enough. I'd replace it with Dragonite or Garchomp, two of the best sweepers out there. Do you have any of those available (Adamant dragonite, jolly garchomp?)