Pet Mod [Gen 8] Crossover Chaos

Well I'm bringing this back a month later after its last resub.

"A month later, we came to this conclusion: There was no such 'beast' in the forest."
Pokémon: Big Bird
Type: Dark
Abilities: Compound Eyes / Illuminate / Keen Eye
Moves: Hypnosis, Dazzling Gleam, Flash, Flash Cannon, Shadow Ball, Night Daze, Night Shade, Dark Pulse, Shadow Claw, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Fire Punch, Pluck, Peck, Drill Peck, Flamethrower, Hyper Fang, Confuse Ray, Assurance, Throat Chop, Gyro Ball, Nasty Plot, Follow Me, Will-O-Wisp
Stats: 120/93/100/100/67/50 [BST 530]
Reasoning: Compound Eyes and Keen Eye because of its myriads of eyes, which allow it to see clean through the forest. It carries a lantern that it used up its feathers on to see in the dark, so that's Illuminate, Will-O-Wisp, and Fire Punch. (Flamethrower too, considering its JP name is Flame Emission and I can imagine a piece of the flame coming loose) Speaking of the dark, if this thing breaches, it plunges the entire department it's in into darkness, so that's the Ghost and Dark moves. (minus Crunch, but we'll get to that...) In fact, it also helps explain the Dark typing, not to mention this thing's basically if Absol became a serial killer to prevent victims from suffering worse fates, so Assurance might be it trying to beat another possible cause of death to the punch, the motives themselves being NP. It uses its lantern to enchant employees, and eventually they're rendered out of control and head towards Big Bird if not evacuated in time, allowing Big Bird to behead them, hence Confuse Ray, Follow Me, and Hypnosis.
Big Bird is slow and bulky, just like in Lobotomy Corporation when breaching. Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Pluck, Drill Peck, Hyper Fang, and Peck are from how it splits open people's necks with its beak due to the aforementioned reason of preventing said people from suffering worse fates. (Psychic Fangs in particular... Arrokuda and Lillipup both happen to get that move.) There's five tiers of Abnormality in Lobotomy Corporation, Big Bird being a WAW. Considering that WAWs are the second-highest tier of Abnormality, they'd probably best be comparable to mons like Gyarados and Dusknoir, so a BST in 520s-550s would work.
As for how its bulk is distributed and why it's a mixed attacker, here's four damage categories in Lobotomy Corporation: Red, White, Black, and Pale, which respectively pretty much translates into Physical Attacks, Mental Attacks, Physical+Mental complexes that manifest as pain in both the area of damage and the mind, and Death powers respectively. Big Bird deals Black damage in containment, so though it may be a bit murky, moves that could be considered Special are more likely to end up as Black damage than as Red damage, so it has fair SpA. Of course, the decapitation habits mean its Attack isn't far behind, and when on the loose, it's stronger against Black and Red damage (erosion and physical harm respectively), but weaker against mental and soul-based attacks, the latter category very easily pointing towards a lower SpD. (Defense is 80 / Red Damage Multiplier (0.8), SpD is 80 / White Damage Multiplier (1.2), with said damage multipliers being the most tame resist and weakness respectively) Finally, light moves are attributed to its lantern and how its eyes can be seen in the dark, but along with its 120 HP not being higher, they're also a surprise tool that'll help us later.
As for Gyro Ball, many circular mons get it, as well as things like Skwovet. Fair game for Big Bird.
Gonna resub this Nopon too
Pokémon: Tora
Typing: Normal (Base forme), Steel/Ground (Tora-Driver-α), Steel/Fire (Tora-Driver-QT), Steel/Ice (Tora-Driver-QTπ) (These formes can be switched outside of battle. Holding one of Genesect's Drives in one of Tora's Driver formes turns him Steel/Electric, Steel/Water, Steel/Fire, or Steel/Ice depending on what's held, regardless of which Driver forme it is.)
Base Form: Steelworker
Driver Forms: Artificial Blade's Driver (-ate for Tora's secondary typing. If he's somehow made single-type, it becomes -ate for his primary typing instead.)
New Move: Noponic Destruction (Normal-type Land's Wrath. Blocked by Bulletproof. Only usable by QT.)
New Move: Summon Blade (Normal-type Status move. 10PP. If used by certain characters (Tora isn't among them), add either the Fire, Water, Electric, Rock, Flying, Ice, or Dark type to the user, apply an -ate effect for that specific type, and replace the moveset with one from a preset list. (One of the following moves will always be present: Sacred Sword, Axe Strike, one of Flamethrower/Meteor Beam/Dark Pulse/Hydro Pump/Thunderbolt/Air Slash/Ice Beam (which of these seven is selected depends on the new type given to the user), Fury Attack, Fury Swipes, Barrage, Protect, Drain Punch. The three other moves depend on the combination of the first move and the move user, but which three moves each user gets given the fourth will be for their subs.) If the user already has one of those types, no type change will be made, but the other effects will apply. Otherwise, the user. If something tries to use this move without being one of the mons this move is species-locked to, it loses 25% of Max HP with the flavor text "[User] doesn't have the aptitude to summon a Blade!")
New Z-Move: Jet Biter (200BP Physical Ground-type move. Poppinium αZ and Drill Run required; Tora must be in α form to use.)
Another New Z-Move: Quixotic Megaburst (200BP Special Fire-type move. Poppinium QTZ and Noponic Destruction required; Tora must be in QT form to use.)
Yet Another New Z-Move: Quantum Judgement (200BP Special Ice-type move. Poppinium QTπZ and Techno Blast required. Slash-based and contact)
Other Moves: Rock Throw, Summon Blade (He isn't one of the things who can use this move) (Base), Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Return (All Driver formes), Razor Wind, Slash (α/QTπ), Sandstorm, Drill Run, Low Kick, Protect, Iron Defense, Rapid Spin (α), Defog (QT/QTπ), Deploy Missiles (See Galleom), Comet Punch, Noponic Destruction, Mega Punch, Smack Down (QT), Slash, Hyper Beam, Techno Blast, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace (QTπ)
Base: 120/70/70/70/70/70 [BST 470]
α: 120/90/115/80/105/70 [BST 580]
QT: 120/70/80/105/90/115 [BST 580]
QTπ: 120/105/70/115/80/90 [BST 580]

Reasoning: The third (from what we know) of a line of Nopon engineers who wished to become Drivers, yet failed to resonate with core crystals. Thus, he, his grandfather, and his father all worked together to create an Artificial Blade. After his grandfather's death and his father's disappearance, it was up to him to finish the project. Luckily, he was almost done when Rex and Nia stepped foot into Torigoth, as a few more ingredients and a lightning strike were all that was needed to bring his artificial Blade Poppi to life. However, that was only the α model... There was plenty more down the line.

Tora starts off unable to do much except for whiffing a shot and drenching Brighid in water, so he's not getting any moves other than Rock Throw and Summon Blade, and in that state he has the Normal typing. Steelworker is from his affinity with engineering. Then he picks up Poppi, his artificial Blade. His Steel typing as a Driver is from his continued use of metal weaponry and Poppi, who's clearly made of metal, at his side. The secondary types for each of the Driver forms derive from the defaults for each Poppi form. (α is Earth, QT is Fire, QTπ is Ice) However, due to Poppiswap, if you get enough crystals from Tiger Tiger!, (or just get them as random drops from it) you can get new elemental chips and change each Poppi's element, hence the Genesect thing. Now, the stats: Poppi α is meant to be the "damage sponge" variety of defender (which Tora's massive HP pool greatly complements), whereas QT's supposed to be the Agility defender. QTπ, on the other hand, is a fighter Blade, and thus is more heavily inclined towards offense than the other two forms, leaning more towards Special due to having an Ether modifier instead of a Strength modifier. The Artificial Blade's Driver ability results from how a Driver's weapon always takes on the element of their Blade, and Tora's probably no exception to that. Additionally, Return comes from how as the bond between a Blade and Driver strengthens, so too does the former's potential. Rest of the stuff derives from Tora's arts and Blade Specials in XC2, though Defog in particular derives from how his weapons can shoot out Ether blasts or something.
And it's last minute item resub time
Item: Franklin Badge
Franchise: MOTHER
Fling BP: 30
Effect: Halves damage against non-contact Electric-type moves. When targeted by such a move, the holder uses said move against the user afterward. Self-announces on switch-in.
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Pokémon: Agumon
Franchise/Origin: Digimon
Type: Dragon/Fire
Ability: Blaze
Notable moves: Charmander's moveset, Draco Meteor.
Stats: 50 HP/60 Atk/50 Def/55 SpA/45 SpD/60 Spe (BST: 320)
Evolves into Greymon at level 20.
Reasoning: Here we have Digimon's mascot and perhaps the most notable Digivolution line of all, Agumon, the mascot of Digimon, Pokemon's rival series. Agumon's stats are primarily based on Charmander's. They're a bit higher, though Agumon differentiates itself from its Pokemon counterpart by being physically oriented instead of specially oriented, plus having a Dragon-typing. This is basically meant for a Little Cup-type scenario and should not be used in OU.

Digimon, however, is most well-known for its long evolutionary chains.


Pokémon: Greymon
Franchise/Origin: Digimon
Type: Dragon/Fire
Ability: Rock Head
Notable moves: Agumon's Moveset, plus Head Smash, Skull Bash.
Stats: 70 HP/80 Atk/70 Def/75 SpA/65 SpD/70 Spe (BST: 440)
Evolves into MetalGreymon at level 40. Location of Evolution changes MetalGreymon's form.
Reasoning: Greymon's a step up from Agumon, but still not really worth using in competitive play. It might be somewhat good in the lower tiers thanks to the spamability of Head Smash thanks to Rock Head, but still, you're probably better off evolving this thing.







