Pet Mod [Gen 8] Crossover Chaos


Congratulations to Cookie Butter, KeeganSkymin4444 and KirbyRider1337 for winning with Yasha, Lavos and Henry Stickmin.

This slate's bonus theme is for character who are a few bits short of a byte and have an intelligence deficiency. Maybe they struggle with thinking, forget to carry the one when adding or are just a himbo. If a character is known for their lack of intelligence, this is the slate for them (non-sentient characters and 'beast-level intelligence' charcters do not count for this slate).

As always submissions for the current slate close in one week.
Have fun!​
Hey, just wondering, is this Mod playable anywhere?
Yes, on Dragon Heaven, but it's not fully coded. Dragon Heaven is also not very active so you'll have to join our Discord to find matches.
It's about time I do this.
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Pokémon: Steven
Franchise/Origin: Steven Universe
Type: Normal
Ability: Regenerator, Anger Point
Notable moves: Swords Dance, Protect, Breaking Swipe, Sucker Punch, Transform, Healing Wish, Volt Switch, Fly, Close Combat, Knock Off, Bulk Up, Parting Shot, Reversal, Counter, Helping Hand, Moonlight, Spotlight, Stealth Rock, Rock Slide
G-Max Move, Z-Move, Mega Evolution, etc.:
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"How messed up is that? That I've gotten away with this for so long, you have no idea how bad I am! You think I am so great, I'm so mature, and I always know what to do, but that's not true! I haven't learned a thing from my problems. They've all just made me worse! You think of me of some angel but I'm not that kid anymore! I'm a fraud... I'm a fraud... I'm a MONSTER!"

Pokémon: Steven-Mega
Franchise/Origin: Steven Universe Future
Type: Normal/Dragon
Ability: Anger Point
Notable moves: Same as Steven in his non-mega form.
Stats: 110/125/100/75/60/90 (BST: 560)

Reasoning: Monster Steven, also known as Corrupted Steven is the titular main antagonist of the animated TV epilogue series Steven Universe Future. He is the corrupted form of Steven Universe after giving in to his Diamond powers and inner turmoil. He gains the dragon type on Mega-Evolution because he transforms into a Kaiju-like monster. His attack stat is at 125 only because he causes destruction during the episode I Am My Monster.
Stats: 100/95/100/75/60/80 (BST: 510)

Reasoning: Steven Quartz Universe is the titular main protagonist of the franchise of the same name. He is the son of Greg Universe and Rose Quartz, the only known hybrid of a human and a Gem and the first Crystal Gem of human descent. As a result of his parentage, Steven is an extraordinarily unique being with innate powers beyond that of normal humans and Gems. While he was only a child, Steven steadily grew from a tag-along to the Crystal Gems into the heart of the team thanks to his kind-hearted nature and resourcefulness.

Most of the moves were inspired and took from I Can Make a Change. Stealth Rock and Rock Slide are due to the fact, in his mega form, he can bash against cliffs to cause small rock slides. Protect due to using his Shield to protect against attacks, Breaking Swipe due to attacking with his shield, Transform due to transforming into his Mega Evolution, Fly due to somehow levitating and flying upwards during the end of the song, Volt Switch due to his attack stat, Sucker Punch because of his speed during the song, Healing Wish and Moonlight due to his ability to cure gems with his tears, Close Combat and Knock Off due to his amazing attacking ability, Bulk Up and Swords Dance because Steven steadily grew from a tag-along to the Crystal Gems into the heart of the team thanks to his kind-hearted nature and resourcefulness, Spotlight due to Steven trying to change Spinel's feelings, Reversal and Counter because he can counter Spinel's attacks, and Parting Shot due to his friends helping him out.

He also gets Regenerator due to the fact that he can become uncorrupted, and Anger Point due to his corruption form's angriness.

