Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

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So sorta going back on track, Kotaku article posted internet's reaction to Pulverizing Pancake Snorlax:
1. I didn't draw that.
2. It's a joke.
3. How is it rude?
You really missed the point quite badly.

Onto point, I would agree with whoever said that the announcement could be starter related. I think that they want to handle it themselves rather than do it through CoroCoro.

So middle evos and all the potential details as to typing etc will come out
who cares about kotaku

Meh, I find it a good way to know what's going on in the gaming industry, the writing of their articles not withstanding. As long as you don't take Kotaku seriously as a news source and see it more of an entertainment site which keeps up to date with gaming news its alright. They're also handy in finding the internets reaction to things, because Arceus forbid I'm going to do it.

So I guess no one cares, I was just covering my sources.

You really missed the point quite badly.

Onto point, I would agree with whoever said that the announcement could be starter related. I think that they want to handle it themselves rather than do it through CoroCoro.

So middle evos and all the potential details as to typing etc will come out

Explain? What I see from that image is a humerous take on what would be the "real" result of Snorlax using Pulverising Pancake on Gumshoos in the English trailer via homage to Dragon Ball Z's infamous Yamcha death pose due to a Saibaman exploding.

And it was around September when the Gen VI Starters had their mid evolutions revealed so it is around that time for the Gen VII starters. I'm curious if they'll also reveal the secret with Rockruff (if anything to stop the rumors).
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Meh, I find it a good way to know what's going on in the gaming industry, the writing of their articles now withstanding.


Also I think a0161613 meant the comment by Pyrite was also a joke.

EDIT: it's just dawned me that Pulverising Pancake reminds me of Weapons Of Mass Destruction. The explosion is just immense and the background looks like a barren wasteland.
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It's a joke about how terrible Yamcha is at life.

Oh, now I get it. And Gumshoos will have its day in the spotlight, it's a Totem Pokemon afterall so looks like it'll actually put up a fight. ;)

As for the Kotaku comment, I do know people who really hate Kotaku so I wouldn't be surprised whether Pyritie meant it or not. *shrugs*

Whatever. Let's get back on track.

I just realized something about the bag: Z-Crystals had their own category! Do you think they'll be splitting the bag up even more (like having a dedicated Mega Stone pocket as well) or do you think its just for the Z-Crystals?
Tool Items (Items not in the other cases, pretty much items only used by the player)
Battle Items (In addition to in-battle stat increasing item also the Held Items)
Medicine (Healing, Curing, and Vitamins)
Poke Balls
TMs (& HMs?)
Mega Stones
Key Items
Free Space
We're never going to see just a straight up battling game like Stadium or Battle Revolution again. Why? Because one of the features of those games was seeing the Pokemon as 3D models which the main games are doing now. Sure these games have extra modes not seen in the main games, but would you really pay retail price for just a batch of battle modes (and better 3D models)?

A console Pokemon game is going to need something like a story mode that is not like the story in the games. Colosseum has that with the Shadow Pokemon and Snagging concept (as well taking place in a barren region with little wild Pokemon population).

If they can add something like that, a story mode not like in the games, into a Stadium/Battle Revolution game, alright. But as I said when the main series went 3D, the novelty of the 3D battling console games can't carry them with just that anymore.
Some people prefer home console games than the portable ones. I mean, just look at the xbox and play station players!
I just realized something about the bag: Z-Crystals had their own category! Do you think they'll be splitting the bag up even more (like having a dedicated Mega Stone pocket as well) or do you think its just for the Z-Crystals?
Tool Items (Items not in the other cases, pretty much items only used by the player)
Battle Items (In addition to in-battle stat increasing item also the Held Items)
Medicine (Healing, Curing, and Vitamins)
Poke Balls
(& HMs?)
Mega Stones
Key Items
Free Space
That would honestly be great. The 'Items' pocket is an absolute cluster of a mess and it takes forever to browse through it if you've already beaten the game and are now simply collecting items for competitive use or really just for completionist's sake.
Ideally, it would be split into 4 different categories: Held Items, Megastones, Pokeballs and Items. Oh well, I know that's pretty unlikely, so just a split for held items would be good enough already.

