General Fighting Game Discussion

Yeah, I didn't mind it when it was a fake rivalry because that makes things interesting, but matches being thrown makes me sad.
I didn't watch it but apparently Jago lost to mike 0-5.
Yep, that was the result. It was kind of hard to say just from watching the match whether they threw it or not, Jago made some obvious mistakes, but they could be attributed to unfamiliarity with the game. I don't really know, but as long as it isn't happening in proper tournaments, I don't really care either.
Jago's been working with FC to make character guides so I don't think he's that unfamiliar with the game. The only reasonable explanation is that everything was staged. KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle
Yep, that was the result. It was kind of hard to say just from watching the match whether they threw it or not, Jago made some obvious mistakes, but they could be attributed to unfamiliarity with the game. I don't really know, but as long as it isn't happening in proper tournaments, I don't really care either.

The thing is, match throwing has gone on tournaments since the early, early days. But, it was different. It wasn't done for the sake of drama, or "entertainment".

It's one thing if person A throws a match, so his friend, person B, can play person C on the other side of the bracket, because person B doesn't like person C, etc.

TBH when Justin supposedly threw a match to Noel, so Noel could get evo points last year at w/e tourney that was.. I wasn't even mad.

That type of shit is different, if players don't like top players throwing matches to manipulate brackets, they can step their shit up and beat these players themselves.

What is corny, is some guy behind the scenes, orchestrating the throwing of matches to cookup some pro-wrestling-esque fake feud, to entice viewers.

The scene shouldn't be about motivating new fans to log on and watch. The scene should be putting effort into motivating new players to step up their game.

Turning what we have into some form of gimmicky entertainment source is going to kill the scene, honestly.
TBH when Justin supposedly threw a match to Noel, so Noel could get evo points last year at w/e tourney that was.. I wasn't even mad.
Can't believe I actually forgot about that, obviously shows how much it bothered me.

I am inclined to agree with you though, the FGC has enough problems without throwing away what little it has for a gimmick.

This one of the few competitive outlets wherein any competitor can literally compete with the best their country has to offer, by simply paying a venue/entrance fee. Yet the direction that all the new blood seems to be taking is the route of a fan, rather than a competitor.
just finished watching final round archives, wooooow at umvc3. I feel like this tournament is a really good snapshot of where the metagame is heading right now: Zero finally starting to assert his dominance, Morrigan still looking like a serious serious threat, and Japan is fucked up and insane. Pretty exciting, though I'm pretty amused that people were actually cheering when Chris G would lose Morrigan to [lightning x n].

KoF was also amazing, in part due to the fucking ridiculous (but also legitimately good) commentary. I was pretty upset at first because I thought KoF was on some secondary stream, but they actually did the whole top 16, nice.
Just picked up SCV. Like it so far. Haven't played since 3. Why do Siegfried and Raphael look so stupid? Why are the awful faces even more awful? Why are there four Cassandra/Sophitia clones? Why have that stupid masked Kilik as an unlockable character?

Anyway, gonna be a long while before I'm ready to play online. I've always been a Mitsurugi/Siegfried/Raphael guy but right now I'm only liking Mitsurugi. I wanna learn the chick with the ball. She seems cool. I also like Pyrrha.

Oh that's you? I forgot since you hadn't logged on since the first week of Marvel lol. Also your complaints is one of the biggest reasons I don't have SCV.

Also, you should've stream monster'd with us Kristoph =[ dem rabies
Just got my hands on Continuum shift Extend for the ps3(Will get 360 version soon enough). Relius is not my type, but i can see why people enjoy using him. Ragna changes make me a happy Wyvern and Bang is pretty solid now. The game looks overall more balanced, But sometimes it feel like they are trading diversity for balance.

Meh, still super fun. New abyss mode is the best shit ever. I am playing it more than actual online. It's just that fun.


Street Fighter x Tekken tomorrow. Ridiculously excited, please tell me somebody else is getting it on 360?

Get on #fighting regardless. Need more regulars.
Me and Veedrock were simultaneously watching archives until 3am CST yesterday since we both missed the end. No excuses!
Just got my hands on Continuum shift Extend for the ps3(Will get 360 version soon enough). Relius is not my type, but i can see why people enjoy using him. Ragna changes make me a happy Wyvern and Bang is pretty solid now. The game looks overall more balanced, But sometimes it feel like they are trading diversity for balance.

