Pet Mod [Gen 8] CFM

Shall we relaunch CFM before or after the release of Gen 9?

  • ASAP!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wait until Gen 9

    Votes: 15 100.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Pokémon: Stonjourner
Typing: Rock/Grass
: HP: 100 / Atk: 130 (+5) / Def: 135 / SpA: 20 / SpD: 30 (+10) / Spe: 75 (+5) / BST: 490
: Power Spot | Natural Cure | HA: Grassy Terrain
Move/Ability tweaks
: +Wood Hammer, +Close Combat, +Play Rough, +Morning Sun
Target Tier RU
How this makes it more interesting: In first look, it looks good, with a great typing, abilities and a amazing new moves. The typing is based in Stonehenge, the motive of is grass type by influence of druids. In competitive look, Rock/Grass is a good typing because he have little weakness. Stonjourner with the boost in ATK and SPEED, can be a amazing Wallbreaker with it new moves and it terrain. Choice Band, Life Orb and Choice Scarf looks very good with Stonjourner


Pokémon: Galarian Farfetch'd
Typing: Fighting/Flying
HP: 82 (+30) / ATK: 100 (+10) / DEF: 75 (+20) / SPA: 50 (-8) / SPD: 73 (+11) / SPE: 80 (+25) / BST: 460
Abilities: Intimidate
| Scrappy | HA: Moxie
Move/Ability tweaks: +Stomping Tantrum, +Parting Shot
Target Tier: RU
How this makes it more interesting: I've created this to be a great Fighting-type wallbreaker, it's stats and abilities is based in Gyarados. He can makes momentum with Parting Shot and Intimidate, creates sweep with Moxie or use eviolite + swords dance (bulk sweeper).


Pokémon: Eiscue
Typing: Ice/Electric
HP: 90 (+15) / ATK: 65 (-15) / DEF: 110 / SPA: 80 (+15) / SPD: 95 (+5) / SPE: 50 / BST: 490
Ice Face | Snow Warning | HA: Thick Fat
Move/Ability tweaks:
+Shell Smash, +Scald, +Air Slash, +Volt Switch, +Thunderbolt
Target Tier: NU
How this makes it more interesting: It's a multiple-task pokémon, it can set Aurora Veil in Hail, it can be a offensive pokémon with Shell Smash and deals a lot damage with Blizzard + Snow Warning. It can be a Hail setter and escape with Volt Switch to a hail abuser pokemon. Heavy-Duty Boots, White Herb and Light Clay looks pretty good to Eiscue

Obs1: Sorry my bad english, idk english
Obs2: I'm new here
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Pokémon: Stonjourner
Typing: Rock/Grass
: HP: 100 / Atk: 130 (+5) / Def: 135 / SpA: 20 / SpD: 30 (+10) / Spe: 75 (+5) / BST: 490
: Power Spot | Natural Cure | HA: Grassy Terrain
Move/Ability tweaks
: +Wood Hammer, +Close Combat, +Play Rough, +Morning Sun
Target Tier RU
How this makes it more interesting: In first look, it looks good, with a great typing, abilities and a amazing new moves. The typing is based in Stonehenge, the motive of is grass type by influence of druids. In competitive look, Rock/Grass is a good typing because he have little weakness. Stonjourner with the boost in ATK and SPEED, can be a amazing Wallbreaker with it new moves and it terrain. Choice Band, Life Orb and Choice Scarf looks very good with Stonjourner


Pokémon: Galarian Farfetch'd
Typing: Fighting/Flying
HP: 82 (+30) / ATK: 100 (+10) / DEF: 75 (+20) / SPA: 50 (-8) / SPD: 73 (+11) / SPE: 80 (+25) / BST: 460
Abilities: Intimidate
| Scrappy | HA: Moxie
Move/Ability tweaks: +Stomping Tantrum, +Parting Shot
Target Tier: RU
How this makes it more interesting: I've created this to be a great Fighting-type wallbreaker, it's stats and abilities is based in Gyarados. He can makes momentum with Parting Shot and Intimidate, creates sweep with Moxie or use eviolite + swords dance (bulk sweeper).


