[Beginner] United Nations Mafia - Night 3

Alright, it seems we've got ourselves some time to maybe actually find a lynch target. Those of you who have already voted no lynch can keep your votes, but NO ONE ELSE SHOULD VOTE NO LYNCH. We do NOT want a majority on no lynch, because if we can kill a mafia today that's 100% better than killing no one. So for any of you that haven't claimed yet (which is most of you since almost no one has been on IRC all day) claim ASAP, either on IRC or by PM here on Smogon.
If Finland exists, don't bother contacting khz.
khz said:
khz said:
LifeAdmiral said:
Dear khz,

You are Bolivia.

You are one of the poorest countries in Latin America, however you are also extremely rich in natural resources. Looks like your government screwed up big time. But your capital, La Paz, has an amazing skyline and is the highest capital in the world so the UNSC recruited you so you can keep an eye on everyone else from the clouds.

At night, you may send LifeAdmiral and Objection a PM with the order “Look down at <USER>”. You will look down upon <USER> and watch them, but because you are so high up you will only see what country they are.

You are allied with the United Nations Security Council. You win if the UNSC gets rid of all enemy threats.
Note the fact that khz is quoted twice; when he forwarded it to me it was quoted once by him then by Life, then I c/ped my quick reply box. This means he sent the PM to himself then forwarded me that PM. Feel free to test this yourself by forwarding your own PM to yourself; you'll see what I mean. Why would be do this? If it was a fake, he would send it to himself so he could easily forward it, except he didn't fix the quoting when he forwarded it. Also, I have it on good word that he is confirmed to be Axis of Awesome, and quite possibly the last one (depends on whether they have 4 or 5), which means we have a chance to eliminate a night kill. With this in mind, I'd like to ask everyone to Lynch khz
After your beloved leader's death, you are all wondering what to do. RaRe555 says that surely a second-in-command would be appointed and that he should step forward and lead you all to victory. So you all look around, wondering which one of you was the chosen one ... but for some reason nobody's claiming to be the one. Eventually, Flamestrike steps up and says "Look, I know I'm not the guy you're looking for but I'm gonna run this thing anyway. Now let's get khz because I have a feeling he's been lying to us." khz desperately asks for the representative of Finland to contact him, but Engineer Pikachu tackles him to the ground and his role PM falls out of his trouser pocket. However, you're more concerned with punching something today so you all gather around and take it in turns to beat up khz. Somehow, Terrador14 manages to sleep through the entire thing.

Suddenly, the door opens and a vaguely familiar face enters. "Hey Quagsires," says Xaqwais. But Quagsires takes one look at Terrador14 and tuts. "That guy always gets drunk on the job somehow," he says before kicking Terrador14 in the shins, causing him to wake immediately. However, his words are so slurred that you can't be bothered to work out what exactly he's trying to say. Instead, you just let Quagsires literally throw the drunkard out and you allow him to fill in for Terrador14 while the poor guy's intoxicated.

Tsuk thinks it's a good idea to let the new guy read the role PM of the latest victim, so Quagsires picks it up and reads:

Dear khz,

You are Israel.

A lot of the world hates you but you are still one of the coolest places in the world. Eilat has great beaches, Tel Aviv's nightlife is sick and Jerusalem... no words can describe the beauty of that city. You have joined the Axis of Awesome in an attempt to take over the UNSC and finally have some peace and quiet from dumbass resolutions.

At night, you may send LifeAdmiral and Objection a PM with the order "<USER>, I'll slit your neck if you talk". You will put a blade across <USER>'s neck and will cut their throat if they post in the thread the next day.

You are allied with the Axis of Awesome. You win if the Axis of Awesome achieves parity with the rest of the town.

He also sees something scribbled on the bottom:

My comrades have all fallen. The rest is up to me.

"So ... does this mean there is no more Axis of Awesome?" asks J-man. "I think it means exactly that," replies Brammi. You all cheer at the news that an entire group of enemies is now gone before retiring for the night.

