here's an idea; instead of predicting the Fairy switch-in and using Flash Cannon for 50%~ damage, how about you predict said switch-in and U-turn out to Scizor or Mawile and do some real damage, without running the risk of locking yourself into an exploitable move.
U-turn is one of the hydra's biggest assets; use it.
If you use U-Turn into Scizor, you hold onto momentum. But thats more of a HO kind of team. With U-Turn, you hold onto momentum, and then the opponent switches out. I don't deny the usefulness of momentum, but this is a fundamentally different play.
With Specs Flash Cannon, you get ~40% minimum on the opponent's fairy. The fairies with reliable recovery (Togekiss, Clefable) have a 2HKO chance (with Stealth Rocks, in the case of Togekiss).
Specs Flash Cannon is a lure set. If you're running double-dragons or something else that gets walled by fairies, simply run Hydreigon. I can almost guarantee you that any decent player will switch their fairy into Hydreigon, and BAM, the 2nd dragon is set up for an OUTRAGEous sweep. I mention Specs Flash Cannon because everyone knows about U-Turn Hydreigon. But Flash Cannon is more than adequate at luring and punishing fairy switchins, in a way that U-Turn is not able to.
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