Meh, still super fun. New abyss mode is the best shit ever. I am playing it more than actual online. It's just that fun.

sort of. with midscreen damage nerf across the boards, it really makes the game almost entirely corner based.. but I can sorta understand why, after CS1 having 4K plus meterless hit confirms that gave full corner carry for some characters.. just wish they'd have gone a different route in softening that.

on the upside of things though, the new gatling routes make pressure a lot less linear, and that's always cool.

edit: kusoru based gawd~
s/o's to SFxT being legitly the worst fighting game I have ever played

Please explain to those who may still squander the money on it.

EDIT: Also, since we're doing shout-outs: S/o's to Soul Calibur V for introducing 5 new characters (6 if you count the Edge Master) with absolutely no background, explanation or story to speak of. And for doing the same with several recurring characters.

Seriously, SCV has, bar-none, the worst single-player experience of any full-priced fighting game that has come out in 10-15 years.

On the plus-side, the fighting is wonderful and the Create-a-Character is still the strongest around.
sort of. with midscreen damage nerf across the boards, it really makes the game almost entirely corner based.. but I can sorta understand why, after CS1 having 4K plus meterless hit confirms that gave full corner carry for some characters.. just wish they'd have gone a different route in softening that.

on the upside of things though, the new gatling routes make pressure a lot less linear, and that's always cool.

edit: kusoru based gawd~

well, CSE did bring back some mid-screen damage. Everyone gets at least 2K mid-screen now, with characters like Ragna actually getting corner damage on crouching ones\Bang getting almost 3K on standing enemies.

CS1\CT had pretty hilarious damage anyway. I miss Ragna having gattlings after 6A though. The poor thing received such an massive nerf in CS2 it's not even funny. 6A>6B in CSE would be the sexiest no skill auto-comobing ever.
lol did 6A>6B combo w/o CH in CS1? lolol midscreen 5B6A6B into corner carry.. that'd be sweet actually.

I miss 6A2C the most though.. non CH 6A anti air is a pain to confirm off of.. before at least we had 6A2C5D > BE corner carry stuff. and if the 6A CH too high, you had 2C wiff dash 5B5C pick up still.

Least now if the 6A hit is relatively low and non CH you can get 5A6A link off of it.

Now if they'd just fix the characters that seem built on gimmicks, it'd be a really solid game.
It worked, but 6B allowed ET on air hit so you could only follow up an air 6B with 623C\623D. 6A>6B would be sooooo sexy in CSE.

I miss 6A having ANY gattlings. Everyone's anti-air can gattling into another normal. Everyone's but Ragna's. They nerfed the oblivion out of the poor thing in CS2. Thing is a poor man anti-air right now.

Yeah, 6A>5A>6A is legit on non-CH. You wont get a lot of damage from that though, but at least you get a full air combo.

Even if not totally solid CSE is still fun. I miss Bang's 5D wallbouncing on CH though.
6A was too strong with gatlings tbh.

It's fast, it's hitbox is godlike, basically picks up for anything you want on CH, which most AA 6A hits are..

They didn't nerf it as anti air, they mostly nerfed it as a pressure tool. Having a high attack level move like 6A go into 6B/3C for mix up (even though Ragna's high/low off 6B is weak because it's such an obvious move), and a relatively fast frame trap tool like 2C (which is plus on block), is what they didn't want.

I mean, yeah, confirming non CH AA is harder now, but, it's not that big of a hit considering all of what he gained.
Actually, 6A's hitbox got nerfed pretty damn badly in CS2 and remains the same in CSE, so they did nerfed as a anti-air AND Combo\Pressure tool.

It's still usable but yeaaaaaah....
No, 6A's horizontal hitbox got nerfed.. so max range 5B6A air pick up doesn't work anymore, etc.

6A's vertical hitbox is just as strong as it's ever been.


^in CT/CS1 it extended to his fist and even a lil bit beyond it. Now you notice, it only hits about as deep as his forearm, horizontally.


^ but as far as it's upward hitbox, it's still godlike, especially considering it's invul to most jump-ins if your timing is proper.
fuck man, i find myself anti-airing with his spiky hair more often than his arm most of the time. The hitbox just seemed more generous as a anti-air to me back in CT\CS1 than it does now.


3C is still the best anti-air though.