Diablo III

Time to upgrade to a new video card...

I knew that my video card was old, and the graphics wouldn't be as nice as if I had a newer one, but it turns out this game doesn't support my card at all (I have an NVIDEA GEFORCE 6500)!! I'm really irritated, because the box didn't say that it wouldn't support the card I have.
got the game and beat the skeleton king as a demon hunter. pretty cool.

i just got a battle.net account for this and everything so i gots no friends. battletag is theamato#1610; if anyone wants to play, i get home from work at ~6pm EST.
Bought this to play with a few uni friends. Looks pretty fun and I'm sure I'll waste a nice sum of hours on this.

I honestly have no idea which class I'm going to do. I was thinking Barbarian, Wizard, or Monk, but I'm open to any of them really. Does anybody have any suggestions? Usually I either go for high damage output (Wizard) or high resistance (Barbarian), so I'm torn.
currently level 10, just defeated King Leoric as well after hammering european login for some time.
I love the Witch Doctor so far, and I think I made the right choice to play it :P
level 30, found most of the boss fights relatively easy so far EXCEPT FOR THIS ONE jesus. took me like 10 tries
God I love this game...

just finished beating the 2nd big boss, put my WoW experience to good use by not standing in the fire!
Finished first playthrough a bit ago. Thought it wasn't tuned very well for a party of four on normal -- we'd have had to make pretty egregious mistakes to be in any real danger even though we were of proper level. We only had a few deaths in Act 3/4 and they probably wouldn't have happened if we were actually being threatened, but it was just lazy stuff (ie, I died with the final boss at about 1% because I didn't feel like bothering to get out of the way at that point in the encounter and other deaths were similarly to weird shit where people didn't make easy plays out of apathy). Imagine the higher difficulties will be really fun because all of the end act bosses and a couple of the other ones had fights that had mechanics that seemed like they would be interesting if damage was high enough to actually punish mistakes.

Some tips for people who haven't gotten far yet: the base interface makes a few decisions that are intended to make it easier if you're completely stupid or something but that greatly inhibit understanding and playing the game well. Hit Esc, go into Options, Gameplay, and turn Elective Mode(able to bind whichever 6 skills you want to the 6 slots) and Advanced Tooltips(descriptions of damage/effect of abilities that actually mean something) on.
just beat normal difficulty as barbarian :) i really enjoyed it and i love all the lore it brought back from the last two games.

although....i never found a single unique ;_;
just to confirm nightmare is super death mode. god knows what hell and inferno will be like if i ever reach them
i wouldnt call nightmare super death mode, its more like super cheap mode. the only thing hard about the it are the unique and champion monsters.

also i got my first unique item :3 its not very good, but at least its made for my class (barbarian) and got some decent random magical properties.

God I love this game...

just finished beating the 2nd big boss, put my WoW experience to good use by not standing in the fire!

yeah who needs real life experiences anyway!

havent got round to buying this game yet (fuck exams) but i played diablo 2 and sacred to death so i cant imagine ill hold out much longer
Cleared normal yesterday with some friends, started in act 3 (I was lvl 20 at the time) ended up at level 33 on nightmare act 1

no uniques yet, maybe the skeleton king will change that but hey :P
I love playing the witch doctor and I love the multibob firebombs, so godlike :D
I love this game! Finally managed to get it working last night after getting that rather irritating message about your system not being able to run it (thanks to the fact I *never* do Windows updates, I didn't even have the Vista SP1... oops...).

Last night the time came though when I could finally press the "Play" button. T'was extremely exciting (...note to self... get out more). The game is amazing. Never played any of the other Diablo games so really didn't know what to expect but wow. Loved every second of it. And now I'm sitting in work, wishing I was back at home so I could play more of it - roll on 5 o'clock!

Only got to level 7 I think. Playing a wizard and so far I'm really enjoying it. She has some pretty cool spells.

One thing I really can't wait for though is when they implement PvP. Oh my gosh I will really be in my element then. I just hope they have two separate PvP areas, one for RL money gear and one for in game money gear otherwise it'll be rather depressing and will no doubt make me want to buy all the things so I have a chance against the better gear.
So a random question out of curiosity, but was there ever an option to change the gender of whatever class you play, or are you locked into like male monk and female wizard?
So after clearing act 1 I've got to say... as a hardcore D2 player this game is terribly disappointing. I know I haven't cleared inferno and received all my skills but... I thoroughly dislike that I cannot choose where my stat points go or my skill points. Maybe you can later in-game.

I do like that the quests have a little more substance and cinematics leave me gawking. Boss battles are neato 2.

Essentially, they took their successful title stripped to it barebones and made an almost completely different game.

I don't know... I played D2 once for quests then was all about the PvP.