Steven is devoted to protecting humanity and helping those in need just as Rose Quartz did, and though her monumental legacy once forced Steven to live in her shadow he has since surpassed her by ending the authoritarian practices of the Great Diamond Authority and establishing peace across the galaxy. However, the consequences of his mother's mistakes continue to haunt Steven and those he cares about to his growing frustration. Additionally, as his friends and family continue to grow and start to go out into the world and beyond, Steven has begun to struggle with his own self-identity and what he wants to do with the rest of his life. He has also started coming to terms with suppressed trauma that he has built up over the course of his years of adventures and near-death experiences with Gems.
(if he was already made for this, this is re-signups or something!)
This is my first entry, please let me know if this needs fixing. ^-^
Steven isn't a video game character, so he goes on the side-project thread Crossover Chaos Expanded.

"Isn't Master Kohga so dreamy? I could stare at that poochy tummy of his all day long..."
"He's got a dumb belly"

Pokemon: Master Kohga
Legend of Zelda

Ability: Oblivious, Levitate
Notable Moves: Ancient Power, Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Stone Edge, Rock Blast, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Steal Rock, Sand Storm, Heavy Slam, Body Slam, Earthquake, Earth Power, Magnet Bomb, Flash Cannon, Rest, Recover, Teleport, Psychic, Psych Up, Taunt, Nasty Plot, Reflect, Light Screen, universal moves such as Substitute.
Signature Z-Move: Banana Frenzy |
| Requires Stealth Rock | Non-contact |Master Kohga throws bananas as a decoy. This summons a hoard of Yiga clan members, giving Kohga time to escape (switch out). The banana peels leftover from the fruity distraction are strewn across the opponents side of the field (Stick Web effect).

Stats: 112 / 83 / 87 / 114 / 108 / 56 (560 BST)

Reasoning: Master Kohga, the leader of the Yiga Clan, is... eccentric. Not the sharpest banana of the bunch either as his own attacks end up being his downfall. He enjoys spending his time napping, eating bananas and not trying to hunt down Link (the main purpose of the Yiga clan). If it weren't for his potbelly, he'd definitely be a himbo. Though there are members of the Yiga clan who find attractive so maybe he is a himbo from the Yiga clan's perspective. His main form of attacks come from summoning large rocks and balls of steel. He also can teleport, levitate, use telekinetic abilities and create barriers out of energy. His signature Z-Move, Banana Frenzy, is a reference to the Yiga clan's fanatic affinity with bananas. What the portly Yiga clan leader lacks in thinking and strategy, he surely makes up for it in his love of bananas.
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"You can doubt me, but I'll protect you anyway because I'm a good friend and because it distracts me from the government agents that are replacing my plants with violins." -Sticks the Badger
"Because we're a team! We got beaten to the punch, or in this case, the kick as a team. We can raise our heads proudly, knowing we've traveled all this way, just to watch someone else finish the job. When we walk down the streets and the people whisper "Those are the ones who couldn't quite save the day, almost, but not quite" we will smile together because we didn't do it as a TEAM! I finally understand teamwork... and it is beautiful." -Sticks on teamwork

Pokémon: Sticks
Franchise/Origin: Sonic Boom(I know it's a TV show, but it's also a video game.)
Type: Ground/Fighting
Ability: Hustle/Reckless/Paranoid(if opponents have moves over 100 power or supereffective moves raises speed and attack one stage)
Notable moves: Wood Hammer, Acrobatics, High Jump Kick, Agility, Sticky Web, Bind, Headbutt, Sonic Boom(I just had to), Dig, Smack Down, Extreme Speed, Reversal, Mach Punch, Fake Out, Beat Up, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Helping Hand, Bullet Seed, Sky Uppercut, Leaf Blade, Close Combat, U-turn, Sucker Punch, Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Flying Press, Play Rough, Accelerock, Mind Blown, Grav Apple, Sticky Web, Bonemerang.
Signature move: Wood Boomerang, Spiked Hammer.
Stats: 95/115/80/75/75/115

Reasoning: This character is slightly nuts, and she knows it. She is a badger and digs holes, thus the ground type. She excels at survival, and can make nets and seems like she would enjoy making traps, thus Sticky Web and SR. She is extremely agile, so Acrobatics and Agility and all the priority moves make sense, except Accelerock which represents her slingshot. As she wields a boomerang as her signature weapon, that had to be included. She wields a wooden club, thus Wood Hammer, and Spiked Hammer for her giant metal mace. The rest seem like things she would do, like Grav Apple dropping fruits on opponents, or Flying Press, dropping in on opponents from above. She is extremely attentive and paranoid, but usually is proven right.

