Creative (and good) Movesets (READ THE OP FIRST)

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New idea! Instead of running a conventional Trick Room Reuniclus, why not go a step further to outspeed the competition?

@ Life Orb / Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 220 HP / 252 SpA / 36 Spe
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
- Thunder Wave
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Recover / Shadow Ball

With minimal speed investment, the abysmally slow Reuniclus is able to outspeed even Scarf Heatran after it hits it with Thunder Wave, a move that I wasn't even aware Reuniclus could learn. An advantage over Trick Room is that the paralysis it provides is much more permenant than the effects of Trick Room, and doesn't necessitate the use of other slow attackers to be effective. Whilst the opponent can get a hit in before you paralyse them, and whilst Ground types are immune to Thunder Wave, Reuniclus has enough bulk to take a strong neutral hit and I can't think of a single Ground type that likes taking one of Reuniclus' attacks.

The thing is, you only run a Trick Room Reuniclus on a Trick Room team, which is helped a lot more by Trick Room, surprise surprise.
Just make sure Reuniclus doesn't die prematurely. That would suck. A lot.

I once had a Ferrothorn to outspeed Reuniclus in Trick Room, Power Whip the last of my HP, then proceeded to Gyro Ball my remaining team to death in the 3 turns that Trick Room was still up.
I've been having fun with these 2 sets:

Forretress @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold
Ability: Sturdy
EV's: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

- Spikes / Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Volt Switch
- Pain Split

Ambipom @ Choice Band
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Technician
EV's: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spe

- Switcheroo
- Thunder Wave
- Double Hit
- U-turn / Pursuit

Interesting forretress, ive seen one on PO before, maybe it was you[?]. On the other hand, I've been thinking of an ambipom with double hit as well, i wonder why it wasn't mentioned back in gen 4, because of the accuracy? It's ambipom's signature move, really interesting, switcheroo is like trick right, useful for crippling special sweepers.
Interesting forretress, ive seen one on PO before, maybe it was you[?]. On the other hand, I've been thinking of an ambipom with double hit as well, i wonder why it wasn't mentioned back in gen 4, because of the accuracy? It's ambipom's signature move, really interesting, switcheroo is like trick right, useful for crippling special sweepers.
I used that Forretress on this team.

Yeah, Switcheroo is the same as Trick, so it can be used to cripple special sweepers on even walls for that matter (Skamory, Ferrothorn, ...).
Could use help with a spread... basically:

gyrados@leftovers (female to null rivalry haxorus for instance)

fire blast
dragon tail/roar
waterfall/aqua tail

The set itself is fantastic. The days of dd sweeping are over for gyrados I'm afraid, but bulkydos is still a contender and a fantastic check. Dragon tail for scouting with damage or phazing past taunters, or go with roar if you have hazards and prefer accuracy. Toxic for bulky waters and pokemon that would otherwise resist the water attack. Waterfall/Aquatail for a powerful STAB. Fire blast seems pointless but y'know, Ferrothorn IS popular. I kind of want a spread thats balanced towards defense but at the same time able to do over 50 percent damage to typical Ferrothorn with FB and say... 65ish percent to standard Poison Heal Gliscor with water stab, which is harder than it seems when its protect stalling.

And a set that works.

Alakazam@Life Orb (0 attack dv to lessen... confusion damage, possibly foul play damage as well)
Magic Guard
Timid (important to outrun scarf tyranitar and the such)
252 spAt/ 252 Spe/ etc

Focus Blast

In no way broken or overpowered or an easy victory, but arguably one of the best utilities in the game with a superfast encore while being a major offensive threat. Focusblast hits hard, and although its a risky move hitting the expected tyranitar/ferrothorn on the switch never gets old. Psyshock bypasses special walls, and can make previously damaged blissey wish it didn't switch in after all is said and done. Shawdowball complements the rest of the set nicely. I can't stress how important Encore can be, and is often essential to punish bulk up, swords dance, substituters, calm mind (which puts you in a good position to attack their defense with PsyShock), WillOWisp (magic guard), Toxic (magic guard), leech seed, etc. etc.