Pokémon: MetalGreymon
Franchise/Origin: Digimon
Type: Dragon/Steel
Ability: Flame of Fury (Fire-type Steelworker Clone), Alteros Mode (HA)
Signature Ability: Regardless of regional form, should MetalGreymon score a KO, it will transform into MetalGreymon-Alterous. Upon transforming into MetalGreymon-Alterous, user's Ball, Beam, Bomb and Pulse-type moves gain a 33% increase in power, and the user's Fire-type moves gain a 50% increase in power (Read: It basically gains Flame of Fury and Mega Launcher as abilities)
Notable moves: Greymon's moveset, plus Steel Beam, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Iron Tail.
Stats: 100 HP/100 Atk/85 Def/95 SpA/80 SpD/50 Spe (BST: 510- Virus and Vaccine)
100 HP/115 Atk/95 Def/110 SpA/90 SpD/50 Spe (BST: 560- Alterous)
Regional Variant: Depending on where Greymon evolves, MetalGreymon can come in either Vaccine or Virus forms.
MetalGreymon evolves into one of two different Pokemon at level 60. MetalGreymon-Vaccine evolves into WarGreymon, MetalGreymon-Virus evolves into BlackWarGreymon.
Reasoning: MetalGreymon is the third member of the Agumon line, and is where the line begins to diverge a bit. See, MetalGreymon actually has two different forms to it. The MetalGreymon that are found on File Island, seen in Digimon World 1, are of the Virus classification, whereas those found on the Folder Continent (seen in Digimon World 2) are of the Vaccine classification. While the difference in their abilities is negligible for now, they'll become a lot bigger once the two evolve into their final forms. They're certainly usable on their own (Though I had to compromise a bit with Bulk so as to make sure Eviolite doesn't make this thing broken), though you'll want to evolve them into their final forms. As for changes from Greymon, aside from the increased stats at the cost of reduced speed, it also gains access to a few Steel-type moves owing to its cybernetic enhancements. Then there's its hidden ability, Alterous Mode. This is based on a new form of MetalGreymon that recently appeared in the Digimon Adventure: anime (Yes, the colon is there on purpose), which had Taichi's MetalGreymon gain the Alterous arm normally found on the X-Antibody version of Virus MetalGreymon (this is why both versions can transform into Alterous Mode!). This version of MetalGreymon is a bit more powerful overall, though mostly into its offenses, as its new Alterous arm can be used as both a laser blaster or a sword. Alterous Mode is basically the main reason to use MetalGreymon over WarGreymon, as select moves, like Steel Beam and Dragon Pulse, are stronger when used by MetalGreymon-Alterous than when used by MetalGreymon's evolved forms.


Pokémon: WarGreymon
Franchise/Origin: Digimon
Type: Dragon/Fire
Ability: Crest of Courage
Signature Ability: Crest of Courage: User is immune to Critical Hits. Moves' added effects do not activate against the user, the user's Steel-type moves deal 50% more damage and the user's Fire-type moves deal 50% more damage when the user is below 33% HP. Basically Battle Armor, Shield Dust, Steelworker and Blaze condensed into one ability.
Notable moves: MetalGreymon's moveset, plus Gaia Force and Dramon Killer.
Signature Moves
Gaia Force: Fire-type, Special, 120 BP, 90 Accuracy, 5 PP. Ignores abilities.
Dramon Killer: Dragon-type, Physical, 90 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP. Damage dealt to Dragon-types is doubled (Stacks with type effectiveness).
Stats: 120 HP/120 Atk/105 Def/115 SpA/100 SpD/100 Spe (BST: 660)
Reasoning: WarGreymon is the final form of the Agumon line, evolving from MetalGreymon-Vaccine. Its stats are high all around, including a massive speed increase from the prior form. It also comes with two signature moves. Gaia Force (or Terra Force, as it's known in the west) is a big ol' nuke of an attack. High BP, good accuracy, and it ignores Flash Fire from pesky Heatran to boot. Dramon Killers is basically an enhanced version of Dragon Claw that takes the Dragon-killing abilities up to eleven. It does double supereffective damage against any Dragon-type foolish enough to get hit by this move. This is actually based on the claws' performance against Dragon-type enemies in the anime, as the Agumon who partnered with Taichi Yagami demonstrated when, as WarGreymon, he one-shot not one but two seperate Mega-level foes with his Dramon Killers. The Crest of Courage also serves as the basis for the ability, referencing its wielder's courage and ability to overcome the odds (Basically, it's Hax-proof, retains MetalGreymon's Steel-type STAB and gets Blaze back after losing it after evolving from Agumon).


Pokémon: BlackWarGreymon
Franchise/Origin: Digimon
Type: Dragon/Dark
Ability: Flame of Fury/Justified/Tough Claws
Notable moves: MetalGreymon's moveset, plus Dark Gaia Force, Dramon Killer, Night Slash.
Signature Moves
Dark Gaia Force: Dark-type, Special, 110 BP, 90 Accuracy, 5 PP. Ignores abilities. Deals Dark- or Fire-type damage, whichever would do more.
Dramon Killer: See WarGreymon.
Stats: 120 HP/120 Atk/105 Def/115 SpA/100 SpD/100 Spe (BST: 660)
Reasoning: BlackWarGreymon is the final form that Virus-type MetalGreymon take on. In comparison to WarGreymon, it has slightly improved coverage, notably the fact that its signature move, Dark Gaia Force (Terra Destroyer to western fans), can be Dark- or Fire-type depending on the situation, which can be very useful coverage. The tradeoff for this however, is that BlackWarGreymon's abilities are inferior to WarGreymon's Crest of Courage for the most part. While Flame of Fury (Inherited from MetalGreymon) Justified and Tough Claws are by no means bad abilities, they're mostly focused on the physical side, which can leave BlackWarGreymon to struggle against physical walls where WarGreymon would not due to its greater versatility.


Pokémon: Artoria-Alter
Transforms from Artoria through usage of Grail's Corruption. Unlike regular Artoria, CANNOT use Avalon. If the move is known, forgets Invisible Air upon switching to Alter form.
Franchise/Origin: Fate/Stay Night
Type: Steel/Dark
Ability: Saber Class/Unlimited Mana Burst (HA)
Signature Ability: Unlimited Mana Burst: The user's Attack and Defense are increased by 1.2x.
Notable moves: Artoria's moveset (except Invisible Air) Vortigern, Night Slash.
Signature move: Vortigern- Dark-type, Physical, 90 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP. Boosted by Saber Class. 30% chance to reduce the target's Defense by 1 stage.
G-Max Move, Z-Move, Mega Evolution, etc.: Excalibur Morgan, Sword of Promised Victory- Dark-type, 230 BP, Special. Boosted by Saber Class. Physical if Atk>SpA. Upgraded from Artoria-Alter's Vortigern with Altorium Z.
Stats: 100 HP/120 Atk/110 Def/150 SpA/90 SpD/40 Spe (BST: 610)

Reasoning: Meet Artoria Alter, a version of Artoria who was corrupted by the Holy Grail's mud during the Heaven's Feel route of Fate/Stay Night. As far as Artoria Alter's stats go, it should immediately be clear that they're based on her base form. Specifically, she sacrifices some Special Defense and a lot of Speed for a boost in every other stat (Owing to the fact that her Magic Resistance goes down to B-rank from regular Artoria's A-Rank). Artoria Alter also cannot use Avalon nor Invisible Air, instead gaining a new move signature to her, Vortigern. Its Base Power is identical to Invisible Air's, but it gives up the SE effect against Dark-types to instead have a 30% chance to drop the enemy's defense. This is actually based on the Craft Essence gained for increasing Artoria Alter's Bond Level to 10 in Fate/Grand Order, which, when equipped to Artoria Alter, gives her a 30% chance to reduce the defense of any enemy she hits with an attack.

Artoria Alter's ability is based on the Mana Burst technique that Artoria makes usage of in Fate/Stay Night, which uses her magical energy to amplify her physical characteristics. While regular Artoria has to be more careful with her usage of it in Fate/Stay Night due to her unique circumstances (and the fact that Shirou is not a good Master), being tainted by the Grail also gave Artoria to its nigh-unlimited Mana supply, allowing Artoria Alter to keep it up basically 24/7, hence why it manifests as her hidden ability, providing a simple boost to her attack and defense.

Lastly, there's her Z-Move, Excalibur Morgan. Stat-wise, it's a slightly stronger Excalibur to make up for the lack of a bonus effect, and explained through Artoria Alter's vastly larger mana reserves. Normally, she would be able to spam this to her heart's content, but THAT wouldn't be balanced at all.


Pokémon: Eirin Yagokoro
Franchise/Origin: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night
Type: Water/Poison
Ability: Healer/Hourai Immortal (HA)
Signature Ability: Hourai Immortal- Upon being switched out, the user heals 25% of their maximum hp and is cured of all status ailments. Basically Natural Cure and Regenerator condensed into one ability.
Notable moves: Peerless Patriot's Elixir, Spirit Shackle, Electroweb, Toxic, Recover, Snipe Shot, Sludge Bomb, Parting Shot, Toxic Spikes, Arrow Shot, Life Dew, Future Sight. DOES NOT get Protect or Detect!
Signature move: Peerless Patriot's Elixir: Poison-Type, Status, 10 PP. Can only be used on targets on the user's side of the field. Raises all of the target's stats by 1 stage, but gives them a counter of three turns (starting the turn after Peerless Patriot's Elixir is used). If the counter hits 0, the target is immediately forced to use Explosion. Explosion used in this way does typeless damage, and is calculated from the exploder's higher offensive stat. Using Peerless Patriot's Elixir on a target already counting down due to the effect of Peerless Patriot's Elixir will cause the counter to accelerate by one turn. This counter is removed upon switching out (unless the user is switched out due to the effects of Baton Pass or similar stat-passing).
Stats: 130 HP/75 Atk/120 Def/75 SpA/130 SpD/40 Spe (BST: 570)

Reasoning: Eirin Yagokoro is a Lunarian Hourai Immortal who faithfully serves her close friend, Kaguya Houraisan. She appears as one of the two final bosses of Imperishable Night. As the former brain of the moon, she is one of its most brilliant scientists and doctors. She is responsible for brewing the Hourai Elixir with assistance from Kaguya, and this act, combined with consuming the elixir, is what got them exiled from the moon to begin with.

Eirin's typing is not based on any particular trait in canon. What it is instead based on are the typing of Eirin Puppets in Touhou Puppet Play and Touhou Puppet Dance Performance, Touhou fangames styled after Pokemon (well, the former is a ROM hack). Specifically, it's based on the typing of HEirin in TPP, and the Normal and Assist Eirin styles in TPDP. Her abilities, though, are. Her first ability, Healer, references the fact that, well, she's a doctor, and her hidden ability, Hourai Immortal, is due to the fact that, while it's not explicitly mentioned, Eirin did drink the Hourai Elixir herself to ensure that she could stay with Kaguya, so she herself is an immortal. Unlike, say, Mokou, however, due to the fact that she's NOT constantly blowing herself up, her regeneration is best seen outside of battle, so therefore she has Natural Cure and Regenerator condensed into one ability.

Stat-wise, Eirin is a doctor, not a fighter, and thus doesn't have many offensive options, to go with her low offensive stats. Being a Hourai Immortal grants her great durability, though. Her Moveset takes a bit of explaining. Spirit Shackle is a double-reference. Effect-wise, it was chosen for its similarity to some of Eirin's spell cards, like her Astronomical Entombing (which is also the basis for Electroweb), while the animation of the effect references that bow Eirin wields. The same goes for Snipe Shot. Parting Shot is referencing her tendency to dip in and out of battle during the final stage of Imperishable Night, Recover is standard fare for Hourai Immortals, and Sludge Bomb, Toxic Spikes, Toxic, Life Dew and her signature Peerless Patriot's Elixir are references to her nature as a pharmacist (which can create medicines to heal and strengthen or poisons to debilitate). Thing is, Peerless Patriot's Elixir actually... isn't a move Eirin uses in Touhou canon. It's actually a move used by her subordinate, Reisen Udongein Inaba. The drug itself was made by Eirin, though, so she should by all means have access to it. It behaves much like it does in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, with the one difference being that it sets the user on a timer.