On a different note, do you guys think we're getting different evolution methods for the Alolan forms which evolve from non-Alolan Pokemon? i.e Alolan Exeggutor. I mean, alolan forms are cool and all but for stuff like A-Raichu & A-Exeggutor, what exactly is differentiating them from simple branched evolutionary lines such as Eevee's? ( we know they're not since they occupy the same dex number )
On a different note, do you guys think we're getting different evolution methods for the Alolan forms which evolve from non-Alolan Pokemon? i.e Alolan Exeggutor. I mean, alolan forms are cool and all but for stuff like A-Raichu & A-Exeggutor, what exactly is differentiating them from simple branched evolutionary lines such as Eevee's? ( we know they're not since they occupy the same dex number )

As far as we know at the moment, a few of the Alola-adapted pokémon - Raichu, Marowak, Exeggutor - don't evolve from preforms who have similarly adapted. The credible leaks indicate that if Pichu, Pikachu, Cubone, and Exeggcute don't get Alola forms, then in Sun and Moon they will evolve into the Alola adaptations as normal, and the Kantionian Raichu, Marowak, and Exeggutor may not be available as a standard. On the other hand, an Alolan Raticate has been confirmed already, and it's likely that we will see an Alolan Persian as well.

This all being said, I don't believe that we've seen any evidence whatsoever that the Alolan forms occupy the same National Dex numbers. I think they most likely do share numbers with their original forms, but it's still possible, from what we know at this point, that they might be tacked to the end of the count, as well. For all intents and purposes, Kanto Vulpix and Alola Vulpix have more differences than Volbeat and Illumise, or even Plusle and Minun, do.
This all being said, I don't believe that we've seen any evidence whatsoever that the Alolan forms occupy the same National Dex numbers. I think they most likely do share numbers with their original forms, but it's still possible, from what we know at this point, that they might be tacked to the end of the count, as well. For all intents and purposes, Kanto Vulpix and Alola Vulpix have more differences than Volbeat and Illumise, or even Plusle and Minun, do.

Well, they're referred to as 'Alolan Pokemon' for a reason: they're the same pokemon but in a different form. Giving them different dex numbers would make as much sense as giving the likes of Giratina-Origin and Shaymin-Sky different dex numbers as well. To go even further; Winter, Spring, Fall and Summer Sawsbuck weren't given different dex numbers were they? Even though the nature of its form change is akin to Alolan Pokemon's. So while there isn't any actual evidence ( that I know of ), my assumption isn't without precedent.
I'm pretty sure that if you transfer a Pikachu from Gen VI and give it a thunder stone, it'll evolve into a regular Raichu. Real world evolution is based on genes not acquired characteristics (I think the Alola forms have done a really good job at keeping it this way too), so the + sign probably determines what they'll evolve into.
I'm pretty sure that if you transfer a Pikachu from Gen VI and give it a thunder stone, it'll evolve into a regular Raichu. Real world evolution is based on genes not acquired characteristics (I think the Alola forms have done a really good job at keeping it this way too), so the + sign probably determines what they'll evolve into.
And that would fit with the "leaks" implying that the normal forms are only able to be found by transferring.
I'm pretty sure that if you transfer a Pikachu from Gen VI and give it a thunder stone, it'll evolve into a regular Raichu. Real world evolution is based on genes not acquired characteristics (I think the Alola forms have done a really good job at keeping it this way too), so the + sign probably determines what they'll evolve into.
Yeah, that sounds plausible enough and I actually hadn't considered that the +sign could also be used to determine whether say, Pikachu, will evolve into Kantonian or Alolan Raichu.

But then it begs the question ( also keep in mind that from this point onwards my whole post will be theoretical): what if at some point down the line we get an Alolan Form of an already fully evolved pokemon, that doesn't evolve from an alolan pokemon, which adapted to a certain place or region? Would it be plausible for this 'non-Alolan' base form pokemon to evolve into its Alolan counterpart simply because it is in Alola rather than the exact place it needed to be adapted to? ...Yes, probably.