About the only drawbacks is that Alakazam can't come in on attacks (unless its like sucker punch.. which you can encore to pp stall), paralysis makes him dead weight, and he takes some mad prediction skills to pull off.
This is my personal set:

Vanilluxe @ Ice Gem
252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
Icicle Spear
Ice Shard
Sheer Cold

It seems that Sheer Cold has a higher accuracy than it says for me, since out of 5 times, it hits four. Icicle Spear, can break annoying Poison Heal Substitutes, strengthened by Ice Gem. Protect is to bait Mienshao, with Hi Jump Kick, and hopefull KO with Ice Gem Ice Shard. Sheer Cold is incredibly useful for getting rid of Eviolite Porygon2.
Sheer Cold is banned from competitive play.

The idea for that Gyarados is a good one, but you'll need to max out his special attack and use a boosting nature to even have a chance to 2HKO Ferrothorn, which is just not worth it.
This is my personal set:

Vanilluxe @ Ice Gem
252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
Icicle Spear
Ice Shard
Sheer Cold

It seems that Sheer Cold has a higher accuracy than it says for me, since out of 5 times, it hits four. Icicle Spear, can break annoying Poison Heal Substitutes, strengthened by Ice Gem. Protect is to bait Mienshao, with Hi Jump Kick, and hopefull KO with Ice Gem Ice Shard. Sheer Cold is incredibly useful for getting rid of Eviolite Porygon2.
.... you do know OHKO moves are banned right?
NVM, ninji'd. XD
Sheer Cold is banned from competitive play.

The idea for that Gyarados is a good one, but you'll need to max out his special attack and use a boosting nature to even have a chance to 2HKO Ferrothorn, which is just not worth it.

In my experience its usually a 2-3hko, unless its in the rain. I've never ran into a ferrothorn that can wall it and at the time I think I was running a minus speed nature with 0 special attack evs.
This isn't 100% creative, but I sure as hell haven't seen anybody use it:

Blastoise @ Choice Scarf/Specs
252 SpAtk/252 Spe/4 HP
Modest/Timid / Rain Dish

Ice Beam
HP Grass/Focus Blast
Water Spout

Blastoise has two things compared to other rain sweepers: Water Spout (great move, poor distribution) and Rain Dish (to keep Water Spout's power up even while running a Choice item). Its special attack is extremely useable with the rain boost, and its speed is underestimated (just above Heatran's). Add in that it has great bulk and better typing to absorb priority hits and it can sweep weakened teams at the end while not breaking the SwSw ban.
This isn't 100% creative, but I sure as hell haven't seen anybody use it:

Blastoise @ Choice Scarf/Specs
252 SpAtk/252 Spe/4 HP
Modest/Timid / Rain Dish

Ice Beam
HP Grass/Focus Blast
Water Spout

Blastoise has two things compared to other rain sweepers: Water Spout (great move, poor distribution) and Rain Dish (to keep Water Spout's power up even while running a Choice item). Its special attack is extremely useable with the rain boost, and its speed is underestimated (just above Heatran's). Add in that it has great bulk and better typing to absorb priority hits and it can sweep weakened teams at the end while not breaking the SwSw ban.
This would actually be a very nice set idea if it wasn't for one simple issue. Water Spout is an Egg Move and is illegal with Rain Dish (All dream world Kanto starters are male).

Kudos though for the idea. I got really excited about this for a second.
Rain Dish doesn't do much on that set anyway, but if you want to use Water Spout Blastoise (which I've done before) you will definitely want Choice Scarf
Got a nice use out of drapion as a not-so-ordinary toxic spiker.

Ability: Sniper
Nature: Impish
HP: 32 Atk: 204 Def: 252 Spe: 20
Item: Black Sludge

Sruggle Bug
Cross Poison/Night Slash
Toxic Spikes

Max out Def EVs so that he can take physical hits the way he's supposed to (barring STAB EQs i guess). Struggle Bug is there to cripple special attackers that tend to come in. With the given EVs (and if my math is done correctly), Drapion outspeeds everything barring Deoxys-S and Scarfers, which is kinda good when putting spikes up. HP EVs gives a good HP-number for Black Sludge and the rest goes in attack to max out the Cross Poison/Night Slash. It's tempting to use a Balloon on this guy but it doesn't really cut it the way I see it.

So, what say you?
I used that Forretress on this team.

Yeah, Switcheroo is the same as Trick, so it can be used to cripple special sweepers on even walls for that matter (Skamory, Ferrothorn, ...).

I can't recall, but from hours of PO i encountered a similar forretress.

Something i came up with, not sure if this has been posted on other threads though.