See, in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Reisen could use Peerless Patriot's Elixir multiple times. The first three doses were safe and grant Reisen all around stat boosts. Should Reisen take a fourth dose, though, she, well, explodes, dealing damage to herself and everybody nearby. This manifests itself in the time limit before the target goes boom, and can be accelerated by feeding them more doses of the elixir. Even ghosts are affected by the explosion, though (such as Yuyuko and Youmu), so the PPE explosion does Typeless damage. Eirin does not get Protect or Detect to balance this out- she can't just turn her teammate into a bomb (KILLER QUEEN: DAI ICHI NO BAKUDAN) through multiple uses of the move, and then nullify the damage she would take. I just thought I should emphasise that (and also make a JoJoke). Eirin is much more suited to Double Battles than Single Battles, though, as even with a boost (or even two) from her signature move, she won't hit very hard. With that being said, enemies will not take Eirin's Shady New Drug (without Snatch anyway) so only allies can be targeted with the move. The number of doses before Reisen explodes is where the time limit comes from.

Future Sight is a reference to the Ultramarine Orb Elixir from Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, which has similar effects, granting the person who consumes something akin to future-vision. Again, it's not something she actually uses in canon (She instead administers it to the heroines, those being Reimu, Marisa, Reisen and Sanae), but she should, by all means, have access to it.


Pokémon: Shadow The Hedgehog
Franchise/Origin: Sonic The Hedgehog
Type (Regular): Electric/Dark
Type (Super): Electric/Flying
Ability: Air Shoes/Inhibitor Ring Removal (HA)
Signature Abilities: Air Shoes- Damage taken from Ground-type moves is reduced by 1/4.
Inhibitor Ring Removal: All of Shadow's moves deal 1.2x damage. However, his attacks deal 10% of his maximum HP as recoil damage. This ability cannot be changed or disabled. Stacks with Life Orb.
Notable moves: Sonic's moves (minus Flare Blitz and Waterfall), Teleport, Chaos Spear, Sucker Punch, Foul Play, Night Slash, Parting Shot, Volt Tackle, Chaos Blast, Dark Pulse, Blaze Kick, Attack Order, Signal Beam, Flash Cannon, Smart Strike.
Signature moves: Chaos Spear- Electric-type, 50 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP. Special. Hits twice. Ignores enemy stat boosts.
Chaos Blast: Fire-type, Base 120 BP, 80 Accuracy, 5 PP, Special. This move has 1.5x power when used by Shadow. In a Double Battle, hits all other active targets, including the user's teammate.
Stats: 80 HP/120 Atk/80 Def/120 SpA/70 SpD/150 Spe (BST: 620)

G-Max Move, Z-Move, Mega Evolution, etc.: Mega Evolves into Super Shadow w/Chaos Emeralds.


Stats (Super): 80 HP/150 Atk/110 Def/130 SpA/100 SpD/150 Spe (BST: 720)

Ability: Inhibitor Ring Removal, regardless of what his base form's ability is.

Reasoning: It should go without saying that here we have perhaps the most polarising character from the Sonic series. The Ultimate Life Form himself, Shadow The Hedgehog. Electric-typing is there mostly to link him to his first signature move, Chaos Spear. Chaos Spear's effects are particularly taken from its appearance in Sonic Chronicles, where he throws two spears of concentrated energy which pierce enemy defenses, and it's electric-typing because in multiple forms of Sonic media, it takes on appearance similar to a lightning bolt (In some forms of media it even appears to have electrical effects, like in Sonic '06). Super Form gains the flying typing in much the same way that Sonic's does. He sheds the Dark-typing from his base form because Super Forms are achieved using the positive energy of the Chaos Emeralds, which is very much antithetical to the Dark-type.

Speaking of the blue blur, Shadow's stats are fashioned much around Sonic's though he gains a lot more Special Attack and a bit more Attack at the cost of just a bit less speed: While Shadow is still insanely fast, he's not QUITE as fast as Sonic is. He is close, though. His Special Attack is especially notable, because it allows him to make usage of his special movepool, including his two signature moves, and this also affords him a bit extra BST.

Chaos Blast is his second signature move, releasing a massive explosion all around him, blowing up both friend and foe alike. Shadow also emulates getting STAB on it because it's one of his most-used moves. It also wouldn't make sense for it to be weaker than Chaos Spear due to this.

Shadow has demonstrated that he can do basically everything Sonic can, hence why he gets Sonic's ENTIRE moveset, minus the elemental shields. Yes, including Sacred Sword, because in Sonic and the Black Knight, Sir Lancelot (who is represented by Shadow) ALSO gets a sacred sword, and Shadow himself is playable in its multiplayer mode wielding that exact sword. He also gets a few moves of his own. Teleport is based on Chaos Control's usage to teleport, Sucker Punch, Foul Play and Parting Shot are based on Shadow having no qualms about fighting dirty. The rest of his moveset, except for Volt Tackle and Blaze Kick are based on weapons he can find and wield in his own game, Shadow The Hedgehog.

Speaking of, it's time to speak about his abilities. Shadow's default ability is based on his shoes, hover skates that let Shadow glide along the ground at speeds close to that of Sonic himself, and can even use them to temporarily hover in mid-air. This reduces Shadow's weakness to Ground-type moves, which would otherwise be his main weakness. They also sometimes appear to shoot jets of fire, which is where Blaze Kick comes from. His hidden ability (which transfers over to his Super Form), as well as Volt Tackle, is based on the Inhibitor Rings he wears around his wrists. By removing them, he can drastically ramp up his power, but this very quickly drains his stamina. Volt Tackle is based on a moment in Sonic '06 when he does this and plows through a horde of Mephiles clones while coated in Chaos Energy (alongside Rouge and Omega). This translates to a built-in, but slightly weaker Life Orb boost (Like the Full Power ability from Touhou Puppet Dance Performance).

...And then, of course, there's his Super Form, which should be self-explanatory, and the stat boosts are the EXACT same as Sonic's when he goes Super. The ability is based on when Shadow removed his Inhibitor Rings at the end of Sonic Adventure 2 to warp the Space Colony ARK back into orbit. Really, Super Shadow is perhaps the least complicated part of this submission.
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This slate, I feel like going wild.
(EDIT: Hmm... Not many contributions on the item front. Let me fix that.)

Berserker's Band.png

Item: Berserker's Band
Franchise: Phoenotopia: Awakening
Effect: Each turn, if the holder has more than 1 HP, then it gains a Charge boost (minus the effect on Special Defense) but loses up to 1/8 max HP at the end of the turn. If this damage would KO, then the holder is left with 1 HP.
Fling: 30 BP


Item: Spheralis
Franchise: Phoenotopia: Awakening
Effect: Makes the holder's sound-based attacks super-effective against Steel.
Fling: 20 BP


Item: Delphi Shield
Franchise: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Effect: If held by a Flying-type, halves damage taken from Electric, Ice, and Rock.
Fling: 50 BP


Item: Master Emblem
Franchise: Fire Emblem: Fates
Effect: Boosts the holder's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by a factor of 1.1.
Fling: 10 BP


Item: Snack Orb
Franchise: Mario Party
Effect: Protects the holder from one biting move. Disappears after use.
Fling: 30 BP | Causes flinching.

Capitalization intended. Image hidden in the tag.

Pokémon: PHALANX (intended for Ubers)
Type: Flying/Steel
Ability: Pristine Weaponry - (Protean variant) Changes the user's secondary type to match that of whatever move it uses. (If this type matches the user's primary type, then the user's secondary type is removed.)
Moves: Brave Bird, Sky Attack, Fly, Wing Attack, Sky Drop, Iron Head, Steel Wing, Metal Claw, Hurricane, Air Slash, Flash Cannon, Dazzling Gleam, Spirit Break, Psyshock, Zen Headbutt, Fire Blast, Flare Blitz, Prismatic Laser, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Ice Beam, Icicle Crash, Discharge, Wild Charge, Energy Ball, Power Whip, Heat Wave, Attack Order, Signal Beam, Super Fang, Hyper Fang, Sticky Web, Defog
Z-Move: Flaming Feather Flurry - Fire, Special, 190 BP | Has combined efficacy with Flying (just like Flying Press). Functions like Defog. Sets up G-Max Wildfire effect. | Base: Heat Wave | Crystal: Bifangium Z
Stats: 255/110/50/110/50/105 | 680 BST
Reasoning: This is the ultimate enemy (not to say the final boss) of Phoenotopia: Awakening (the spiritual successor of the game where Gale, now named Gail, is from); it can only be fought if you have maximum HP and energy. It naturally has the biggest health pool and deals the most damage of any boss, yet its defenses are relatively ordinary. It possesses Flying and Steel typing and moves because it's an avian automaton. Pristine Weaponry is named after Pristine City, the residential area beneath its abode, and relates to its core changing color as it executes different attacks. Speaking of which, its arsenal is vast, so its coverage is also.
  • Purple core attack (Psychic): Fires three spherical, purple, homing projectiles at a time
  • Red core attack (Fire): Fires a chevron of glowing red projectiles
  • Blue core attack (Ice): Fires a homing blue projectile that defragments in eight directions
  • Green core attack (Grass): Fires three glowing green projectiles that pause before homing in
  • Yellow core attack (Electric): Surrounds itself with orbiting electrified orbs
  • Other attacks (gray core): Can cause fragmented stellar projectiles to fall from the ceiling (Fairy coverage), fire a rotating X-shaped rainbow laser (Prismatic Laser, Hyper Beam, Flash Cannon), attract and spew out everything around it with a black hole (Sky Drop), generate a heat wave with a swarm of deadly glowing feathers (Heat Wave, Z-Move, Defog), or drop a nest of hornet-like creatures and binding silk (Bug coverage, Sticky Web)
The name of its Z-Crystal is derived from its nickname: Bi-Fang, which brings Super Fang and Hyper Fang to mind. Charging at the screen is grounds for Iron Head.
Since Lowee and Planeptune are represented, how about Leanbox and Lastation?