Pokémon: Eiscue
Typing: Ice/Electric
HP: 90 (+15) / ATK: 65 (-15) / DEF: 110 / SPA: 80 (+15) / SPD: 95 (+5) / SPE: 50 / BST: 490
Ice Face | Snow Warning | HA: Mountaineer
Mountaineer: On switch-in, this Pokemon avoids all Rock-type attacks and Stealth Rock.
Move/Ability tweaks: +Cube Smash, +Scald, +Air Slash, +Volt Switch, +Thunderbolt
Cube Smash: Lowers Def, SpD by 1; raises Atk, SpA, Spe by 2. (Same effect of Shell Smash, just change it's move name)
Target Tier: NU
How this makes it more interesting: It can multiple things, it can set Aurora Veil in Hail, it can be a offensive mon with Cube Smash and deals a lot damage with Blizzard + Snow Warning or be a offensive mon with Stealth Rocks immunity + Cube Smash. It can be a Hail setter and escape with Volt Switch to a hail abuser pokemon

Obs1: Sorry my bad english, idk english
Obs2: I'm new here
Thanks for your interesting submissions! I'm afraid we don't create new moves/abilities/items for CFM - a "tweak" is a modification of one that already exists.
Thanks for your interesting submissions! I'm afraid we don't create new moves/abilities/items for CFM - a "tweak" is a modification of one that already exists.
Oh no problem, I'm sorry!
I'll remake somethings
Edit: I've edited it, sorry for my mistake
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Pokémon: Galarian Farfetch'd
Typing: Fighting/Dark
Stats: 72/95/75/58/72/90 [+10/+0/+10/+0/+10/+30] (BST: 462)
Abilities: Super Luck/Sniper
Moves: +Cross Chop, Cross Poison
Target Tier: UU/RU
How this makes it more interesting: This tweak turns Farfetch'd into a lean, mean, critting machine, with the held item Leek and moves like Cross Chop, Night Slash, and Cross Poison to guarantee crits and Sniper to further boost their power. This critting power, along with excellent typing, coverage, and speed tier to outspeed most walls, makes Farfetch'd a fearsome wallbreaker. However, this strategy forces Farfetch'd to hold Leek. If you want to free up the item slot for something like Eviolite or Choice Band, Super Luck also helps increase the likeliness of crits, although they will be less likely and less powerful. Also, its low bulk and lack of momentum make it susceptible to certain revenge killers.

Pokémon: Stonjourner
Typing: Rock/Grass
Stats: 100/125/145/20/40/70 [+0/+0/+10/+0/+20/+0] (BST:500)
Abilities: Power Spot/Prankster
Move/Ability tweaks: +Synthesis, +Toxic
Target Tier: RU/NU
How this makes it more interesting: With access to recovery and a solid defensive typing, Stonjourner becomes a solid defensive wall. Additionally, with the combination of Prankster+Wonder Room, Stonjourner can quickly switch its defensive stats in order to wall some special attackers.
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Pokémon: Stonjourner
Typing: Rock/Ghost
Stats: 100/125/135/20/45(+25)/70 BST:495
Abilities: Power Spot/Mimicry/Sturdy
Power Spot: Sets up gravity on switch in.
+Poltergeist +Shadow Sneak +Geomancy(OU only) +Trick Room +Hypnosis +Slam
Target Tier: RU

