Yeah Suicune will take 3 Earthquakes, the last one is quite comfortable with hail ended + heal from protect and leftover. For Walrein you need Raikou alive, just 1HKO it with Thunderbolt, Suicune can't touch it.
And yeah, weather teams screwed me so many times. But I've enjoyed analyzing and figuring out the complex match-ups. There's another sunny + chlorophyll team with Ninetales/Venusaur/Shiftry that you need to stall out as well.
thanks for your help man.. trying to get 100 wins here but i ran into abbey today and put my Switch to sleep while i try to figure this out
i know this thread isnt intended for pbp help but like im still having a hard time beating her
Turn 1, i switched Suicune into Blizzard, it took suicune to 166/207
Turn 2, i protected to stall out hail
Turn 3, i sent in garchomp on giga drain, took garchomp to 118/184, hail took to 107/184
Turn 4, i outraged, did about 75%, abomasnow used blizzard, garchomp fainted
Turn 5, i sent in raikou and used shadow ball and abomasnow fainted
Turn 6, mamoswine came in and i switched to suicune, it EQ'd suicune on the switch from 166/207 to 100/207
Turn 7, i used protect to stall out hail
Turn 8, mamoswine used EQ on suicune from 100/207 down to 36/207, i calm minded. hail ended, leftovers recovered suicune from 36 to 48.
Turn 9, i protect for more leftovers, took suicune from 48 to 60.
Turn 10, mamoswine used EQ, suicune fainted.
did i do something wrong here ?? i dont think i got haxed- no freezes or crits. i could kill mamo now with specs scald from raikou but then i might have trouble with walrein being locked into scald.
thanks in advance ^^