Pokémon: Vert
Type: Grass
Ability: Kinestra Winds (another Flying-type Steelworker variant)
Signature Moves:
  • Sylhet Spear - Grass, Special, 85 BP, 100% Acc, 15 PP | Has a 30% chance to disable the target's last used move.
  • Kinestra Slash - Flying, Special, 120 BP, 75% Acc, 5 PP | Targets all adjacent foes. 20% chance to lower each target's Speed.
Other Moves: Hurricane, Air Slash, Drill Peck, Energy Ball, Power Whip, Leaf Blade, Bullet Seed, Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb, Aura Sphere, Scald, Body Slam, Slash, Fury Attack, Smart Strike, Nasty Plot, Agility, Cotton Spore
Stats: 60/80/70/115/75/120 | 520 BST


Form: Vert-Green-Heart (Ultra Burst form with Green CPU Memory)
Type: Grass/Flying
Ability: Levitate (Rotom-Fan gets it, so why not?)
Z-Move: EXE Drive: Spiral Break - Grass, Special, 200 BP | Has combined efficacy with Flying. Lowers the target's Speed. | Base: Sylhet Spear
Stats: 60/100/80/140/100/140 (+20 Atk, +10 Def, +25 SpA, +25 SpD, +20 Spe) | 620 BST

Reasoning: Well-endowed, vain, and always coveting her friends' sisters, Vert is the CPU (Console Patron Unit) of Leanbox. Leanbox is a land known for its nature, thus Grass. Vert specializes in wind attacks, although making her base form Flying-type would be inaccurate. She is also a tea enthusiast, hence Scald.
In-game, she plays the role of a speedy magic attacker with a few tools of sabotage. She is lacking in coverage compared to her peers, being limited to wind and ice, but her damage output is nothing to scoff at.

Pokémon: Uni
Type: Fire/Steel
Ability: Sniper / Skill Link
Signature Moves:
  • Brave Cannon - Steel-type Bone Rush variant
  • Venom Shot - Steel-type Poison Jab variant that does not make contact but is blocked by Bulletproof
  • Paralysis Shot - As above, but inflicts paralysis instead of poison
  • High Grenade - Fire, Physical, 30 BP, 95% Acc, 10 PP | Hits 2-4 times. Blocked by Bulletproof.
  • Volcano Bullet - Fire-type special Rock Blast variant
  • Icicle Bullet - As above, but Ice-type
  • Multi Support - Steel, Other, 15 PP | Raises the Attack, Defense, and Speed of the user or an adjacent ally.
Other Moves: Pyro Ball, Magnet Bomb, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Flash Cannon, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Rock Blast, Pin Missile, Spike Cannon, Barrage, Aura Sphere, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Air Slash, Lock-On, Agility, String Shot
Stats: 80/100/90/70/70/90 | 500 BST

black sis.png

Form: Uni-Black-Sister (Ultra Burst form with Black Candidate Memory)
Ability: Levitate
Z-Move: EXE Drive: NGP - Steel, Physical, 210 BP | Has combined efficacy with Fire. (Does not trigger Flash Fire.) | Base: Brave Cannon
Stats: 80/120/105/90/80/125 (+20 Atk, +15 Def, +20 SpA, +10 SpD, +35 Spe) | 600 BST

Reasoning: A perfectionist firearm geek, Uni is the CPU (Console Patron Unit) Candidate of Lastation. She specializes in fire attacks, and Lastation is a land known for its industry, hence Fire/Steel. She is evidently a Sniper, and she has her fair share of rapid-fire attacks, thus Skill Link.
In-game, she plays the role of a ranged attacker, and Megadimension Neptunia VII gave her a handy boosting move in Multi Support. Her movepool reflects her weaponry and her in-game skill set. (That's why she has so many signature moves.)
Reworked a submission from last thread

The image above is the out-of-battle form of Larva Airy, like Xerneas' Neutral Mode.

Pokémon: Larva Airy (Eviolite compatible)
Type: Bug/Poison
Ability: Merciless
Signature Move: Slaughter - Bug, Physical, 100 BP, 90% Acc, 10 PP | Targets all adjacent foes. 30% chance to inflict poison on each target.
Other Moves: Infestation, Thunder Wave, Fake Out, Steamroller, First Impression, Play Rough, Gunk Shot, Sludge Wave, Toxic, Hex, Venoshock, Spiky Shield
Stats: 88/111/75/66/100/70 | 510 BST


Evolution: Pupa Airy (Level 50 evolution)
Ability: Sheer Force
Signature Move: Acedia - Dark, Other, 5 PP | Clears all opponents' stat boosts and volatile status conditions. Sets up a four-turn field effect that causes opponent-hitting attacks to deal super-effective damage. (Immunities are not ignored.)
Other Added Moves: Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Hurricane, Earth Power, Dark Pulse, Attract, Signal Beam, Taunt, Torment, Recover
Stats: 88/111/75/138/100/88 | 600 BST


Form: Ultimate Airy (Ultra Burst form with Slain Heroes of Light)
Ability: Wicked Flight - (hard-coded) Ultimate Airy deals guaranteed critical hits to targets with non-volatile status conditions. In addition, she gains a 1.5* boost to Fire-type attacks and the effects of Sheer Force without the absence of secondary effects.
Z-Move: Zeta Flare - Fire, Special, 210 BP | Hits all foes. | Base: Fire Blast
Stats: 88/125/75/160/121/131 (+14 Atk, +22 SpA, +21 SpD, +43 Spe) | 700 BST

Reasoning: Airy pretends to be a traveling companion for the warriors of light, when in reality she serves as the vice antagonist of Bravely Default (the true antagonist being Ouroboros). She is Bug/Poison because in-game she is classified as a bug, weak to fire, capable of poisoning her opponents, and unable to be poisoned. Her stat line and movepool are mostly derived from her in-game statistics, with a key exception in Signal Beam. In her larva form, she likes to inflict poison and capitalize on it with extra damage, thus Merciless. Her other forms are more magically oriented, so they gain Sheer Force effects. The Ability Wicked Flight is named after the theme song of her final form, and its three-pronged effect is inspired by her Plague and Zeta Flare skills.
And since Rivals of Aether was mentioned in Discord...(speaking of which, I got talked into replacing Grass with Bug)

Pokémon: Kragg
Type: Bug/Rock
Ability: Control Earth (Terrain counterpart of Cloud Nine) / Mountaineer (from CAP)
Signature Moves:
  • Wall Run: Rock, Physical, 70 BP, 100% Acc, 20 PP | The user curls up into a ball and performs a rolling technique intended to scale walls. | U-turn clone.
  • Earth Pillar: Rock, Physical, 100 BP, 95% Acc, 5 PP | The user jumps above the target and creates a pillar of earth beneath its feet. | Has a 50% chance to raise both defenses by 1 stage each. Cannot be used under Gravity.
Other Moves: Stone Edge, Rock Blast, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Megahorn, First Impression, U-turn, Steamroller, High Jump Kick, Close Combat, Superpower, Low Kick, Accelerock, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Rock Climb, Rapid Spin, Smart Strike, Sky Uppercut, Body Press, Seismic Toss, Circle Throw, Brick Break, Low Sweep, Bulldoze, Rock Tomb, Smack Down, Rock Throw, Rollout, Reversal, Fling, Ancient Power, Nature Power, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Shore Up, Wide Guard
Stats: 100/99/120/55/85/76 | 535 BST
Reasoning: "RIVALS OF AETHER is an indie fighting game set in a world where civilizations wage war by summoning the power of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth." - official website
The characters of the game are anthropomorphic animals, and logic says that Kragg is a rhino beetle, therefore Bug-type. His capability of controlling the earth translates to Rock typing. He's classified as a Wall Runner, sporting a massive body but being able to roll around at high speeds. His movepool and Abilities are extrapolated from his profile.
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once again resubbing the plants

Pokémon: Sunflower
Franchise/Origin: Plants vs. Zombies
Type: Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll/Regenerator
Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Encore, Energy Ball, Grassy Glide, Growth, Hyper Voice, Ingrain, Leech Seed, Sunny Day, Synthesis, Weather Ball
Stats: 75/50/65/80/90/55 (BST: 415)

(Evolves from Sunflower)
Pokémon: Twin Sunflower
Type: Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll/Regenerator
Moves: +Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Giga Drain, Heat Wave, Morning Sun, Mystical Fire, Power Whip, Solar Beam, Wish
Stats: 87/60/85/100/110/45 [+12/+10/+15/+20/+20/-10] (BST: 487)

(Mega Evolves from Twin Sunflower with Sunflorite)
Pokémon: Triplet Sunflower
Type: Grass/Fire
Ability: Drought
Stats: 87/60/100/145/150/45 [+0/+0/+15/+45/+40/+0] (BST: 587)

Reasoning: A staple plant in garden defense, the Sunflower produces sun, the energy that allows the player to plant more plants. In some games, like PvZ Heroes, Sunflower even has healing abilities. Twin Sunflower produces double the sun of Sunflower (duh), so I gave it more Fire and sun-based moves.

Pokémon: Wall-nut
Franchise/Origin: Plants vs. Zombies
Type: Rock/Grass
Ability: Sturdy/Solid Rock
Moves: Amnesia, Body Press, Gyro Ball, Ingrain, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Rapid Spin, Rock Slide, Rollout, Stealth Rock
Stats: 65/60/110/30/80/35 (BST: 415)

(Evolves from Walnut)
Pokémon: Tall-nut
Type: Rock/Grass
Ability: Sturdy/Solid Rock
Moves: +Head Smash, Rock Blast, Smack Down
Stats: 95/77/170/30/110/35 [+30/+17/+60/+0/+30/+0] (BST: 553)

Reasoning: Another staple support plant in the defense against zombies. It’s tough shell is hard for zombies to break through, allowing Wall-nuts to halt zombies waves. Wall-nuts are also used for bowling, hence why it can use spin/roll moves.
Pokemon: Sayu
Type: Water/Electric
Abilities: Cute Charm/Liquid Voice/Download
Signature Moves:
Nepyune's Trident
- Type: Electric
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 90
- Accuracy: 95
- PP: 10 (max 16)
- Effect: Has a 20% chance to infatuate the target if they are the opposite gender, and a 10% chance to paralyze if they are the same gender.

Trident USBlast
- Type: Electric
- Classification: Special
- Power: 90
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 15 (max 24)
- Effect: Deals double damage to infatuated targets, then cures their infatuation.
Stats: 75/110/70/115/90/115 (Total: 580)
Notable Moves: Surf, Sparkling Aria, Bubblebeam, Bubble, Whirlpool, Liquidation, Waterfall, Dive, Aqua Tail, Flip Turn, Aqua Jet, Charge Beam, Discharge, Wild Charge, Volt Switch, Hyper Voice, Boomburst, Echoed Voice, Tri-Attack, Round, Sing, Perish Song, Roar, Attract, Charm, Captivate, Play Nice, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Triple Axel, Aqua Ring, Life Dew, Magic Coat, Flash, Teeter Dance, Confide, Hold Hands, Celebrate
Overview: Sayu is an in-universe digital/virtual idol (similar to a Vocaloid or V-Tuber) from the game No Straight Roads, but the version you fight in-game is a giant robot piloted by her creators. She's a singing mermaid, so she resembles Primarina in certain ways, but is notable for having the Electric typing due to her being robotic/digital in nature. She gets Fairy flavor due to having magical girl influences and various moves to represent the "cutesy" motif she falls under. She technically has different forms, but they don't actually change what she can do (except the last one, but it's so minor that it's probably better to just represent it with moves) so I won't be adding them into this sub.