Pokémon: Eiscue

Ice Face: 90 / 90 / 110 / 55 / 110 / 45
Noice Face: 90 / 110 / 60 / 55 / 60 / 125
(500 BST in both forms, changed all stats)
Abilities: Ice Face / Ice Body | Rain Dish
Move/Ability tweaks:
- Ice Face: enters battle in Ice Face form, changes to Noice form when hit by a Fire-type or contact move; right before using an Ice-type moves, Eiscue turns into its Ice Face form (damage is not nullified in Ice Face form); under Hail and Rain, Ice Face form is restored at the end of each turn; under Sun and Sandstorm, Ice Face form cannot be restored.
- Aqua Ring: Restores HP by 50%; 66% under Rain, 25% under any other weather condition.
Movepool Additions: Ice Shard, Haze, Triple Axel, Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Flip Turn, Rain Dance, Scald, Water Pulse, Defog, Drill Peck, Pluck, Roost, Steel Wing, Swords Dance (Remove Belly Drum)
Target Tier: UU/OU
How this makes it more interesting: Typing gives it an additional STAB and some resistances. Ability is kinda similar to Stance Change and helps it last longer on the field, thanks also to its new recovery moves. I added also some priority and stat boosting moves, cuz Belly Drum didn't seem appropriate enough.

Pokémon: Stonjourner

Stats: 100 / 105 / 135 / 55 / 55 / 50 (BST 500)
Abilities: Power Spot | Solid Rock
Move/Ability tweaks:
- Power Spot: Boosts also holder's moves power by 30%.
- Stomp:
85 BP, 100% acc., 30% chance to flinch opponent; power is doubled if opponent has any stat boosted (makes contact).
Movepool Additions: Power Gem, Rock Wrecker, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Punch, Destiny Bond, Night Shade, Poltergeist, Shadow Ball, Blaze Kick, Double Kick, Jump Kick, Low Kick, Cosmic Power, Power Split, Power Swap, Power Trick, Stored Power, Trick Room, Magic Room, Bulk Up
Target Tier: RU/UU
How this makes it more interesting: Now it can be effectively both defensive and offensive, typing has never been seen so it can offer some new niche and having its moves boosted allows it to inflict serious damages.
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Pokémon: Eiscue
Typing: Ice/Electric
HP: 90 (+15) / ATK: 65 (-15) / DEF: 110 / SPA: 80 (+15) / SPD: 95 (+5) / SPE: 50 / BST: 490
Ice Face | Snow Warning | HA: Thick Fat
Move/Ability tweaks:
+Shell Smash, +Scald, +Air Slash, +Volt Switch, +Thunderbolt
Target Tier: NU
How this makes it more interesting: It's a multiple-task pokémon, it can set Aurora Veil in Hail, it can be a offensive pokémon with Shell Smash and deals a lot damage with Blizzard + Snow Warning. It can be a Hail setter and escape with Volt Switch to a hail abuser pokemon. Heavy-Duty Boots, White Herb and Light Clay looks pretty good to Eiscue

Obs1: Sorry my bad english, idk english
Obs2: I'm new here
Hey, poc, im not sure how no ice face eiscue works, and how it can exist along with other abilities
Noice form is -40 Defense, -40 Special Defense, and +80 Speed compared to Ice Face form. As for other abilities, I think it’ll just be stuck in Ice Face form, as that’s the base form.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your submissions! We will now enter the voting phase to be concluded on Monday 31st August! Please vote for your favourite submission, for any or all mons, along with any suggestions you would have to tweak your chosen idea (feel free to mix and match ideas from different submissions)!
Let me kick off the voting then with my thoughts:


Reason: All the Stonjourner submissions were really interesting, but I honestly don't see this thing as anything other than pure Rock, so I went for a submission that honoured that.
Thoughts: I don't know about Clear Body - I suppose that's based off of Regirock? Something like Sturdy would be more fitting and appropriate IMO. Also, how about giving it Rolling Kick for a bit of offensive speed boosting as well?


This one's bloody tricky, let me think about this, lol...


Yung Dramps
Reason: For this mon too, I can only see it as a Flying/Fighting-type, so I went for a submission with that in mind.
Thoughts: I don't think Stall fits Galarfetch'd though, since the speed drop compared to OG Fetch'd is representative enough of the speed drop due to its massive leek. It definitely wouldn't fit its evo either.

