Ciran draws Pokemon


Wasn't lazy this time and made a file of just the sketches sooner than normal.

Grimmsnarl didn't make the cut for the giveaway, but here's what could have been. Didn't have the text on the resized version and I didn't want to rewrite it so included both.



The Cosmogs are for BilloPS , may he always find joy in his ban hammer

Below are just individualized things from old wifi ga art, if someone felt inclined to use them as like a pfp somewhere. Please just leave my name on them. Left them with a bit of negative space because I think that makes centering stuff easier, you don't need to try and battle any white space; they'll look better if you keep this in mind if you decide to use it on something like discord. If you want to use it on smogon I think you're better off recropping the image.



In retrospect I realized I should have done the mouth on omastar differently, it would have been better with the inside of the mouth as the negative color and the teeth the positive color. Too late, don't feel like going back to fix old stuff.


Official PS! Wi-Fi Giveaway for the month's theme is Fight Club, hope to see you there!


Edit: forgot to mention, the texture was free to use without credit. I found a lot of textures with these usage rules years ago and saved them, so I'm not entirely sure where I got them from anymore aside from deviantart
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Wi-Fi Official GIveaway theme this month is well known characters from Greek Mythology. There are 8? pokemon that are less obvious in the design, so props to you if you can identify them


This is based off the black figure pottery technique from ancient Greece. The technique involved making the pot, allowing it to dry to a leather hardness and then painting the black slip on to the incomplete ceramic. A thin metal stylus was used to scratch off the slip to reveal the clay color of the pot underneath, which is how you get the fine detail lines.

The words are based on two different ways ancient artisans would sign their pots. The left translates to "ciran made" or "ciran made me" and the right translates to "Wi-Fi is beautiful"

The texture was free to use without credit.

The British Museum has some wonderful youtube videos on actual pots in their collection, I do recommend giving them a watch
I'll try my hand and figuring out the secret mons hidden here: there's a Liepard pattern on the top of the left one, and what look to be Dynamax clouds and a fiery pattern on the top of the right one, which might indicate G-Max Charizard? There's a Dusknoir face on the bottom of the left one, and the coal pile from Coalossal on the bottom of the right one. There's also branches of a Cursola hidden behind Primarina, and the tiny insignia in the center of the left pot, above the Falinks, looks like it might indicate Toxapex? That's all I can figure out immediately, but I'd love to see what the others were! And which ones I was wrong about.

You always put so much thought and effort into your Wi-Fi Event illustrations. Even though I'm not a part of the Wi-Fi community, I always enjoy seeing you showcase them here!
I'll try my hand and figuring out the secret mons hidden here: there's a Liepard pattern on the top of the left one, and what look to be Dynamax clouds and a fiery pattern on the top of the right one, which might indicate G-Max Charizard? There's a Dusknoir face on the bottom of the left one, and the coal pile from Coalossal on the bottom of the right one. There's also branches of a Cursola hidden behind Primarina, and the tiny insignia in the center of the left pot, above the Falinks, looks like it might indicate Toxapex? That's all I can figure out immediately, but I'd love to see what the others were! And which ones I was wrong about.

You always put so much thought and effort into your Wi-Fi Event illustrations. Even though I'm not a part of the Wi-Fi community, I always enjoy seeing you showcase them here!

You got the liepard right! That one is tough since the togekiss family, latias, and latios have similar patterns. The top right isn't GMax-Zard, it's 2 pokemon and the middle one is probably the hardest on here. You got Dusknoir, Coalossal, and Cursola. Toxapex is incorrect, that's something else. There's also another mon above the Falinks and with the Dusnoir (same pokemon).
I had photoshop open so I did this



The shape of the pot itself was based largely off 3 different ancient Greek pots and the patterning in the final image was also based off ancient design for both placement and design

Each of the pokemon in the giveaway were chosen to represent a Greek god or something from Greek mythos:
Primarina (Aphrodite), Decidueye (Apollo), Braviary (Ares), Lycanroc-Dusk (Artemis), Noctowl (Athena), Lilligant (Demeter), Roserade (Persephone), Dusknoir (Hades), Coalossal (Hephaestus), Thievul (Hermes), Blastoise (Poseidon), Chandelure (Prometheus), Liepard (Nemesis), Milotic (Iris), Cursola (Hecate), Magmortar (Hestia), Tsareena (Hera), Marshadow (Thanatos), Thundurus (Zeus)

The posing of the primarina with the shell (cursola) behind it is a loose reference to the Birth of Venus painting (same godess). The Roserade (Persephone) is the circles above Falinks and one in Dusknoir's stomage mouth, referencing the myth of her being in the land of the living for most of the year and in the underworld during winter. Demeter is the mother of Persephone so Lilligant's head flower is with Roserade above. Magmortar's stomach pattern is in the middle top of the right vase with the swirl on the back of Marshadow's hands on either side.