It's a lovely day in the Crossover Chaos forum

and you are a horrible
Pokemon: Goose
Type: Normal/Flying
Abilities: Prankster/Pickpocket/Relentless (Works like the item Metronome, but the multiplier for using consecutive moves is not reset if the user successfully uses the move but it hits the opponent's Protect. Blocks Intimidate.)
Signature Move: Goose Honk
-Type: Flying
-Classification: Special
-Power: 45
-Accuracy: 100
-PP: 30 (max 48)
-Effect: Makes the user the center of attention, and has a 50% chance to flinch. With each consecutive use, decreases the flinch chance by 10% with a minimum of 0%, and increases the base power of the move by 15, up to a maximum of 120.
Stats: 70/100/66/82/62/85 (Total: 465)
Notable Moves: Fake Out, Double Edge, Quick Attack, Hyper Voice, Fury Attack, Peck, Wing Attack, Drill Peck, Gust, Air Slash, Fly, Brave Bird, Knock Off, Switcheroo, Surf, Thief, Nasty Plot, Feather Dance, Roost, Defog, Taunt, Torment, Encore, Heal Bell, Work Up, Astonish, Block, Spikes, Teeter Dance, Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow, Fling, Bestow, After You, Copycat, Mirror Move, Play Rough, Spite
Overview: This sub is designed to be one thing above all else: irritating and deceptively effective. It can run Prankster with Copycat to spam powerful attacks like Brave Bird and Double Edge, or use things like Encore and Taunt to disrupt the foe. You can also take a risk and run Goose Honk, a move with a high chance to flinch but low power, unless you use it multiple times, which may decrease the chances to flinch, but in turn increases the power of the move with each consecutive use. Combined with the Metronome item, the Goose's signature Relentless ability, and a little bit of luck, you can do things like this:
+2 252+ SpA Metronome Relentless Goose Goose Honk vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 800-944 (113.7 - 134.2%) -- guaranteed KO in 1 turns
Of course, this takes a lot of setup, and can obviously be unreliable, but it sure can make your foes feel frustrated that they lost to a goose. And really, that's just how it should be.

Item: Ghost Glove
Franchise: Shovel Knight
Fling Power: 30
Effect: The user's punching moves are considered non-contact and are boosted by 1.2x in power, 1.5x if the move is Shadow Punch.

Item: Ender Pearl
Franchise: Minecraft
Fling Power: 10
Effect: When using the last move in the user's movepool, the item will be consumed, and the user will lose 1/8th of their max HP and then switch out at the end of the turn unless they have fainted or they already were switched out (via pivoting or phasing). Can also be used as a Shed Shell, will consume the item if the user switches when otherwise unable to do so.

Will add images later.
Some higher power wanted me to resub Touhou characters or something so here it is.

Pokémon: Saki Kurokoma
Franchise/Origin: Touhou 17: Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
Typing: Flying
Ability: Competitive / Unmatched Legs - 2x power on leg moves.
Leg moves: Every move with "Kick" in their name, Triple Axel, Low Sweep, Stomp
Moves: High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Mega Kick, High Horsepower, Fly, Double Wingbeat, Wild Charge, Feather Dance, Roost, Agility, Bulk Up, Double Team, Beat Up, Helping Hand, Follow Me, Quick Attack, Sucker Punch, Meteor Beam, Explosion, Swift
Stats: 64/150/60/60/60/136 (530)

252+ Atk Choice Band Slaking Mega Kick vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Manaphy: 376-444 (93.3 - 110.1%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Pure Power Medicham-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Manaphy: 388-457 (96.2 - 113.3%) -- 75% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Reckless Mienshao High Jump Kick vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Manaphy: 408-480 (101.2 - 119.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Guts Conkeldurr Low Kick (120 BP) vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Manaphy: 510-601 (126.5 - 149.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Unmatched Legs Saki Kurokoma High Jump Kick vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Manaphy: 518-610 (128.5 - 151.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Pokémon: Sagume Kishin
Typing: Flying
Ability: Reverse Reality: This Pokémon's secondary effect activation chances are the inverse of what they usually are (i.e. 10% chance move becomes 90%). A target affected by this Pokémon's Instruct also receives this effect. This ability cannot be traced, replaced or suppressed.
Moves: Chatter, Wing Attack, Brave Bird, Pin Missile, Roost, Curse, Topsy-Turvy, Feather Dance, Instruct, Teleport
Signature Z-Move: One-Winged White Heron (200 BP | Flying | Physical | must know Brave Bird | Calculated using the user's higher offensive stat.)
Signature Item: Occult Ball of Lunar Capital - Once per battle, allows Sagume Kishin to set a pure Ghost-type Substitute (named an Urban Legend) upon switch-in.
Stats: 100/80/85/130/95/110 (600)
Reasoning: Sagume is a divine spirit whose power is to reverse any situation she talks about (though the situation will be reversed in some way, not in any specific way). Mono-Flying typing and moves due to being one-winged and having bird-named spell cards. Sagume's signature item comes from the fact that she is responsible for the events of Urban Legend in Limbo where urban legends manifested.
Pokémon: Mononobe no Futo
Franchise/Origin: Pokemon
Typing: Rock
Ability: Sturdy / Piled Up Dishes
Piled Up Dishes - Damage of all moves is increased depending on how many plate hazards there are. Max 2x with 5 plates.
Moves: Physical: Rock Throw, Rock Blast, Stone Edge, Arrow Shot (See Orion), Sky Uppercut, Waterfall, Liquidation, Flare Blitz, Fly, Okiku Upper, Plate Throw
Special: Ancient Power, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Dragon Pulse, Twister, Shadow Ball, Ominous Wind, Water Pulse, Surf, Fire Spin, Fire Blast, Inferno, Heat Wave, Earth Power, Air Slash, Gust, Hurricane, Hidden Power
Status: Heal Pulse, Morning Sun, Wish, Healing Wish, Memento, Nature Power, Geomancy, Lucky Chant, Safeguard, Stealth Rock, Rain Dance, Will-o-Wisp
Signature Moves: Plate Throw - 90 BP | Rock | Physical | 100% Accuracy | Sets a plate hazard on field for Futo's ability.
Okiku Upper - Ghost-type Sky Uppercut clone, only useable when holding Futo's Occult Ball
Z Move: Even in Death, One Plate is Still Missing! (160 BP | Ghost | Physical | must know Okiku Upper and be holding Futo's Occult Ball | +40 BP for every plate hazard removed, max 9)
Stats: 100/75/75/75/75/120 (520)
Signature Item: Futo's Occult Ball - Once per battle, allows Mononobe no Futo to set a pure Ghost-type Substitute upon switch-in. x1.5 to Ghost moves while the Substitute lasts. Item isn't consumed when the Substitute breaks.
Reasoning: Type: Mononobe no Futo is an immortal that feigned death by transferring her soul to a plate, which is made of porcelain (Rock). She's able to conjure plates, and gets stronger with the more plates there are. She's also associated with ancient things, having old-fashioned clothes and speaking in an archaic way, and the move Ancient Power is Rock-type. Lastly, she's a hermit, and the literal meaning of hermit in Japanese is "mountain person."
Moves: Futo's moves are based on her spell cards and her ability to control feng shui, which involve the four basic elements (air, fire, earth and water), absorbing power from and manipulating nature and qi. Feng shui is called "Chinese geomancy" and Futo acquired this power by worshipping nature, so it's pretty similar to Pokemon Geomancy.
Stats: Futo is an immortal who I figured her HP should be at least average. She's also one of the fastest characters in the fighting games.

Pokémon: Shuten-douji (Fate/Grand Order)

Ability: Alcoholic Fruit/Oni Kind Demon/Tangled Feet
Signature Abilities
Alcoholic Fruit: On switch-in, lowers the target's evasiveness by 2 stages. Can poison foes regardless of type.
Oni Kind Demon: Increases Attack and the power of Fire-type moves by 20%. Stacks.
Poison Sake, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Fire Blast, Petal Dance
Flare Blitz, Dragon Hammer, Dragon Rush, Gunk Shot, Shadow Bone, Bonemerang
Nasty Plot, Dragon Dance, Teeter Dance, Toxic
Signature Move:
Poison Sake:
, 95 BP, 100% Accuracy, 10 PP. 30% chance to badly poison the target.
Signature Z-Move:
Multitude of Colors - Providential Oni Poison - Upgraded from Poison Sake with Onipoisonium-Z. 200 BP,
. 100% chance of badly poisoning the opposing Pokémon. 15% chance to inflict Taunt, Torment, confusion, to lower opponent's chance for a critical hit by 1, to lower each of the opponent's stats by 1 (including evasion and accuracy) and to remove opponent's ability. Each effect is calculated separately, including stat drops.
Stats: 120 HP/110 Atk/70 Def/120 SpA/80 SpD/90 Spe (BST: 590)
  • Typing: Shuten-douji is a one-of-a-kind oni descended from the legendary dragon Yamata-no-Orochi. Both in game and in lore, she has the Dragon trait. She also loves to drink literal poison, and uses said poison to attack. In Fate/Grand Order, she's basicallt THE poison party member and actually the only character that increases damage taken from poison.
  • Abilities:
    • Alcoholic Fruit: One of Shuten-douji's skills. "Target can be made drunk through a tone of voice, a sigh, or even just a gaze, that possesses the fragrance of a fruit's melting tipsiness." Basically can make anyone and everyone drunk with a sweet scent of fruit, so the effects of Corrosion and Sweet Scent were added.
    • Oni Kind Demon: Another one of Shuten-douji's skills. "A Skill that represents the superpower as well as the demonic nature of an Oni. A mixed Skill of Natural Monster, Monstrous Strength, Charisma, Mana Burst, etc. The version of Mana Burst depends on the user, but it is usually 'Heat' " Basically, in lore, it is a combination of skills that increase raw strenght and ability to release fire with magical energy. So, naturally, Attack and Fire moves are increased in power. In game, it also increases attack.
  • Moves:
    • Her signature move is based on the divine oni-poison sake, a poison made by the Japanese gods to kill oni, but Shuten ended up liking it and drinking it as an alcoholic beverage. Because it is divine, I gave it somewhat of a legendary signature move BP.
    • The rest seems pretty self-explanatory for a magical dragon beast to get most of those moves. Petal Dance because she is heavily associated with fruits and sweet scents. Nasty Plot is because she has the Chaotic Evil alignment in Fate/Grand Order, and in her legend plotted to take over a city. Also, Shuten is a bone collector. She even has the ability to magically take away bones from others' bodies, instantly killing them. That's why she gets Bone moves.


