Pokémon: Veemon
Franchise/Origin: Digimon
Type: Dragon/Fighting
Ability: Victory Star/Iron Fist
Notable moves: Close Combat, Dynamic Punch, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Head Smash, Headbutt, Bulk Up, Meteor Mash, Mega Punch, Dual Chop
Stats: 50 HP/80 Atk/50 Def/25 SpA/45 SpD/60 Spe (BST: 320)
Reasoning: Agumon was the star of the first season of Digimon and perhaps the most popular of all time, but another really popular evolutionary line in Digimon is the Veemon Line. When you consider that Veemon itself may have the highest number of canon digivolutions of any Digimon (It has no less than five evolved forms used in various canons), it's clear that the people in charge loved this one a lot. It's also perhaps the most iconic user of a particular type of digivolution, which we'll get into in just a second. However, for the sake of keeping time, Magnamon and the Veedramon line will not appear in this submission (Though I may submit them at a later date).
Evolves into Flamedramon using Digimental of Courage.
Evolves into Raidramon using Digimental of Friendship.
Evolves into ExVeemon at level 25 with a high personality value, a la Wurmple.
Pokémon: Flamedramon
Franchise/Origin: Digimon
Type: Dragon/Fire
Burning Courage
Signature Ability- Burning Courage: User's Fire-type moves have their power increased by 1.5 times when the user is below 50% hp. If the user takes an attack that puts them below 50% hp, their attack is raised by 1 stage. The user is immune to Intimidate.
Notable moves: Veemon's moveset, plus
Fire Rocket, Blaze Kick, Fire Punch Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Dragon Claw
Signature Move- Fire Rocket: Fire-type, Physical, Base 130 Power, 90 Accuracy, 10 PP. 10% chance to burn. If the move fails for whatever reason, the user takes recoil damage equal to half their maximum HP.
Stats: 70 HP/130 Atk/70 Def/100 SpA/65 SpD/100 Spe (BST: 535)
Reasoning: Here's the special digivolution type that Veemon is most known for: Armor Digivolution! This involves using a special item known as a Digimental to digivolve to a state of power that is typically on par with Ultimate Level Digimon, in spite of typically being a form achieved from the Rookie level. In this case, Flamedramon uses the Digimental of Courage. As you may or may not have guessed from the name and appearance, Flamedramon also gains access to potent pyrokinesis, granting it a Fire-typing. Its signature move, Fire Rocket, has it cloak itself in flame and perform a reckless charge towards the opponent, which, for the purposes of this slate as well as giving Flamedramon a niche, is a Fire-type version of High Jump Kick. This grants Flamedramon the strongest Physical Fire STAB in the game, and if boosted by his Burning Courage ability (a reference to the Digimental used to evolve, as well as its link to the Agumon line [In the Digimon Adventure 02 anime, when Veemon digivolves into Flamedramon, the entire Agumon line actually appears as part of the evolution sequence!]), hits like an absolute nuke on anything that's not a quad resist or immunity.
Pokémon: Raidramon
Franchise/Origin: Digimon
Type: Dragon/Electric
Electrifying Friendship
Signature Ability- Electrifying Friendship: User's Electric-type moves are boosted by 1.5 times when below 50% hp. Additionally, all of the user's moves get a power boost up to 1.5 times, based on the how friendly the user is with the trainer.
Notable moves: Veemon's moveset, plus
Lightning Blade, Thunderbolt, Bolt Strike, Thunder Fang, Discharge, Dragon Claw.
Signature Move- Lightning Blade: Electric-type, Physical, Base 80 Power, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP. 50% chance to raise the user's attack by one stage.
Stats: 70 HP/100 Atk/70 Def/100 SpA/65 Spd/130 Spe (BST: 535)
Reasoning: Raidramon is the other Armor form that Veemon achieves in the Digimon Adventure 02 canon. It's not as strictly powerful offensively as Flamedramon is, but it's a hell of a lot faster. The Return effect on everything is of course based on the fact that the form of Raidramon is achieved through the Digimental of Friendship. Otherwise, it has the enhanced pinch-ability effect just like Flamedramon does. Lightning Blade, which involves unleashing lightning-charged strikes from the bolt-shaped blade on its head, has been fluffed as an Electric-type, Physical Fiery Dance.
Pokémon: ExVeemon
Franchise/Origin: Digimon
Type: Dragon/Fighting
Ability: Victory Star/Iron Fist
Notable moves: Veemon's moveset, plus Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, plus it can actually make use of its access to Draco Meteor now.
Stats: 60 HP/100 Atk/60 Def/100 SpA/55 SpD/100 Spe (BST: 475)
Reasoning: ExVeemon is Veemon's regular Champion form. There's... really not a whole lot to say here. It's Veemon, but better. The biggest change is that it actually has a respectable special attack, owing to the fact that unlike the purely physical-based Veemon, ExVeemon actually is notable for using energy attacks in its movepool (most notably its signature Vee Laser).
Evolves into Paildramon with Stingmon DDNA.