Still, it would be pretty interesting for both non-alolan and alolan forms to cohabitate in the same continent depending of what exactly triggered the change. For example, if you feed Pikachu an unspecificed kind of berry or if you leave Cubone with some random NPC somewhere in a certain area and take it back a day later; both of these things could potentially be used to trigger their alolan forms ingame.

I'm kind of digressing here but that's just food for thought.
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But then it begs the question ( also keep in mind that from this point onwards my whole post will be theoretical): what if at some point down the line we get an Alolan Form of an already fully evolved pokemon, that doesn't evolve from an alolan pokemon, which adapted to a certain place or region? Would it be plausible for this 'non-Alolan' base form pokemon to evolve into its Alolan counterpart simply because it is in Alola rather than the exact place it needed to be adapted to? ...Yes, probably.
That would be outrageous (unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean). The adaptations may not be manifested in the non-final-stage 'mon, but they're still in its genes.
Well, they're referred to as 'Alolan Pokemon' for a reason: they're the same pokemon but in a different form. Giving them different dex numbers would make as much sense as giving the likes of Giratina-Origin and Shaymin-Sky different dex numbers as well. To go even further; Winter, Spring, Fall and Summer Sawsbuck weren't given different dex numbers were they? Even though the nature of its form change is akin to Alolan Pokemon's. So while there isn't any actual evidence ( that I know of ), my assumption isn't without precedent.

Like I said, I don't think they'll be given new numbers, I'm simply playing the devil's advocate. At any rate, there is a fair difference between the concepts behind an Alolan Sandslash and Giratina Origin. From all indication, there's no way to change forms between the ground type and the ice-steel type, nor has it been indicated that there will be a way to change between forms for any other Alola adapted pokémon. Giratina, Sawsbuck, Rotom, and so on all have some method of form change; truthfully, only Shellos, Gastrodon, and Basculin have been shown to be similar to these Alolan forms, and by comparison, their evolutionary differences are quite minor. Flebébé technically doesn't even count, as newborns claim a flower, and their bodies adapt to it, indicating that such form changes are not evolutionary in nature.

On the other hand, there are the Nidoran lines, Volbeat and Illumise, Plusle and Minun, Latias and Latios, even Miltank and Tauros could be argued to be clearly co-evolutionary, and for each subgroup to relatively recent common ancestor species, much like the concept behind the Alolan forms, and yet they are each different enough to have each earned their own slot in the Pokédex. Likewise, aside from mega evolutions, which shouldn't properly count, the sole exception to cross-generational form changes is Fairy-Arceus.

If this were a real world with real specimen organization and classification, the Alolan forms would receive their own subgenus and classification. That being said, this isn't a real world, and so, no, the Alolan forms will most likely not receive new pokédex numbers. However, darwinistic evolutionary changes such as this have had very minor examples of actual precedent, and for all we know, the title "Alola Form" is as much marketing as it is a classification. We have enough to assume. We don't have enough to state.
Some people prefer home console games than the portable ones. I mean, just look at the xbox and play station players!
I don't understand that as I just prefer handhelds to consoles. There's a reason I was able to beat Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on 3DS but not on N64/Wii.
Not to mention home consoles can just do more. Imagine what a main series game could do without having to worry about the limitations of portable hardware.
But think about what it loses. The portability allows for you to bump into someone with a 3DS and have a friendly battle or trade. You simply can't do that with a console.
On a different note, do you guys think we're getting different evolution methods for the Alolan forms which evolve from non-Alolan Pokemon? i.e Alolan Exeggutor. I mean, alolan forms are cool and all but for stuff like A-Raichu & A-Exeggutor, what exactly is differentiating them from simple branched evolutionary lines such as Eevee's? ( we know they're not since they occupy the same dex number )
I think that of the revealed Alolan forms, only the Vulpix line would require it. Rattata, Sandshrew, Meowth, and Marowak all evolve by level and both Raichu's and Exeggutor's required stones (Thunder and Leaf) still share a type with it (Electric and Grass). But using a Fire Stone on a Ice-type would be weird. My best bet would be using either the Shiny or Dawn Stones (which work thematically with a Fairy-type, wouldn't it?).
That would be outrageous (unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean). The adaptations may not be manifested in the non-final-stage 'mon, but they're still in its genes.
No, I mean something similar to but not exactly like allopatric speciation ( when one species is separated into two groups by a physical barrier, in this case, the ocean ). In one island you find alolan-evolving pokemon, in another island you find the generic ones. Think about Exeggutor, according to its pokedex entry it grows taller due to exposure to strong sunlight ( hence why [I think] its Alolan-form is 35 foot tall ), and yet the evolution happens instantly, why? Because you can't do something like that word-by-word for gameplay reasons.