  • Z-Move: Shuten-douji's strongest move, her Noble Phantasm. It is the attack with the most amount of debuffs in her game, so naturally I tried to replicate that. She has effects like poisoning foes, but also reducing attack, reducing, defense and even Skill Seal, which is the Pokémon equivalent of preventing abilities and moves alike. In Fate/Grand Order, they're all guaranteed to hit but don't have high multipliers. Since Pokémon stat boosts (and stat downs) have set multipliers, I had to balanced it in a way that it's not guaranteed.
  • Stats: Shuten has the Battle Continuation skill, meaning she has the ability to survive for a long time, that's why she has high HP. She's one of the strongest Servants in lore, so her BST is high. In-game she has one of the highest attacking stats, but the weak Assassin-class multiplies her attack by x0.9 making her above average but not insanely strong, so I gave her just that.
Pokémon: Seija Kijin
Origin: Touhou Project
Typing: Dark/Normal
Ability: Contrary | Reverse Ideology
Reverse Ideology:
Moves by or against this Pokémon follow Inverse Battle rules.
Signature Move: This Side Down (80 BP | Normal | Physical | Does damage based on opponent's Special Defense)
Signature Z-Move: Overturning All Under Heaven (200 BP | Normal | Physical | must know This Side Down | Does damage based on opponent's Special Defense).
Physical: This Side Down, Frustration, Beat Up, Foul Play, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Superpower, Spike Cannon, Reversal, Needle Arm, Twineedle, Brave Bird, Counter, Metal Burst, Signal Beam
Special: Mirror Shot, Mirror Coat, Psyshock
Status: Topsy-Turvy, Mirror Move, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Ally Switch, Switcheroo, Trick, Guard Swap, Power Swap, Speed Swap, Power Trick, Heart Swap
Stats: 90/95/80/75/85/100 (BST 525)

Reasoning: Seija is an amanojaku with the power to turn over anything. So, almost everything about her is based on that fact. Both abilities and most moves reverse or turn over something. Dark/Normal typing because of her name Kijin is spelled with characters meaning "oni" and "human" which would be Dark and Normal respectively. This Side Down and Overturning All Under Heaven are some of Seija's Spell Cards, the one that's the Z-move is the Hard/Lunatic version of the other one. The only things that don't represent Seija's reverse powers are: Spike Cannon (representing her danmaku/bullet hell), Needle Arm & Twineedle (representing her Reverse Needle Spell Card), Brave Bird (representing her Change Air Brave Spell Card), Frustration because she lost against the main heroine (and got an entire spin-off game because she was angry at that), and the Dark moves due to her being a cunning and persuasive Dark-type.


Item: Fire Spirit
Franchise: Stick Ranger
Effect: If the holder attacks and knocks out another Pokemon, the Pokemon that replaces the one knocked out will be hit with a 40 BP Fire-type move used by the holder.
Fling: 10 BP
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And it's voting time once again. You have one week to vote for your three favourite Pokemon and items.
KirbyRider1337's Big Bird
KirbyRider1337's Tora
Neosonic97's Agumon line
Neosonic97's Artoria Alter
Neosonic97's Eirin Yagokoro
Neosonic97's Shadow the Hedgehog
Mygavolt's PHALANX
Mygavolt's Vert
Mygavolt's Uni
Mygavolt's Airy
Mygavolt's Kragg
zxgzxg's Sunflower line
zxgzxg's Wall-nut line
KeeganSkymin4444's Sayu
KeeganSkymin4444's Goose
Cookie Butter's Saki Kurokoma
Cookie Butter's Sagume Kishin
Cookie Butter's Mononobe no Futo
Cookie Butter's Shuten-douji
Cookie Butter's Seija Kijin
KirbyRider1337's Franklin Badge
Mygavolt's Beserker Band
Mygavolt's Spheralis
Mygavolt's Delphi Shield
Mygavolt's Master Emblem
Mygavolt's Snack Orb
KeeganSkymin444's Ghost Glove
KeeganSkymin's Ender Pearl
Cookie Butter's Fire Spirit
Neosonic97's Agumon line
KirbyRider1337's Tora
my Airy

KeeganSkymin4444's Ghost Glove
KeeganSkymin4444's Ender Pearl
Cookie Butter's Fire Spirit
Only gonna be voting on the 'mons here.

Kirbyrider1337's Tora
Neosonic97's Agumon line
Cookie Butter's stupid amanojaku Seija Kijin
KeeganSkymin4444's Goose
KirbyRider1337's Big Bird
Neosonic97's Agumon

Mygavolt's Delphi Shield
KeeganSkymin4444's Ender Pearl
KirbyRider1337's Franklin Badge
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Congratulations to KirbyRider1337, Neosonic97 and KeeganSkymin4444 for winning with Tora, Agumon and Goose. Neosonic97 has earned the title, Poker Night at the Inventory.

Also congratulations to KeeganSkymin4444 (x2) and KirbyRider1337 for their winning submissions for the first item mini-slate. The following items have been added to Crossover Chaos: Ender Pearl
, Ghost Glove
and Franklin Badge

This slate is for characters who have changed teams. This can be characters who betrayed the protagonist, turned from evil to good or simply from a game that allows you to change teams such as Rocket League. If a character's loyalty have changed at all, then this is the slate for them.

As always submissions for the current slate close in one week.
Have fun!​
Time to resub two.


"Maria, I promise you... REVENGE!"

Pokémon: **Shadow The Hedgehog**
Franchise/Origin: Sonic The Hedgehog
Type (Regular): Electric/Dark
Type (Super): Electric/Flying
Ability: Air Shoes/Inhibitor Ring Removal (HA)
Signature Abilities: Air Shoes- Damage taken from Ground-type moves is reduced by 1/4.
Inhibitor Ring Removal: All of Shadow's moves deal 1.2x damage. However, his attacks deal 10% of his maximum HP as recoil damage. This ability cannot be changed or disabled. Stacks with Life Orb.
Notable moves: Sonic's moves (minus Flare Blitz and Waterfall), Teleport, Chaos Spear, Sucker Punch, Foul Play, Night Slash, Parting Shot, Volt Tackle, Chaos Blast, Dark Pulse, Blaze Kick, Attack Order, Signal Beam, Flash Cannon, Smart Strike.
Signature moves: Chaos Spear- Electric-type, 50 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP. Special. Hits twice. Ignores enemy stat boosts.
Chaos Blast: Fire-type, Base 120 BP, 80 Accuracy, 5 PP, Special. This move has 1.5x power when used by Shadow. In a Double Battle, hits all other active targets, including the user's teammate.
Stats: 80 HP/120 Atk/80 Def/120 SpA/70 SpD/150 Spe (BST: 620)

G-Max Move, Z-Move, Mega Evolution, etc.: Mega Evolves into Super Shadow w/Chaos Emeralds.


Stats (Super): 80 HP/150 Atk/110 Def/130 SpA/100 SpD/150 Spe (BST: 720)

Ability: Inhibitor Ring Removal, regardless of what his base form's ability is.

Reasoning: It should go without saying that here we have perhaps the most polarising character from the Sonic series. The Ultimate Life Form himself, Shadow The Hedgehog. Electric-typing is there mostly to link him to his first signature move, Chaos Spear. Chaos Spear's effects are particularly taken from its appearance in Sonic Chronicles, where he throws two spears of concentrated energy which pierce enemy defenses, and it's electric-typing because in multiple forms of Sonic media, it takes on appearance similar to a lightning bolt (In some forms of media it even appears to have electrical effects, like in Sonic '06). Super Form gains the flying typing in much the same way that Sonic's does. He sheds the Dark-typing from his base form because Super Forms are achieved using the positive energy of the Chaos Emeralds, which is very much antithetical to the Dark-type.

Speaking of the blue blur, Shadow's stats are fashioned much around Sonic's though he gains a lot more Special Attack and a bit more Attack at the cost of just a bit less speed: While Shadow is still insanely fast, he's not QUITE as fast as Sonic is. He is close, though. His Special Attack is especially notable, because it allows him to make usage of his special movepool, including his two signature moves, and this also affords him a bit extra BST.

Chaos Blast is his second signature move, releasing a massive explosion all around him, blowing up both friend and foe alike. Shadow also emulates getting STAB on it because it's one of his most-used moves. It also wouldn't make sense for it to be weaker than Chaos Spear due to this.

Shadow has demonstrated that he can do basically everything Sonic can, hence why he gets Sonic's ENTIRE moveset, minus the elemental shields. Yes, including Sacred Sword, because in Sonic and the Black Knight, Sir Lancelot (who is represented by Shadow) ALSO gets a sacred sword, and Shadow himself is playable in its multiplayer mode wielding that exact sword. He also gets a few moves of his own. Teleport is based on Chaos Control's usage to teleport, Sucker Punch, Foul Play and Parting Shot are based on Shadow having no qualms about fighting dirty. The rest of his moveset, except for Volt Tackle and Blaze Kick are based on weapons he can find and wield in his own game, Shadow The Hedgehog.

Speaking of, it's time to speak about his abilities. Shadow's default ability is based on his shoes, hover skates that let Shadow glide along the ground at speeds close to that of Sonic himself, and can even use them to temporarily hover in mid-air. This reduces Shadow's weakness to Ground-type moves, which would otherwise be his main weakness. They also sometimes appear to shoot jets of fire, which is where Blaze Kick comes from. His hidden ability (which transfers over to his Super Form), as well as Volt Tackle, is based on the Inhibitor Rings he wears around his wrists. By removing them, he can drastically ramp up his power, but this very quickly drains his stamina. Volt Tackle is based on a moment in Sonic '06 when he does this and plows through a horde of Mephiles clones while coated in Chaos Energy (alongside Rouge and Omega). This translates to a built-in, but slightly weaker Life Orb boost (Like the Full Power ability from Touhou Puppet Dance Performance).

...And then, of course, there's his Super Form, which should be self-explanatory, and the stat boosts are the EXACT same as Sonic's when he goes Super. The ability is based on when Shadow removed his Inhibitor Rings at the end of Sonic Adventure 2 to warp the Space Colony ARK back into orbit. Really, Super Shadow is perhaps the least complicated part of this submission.

Shadow is perhaps the Sonic character with the most fluid alignment. He starts as a villain, then becomes a hero, then he goes all over the alignment chart in the mess that was his own game before settling on being an Anti-hero. Needless to say, slate bonus.


"That is impossible. You will die here, Shirou."