New Moves:

Spiked Hammer | Steel | Physical | 95 Base Power | 10PP | 100% accuracy | No extra effect.

Wood Boomerang | Grass | Physical | 50 Base Power | 15PP | 100% accuracy | If opponent's special defense is lower than physical defense, this move targets special defense.

" Well then, Junkrat's the name, and junkratting's the...wait...junk... junk...junkrat-junk...Ugh, never mind! Joke cancelled! Move along! Blah!" -Junkrat

Pokemon: Junkrat
Franchise/Origin: Overwatch
Type: Fire/Normal
Ability: Aftermath/Explosive Expert(Moves that inflict self damage such as Explosion or Mind Blown deal no self damage. Recoil moves such as Double Edge still deal recoil. Certain explosive moves are boosted by 1.5, such as Pyro Ball, Seeb Bomb, Egg Bomb, Eruption, Flame Burst, and Metal Burst, which now returns 1.75x damage.)
Notable Moves: Explosion, Mind Blown, Eruption, Flame Burst, Fire Blast, Shell Trap, Beat Up, Seed Bomb, Sub, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Egg Bomb, Metal Burst, Parting Shot, Pyro Ball, Taunt, Snap Trap.
Signature Moves: Concussion Mines, Concussion Boost, Steel Trap.
Signature Z-Move: Tire Bomb | Steel | Physical | 225 Base Power | Requires Explosion | Non Contact | Junkrat sets a Tire Bomb that doubles as a Substitute.
Stats: 80/145/75/50/50/120

Reasoning: Junkrat is an explosive obsessed freak and anarchist. He fits the slate as evidenced by this quote from the official website conering his story: "Like many others, he was affected by the lingering radiation. This touch of madness made him ideal for handling dangerous explosives, a love which he turned into an obsession." This obsession with explosives is evidenced in his moveset, full of explosive moves. The rest of his moves are due to his in-game moveset and playstyle, which allows him to set traps and control area, thus the entry hazards. This boi can set 4 different types of hazards, and has an amazing ability in Explosive Expert, which allows him to spam Explosion and Mind Blown without drawbacks. He has become immune to the effects of his own explosives, but strangely enough, can be damaged by others' explosions. This is why he is a Fire-Normal type, as his explosions are represented with the fire type, and the normal type being assigned due to him being a normal human with an unusual tolerance for explosions. With his high attack and speed, he can easily nuke opponents, which allows him to run support and status moves and Explosion as his main attack. He is held back though, by his lack of stat boosting moves, shallow movepool, and low defenses and HP, leaving him to be easily revenge killed. He has some counters to being revenge killed in Concussion Boost and Tire Bomb, but is still rather frail. He is a powerful attacker, or a versatile support, just as in Overwatch.

New Moves:

Concussion Mines | Fire | Status | 30PP | 100% Accuracy | Sets a Fire type entry hazard, similar to Stealth Rocks.

Concussion Boost | Steel | Status | 5PP | 100% Accuracy | Priority +4 | Sets a Concussion Boost, at the end of the turn, Junkrat's speed is raised by one. If an opponent attacks Junkrat with a physical move, the opponent takes 50 BP damage before they deal damage. If they faint, their attack is not executed.

Steel Trap | Steel | Status | 30PP | 100% Accuracy | Sets a Steel type entry hazard, the next pokemon who swaps in will absorb the trap, but will be bound for 2-5 turns.
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"You can doubt me, but I'll protect you anyway because I'm a good friend and because it distracts me from the government agents that are replacing my plants with violins." -Sticks the Badger
"Because we're a team! We got beaten to the punch, or in this case, the kick as a team. We can raise our heads proudly, knowing we've traveled all this way, just to watch someone else finish the job. When we walk down the streets and the people whisper "Those are the ones who couldn't quite save the day, almost, but not quite" we will smile together because we didn't do it as a TEAM! I finally understand teamwork... and it is beautiful." -Sticks on teamwork
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Pokémon: Sticks
Franchise/Origin: Sonic Boom(I know it's a TV show, but it's also a video game.)
Type: Ground/Fighting
Ability: Hustle/Reckless/Paranoid(if opponents have moves over 100 power or supereffective moves raises speed and attack one stage)
Notable moves: Wood Hammer, Acrobatics, High Jump Kick, Agility, Sticky Web, Bind, Headbutt, Sonic Boom(I just had to), Dig, Smack Down, Extreme Speed, Reversal, Mach Punch, Fake Out, Beat Up, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Helping Hand, Bullet Seed, Sky Uppercut, Leaf Blade, Close Combat, U-turn, Sucker Punch, Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Flying Press, Play Rough, Accelerock, Mind Blown, Grav Apple, Sticky Web.
Signature move: Boomerang, Spiked Hammer.
Stats: 95/115/80/75/75/115