Pokémon: Stonjourner
Stats: 100 / 125 / 100 (-35) / 20 / 60 (+40) / 85 (+15) (490 BST)
Abilities(changes highlighted in bold): Power Spot
Power Spot: Z-Moves used by a Pokemon with this ability gain their Max Move effect (e.g. Inferno Overdrive sets Sun)
Move/Ability tweaks: +Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, High Jump Kick, Triple Axel
Target Tier: NU
How this makes it more interesting: Stonjourner's probably got some of the best coverage of any Rock type this far down with its various new leg-based moves. Power Spot (shares a name with the Gen 8 mechanic involving Dynamax) also makes Bulk Up Z-Move sets have a little more utility with weather setting and stat-boosting being options depending on what you run. Finally it's one of the speedier stone dudes.
110(+10)/125/135/20/20/80(+10) (490)
Abilities: power spot, vital spirit, clear body
Moves: +blaze kick, -body press, +jump kick, +swords dance, +morning sun, +explosion (it gets self destruct but not explosion)
Target Tier: ru or nu

i've always enjoyed simply how extreme stonjourner's stats are. at 20 special defense even a resisted hit will most likely rip right through its hp. on the other hand its physical stats and hp match if not better a lot of other strong rock types, and with surprisingly reasonable speed to boot. the only thing really holding it back even with basically being deathly allergic to special attacks is a lack of a proper ability. just leveraging any sort of direct benefit from its ability slot would be more than enough to solidify it in nu or even ru. blaze kick and body press are alongside mega kick to give it some more big dynamic kicks to follow its dex entry.

Heavy metal,
Huge power (banned to ou/ubers)
+Darkest lariat, +Zen headbutt, +Meteor mash, +Play rough

Pokémon: Stonjourner
Typing: Rock/Grass
: HP: 100 / Atk: 130 (+5) / Def: 135 / SpA: 20 / SpD: 30 (+10) / Spe: 75 (+5) / BST: 490
: Power Spot | Natural Cure | HA: Grassy Terrain
Move/Ability tweaks
: +Wood Hammer, +Close Combat, +Play Rough, +Morning Sun
Target Tier RU
How this makes it more interesting: In first look, it looks good, with a great typing, abilities and a amazing new moves. The typing is based in Stonehenge, the motive of is grass type by influence of druids. In competitive look, Rock/Grass is a good typing because he have little weakness. Stonjourner with the boost in ATK and SPEED, can be a amazing Wallbreaker with it new moves and it terrain. Choice Band, Life Orb and Choice Scarf looks very good with Stonjourner
Pokémon: Stonjourner
Typing: Rock/Grass
Stats: 100/125/145/20/40/70 [+0/+0/+10/+0/+20/+0] (BST:500)
Abilities: Power Spot/Prankster
Move/Ability tweaks: +Synthesis, +Toxic
Target Tier: RU/NU
How this makes it more interesting: With access to recovery and a solid defensive typing, Stonjourner becomes a solid defensive wall. Additionally, with the combination of Prankster+Wonder Room, Stonjourner can quickly switch its defensive stats in order to wall some special attackers.
Pokémon: Stonjourner
Typing: Rock/Ghost
Stats: 100/125/135/20/45(+25)/70 BST:495
Abilities: Power Spot/Mimicry/Sturdy
Power Spot: Sets up gravity on switch in.
+Poltergeist +Shadow Sneak +Geomancy(OU only) +Trick Room +Hypnosis +Slam
Target Tier: RU
Pokémon: Stonjourner
Typing: Rock/Ghost
Stats: 100/125/135/20/45(+25)/70 BST:495
Abilities: Power Spot/Mimicry/Sturdy
Power Spot: Sets up gravity on switch in.
+Poltergeist +Shadow Sneak +Geomancy(OU only) +Trick Room +Hypnosis +Slam
Target Tier: RU
Farfetch'd Sprite'd Sprite