Pokémon: **Artoria-Alter** (Alternate forme of Artoria)
Transforms from Artoria through usage of Grail's Corruption. Unlike regular Artoria, CANNOT use Avalon. If the move is known, forgets Invisible Air upon switching to Alter form.
Franchise/Origin: Fate/Stay Night
Type: Steel/Dark
Ability: Saber Class/Unlimited Mana Burst (HA)
Signature Ability: Unlimited Mana Burst: The user's Attack and Defense are increased by 1.2x.
Notable moves: Artoria's moveset (except Invisible Air), Vortigern, Night Slash.
Signature move: Vortigern- Dark-type, Physical, 90 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP. Boosted by Saber Class. 30% chance to reduce the target's Defense by 1 stage.
G-Max Move, Z-Move, Mega Evolution, etc.: Excalibur Morgan, Sword of Promised Victory- Dark-type, 230 BP, Special. Boosted by Saber Class. Physical if Atk>SpA. Upgraded from Artoria-Alter's Vortigern with Altorium Z.
Stats: 100 HP/120 Atk/110 Def/150 SpA/90 SpD/40 Spe (BST: 610)

Reasoning: Meet Artoria Alter, a version of Artoria who was corrupted by the Holy Grail's mud during the Heaven's Feel route of Fate/Stay Night. As far as Artoria Alter's stats go, it should immediately be clear that they're based on her base form. Specifically, she sacrifices some Special Defense and a lot of Speed for a boost in every other stat (Owing to the fact that her Magic Resistance goes down to B-rank from regular Artoria's A-Rank). Artoria Alter also cannot use Avalon nor Invisible Air, instead gaining a new move signature to her, Vortigern. Its Base Power is identical to Invisible Air's, but it gives up the SE effect against Dark-types to instead have a 30% chance to drop the enemy's defense. This is actually based on the Craft Essence gained for increasing Artoria Alter's Bond Level to 10 in Fate/Grand Order, which, when equipped to Artoria Alter, gives her a 30% chance to reduce the defense of any enemy she hits with an attack.

Artoria Alter's ability is based on the Mana Burst technique that Artoria makes usage of in Fate/Stay Night, which uses her magical energy to amplify her physical characteristics. While regular Artoria has to be more careful with her usage of it in Fate/Stay Night due to her unique circumstances (and the fact that Shirou is not a good Master), being tainted by the Grail also gave Artoria to its nigh-unlimited Mana supply, allowing Artoria Alter to keep it up basically 24/7, hence why it manifests as her hidden ability, providing a simple boost to her attack and defense.

Lastly, there's her Z-Move, Excalibur Morgan. Stat-wise, it's a slightly stronger Excalibur to make up for the lack of a bonus effect, and explained through Artoria Alter's vastly larger mana reserves. Normally, she would be able to spam this to her heart's content, but THAT wouldn't be balanced at all.

Owing to switching masters partway through the Holy Grail War (from Shirou to Sakura, specifically) she counts for the slate bonus.
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Pokémon: Revenant Grace
Type: Ghost/Steel
Ability: Guardian Spirit - When the user takes direct damage, its Soul Smash, Soul Blaster, or Soul Cannon (randomly chosen per occasion) regains 1 PP if it can.
Signature Moves
  • Soul Smash - Ghost, Physical, 75 BP, 100% Acc, 20 PP
  • Soul Blaster - Ghost, Physical, 75 BP, 100% Acc, 15 PP | Hits all adjacent foes.
  • Soul Cannon - Ghost, Physical, 110 BP, 85% Acc, 5 PP
  • Possession - Ghost, Other, 5 PP | The user's soul leaves its body to possess another. | The user switches out. It and its replacement are cured of status conditions, and its replacement is affected by Safeguard and Trick-or-Treat, which both wear off at the same time: in five turns or if the replacement switches out.
  • Possessed - Ghost, Other, 10 PP | A portion of the target's soul is transferred to the user. | Deals half the target's remaining HP in damage. The user regains HP equal to the damage dealt. Also cures status conditions of the target and user.
Other Moves: Gyro Ball, Heavy Slam, Smart Strike, Brick Break, Low Kick, Low Sweep, Rock Smash, Mega Punch, Strength, Foul Play, Knock Off, Night Slash, Feint Attack, Stomping Tantrum, Night Shade, Protect, Taunt, Torment, Block
Stats: 120/80/120/50/120/50 | 540 BST
Reasoning: Revenant, holder of the Guardian asterisk, is a juvenile spirit (Ghost) who uses a suit of armor (Steel) as a physical form. His signature moves are Guardian skills, and his Ability is the specialty of the job. (Guardians are bulky but lacking in offensive presence, hence the stat line.) Other moves are based on his physical capabilities and personality.
Slate Justification: He starts off on the side of his father Geist—that is the side of the kaiser, who is being used by the evil god Providence. In Chapter V, he and Geist are convinced to stand down, and they contribute to the final battle against Providence.

"What manner of future will Chrom mold? I look forward to discovering for myself..."

Pokémon: Walmart Walhart
Type: Steel/Ground
Ability: Conquest (Prism Armor clone)
Moves: Axe Strike (from Camilla), Iron Head, Smart Strike, Metal Claw, High Horsepower, Stomping Tantrum, Bulldoze, Bone Club, Return, Frustration, Strength, Slash, Double Hit, Superpower, Sacred Sword, Submission, Brick Break, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Smack Down, Aerial Ace, Night Slash, Leaf Blade, Fury Cutter, Fury Attack, Icicle Spear, Chip Away, Cut, False Swipe, Thunderbolt, Rage, Taunt, Protect, Swords Dance
Stats: 125/160/110/30/70/90 | 585 BST
Reasoning: A Conqueror from the West, a big boss in the second arc of the game. His base stats are calculated the same way as those of Camilla, except HP (*1) because that would make his BST undesirably high. He is an armored and mounted unit, the former obviously Steel and the latter...well, because of High Horsepower, I went with Ground. Conquest is his signature Skill, nerfed because outright negating weaknesses without a quad is kinda broken. The movepool is partly influenced by Corrin and Camilla, being sword and axe wielders while Walhart can wield both (as well as lances), and I threw in some additions relating to his Steel/Ground typing and combat in general.
Slate Justification: Walhart can be recruited in a SpotPass paralogue.

Pokémon: Wakasagihime
Type: Water
Ability: Liquid Voice/Swift Swim/Water Power (When the user uses Dive, they gain +1 Attack, Special Attack, and Speed each time it's used. Dive also doubles in power.)
Moves: Dive, Splash, Rolling Kick, Arm Thrust, Brick Break, Take Down, Pound, Tackle, Headbutt, Knock Off, Slam, Bubble Beam, Scale Shot, Attack Order, Scald, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Sing, Aqua Tail, Attract (she's Female only), Hyper Voice, Bounce, Hyper Beam, Aqua Ring, Icicle Spear,Shadow Ball, Howl, Surf, Tail Slap, Waterfall, Rain Dance, Calm Mind
Stats: 70/95/60/95/60/100 | 480 BST
Reasoning: The 1st boss of ISC and a mermaid (of the "western" variety, strangely) who becomes more powerful underwater. Fittingly her signature ability does that while giving at least a reason to abuse Dive and counterbalance the above-average moveset., as well as having Liquid Voice and Swift Swim since those also seem fitting. Stats also lean more towards mixed glass cannon and her type is super obvious. And her moves are based off those from a MUGEN character of her who had almost all these moves, but a few are either improvised or removed due to the fact that they don't make sence. Her normal bullets are Bubble Beam, her scales Scale Shot, and the fish Attack Order. The spellcards barring Rain Dance are Surf, Tail Slap, and Water Fall..
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Obligatory resub, mainly because of a certain arthropodian whatever from one of her latest games ;d

"My X-ray specs allow me to see your ignorance!"
Pokémon: Palutena (Note: Due to Chapter 18, she gets slate bonus.)
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Abilities: Prankster / Telepathy
New Move: Heavenly Light (Fairy-type Status move, 15-24PP. For three turns, at the end of each turn (counting the turn this move is used), all adjacent enemies lose 12.5% of their Max HP at the end of each turn. This effect ends if the user switches out.)
Moves: Mystical Fire, Bounce, Black Hole (from True Zeromus), Hyper Beam, Flash Cannon, Counter, Mirror Coat, Magic Coat, Reflect, Light Screen, Recover, Refresh, Agility, Toxic, Ice Beam, Expanding Force, Dazzling Gleam, Teleport, Magnet Rise, Telekinesis, Psychic, Play Rough, Heal Pulse, Lock-On, Focus Energy, Tri Attack, Protect, Substitute, Double-Edge, Flame Charge, Meteor Beam, Foresight, Confuse Ray, Mimic, Reversal, Mine (from Austin Carter), Self-Destruct, Explosion, Pay Day, Iron Defense, Metronome, Detect, Expanding Force, Endure
Stats: 100/88/60/150/130/72 [BST 600]
Reasoning: Psychic typing, Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Psychic because she's got telepathy, psychokinesis, clairvoyance, and all other sorts of ESP, plus the Power of Flight (hello Magnet Rise). Expanding Force for similar reasons. Fairy because she's a holy presence and is in opposition to the dark forces of the Underworld. Her being the Goddess of Light also helps for both typings, as well as Expanding Force. Heavenly Light damages everything around you for constant, minor damage after use in both Sm4sh and KI:U. This also ties into Dazzling Gleam. Play Rough and Prankster (JP: Frolic and Teasing Heart, respectively) because she has a twisted sense of humor in her interactions with Pit, even going so far as to make a severed Hewdraw head fight Pit for her own amusement (though she likely knew that Pit would come out on top anyway). Heal Pulse from her ability to provide healing orbs during the aerial phase of each stage. Stats lean towards a slower spread, but specially oriented and can deal severe damage because take too long against the Hewdraw and Palutena will annihilate it with the "Sacred Goddess Clobberlaser". Everything else draws from Powers in KI:U, Tri Attack being kinda like a standard attack in conjunction with some of the powers that temporarily add status effects to your attacks.