Reasoning: This character is slightly nuts, and she knows it. She is a badger and digs holes, thus the ground type. She excels at survival, and can make nets and seems like she would enjoy making traps, thus Sticky Web and SR. She is extremely agile, so Acrobatics and Agility and all the priority moves make sense, except Accelerock which represents her slingshot. As she wields a boomerang as her signature weapon, that had to be included. She wields a wooden club, thus Wood Hammer, and Spiked Hammer for her giant metal mace. The rest seem like things she would do, like Grav Apple dropping fruits on opponents, or Flying Press, dropping in on opponents from above. She is extremely attentive and paranoid, but usually is proven right.

New Moves:

Spiked Hammer | Steel | Physical | 95 Base Power | 10PP | 100% accuracy | No extra effect.

Boomerang | Ground | Physical | 50 Base Power | 15PP | 100% accuracy | If opponent's special defense is lower than physical defense, this move targets special defense.
We already have a Boomerang move.
What an ironically puzzling slate theme.


"Oh, good morning! How are you today?"
Pokémon: Plutia
Type: Electric/Dark
Ability: Truant / Oblivious
Signature Move: Stress Release! (special Dark-type Frustration variant)
Other Moves: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Discharge, Spark, Nuzzle, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Punishment, Lash Out, Sucker Punch, Brutal Swing, Payback, Fling, Power Whip, Return, Frustration, Stomp, Air Slash, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Wring Out, Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Psyshock, Hidden Power, Acid Spray, Recover, Wish, Heal Pulse, Teleport, Taunt, Torment, Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore
Z-Move: EXE Drive: With Dolls! - Dark, Special, 185 BP | Lowers the target's Special Defense and Speed. | Base: Stress Release! | Z-Crystal: Plutium Z
Stats: 70/70/80/120/100/80 | 520 BST

HDD ploot.png

"Now, let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest!"
Form: Plutia-Iris-Heart (Ultra Burst form with Iris CPU Memory)
Ability: Levitate
Z-Move: EXE Drive: Thunder Blade Kick - Dark, Special, 200 BP | Has combined efficacy with Electric, except against Ground-types. Lowers the target's Special Defense and Speed. | Base: Stress Release!
Stats: 70/85/95/145/125/100 (+15 Atk, +15 Def, +25 SpA, +25 SpD, +20 Spe) | 620 BST

Reasoning: Perpetually sleepy and absent-minded, Plutia is the CPU (Console Patron Unit) of one of multiple Planeptunes. She is Electric-type because she specializes in lightning attacks, and Dark-type due to her latent sadism. Truant and Oblivious represent her main personality traits in human form. When she transforms, her sadistic side takes the helm, and she gains wings that let her levitate.
In-game, she plays the role of a specially tanky cleric with an oddly copious amount of physical attacks. Her movepool is a balance between in-game skills and flavorful additions.
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Pokémon: Matt
Origin: Epic Battle Fantasy
Type: Fighting
Ability: Unaware / Gluttony / Pickpocket
Stats: 140/130/80/90/70/90 (600)
Notable Moves: Sacred Sword, Slash, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Swords Dance, Leech Life, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Lava Plume, Eruption, Icicle Crash, Quick Attack, Revenge, Reversal, Poison Jab, Liquidation, Thief, Dragon Claw, Axe Strike (see Camilla), Astonish, Agility, Deploy Missiles (see Galleom), Thunder Wave, Spark, Electro Ball, Wild Charge, Sacred Fire, Fire Spin, Sharpen, Sand Attack, Sand Tomb, Scorching Sands, Final Gambit, Air Slash, Acid, Acid Spray, Swagger, Bind, String Shot, Sticky Web, Bubble Beam, Refresh, Encore, Drill Run, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Heal Pulse, Reflect, Power Whip
Reasoning: sword man. he have the big hp/attack/defense in him game so in croissants too. am stupid and eat and steal things. i regret everything.