Pokémon: Farfetch'd-Galar
Stats(changes highlighted in bold): 60 (+8) / 100 (+5) / 60 (+5) / 75 (+17) / 60 (-2) / 105 (+50) (460 BST)
Abilities(changes highlighted in bold): Steadfast, Scrappy, Stall
Move/Ability tweaks
: +Aura Sphere, Blizzard, Cross Chop, Hurricane, Ice Beam, Thunder, Thunderbolt
Target Tier: NU
How this makes it more interesting: We have only one Stall user and I think it would be really neat to give that ability to a mon whose flavor is being weighed down by a massive stick which boosts its power further. It can also continue the usual Scrappy spam affair with the highest speed of any NU Fighting type. Meme special sets are also a possibility with Aura Sphere + the original's new Special coverage.
Pokémon: Galarian Farfetch'd
Type: Fighting Flying
: 65 / 95 / 50 / 95 / 50 / 105 BST: 460
Abilities: Keen Eye / Steadfast / Scrappy
Move/Ability tweaks: +Hurricane, +Cross Chop, +First Impression, +Focus Blast, +Roost, +U-turn
Target Tier: NU

So obviously a lot of these things are to keep it consistent with Farfetch'd. First choice was the typing, which is not only awesome but we had already discussed on it discord for both galar fetch'd and Sirfetch'd. The stats are pretty similar to our Farfetch'd, but +5 HP and -5 speed. This is because I didn't want it to outshine normal fetch'd in NU and also in vanilla it has slightly lower speed then the OG form with a little more attack, but I didn't want to raise it to 100 attack and I wanted to keep its attacking stats equal. The little bit of extra HP might help it abuse Eviolite a little bit but it's still extremely frail. Keen Eye was added just like with the kanto version, Steadfast is kept because it's kinda cool in CFM and Scrappy is kept for obvious reasons. Hurricane and Cross Chop are given to be consistent with the other version, but I didn't give it the boltbeam coverage because that's more of a normal type thing. First Impression because gamefreak is braindead for giving it to Sirfetch'd and normal Farfetch'd but not Galar Farfetch'd. Focus Blast because that and Hurricane STAB with Keen Eye is an epic gamer moment, and then Roost and U-turn for a more traditional Flying type moveset and to match regular Farfetch'd. (already has Defog btw)

Big pecks,
Scrappy, Regenerator
+Roost, +Bulk up, +Toxic

Pokémon: Galarian Farfetch'd
Typing: Fighting/Flying
HP: 82 (+30) / ATK: 100 (+10) / DEF: 75 (+20) / SPA: 50 (-8) / SPD: 73 (+11) / SPE: 80 (+25) / BST: 460
Abilities: Intimidate
| Scrappy | HA: Moxie
Move/Ability tweaks: +Stomping Tantrum, +Parting Shot
Target Tier: RU
How this makes it more interesting: I've created this to be a great Fighting-type wallbreaker, it's stats and abilities is based in Gyarados. He can makes momentum with Parting Shot and Intimidate, creates sweep with Moxie or use eviolite + swords dance (bulk sweeper).
Pokémon: Galarian Farfetch'd
Typing: Fighting/Dark
Stats: 72/95/75/58/72/90 [+10/+0/+10/+0/+10/+30] (BST: 462)
Abilities: Super Luck/Sniper
Moves: +Cross Chop, Cross Poison
Target Tier: UU/RU
How this makes it more interesting: This tweak turns Farfetch'd into a lean, mean, critting machine, with the held item Leek and moves like Cross Chop, Night Slash, and Cross Poison to guarantee crits and Sniper to further boost their power. This critting power, along with excellent typing, coverage, and speed tier to outspeed most walls, makes Farfetch'd a fearsome wallbreaker. However, this strategy forces Farfetch'd to hold Leek. If you want to free up the item slot for something like Eviolite or Choice Band, Super Luck also helps increase the likeliness of crits, although they will be less likely and less powerful. Also, its low bulk and lack of momentum make it susceptible to certain revenge killers.