Pokémon: Scathach-Skadi
Franchise/Origin: Fate/Grand Order
Typing: Ice/Ghost
Ability: Snow Warning / Slush Rush / Snow Cloak
Moves: Ice Beam, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Freeze Dry, Ice Shard, Blizzard, Hail, Sheer Cold, Aurora Veil, Aurora Beam, Powder Snow, Mist, Haze, Icy Wind, Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Force, Ominous Wind, Phantom Force, Agility, Sing, Lucky Chant, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Magic Room
Signature Move: Primeval Rune (- BP | Psychic | -% Accuracy | Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages and its crit ratio by 1 stage. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an adjacent ally.)
Z Move: Gate of Skye (- BP | Ghost | Status | Requires Shadow Force | For 1 turn, the user and its party members cannot be struck by any hit. For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot be struck by critical hits. For 5 turns, if this Pokemon or its allies strike with a critical hit, the damage is multiplied by 1.5.)
Stats: 40/90/40/150/150/60 (530)
Reasoning: Skadi does things.
Pokemon: Xion
Franchise/Origin: Kingdom Hearts
Type: Fairy/Fighting
Ability: Illusion / Trace / Light Tamer
Light Tamer
- Increases the power of light-based moves by x1.5 (for a full list of moves, check King Boo's Dark Crown item).
Notable moves: Physical: Sacred Sword, Close Combat, Fly, U-Turn, Play Rough, Psycho Cut, Cut, Slash, Night Slash, Solar Blade, X-Scissor, Fury Cutter, Lunge
Special: Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Hurricane, Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Aura Sphere, Flash Cannon, Stored Power, Power Gem, Signal Beam, Air Slash, Air Cutter, Prismatic Laser, Photon Geyser, Black Hole (See Zeromus)
Status: Agility, Swords Dance, Gravity, Teleport, Endure, Thunder Wave, Confuse Ray, Reflect, Light Screen, Barrier, Lock-On, Fairy Lock, Disable, Flash, Defog, Recover
Stats: 80 / 105 / 75 / 110 / 95 / 125 (590)

G-Max Move: G-Max Final Break: Fairy - Applies the Nil volatile status effect, which makes the opponent's Defense and Special Defense stats equal to 1 in damage calculation, but wears off if the Pokemon is switched out or after a full turn has passed.

  • Xion is Fairy/Fighting because of her light powers (KH light is closer to Fairy than Psychic), and being a Keyblade wielder. Xion also wields non-Keyblade swords (Xion has 6 different swords in total).
  • Trace comes from the fact she's a replica of Sora, and she has also copied other characters' powers, such as copying Saix's berserk mode+blue flames. Illusion is due to different characters seeing Xion as different things. "Roxas, Axel, and Riku (and presumably the rest of the Organization, except Xigbar, Xemnas, and Saix) see her as the dark-haired Kairi lookalike Xion. Before their battle, Roxas sees her as Sora. Xemnas also sees her as Sora, Xigbar sees her as Ventus, and Saïx sees her only as a faceless hooded puppet." - Kingdom Hearts wiki
  • Light Tamer comes from Sora's strong light powers, and Xion being a replica of Sora displays these powers often as well. (There's no name for this power in Kingdom Hearts, and other Keyblade wielders don't show this power, only Sora and his army of clones do, so I went with a light variant of Japanese Steelworker, Steel Tamer)
  • Xion's moves are a mix of generic slashing moves, the usual elemental Square Enix magic (fire, wind, electric, ice, heal) and light moves. The list includes some legendary sigs, but for good reason, their description matches what Xion does with her light attacks (for example Prismatic Laser comes from Xion shooting lasers out of the prism-shaped tips of her swords and shoulder tendrils, and Photon Geyser are her pillars of light). Some weirder choices include Fly, Defog and Roost from the form she grows wings, and Zeromus' Black Hole, which comes from her usage of the Corridors of Darkness as black balls.
  • Xion is very fast, especially when using the ability to turn into a ball of light. She's the fastest and most relentless of the Real Organization XIII Data bosses. Her stats are mixed offensively because she attacks with both swords and light beams (and elemental magic when she's playable).
  • Xion's Gigantamax comes from her final boss battle in 358/2 Days, where she becomes an armored Nobody the size of a large building. Her G-Max Move comes from this same boss battle, where this move inflicts the strongest status condition in the game, the Nil condition, that nulls defenses. Dynamaxing is banned so this form is thankfully Ubers by default.
Pokémon: Dreaded Giant True Name: Gusios
Franchise/Origin: Tales of Vesperia
Type: Rock
Abilities: Crystallands - This Pokemon has the resistances, but not weaknesses, of Fairy-types.
Aer Control - Restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, for every PP used by the opponent.
Damaging: Power Gem, Stone Edge, Ancient Power, Tail Slap, Stomp, Skull Bash, Boomburst, Stomping Tantrum, Earthquake, High Horsepower, Whirlpool, Waterfall, Surf, Scald, Liquidation, Aqua Tail, Dragon Hammer, Dragon Tail, Breaking Swipe, Dragon Breath, Outrage, Thrash, Iron Tail, Mud Slap, Nature's Madness
Status: Shore Up, Belly Drum, Stealth Rock, Roar, Reflect, Light Screen, Soak, Mud Sport, Aqua Ring, Spite
Stats: 192/111/113/81/44/29 (570)
Evolves into Gnome.

Pokémon: Gnome (Tales of Vesperia)
Type: Rock
Ability: Levitate / Aer Control (see above)
Moves: Same as above, gaining Thunderbolt, Wild Charge, Thunder, Thunder Wave.
Stats: 100/100/100/100/100/100 (600)

Reasoning: Stats: Dreaded Giant's stats are scaled up from its game of origin. Gnome is the Spirit of Earth, a mythical creature with no defining traits to make one stat higher than the other.
Ability: Crystallands is based on the fact that it created a whole island of crystals. Diancie and Carbink are Fairy-type. Plus, the crystals were created with aer which is, to put it simply, magical natural energy. Fairy is often associated with nature in Pokemon. Aer Control comes from their ability to heal by absorbing said magical energy, which every attack in Tales of Vesperia has.
Moves: The Dreaded Giant itself eats the magical natural energy I mentioned earlier, is made up of it and uses it to attack. He also goes mad because of said energy. Nature's Madness comes form that fact. The rest of its moves are because it's a turtle-dragon thing that uses Water and Earth element attacks in its game of origin, as well as puffing up its chest and hitting on it. As a spirit of nature, Gnome gains control over lightning powers when evolving.
Pokémon: Possessed King Dedede
Regional Variant: King Dedede
Origin: Kirby
Typing: Dark/Flying
Ability: Thick Fat / Comatose
Moves: King Dedede's movepool
Additions: Star Spit, Bite, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot, Slash, Brutal Swing, Lunge, Aerial Ace, False Swipe, Axe Strike (same as Carmilla)
Removals: None
Stats: 130/140/100/80/80/70 (600)
(When switching in with the Dedede Mask, Possessed King Dedede turns into Masked Dedede's Revenge, similar to a Primal Reversion.)
Form: Masked Dedede's Revenge
Stats: 130/170/120/90/90/100 (700)
  • Stat changes are because Dark Matter has higher SpA than Attack, and Dedede in Possessed form does what looks like special attacks.
  • Star Spit, Bite, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot are from when Dedede was possessed by Dark Matter.
  • Slash, Brutal Swing, Lunge, Aerial Ace, False Swipe, Axe Strike and his renamed Masked Dedede "Primal" are from when Dedede was possessed by Taranza.
  • Comatose because there are literal ZZZ particles that come out of him in the first game Dark Matter possessed him.
Form: Possessed King Dedede-Yarn
Typing: Grass
Ability: Levitate / Hammer Royale
Moves: King Dedede's movepool
Additions: Cotton Guard
Removals: Electro Hammer
Stats: 130/150/130/70/70/70 (600) EDIT: This actually adds up to 620 BST, my bad.
Stats: 130/150/110/70/70/70 (600)
  • Cotton Guard because of yarn.
  • Dedede-Yarn is controlled by a pair of wooden sticks, like those of a puppeteer, so he gets mono Grass-type. Also, this Dedede is made of yarn, which is made of cotton, and Cotton Guard is Grass-type. Moreover, the thing that turned Kirby (not Dedede) into yarn was a Metamato (which is a tomato), so probably the entire Kirby's Epic Yarn roster would be part Grass-type.
  • Flying-type is lost because Dedede-Yarn can't fly, the air doesn't stay inside him because he's made of yarn. The magical puppeteer woods have to get him up with strings to do aerial attacks.
  • Fighting-type is lost because it's not Dedede that's fighting, it's the wood thing controlling him, so there's no skill or competitiveness involved. One of the moves he does is spin like Sonic but with a hammer which is... uncharacteristic and not very effective.
  • Since the magical puppeteer woods levitate themselves, and can pull Dedede into the air, Dedede-Yarn gets Levitate.
  • Doesn't get Star Spit because he doesn't suck up anything in this form.
Form: Possessed King Dedede-Buff
Typing: Fighting
Ability: Iron Fist / Gluttony
Moves: King Dedede's movepool
Additions: Brick Break, Smack Down, Fling, Natural Gift, Grav Apple, Banana Toss (same as Donkey Kong)
Removals: Electro Hammer
Stats: 130/160/120/70/70/50 (600)
  • Bulkier stats but slower because he got buff.
  • Brick Break and Smack Down because he breaks the floor, making everyone fall. The other moves are related to him throwing fruits as attacks.
Note: This does not include Dedede Clone or Shadow Dedede. They are not a possessed version of Dedede, but clones or counterparts.
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Pokemon: Agent 8

Ability: Inky Surge, Corrosion

Notable Moves: Octobrush, Inky Terrain, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Gunk Shot, Clear Smog, Shell Side Arm, Baneful Bunker, Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench, Agility, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Acid Armour, Amnesia, Parting Shot, Taunt, universal moves such as Substitute.
Octobrush: 50 BP | 100% Accuracy |
| 10(16) PP | +1 Priority in Inky Terrain | Sets a layer of Toxic Spikes | Doubles damage against poisoned target.
Inky Terrain: -- BP | --% Accuracy |
| 10(16) PP | Sets Inky Terrain (Electric Terrain clone)
Exclusive Z-Move: Inkjet: 100 BP | --% Accuracy |
| Requires Octobrush | Hits twice | Grants levitate for five turns

Stats: 86 / 78 / 63 / 123 / 82 / 108 (540 BST)

Reasoning: Agent 8 is the Octoling who fought against the Inklings for the Octarian Army but ultimately had a change of heart after hearing Fresh Beatz. This urged Agent 8 to seek life on the surface to live a life of Turf Wars in peace with the Squids as the playable character in Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion. Taking inspiration from Brodaha's Inkling sub from the first V2 slate, Agent 8 has a range of Poison-type moves at their disposal. The offensive moves come from their ink-shooting weapons while status moves come from other aspects of the game such as gear, in-game taunting the fact Agent 8 lost their memories. Corrosion is one of their abilities due to Ink from Splatoon being damaging to other 'Poison types'. I chose Octobrush to be their new signature move as it is shown in their official artwork and their Z-Move, Inkjet, is the special associated with that weapon.
Time to vote once again. You have one week to vote for your three favourite subs.
Neosonic's Shadow the Hedgehog
Neosonic's Artoria Alter
Mygavolt's Revenant Grace
Mygavolt's Walhart
Ticktock's Wakasagihime
KirbyRider1337's Palutena
Cookie Butter's Scathach-Skadi
Cookie Butter's Xion
Cookie Butter's Dreaded Giant
Cookie Butter's Possessed Dedede
ToadBrigade's Agent 8