Gengar @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 Spa/ 252 Spe/ 6 HP
~Hidden Power Fire
~Shadow Ball
~Destiny Bond

Notes: Yeah, it's a tweaked sub-gar. Obviously, people would think that losing focus blast was a big turn off. But with Scizor lurking around the corner, hp fire being necessary isn't an overstatement. The technique is to come in on something like a wall which doesn't carry phaze moves, sub on the switch (which also protects it against priority moves), and proceed to use either hp fire or shadow ball. Finally if you think the opponent is scarfed (and faster :) ) then proceed with destiny bond to threaten the opponent, and if he decides to stay in, KO it.
I can't recall, but from hours of PO i encountered a similar forretress.

Something i came up with, not sure if this has been posted on other threads though.

Gengar @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 Spa/ 252 Spe/ 6 HP
~Hidden Power Fire
~Shadow Ball
~Destiny Bond

Notes: Yeah, it's a tweaked sub-gar. Obviously, people would think that losing focus blast was a big turn off. But with Scizor lurking around the corner, hp fire being necessary isn't an overstatement. The technique is to come in on something like a wall which doesn't carry phaze moves, sub on the switch (which also protects it against priority moves), and proceed to use either hp fire or shadow ball. Finally if you think the opponent is scarfed (and faster :) ) then proceed with destiny bond to threaten the opponent, and if he decides to stay in, KO it.
And then baww Tyranitar (Usage #2) comes in and Crunches you to death.
The problem is, Gengar will really miss the perfect coverage.
And please stop typing so small.
Sheer Cold is banned from competitive play.
.... you do know OHKO moves are banned right?

Sheer Cold isn't banned in VGC, Random Play, the Battle Subway, In-game, or on some other servers on PO. When this is the Creative Movesets thread, i'm sure everything, even Evasion spam, can have relevance.

As long as people understand that most competitive environments won't allow OHKO (and rightly so, shitsux), it can still be a subject for discussion. OHKO can give you 8 shots at getting rid of a wall, and that's an asset when you're stuck in a corner - it's at least a more meaningful use than people just noobishly spamming OHKO for an entire game.
I've been having fun with triple battles and gen3-tutor moves:

3 +6 sweeps in 2 turns

Sneasel @eviolite, 252 HP, 252 Spe

Beat Up
Psych Up
Ice Shard
Brick Break

Arcanine @leftovers, justified, 252 HP, 252 Spe

Flare Blitz
Wild Charge

Metagross @life orb, 252 HP, 252 Atk

Psych Up
Bullet Punch
Zen Headbutt

Basically, this triple combo starts out a fight like this:

Beat Up on Arcanine (who loses about 10% hp from beatup) to get +6 attack
Metagross Psych's Up Arcanine, Arcanine can agility to give metagross +2 speed as well, or Arcanine can just attack on the first turn immediately with +6 attack; the next turn Sneasel can psych up for +6 attack, meanwhile arcanine/metagross can really lay on the hurt with priority attacks or straight up attacking


This one should be kind of obvious but I'm really surprised people haven't taken advantage of that all GEN1-3 pokemon have mimic available to them from the GEN3 move tutor still.


Dragonite, Multiscale, @leftovers, yache berry or lifeorb (or even choice band/scarf, but using a different move set), 252 Atk, 252 HP or 252 Spe

Dragon Dance
Outrage / Filler

If you can have a Victini in your team, use it, but if not, use Smeargle

Smeargle @Choice Scarf or Focus Sash

Final Gambit
Lunar Dance / Protect / Swagger / HelpingHand

The Dragonite (or Salamence if you prefer) mimics the Smeargle on the first turn, receiving V-Create. Smeargle should be fast enough and live just long enough for Dragonite to learn the attack. You get 5 PP of it, and sure it's a little gimmicky, but it's hilarious that you can get V-Create onto something like Dragonite. Heck, you can do this same strategy with Arcanine, Moltres, NineTales or Entei if you wish. It's going to wreck on anyone and is definitely worth taking the turn to set up. You'll at least get two off. Turbobolt is a great second choice if V-Create doesn't seem helpful.

Also I'm really surprised people haven't tried using mimic in normal 1v1s. Sure it takes a turn to set up and it's unreliable, but having one speedy/bulky pokemon with it on your team could turn out good (think of it this way - a Muk with mimic could just mimic a Butterfly Dance from a Volcorona trying to set up on it, and at the very least up his SpD at a rate comparative to Volcorona's, or he could mimic spikes on a Ferrothorn and set up on it; etc.).