Sacred Sword, Slash, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Swords Dance: Swordsmanship in general
Dragon Claw, Axe Strike: Matt's rather loose definition of "sword"
Leech Life: Drain
Earthquake, Stone Edge: Tremor/Quake/Cataclysm
Lava Plume, Eruption: Fume/Eruption, Magma/Eruption, etc.
Icicle Crash: Tundra/Iceberg, Icicles
Quick Attack: Quick Slash
Revenge, Reversal: Revenge
Liquidation: Flood, Geyser/Torrent/Typhoon
Poison Jab: various Poison/Bio attacks
Thief: Steal Item
Astonish: Fright/Screamer
Agility: Reflex
Deploy Missiles: Airstrike, etc.
Various Electric attacks: Spark, etc.
Sacred Fire: Holy Fire
Fire Spin: Fire Spin
Sharpen: Sharpen
Sand Attack, Sand Tomb, Scorching Sands: Sand Dune
Final Gambit: Sacrifice
Air Slash: Gale, Tempest
Acid, Acid Spray: Acid
Swagger: Berserk
Bind, String Shot, Sticky Web: Bind
Bubble Beam: Bubble Ring
Refresh: Cleanse
Encore: Encore
Drill Run: Giga Drill
Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse: Dark Flare
Heal Pulse: Heal/Healmore
Reflect: Protect
Power Whip: Vines
Heck it, the only other character I thought up for this slate was a certain birdbrain from XC2 and I don't feel like subbing her. So have a cheerful dumb muscle.
Pokémon: Kae
Franchise/Origin: SUGURI/100% Orange Juice
Type: Fire/Fighting
Ability: Flash Fire / Oblivious / Rattled
Notable moves: Close Combat, Blaze Kick, Fire Punch, Overheat, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz, Double Team, Amnesia, Bulk Up, Arm Thrust, Cross Chop, Superpower, Vacuum Wave, Endeavor, Facade, Giga Impact, Frustration, Mega Kick, Work Up, Play Rough, Slash, Fury Swipes, X-Scissor
Signature move: Blazing! (+1Atk/-1Def to all adjacent mons and user. Fire-type, but bypasses the user's ability.)
Stats: 65/125/50/90/70/110 [BST 510]

Reasoning: The muscle of the Shifu Brands, and it's clear she's a thrill-seeker who likes battle. Fire/Fighting because she specializes in inflicting high heat on herself and the others and focuses on close-quarters combat, chaining together slashes, punches, and kicks alike. Flash Fire because the more heat she accumulates, the stronger her attacks get, Oblivious because she's an airhead, Rattled because of her trauma from isolation and the resulting distaste for dark areas. Facade is Bravado and that's not far off, Endeavor is Daredevil and she's a risk-taker, Play Rough because she sees combat as playtime for her, Vacuum Wave because she attacks with long distance energy waves, Amnesia because she doesn't think too often, and other moves stem from her use of heat in combat and her all-in fighting style. Blazing! specifically acts just like in 100% Orange Juice, afflicting everyone in range (user included) with +1ATK/-1DEF.
Pokémon: Kogasa Tatara
Franchise/Origin: Touhou Project
Typing: Ghost/Water
Ability: Unaware / Unnerve / Levitate
Moves: Damaging - Scald, Shadow Ball, Hydro Pump, Water Pledge, Hurricane, Weather Ball, Liquidation, Dazzling Gleam, Flash Cannon, Aurora Beam, Signal Beam, Lick, Astonish, Hex, Night Shade, First Impression, Fake Out
Status - Rain Dance, Scary Face, Mean Look, Will-o-Wisp, Spotlight, Light Screen, Reflect, Flash, Roost
Signature Moves: Over the Rainbow (80 BP | Water | Special | 10 PP | 100 Accuracy | A rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances but does not stack with the Serene Grace Ability.)
Scare Attempt (70 BP | Ghost | Special | 10 PP | 100 Accuracy | If successful, the user switches out and is replaced immediately by a selected party member.) Flavor: The user attempts to scare the opponent. After an unsuccessful attempt, the user walks away in shame.
Stats: 100/40/95/85/100/70 (490)
Reasoning: Kogasa does things (WIP).
Roost because basically most flying things in Pokemon get it, and the umbrella deserves some rest.
Pokémon: Hanabi
Franchise/Origin: Senran Kagura
Typing: Normal/Fire
Ability: Aftermath / Simple / Unburden
Moves: Hammer Arm, Acrobatics, Sky Drop, Pursuit, Self-Destruct, Explosion, Return, Body Slam, Misty Explosion, Mind Blown, Flame Burst, Flame Charge, Fire Blast, Uproar, Flare Blitz, Rollout, Steel Roller, Heavy Slam, Helping Hand, Taunt, Work Up, Bomb Throw, Bomb Blast (See Pandora)
Stats: 85/115/85/95/65/50 (495)