Pokémon: Eiscue
Stats: 75 / 80 / 110 / 65 / 110 (+20) / 50 (490 BST)
Noice: 75 / 80 / 70 / 65 / 70 (+20) / 130 (490 BST)
Abilities(changes highlighted in bold): Ice Face
Move/Ability tweaks: +Brick Break, Knock Off
Target Tier: PU
How this makes it more interesting: idk I just gave it the same BST as Stonjourner and Knock a move that makes sense with its flippers it's fine in PU as is I guess
75/95(+15)/110/65/95(+5)/50 (490, same changes are applied to no ice form)
Abilities: unchanged
Moves: +knock off, +Skull bash, +flip turn, +body slam
Move change: Skull bash: 100 base power, 100 accuracy, 10 pp, omnitype 2 turn move, raises user's defense 2 stages on use
Target tier: nu

eiscue as is is just a bit too weak without a belly drum boost relegating it to the same one note and incredibly easy to play around set. a slight power boost won't be immensely helpful to belly drum sets but at least will allow it to mix things up with say a banded set or even some weird offensive pivot. skull bash isn't particularly aimed to help eiscue specifically but could make for an interesting and fitting move on it nonetheless

Ice Face (when hit by a physical move, loses 25% hp and applies the shell smash stat changes. resets upon switching)
+High horsepower, +Gunk shot
now both the normal and the noice form have the same stats:

Pokémon: Eiscue
Typing: Ice/Electric
HP: 90 (+15) / ATK: 65 (-15) / DEF: 110 / SPA: 80 (+15) / SPD: 95 (+5) / SPE: 50 / BST: 490
Ice Face | Snow Warning | HA: Thick Fat
Move/Ability tweaks:
+Shell Smash, +Scald, +Air Slash, +Volt Switch, +Thunderbolt
Target Tier: NU
How this makes it more interesting: It's a multiple-task pokémon, it can set Aurora Veil in Hail, it can be a offensive pokémon with Shell Smash and deals a lot damage with Blizzard + Snow Warning. It can be a Hail setter and escape with Volt Switch to a hail abuser pokemon. Heavy-Duty Boots, White Herb and Light Clay looks pretty good to Eiscue
Pokémon: Eiscue

Ice Face: 90 / 90 / 110 / 55 / 110 / 45
Noice Face: 90 / 110 / 60 / 55 / 60 / 125
(500 BST in both forms, changed all stats)
Abilities: Ice Face / Ice Body | Rain Dish
Move/Ability tweaks:
- Ice Face: enters battle in Ice Face form, changes to Noice form when hit by a contact move; right before using an Ice-type moves, Eiscue turns into its Ice Face form (damage is not nullified in Ice Face form); under Hail and Rain, Ice Face form is restored at the end of each turn; under Sun and Sandstorm, Ice Face form cannot be restored.
- Aqua Ring: Restores HP by 50%; 66% under Rain, 25% under any other weather condition.
Movepool Additions: Ice Shard, Haze, Triple Axel, Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Flip Turn, Rain Dance, Scald, Water Pulse, Defog, Drill Peck, Pluck, Roost, Steel Wing, Swords Dance (Remove Belly Drum)
Target Tier: UU/OU
How this makes it more interesting: Typing gives it an additional STAB and some resistances. Ability is kinda similar to Stance Change and helps it last longer on the field, thanks also to its new recovery moves. I added also some priority and stat boosting moves, cuz Belly Drum didn't seem appropriate enough.
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Stonjourner: Sharpest
Eiscue: kakaks
Galarian Farfetch'd: zxgzxg (or Yung Dramps)
Thanks to all for your votes! Here are the results of the slate:


110(+10)/125/135/20/20/80(+10) (490)
Abilities: power spot, vital spirit, clear body
Moves: +blaze kick, -body press, +jump kick, +swords dance, +morning sun, +explosion (it gets self destruct but not explosion)
Target Tier: ru or nu

i've always enjoyed simply how extreme stonjourner's stats are. at 20 special defense even a resisted hit will most likely rip right through its hp. on the other hand its physical stats and hp match if not better a lot of other strong rock types, and with surprisingly reasonable speed to boot. the only thing really holding it back even with basically being deathly allergic to special attacks is a lack of a proper ability. just leveraging any sort of direct benefit from its ability slot would be more than enough to solidify it in nu or even ru. blaze kick and body press are alongside mega kick to give it some more big dynamic kicks to follow its dex entry.