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Substitute
- Thunder
- Water Pulse
- Iron Head

Yeah, this is a real asshole. It’s meant to be used in the rain. With confusion, paralysis and flinch, your opponent will only have a 15% chance of attacking. Rain gives Jirachi STAB on Water Pulse meaning Gliscor can’t wall you. Heatran won’t like getting paralyzed from Thunder either. Substitute for overkill.


imperfecthax (Haxorus) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Rivalry
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Attract
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Outrage

This set aims to make the most out of Rivalry with Attract. Rivalry boosts power if the Pokemon are of the same gender, if not then use Attract. The default is male, so female is a usually a good bet. Hide behind a Substitute and boost with SD to your heart’s content. Then go on a rampage with Outrage. :)

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Substitute
- Thunder
- Water Pulse
- Iron Head

Yeah, this is a real asshole. It’s meant to be used in the rain. With confusion, paralysis and flinch, your opponent will only have a 15% chance of attacking. Rain gives Jirachi STAB on Water Pulse meaning Gliscor can’t wall you. Heatran won’t like getting paralyzed from Thunder either. Substitute for overkill.
This set pops up now again and it's a really nice set at that. My only suggestion would be to add Body Slam as a slash. Weather makes Thunder an excellent choice, but if you're running a Sun team or a team with Tyranitar (or if you just hate missing), Body Slam is usually the superior choice.


imperfecthax (Haxorus) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Rivalry
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Attract
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Outrage

This set aims to make the most out of Rivalry with Attract. Rivalry boosts power if the Pokemon are of the same gender, if not then use Attract. The default is male, so female is a usually a good bet. Hide behind a Substitute and boost with SD to your heart’s content. Then go on a rampage with Outrage. :)
This set actually looks really nice! I've never even thought of using Attract + Rivalry before. My only recommendation would be to switch out (or at least slash) Outrage with Dragon Claw, as it allows you to move between your other moves more easily, especially considering you'll be using all four a lot. Earthquake also seems like it deserves a slash with Swords Dance to prevent Bronzong from sitting his ass down.

imperfecthax (Haxorus) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Rivalry
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Attract
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Outrage

This set aims to make the most out of Rivalry with Attract. Rivalry boosts power if the Pokemon are of the same gender, if not then use Attract. The default is male, so female is a usually a good bet. Hide behind a Substitute and boost with SD to your heart’s content. Then go on a rampage with Outrage. :)

Here's another set that I think may work just as well.

Luxray (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Rivalry
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
- Attract
- Thunder Wave
- Wild Charge
- Ice Fang / Superpower / Crunch

This set allows Luxray to not only slow down her opponents, but to give them a low chance of attacking. Wild Charge is its main form of STAB, followed by Ice Fang for coverage and Flinch possibilities. You can also use Superpower to take care of Steels or Crunch for Ghosts.
Sheer Cold is banned from competitive play.

The idea for that Gyarados is a good one, but you'll need to max out his special attack and use a boosting nature to even have a chance to 2HKO Ferrothorn, which is just not worth it.

I only use this thing on Random Matchup.
Here's another set that I think may work just as well.

Luxray (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Rivalry
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
- Attract
- Thunder Wave
- Wild Charge
- Ice Fang / Superpower / Crunch

This set allows Luxray to not only slow down her opponents, but to give them a low chance of attacking. Wild Charge is its main form of STAB, followed by Ice Fang for coverage and Flinch possibilities. You can also use Superpower to take care of Steels or Crunch for Ghosts.

The problem with Luxray running a set like this is that it still can't touch ground-types at all, even with the rivalry boost to Ice Fang, whereas Haxorus has the power to threaten all the steel-types running around other than Skarmory. :(
Idk if this set is common knowledge but today was the first time K ran into it on PO.
EV (this is a guess) Timid 252spAtk 252Speed
Shadow ball
I didn't see the last move but I'm guessing focus blast or pain split.

It basically worked like faster torment tran disableing the move that breaks it's sub. At the time my volcrona only had bug buzz and fireblast for attacking moves and since fire blast was disabled I couldn't break it. I'm not sure how effective this set would be overall but it seems like it has a niche.
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