^While I think that set is a bit overspecialized, it does bring up an interesting point that has been overlooked up to this point - Nitro Charge.
With Blaze not getting the speed boost on the turn that it switches in, the likes of ScarfChomp and other base 100s still manage to outspeed it. Nitro Charge remedies this issue on the mixed set especially:
Blaziken@Life Orb
Rash; 60 Atk / 252 SpA / 196 Speed
HP Grass
Fire Blast
Hi Jump Kick
Stone Edge / Nitro Charge / Baton Pass
This set always seems to have the first three moves as standard, with the last slot as general utility. Stone Edge provides coverage, Nitro Charge grants Blaziken a second speed boost (and obviates the need for Protect), and Baton Pass furthers the team support provided by the set by passing off its speed once it has broken the enemy's walls.
It gained coverage in one segment, but you'll lose your Rock move by running Nitro Charge (which means Shanderaa's free to trap and CM you, or FF versions get a free CM).
Baton Pass is a very sexy idea but... it should be along Nitro (imo):
Rash/Jolly; 252 Atk / 196 Spd / 56 Def or Satk
- Nitro Charge/Bulk Up/Swords Dance/Cheer Up/Claw Sharpen
- Flare Blitz
- Earthquake/Stone Edge/HP Grass
- Baton Pass
Switch in on something you're not afraid of, stat up. Flare Blitz wallbreaks decently with the penalty of health.
The next move covers. EQ covers the OU Flash Fire users and Tentacruel, Stone Edge hits Deraa/Torun/Gyara/Sala/Cloy and neutrals Heatran, HP Grass forces PertQuag/StarTops to take dirt naps and hits Cloyster + the new WaterGhost & WaterRock.
And BP gets Ken the heck out of there before a Mischievous Taunter comes in.
As for a 'universal Ken', I don't think such a set that can threaten every OU (even after SD/CU/BU and with LO) exists. All Ken variations will leave openings for common OUs to exploit. But, a pokemon who can reliably pass
+2 Speed
+1 Speed, +2 Attack
+1 Speed, Attack, Defense
+1 Speed, Attack, Special Attack
+1 Speed, Attack, Accuracy
has multiple options to possibly allow another pokemon to come in and do harm to the opponent. Aianto comes to mind for Claw Sharpen, can't see much threatening it at +1 speed and attack without Hustle's acc drop hurting it.