The Axis of Awesome has been eliminated.
Quagsires has been subbed in for Terrador14.
It is now Night 4, which means LifeAdmiral really needs to update the OP. Deadline is 11pm GMT on 25th March.
Well the quote reply box automatically adds quote tags, so the PM I sent you have (My quote tags)(LifeAdmirals quote tags)PM. After I sent my PM to ginganinja, to send it to you all I did was forward it from my sent messages, therefore it would put my quote tags around my words, which was basically the role PM. Actually that may be hard to understand so heres what happens:

1. LifeAdmiral sends me my Role PM.
2. I forward said role PM to ginganinja. It has LifeAdmiral's quote tags around it.
3. Now, I go to "sent items" and forward it again to you. It has the original message I sent to ginga, all put around quote tags because they are know "my" words.
4. When Flamestrike copied it from his quick reply box, it added the second set of quote tags.

Secondly, who is this "trusted source"? Give me logs/PMs/chat whatever or how do I (or anyone) know that this person doesn't exist? Also if this trusted source was so credible why wasn't I lynched ages ago?

PS: It's "khz" not ""Khz"

EDIT: ninja'd. See you in the postgame
Very good, one less night kill to deal with. Those of you who haven't claimed, I expect you to claim before the end of the night; we're close to the win so the sooner we get things set up the better.
Just as you have left the building, you see a man puffing and panting as he staggers towards you. "Am I late?" he asks. "Sorry, Levity can't be here for a while. She's having a baby." After you all congratulate her, the man introduces himself as StevenSnype.

StevenSnype has been subbed in for Levity.
After two people being forced to take time off of work, you wondered what the next day would bring. Unfortunately, the familiar smell of burning vodka lingered in the hallway and, upon closer inspection, you found that it was J-man whose body had been burned:

Dear J-Man,

You are Mexico.

You used to be part of Spain but you decided you wanted to be independent and you got your wish. You celebrate this once every year by having a fiesta where there are parades and fireworks and mariachi music and everyone has a good old time. You are also the birthplace of chocolate, though tacos and tamales are more often recognised as your signature cuisine.

At night, you may send LifeAdmiral and Objection a PM with the order "Invite <USER> to a fiesta". You will invite <USER> to your independence day fiesta even though it's not actually independence day and <USER> will be having such a good time that they'll forget all about what they were going to do that night.

You are allied with the United Nations Security Council. You win if the UNSC gets rid of all enemy threats.

Despite eliminating an entire group of enemies before, you couldn't help but wonder if someone was exposing all of the UNSC's weak spots or if someone was just getting lucky with who they were deciding to kill. Finding out who was doing the killing quickly became a high priority and so you held another meeting to try to work out who might be the killer.

It is now Day 5 contrary to what the thread title might say. Day 5 deadline is at midnight GMT on the 28th of March or 7pm EST on the 27th of March. Results are going out. Also can a mod either update the OP or give me the power to update it?
To whoever killed me, may you never enjoy a fiesta ever again. May you get indigestion every time you have mexican...

Peace out, you suck very much.

Inspector's gotten in touch with me, and we have our new lynch target. While he didn't get a mafia, we have a role telling us that there are only two European countries left alive in the game. This role has been cleaned, and is a European country, and the player cleaned last night is also a European country. This means that any other players that claimed European countries are faking. Conveniently...
[21:21] <Snivy>
Objection said:
Dear StevenSnype,
[21:21] <Snivy> You are Spain.
[21:21] <Snivy> Even though you have such diverse cuisine and are home to two of the world's most successful football clubs, most people know you as the country where you fight bulls. Some say this is a blood sport; others say it's a fine art and not a sport. You also have a very warm climate and your coasts have a lot of beaches and your summer resorts are popular with your own people and foreigners alike.
[21:21] <Snivy> At night, you may send LifeAdmiral and Objection a PM with the order "<USER> didn't do well in the bullring". You will inspect <USER>'s dead body and, from the kind of injuries they sustain, you will find out which faction is responsible for their death.
[21:21] <Snivy> You are allied with the United Nations Security Council. You win if the UNSC gets rid of all enemy threats.
Snype has been bugging me for info ever since he subbed in, under the guise of being an unimportant role with nothing better to do. He also asked me to be mafia liason, in order to talk to suspects to get extra info out of them presumably. He also wouldn't send the PM for his persuasion to me last night under the excuse that Smogon wouldn't load and he had to leave really soon... except he didn't leave for another 5-10 minutes, then came back later on for another 5-10 minutes and still didn't send the PM. I understand that Smogon isn't working very well as of late, but it still doesn't take that long to forward a result. All in all, I'd like to ask everyone to Lynch StevenSnype

EDIT: Quote tags are there because he pasted them into IRC, I could edit it to fix it but screw that.