Pokémon: Paildramon
Franchise/Origin: Digimon
Type: Dragon/Bug
Ability: Skill Link
Notable moves: ExVeemon's moveset, plus Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, Spike Cannon, Fell Stinger, Twineedle.
Stats: 70 HP/120 Atk/70 Def/120 SpA/65 SpD/120 Spe (BST: 565)
Reasoning: Now we have ANOTHER special type of Digivolution to deal with: DNA Digivolution! This one involves two Digimon fusing to become one far stronger digimon, of which Paildramon is perhaps the second most famous example, being a fusion of ExVeemon and Stingmon (And is canonically the Ultimate that Veemon becomes in Digimon Adventure 02). Skill Link, plus Rock Blast, Bullet Seed and Spike Cannon, are references to Paildramon's signature move, Desperado Blaster, where it fires the two guns on its hips like Machine Guns. It also has a move called Sting Strike, where it extends the spikes on its arms to, well, sting the opponent, taken from Stingmon, the other half of the digivolution (This is also where Paildramon's bug-typing comes from!), which translates into Fell Stinger and Twineedle.
Evolves into Imperialdramon at Level 70.
Pokémon: Imperialdramon
Franchise/Origin: Digimon
Type: Dragon (Dragon Mode)
Dragon/Fighting (Fighter Mode)
Fighter Mode
Signature Ability- Fighter Mode: Upon scoring a KO, Imperialdramon changes into Fighter Mode. Once transformed, the user's moves deal 1.1x damage.
Notable moves: Paildramon's moveset, plus Heat Wave,
Positron Laser.
Signature Move- Positron Laser: Dragon-type, Special. 120 BP, 90 Accuracy, 5 PP. No additional effect.
Stats: 100 HP/130 Atk/90 Def/130 SpA/80 SpD/130 Spe (BST: 660. Dragon Mode.)
100 HP/150 Atk/90 Def/150 SpA/80 SpD/140 SpE (BST: 710. Fighter Mode.)
Reasoning: Here's the mega level of the ExVeemon line, DNA digivolved with Stingmon, and Adventure 02's strongest Digimon, Imperialdramon. Imperialdramon actually has three forms, though I'm only going over two of them here, those being the Dragon and Fighter modes. The third mode is closer to a full-on evolution than a form change, considering it requires Fighter Mode to be loaned the power of another DNA Digivolved Mega. Anyway, Imperialdramon Dragon Mode is fairly bog-standard as far as typing goes, and its two new moves from Paildramon are based on techniques it has access to. Eternal Zeal lets loose a maelstrom of fire from Imperialdramon's body, which is represented by Heat Wave.
I think this animation, from Digimon: Digital Card Battle, should show why it was Heat Wave. The other move is Positron Laser, its signature move, which is basically a Dragon-type, Special version of Pyro Ball. These techniques are both available to Imperialdramon in Dragon Mode, but in Adventure '02, when Imperialdramon Dragon Mode's efforts proved to not be enough, receiving energy from others allowed it to change into the stronger Fighter Mode. Fighter Mode is generally all around stronger, gaining bonuses to its offenses and speed. It's not a huge change, but it is something.
Evolves into Imperialdramon-Paladin by using the item Omnimon DDNA on it while it's at Level 100.
Pokémon: Imperialdramon-Paladin
Franchise/Origin: Digimon
Type: Dragon/Fighting
Ability: Victory Star
Notable moves: Imperialdramon's moveset, plus
Omega Blade.
Signature Move- Omega Blade: Fighting-type, Physical, 120 BP, 100% Accuracy, 10 PP. Fails unless used by Imperialdramon-Paladin. Ignores the target's stat changes. Can hit Ghost-type Pokemon and removes their immunity to Normal- and Fighting-type moves. Slash-Based.
Stats: 120 HP/170 Atk/110 Def/170 SpA/90 SpD/140 Spe (BST: 800)
Reasoning: And here we have it. The apex of the Veemon line as a whole. Imperialdramon Paladin Mode.
This thing is designed for Ubers if not AG due to the sheer amount of power it has it its disposal. Imperialdramon Paladin Mode is the founder of the Royal Knights, a group of thirteen extremely powerful Digimon who serve King Drasil, the god of the Digimon World. By all rights, it should be more powerful than most of them, (in fact, one of them, Omnimon, is actually the Digimon required to give Imperialdramon its power in order to actually change into Paladin Mode). Considering Omnimon at its most powerful was capable of destroying the entire Digital World at once, this is saying a lot. Moveset wise, it only gets one new move but
hoooo boy is that move a doozy. Imperialdramon Paladin Mode's signature move is Omega Blade, which is it swinging the absolutely massive sword you see in its artwork (A sword filled with Omnimon's power). In practice, this results in a MASSIVELY beefed up Sacred Sword, which not only has much greater power, but also doesn't fail against Ghost-types. Given how powerful Imperialdramon-Paladin actually is, there's no way this thing would fit into an ordinary metagame and still be accurate to its depiction in-series.