Using that as a springboard to exemplify what I meant with my previous post: so if I evolve my Exeggcute inside a cavern my Exeggutor shouldn't grow any taller, right? I know this example isn't the best but I hope it gets my point across.
No, I mean something similar to but not exactly like allopatric speciation ( when one species is separated into two groups by a physical barrier, in this case, the ocean ). In one island you find alolan-evolving pokemon, in another island you find the generic ones. Think about Exeggutor, according to its pokedex entry it grows taller due to exposure to strong sunlight ( hence why [I think] its Alolan-form is 35 foot tall ), and yet the evolution happens instantly, why? Because you can't do something like that word-by-word for gameplay reasons.

Using that as a springboard to exemplify what I meant with my previous post: so if I evolve my Exeggcute inside a cavern my Exeggutor shouldn't grow any taller, right? I know this example isn't the best but I hope it gets my point across.
Exeggutor could be an exception because of how the form change is described (based on weather conditions, rather than a permanent genetic adaptation). I guess you can plausibly say that the sunlight in other regions like Kanto, etc., is never truly strong enough, or not strong enough for long enough, to produce the change in any of the Exeggutors there.
Exeggutor could be an exception because of how the form change is described (based on weather conditions, rather than a permanent genetic adaptation). I guess you can plausibly say that the sunlight in other regions like Kanto, etc., is never truly strong enough, or not strong enough for long enough, to produce the change in any of the Exeggutors there.
Yeah, that could be the case. But that would also mean all Alolan Forms (which are essentially new pokemon) would be locked into Gen7 if we were to move into a different region in a more than possible Gen8, and I just cannot see Game Freak doing that, 'cause while the PokeBank is a thing; not everyone has it and they know it. Nay, I think there's more to this whole "Alolan" forms than simply being Alolan-Born, we just don't know what it is exactly yet.
Some people prefer home console games than the portable ones. I mean, just look at the xbox and play station players!
Not to mention home consoles can just do more. Imagine what a main series game could do without having to worry about the limitations of portable hardware.

The main series of Pokemon games have always been meant to be taken on the go. Pokemon games were made so kids could interact with one another with their games, trading and battling. Putting a main series Pokemon game on a console, while certainly giving it more graphical and processing power, would go against this core principle which has been kept throughout the years.

"Oh, but wouldn't the GTS and PSS have already gone against this core concept?"

To an extent yes, but their necessary exceptions. The GTS and PSS are results of evolving times and better communication technology. Sure, now you don't need to leave home to trade and battle other trainers, but if you want to use local Wifi you still have the option. Also its just nice to have a quality game like Pokemon you can take with you on the go instead of needing to stay/wait till you get home.

That all said, while GF had use StreetPass for some things, I don't think they've used it enough. If they used StreetPass to have your games do quick battles between each other, maybe set up a Pokemon to trade, etc. it would really bring back reason for the games being on handhelds.

Ideally, it would be split into 4 different categories: Held Items, Megastones, Pokeballs and Items. Oh well, I know that's pretty unlikely, so just a split for held items would be good enough already.

On a different note, do you guys think we're getting different evolution methods for the Alolan forms which evolve from non-Alolan Pokemon? i.e Alolan Exeggutor. I mean, alolan forms are cool and all but for stuff like A-Raichu & A-Exeggutor, what exactly is differentiating them from simple branched evolutionary lines such as Eevee's? ( we know they're not since they occupy the same dex number )

Bag Space:
Items would still be a mess. You at least got to split up the Medicinal items and Berries. The reason I split them up as I did:

Tool Items (Examples: Repels, Evolution Stones, Fossils, Valuables, Escape Rope. These are situational items which the trainer themselves use. I separated them from Battle Items for organizational sake; if you're looking for a tool item you don't want to also go through the battle items and vice versa)
Battle Items (Examples: X Items, normal Held Items, Plates, Gems. Items you would give to or use on your Pokemon for battling purposes. And yes, this includes the held items that have no affect in battle like Lucky Egg or Amulet Coin as the Pokemon still needs to be in a battle to activate these items affects. Once again, for organizational sake)
Medicine (Examples: Potions, Curatives, Revives, Ethers, Vitamins, Wings, Herbal. A main stay category since Gen IV, when you want to heal your Pokemon you don't want to go through other items as well)
Poke Balls (It's been a category since Gen II for good reason. When you want to use a Pokeball you want to see which kind you got available in one place)
TMs & HMs (Another category since Gen II for the same reason. You want the TMs and HMs in one place to look through them and decide if you want to teach a Pokemon a move)
Berries (A category since Gen III when Berries became their own thing. With all the different kind of affects Berry have and their own mechanic of being able to grow more its much easier to keep them in their own category)
Mega Stones (While held items, they're a rather large group of held items. There's more Mega Stones then Poke Ball varieties. And when your looking for an item to give to your Pokemon you know whether it's going to be a Mega Stone or something else. You can only have one Mega active anyway so once you choose your Mega its also nice to have them out of your way)
Z-Crystals (Same reasoning as above, and a we see they did make them their own category unless I'm interpreting what I saw wrong)
Key Items (Example: Story based items, Bicycle, Fishing Rod, Running Shoes, Town Map. Items which add an additional mechanic or needed to progress through the game. You kind of need to keep them separate if anything to keep them out of the way (also you can't sell them))
Free Space (I loved the Free Space category in BW2, so useful. If there was an item I wanted out of the way or separated from the other items (like held items your constantly swapping such as Lucky Egg and Amulet Coin) in Free Space it goes for easy access when I need it)

And it's not like they can't program this many categories. The only "problem" would be displaying it visually on the backpack/bag where these categories go though honestly I would perfectly buy it if you told me the bag just digitizes the item. Heck, since we have a Rotom running the Pokedex they could have another Pokemon running your server backpack like a Porygon.

Alolan Evolution:
I'm curious too if they may alter evolutions for some of them. For example, seems odd that Vulpix would need a Fire Stone to evolve now that its Ice-type. And while I see no problem in an Alolan caught Exeggcute evolving to Alolan Exeggutor, what if I hatched one who's parent wasn't Alolan? I transferred over a normal Exeggcute/Exeggutor and bred it, would the child be considered Alolan? And if not, what if I breed both a normal and Alolan together? What would the child be then?

Breeding: For breeding purpose, if the base Pokemon has a Alolan form, the mother would be the deciding factor as it is with species. If mother is Alolan the child is Alolan, if normal it's normal. But if the base form has no different form, I would allow it to be able to evolve into either normal or Alolan depending on the trainer's choice. BUT if that's too complicated for whatever reason, then they can default to mother's origin.

Exeggcute: Normal needs Leaf Stone, Alolan needs Sun Stone.
Vulpix: Normal needs Fire Stone, Alolan needs Dawn Stone.
Cubone: Normal evolves at Level 28, Alolan needs to know a Fire- and Ghost-type move.
Pikachu: Normal needs Thunder Stone, Alolan needs Shiny Stone.

Also the Alolan Pokemon are considered different forms so will occupy the same National Dex space.
Breeding: For breeding purpose, if the base Pokemon has a Alolan form, the mother would be the deciding factor as it is with species. If mother is Alolan the child is Alolan, if normal it's normal. But if the base form has no different form, I would allow it to be able to evolve into either normal or Alolan depending on the trainer's choice. BUT if that's too complicated for whatever reason, then they can default to mother's origin.

Exeggcute: Normal needs Leaf Stone, Alolan needs Sun Stone.
Vulpix: Normal needs Fire Stone, Alolan needs Dawn Stone.
Cubone: Normal evolves at Level 28, Alolan needs to know a Fire- and Ghost-type move.
I can kinda see Exeggcute, I've said Vulpix, Cubone would require a major change in level up moveset.
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