Form: Hanabi-Shinobi Transformation (works like Ultra Necrozma, must be holding Hanabi's Ninja Art Scroll and can use Z-Move after transforming)
Ability: Aftermath
Stats: 85/135/115/115/85/60 (595)
Signature Z-Move: Hey Super-Climax (200 BP | Fire | Physical | upgraded from Bomb Throw | This move becomes a special attack if the user's Special Attack is greater than its Attack.)

Reasoning: Hanabi explodes. (WIP)
Hanabi gets Mind Blown for a couple reasons. First, she is so dumb that she can and will explode if she tries to think about tough questions. This head-induced explosion fits Mind Blown (Surprised Head in Japanese) imo. Secondly, Blacephalon is the fireworks Pokemon and Hanabi is the fireworks girl (Fireworks in Japanese is hanabi and she uses fireworks in her attacks).
Pokémon: Musashi Miyamoto
Franchise/Origin: Fate
Typing: Fighting
Ability: Keen Eye / Prankster / Nothingness
Nothingness - x1.5 power to ???-type moves
Moves: Sacred Sword, X-Scissor, Slash, Cut, Swords Dance, Slack Off, Parting Shot, Void Slash, I Was Told There Would be Magic Sword-Busting!
Signature Moves: Void Slash (90 BP | 20 PP | ???-type | 100% Accuracy | Contact and slash-based. High crit rate.)
I Was Told There Would be Magic Sword-Busting! (120 BP | 5 PP | Fighting | 100% Accuracy | Makes the user immune to Z-Moves.)
Z-Move: A God, Cut, Defeated. (- BP | ???-type | Physical | Both user and target faint, bypassing protection and defensive abilities | must know Cut) [probably banned to AG]
Stats: 90/90/90/10/120/90 (490)

Pokémon: Musashi Miyamoto-Summer
Typing: Fighting / Water
Ability: No Guard / Prankster / Gluttony
Moves: Same as above + Liquidation, Waterfall, Scald, Brine, Stuff Cheeks, Stockpile, Swallow
Can't use the signature Z-Move
Stats: 90/130/90/60/60/90 (520)

Reasoning: Why Musashi gets slate bonus:
○ Divinity: D
"Musashi-chan, could it be, you are eating the food offerings to The Buddha?"
"Ehehe- *embarrassed grin with 100% stupidity*"
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Voting begins now, you have one week to vote.
ToadBrigade's Master Kohga
ezlaturbo's Sticks
ezlaturbo's Junkrat
Mygavolt's Plutia
Pika Xreme's Matt (Extreme Battle Fantasy)
KirbyRider1337's Kae
Cookie Butter's Kogasa Tatara
Cookie Butter's Hanabi
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Congratulations to Mygavolt, Cookie Butter and ToadBrigade for winning with Plutia, Kogasa Tatara and Master Kohga.

And it's time for the Item Side-Slate to return. Along with your regular submissions you can also submit items from other video game franchises. Try ensure your items have a similar viability of those already used in Pokemon (so no broken Star Man power up that grants the holder invincibility).

As always submissions for the current slate close in one week.
Have fun!