Ice Face (when hit by a physical move, loses 25% hp and applies the shell smash stat changes. resets upon switching)
+High horsepower, +Gunk shot
now both the normal and the noice form have the same stats:

However, I think that Shell Smash effect needs to be tested.


Farfetch'd Sprite

Pokémon: Farfetch'd-Galar
Stats(changes highlighted in bold): 60 (+8) / 100 (+5) / 60 (+5) / 75 (+17) / 60 (-2) / 105 (+50) (460 BST)
Abilities(changes highlighted in bold): Steadfast, Scrappy, Stall
Move/Ability tweaks
: +Aura Sphere, Blizzard, Cross Chop, Hurricane, Ice Beam, Thunder, Thunderbolt
Target Tier: NU
How this makes it more interesting: We have only one Stall user and I think it would be really neat to give that ability to a mon whose flavor is being weighed down by a massive stick which boosts its power further. It can also continue the usual Scrappy spam affair with the highest speed of any NU Fighting type. Meme special sets are also a possibility with Aura Sphere + the original's new Special coverage.

Additionally: +First Impression, and I think we should have an alternative ability to Stall.

Next slate will be on Thursday! What mons would you guys like to see then?
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Personally, I was thinking slating some mons from older generations which we've either barely blessed, or are yet to bless with CFM Magic. Here are some examples:


A rather bland Fighting-type. Fits fine into the lower tiers - could do with something to make it a little bit more interesting, perhaps?


Some mons, ya love to hate. Others, you just hate.


Suffers from being a jack of all trades, yet a master of none. As it doesn't excel at much, despite a great movepool, perhaps it could see some improvements. It also has access to the extremely rare but almost useless Burn Up - so maybe a tweak there could give it an interesting niche?




Pretty much nothing makes this mon compelling to use over another Psychic-type. Thick Fat is hardly a niche.


You forgot this thing existed, didn't you?
I got some hopefully good suggestions for you. I might think for more later on.
  • Eeveelutions: Limited coverage (especially for a few like Flareon) and most are vastly overshadowed by several of the same type that do the job better. While this is not a huge problem for Glaceon in PU, even it ends up having to compete with Galarian Mr. Mime and especially Mr. Rime, which the only thing Glaceon have over them is a higher Special Attack.
  • Magmortar: Nothing wrong with Magmortar right now, except the fact that it remained single-typing while it's counterpart, Electivire, gains the Fighting-type. It's not an emergency but making it a Fighting-type alongside Electivire makes Magmortar one of the rare Special Attacking Fighting-type, making it a little more interesting.
  • Galarian Stunfisk: Although somewhat better than normal Stunfisk, having only one Ability that was way too situational to be worthwhile make it feels limited. Maybe it should have two Abilities and one Hidden like normal Stunfisk, in addition to rework Snap Trap to reflect the Terrain's type and 1.5x power to make it more useful.
  • Clefable: Definitely annoying to excessive extent as even without the Fairy-type, Clefable can be a huge annoyance in any tier it is allowed in.
  • Gorrila Tactics: The primary reason why Galarian Darmanitan get the boot in even National Dex is because of Gorilla Tactics, which gave it excessive prowess even as an Ice-type. Nerfing the Ability so that it won't stack with a Choice item prevent from exploiting Choice Band or Choice Scarf with an already powerful Ability and encourage the player to be a little more strategic.
  • Plusle and Minun: Maybe make them the fastest Pika Clones? This will allows them to use support moves with much efficiency. Slight raise of attacking stats for Plusle and defensive stats for Minun would help a wee bit.
Also, one question; why is Delibird considered as OU according to the current CFM site? I don't exactly see it aside of being quick and the No Guard benefits.
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