do you suffer from SAD (season affective disorder)?

do you fear for that dreaded moment when the first snowfall comes and cover the land in white?
or when the gray skies are broken up with sun rays of spring and flowers come back to life?
The most unfortunate thing about Season Affective Disorder is that the saccharine acronym masks a disorder that can actually be very serious.
SAD. Winter is SAD.

This post has been brought to you by the SAD awareness association. It is a real and deadly disease, just like ass burgers.
My father was diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder, among other things.

I guess if you watch the Weather Channel 24/7 then it's bound to get to you.
I suffer from Intraseasonal Happiness Accrued Via Excrement Calling Radioactive Air Beneath Semen disorder.


Cod Mod
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
I've moved to a city where "perpetually overcast, with rain every day" appears to be the norm. After living here for a year, I can't remember a straight week with good weather, like we appeared to have all the time back in Oslo. The weather is always changing, and never for the better. Now I consider the weather great if the sidewalks are dry (because generally, the weather doesn't get better than that). I've got the impression that generally, it rains every day, though often not for more than an hour or so. Still, incredibly annoying as you have to bring a raincoat wherever you go, no matter how nice the weather is when you leave the house.

Good thing we're below the Arctic cirle, though. I couldn't have handled eternal rain AND darkness all winter.


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
We only have two seasons out here - 'rain' and 'hmm...looks like rain.' be grateful for the variation you get and get out of the mentality that hot = good and cold = bad otherwise you're just setting yourself up for SAD. I love winter...the crisp air, a roaring fire in the pub, hot food tastes that much nicer, winter beers > summer beers, the countdown to Christmas and New Year and that givethanks thing you lot do...roll on Winter.
We only have two seasons out here - 'rain' and 'hmm...looks like rain.' be grateful for the variation you get and get out of the mentality that hot = good and cold = bad otherwise you're just setting yourself up for SAD. I love winter...the crisp air, a roaring fire in the pub, hot food tastes that much nicer, winter beers > summer beers, the countdown to Christmas and New Year and that givethanks thing you lot do...roll on Winter.
I would be satisfied with rain all the time to be honest. Where do you live?


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
I would be satisfied with rain all the time to be honest. Where do you live?

article said:
The exposure of NW England to westerly maritime air masses and the presence of extensive areas of high ground mean that the region has some of the wettest places in the UK. The higher parts of the Lake District are particularly wet, with an average of over 3200mm of rain each year. In contrast, the reputedly wet city of Manchester averages only 860mm and the more sheltered areas of Cheshire and the Eden valley in Cumbria are even drier with less than 800mm per year.
it rains. every. fucking. day.

Lee, I'm afraid that's not rain
You may need to get your eyes checked. And your nerve endings

(it really is lovely though)
I'm sad since this fucking place only gets snow if you go to shit like Flaggstaff, otherwise it's 70-80s in winter. That's what makes me sad...

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