General Introduce yourself!

Hey There! Of course, like every heavy security-minded person, I refuse to state my name (You can just call me "Cook."), DoB, my location (hackers I will prosecute against the full extent of the law), and of course, obviously not my SSN.
I've been playing pokemon ever since Gen I, but had to let go of it for school. I have compete knowledge of everything (at least I had) up until Gen V. Because I haven't played pokemon in around two years and only started back up about two weeks ago, I'm a bit rusty and run into a lot of problems when it comes to fighting Gen VI's. If you have any tips for me, I'll gladly take them.

My favorite Games I would say were Diamond and Platinum, and a bit of Black and OR.

Favorite Pokemon?
Well, I don't like to stick to just one, but I would say probably between Gengar, scizor, Sharpedo (all of mine are named Sharknado), not to mention others like aggron.
I find Mcharziard X a bit overhyped, even though he's pretty good. The only problem I see in X is that his stats pretty much get rid of point of charziard, resulting in a necessary change of moveset which ruins a normal chairzard.

Thanks for having me here on Smogon!
Hey There! Of course, like every heavy security-minded person, I refuse to state my name (You can just call me "Cook."), DoB, my location (hackers I will prosecute against the full extent of the law), and of course, obviously not my SSN.
I've been playing pokemon ever since Gen I, but had to let go of it for school. I have compete knowledge of everything (at least I had) up until Gen V. Because I haven't played pokemon in around two years and only started back up about two weeks ago, I'm a bit rusty and run into a lot of problems when it comes to fighting Gen VI's. If you have any tips for me, I'll gladly take them.

My favorite Games I would say were Diamond and Platinum, and a bit of Black and OR.

Favorite Pokemon?
Well, I don't like to stick to just one, but I would say probably between Gengar, scizor, Sharpedo (all of mine are named Sharknado), not to mention others like aggron.
I find Mcharziard X a bit overhyped, even though he's pretty good. The only problem I see in X is that his stats pretty much get rid of point of charziard, resulting in a necessary change of moveset which ruins a normal chairzard.

Thanks for having me here on Smogon!
Welcome cookdoo2!
I'm not heavily security-minded but I do agree that stating information like location and name is not a good idea. Smogon does not ask you anywhere, ever, for your SSN. If someone here is asking you for your SSN, contact a moderator, as Smogon does not endorse such behavior. I've been playing since Generation 3, but since I didn't have my own Pokemon games until I bought Y a while back, I never really understood the game mechanics until I joined Showdown. Needless to say, both Smogon and Showdown helped me to get a much better feel for how the game works, and I've improved a lot thanks to both. My two favorite Pokemon games are Y and Emerald. My favorite starter is Torchic (brings back memories from the days when I played Emerald), but my overall favorite Pokemon is Bisharp. I like Garchomp a lot, too, and all of my Garchomps are named Sharknado. ;) I like Charizard Mega Y the most out of all the mega evolutions, and I agree, Charizard Mega X is overhyped.
Well, what tiers are you currently interested in? For example, if you like OU, I would recommend joining the OU chatroom in Showdown and starting to get involved with the OverUsed competitive discussions. The same goes for other tiers. If you have any questions during your stay here at Smogon, check out our Simple Questions threads or PM Chesty, Fluke, or me. Have fun exploring the forums! :)
Hey There! Of course, like every heavy security-minded person, I refuse to state my name (You can just call me "Cook."), DoB, my location (hackers I will prosecute against the full extent of the law), and of course, obviously not my SSN.
I've been playing pokemon ever since Gen I, but had to let go of it for school. I have compete knowledge of everything (at least I had) up until Gen V. Because I haven't played pokemon in around two years and only started back up about two weeks ago, I'm a bit rusty and run into a lot of problems when it comes to fighting Gen VI's. If you have any tips for me, I'll gladly take them.

My favorite Games I would say were Diamond and Platinum, and a bit of Black and OR.

Favorite Pokemon?
Well, I don't like to stick to just one, but I would say probably between Gengar, scizor, Sharpedo (all of mine are named Sharknado), not to mention others like aggron.
I find Mcharziard X a bit overhyped, even though he's pretty good. The only problem I see in X is that his stats pretty much get rid of point of charziard, resulting in a necessary change of moveset which ruins a normal chairzard.

Thanks for having me here on Smogon!

Hey, welcome Cook! I'm always in the Writing, Game Corner and Studio rooms if you ever want to talk about battling, or even just want to chat about anything (Although my school IP is locked because of certain people, which is where I am most of the day. So chatting proves to be difficult.) But feel free to message me any time you want!

Also, a tip. If you don't want anyone to know your DoB, don't have it shown on your profile.
Hello everyone.
English is not my native language so i hope do not make many mistakes.

My favorite pokémon is Starmie.

I am registered in PS but i have no definite or "official" acount (soon i will create).

I'm here to learn and meet new people to play, plus you can help this community of wich i have learned a lot by guides.

Something about me: male, i like soccer (mainly CONMEBOL and CONCACAF), i live in Mexico.

My favorite games are Pokémon GSC and BW.

Play mainly OU, Gen 1,2,3 OU and VGC.

Greetings to all, and if i have errors in my english blame the translator :]
Hello everyone.
English is not my native language so i hope do not make many mistakes.

My favorite pokémon is Starmie.

I am registered in PS but i have no definite or "official" acount (soon i will create).

I'm here to learn and meet new people to play, plus you can help this community of wich i have learned a lot by guides.

Something about me: male, i like soccer (mainly CONMEBOL and CONCACAF), i live in Mexico.

My favorite games are Pokémon GSC and BW.

Play mainly OU, Gen 1,2,3 OU and VGC.

Greetings to all, and if i have errors in my english blame the translator :]

!Hola¡ Me llamo "Cook." ¿Cómo está usted?
(I'm learning spanish in school right now, sorry for any grammar mistakes.)

I've been playing for several years now, so I know quite a lot, just don't ask anything about Gen 6, I am still transitioning, so if you have any questions, feel free to message me.

Starmie is also one of my favorite gen 1 Pokemon, but it kind of fell out of use after more Pokemon generations came out and they kept getting stronger.

I have a solid PS account, and you are free to battle me anytime while I'm online. I have heavy schoolwork due to all my honors classes, so I have very limited hours to play.

I usually play battle spot singles, but I can quickly adapt anytime.

And by the way, do not use google translate, it is very unreliable and sometimes just spouts out pure jibberish.

Hasta Pronto,
Hey! My name is Taylor Walters. I have just created an account with Smogon! I have played Pokemon since Red and Blue came out and amazingly just discovered Smogon. I am competitive and love battling. I hope to enjoy my membership here at Smogon. Thanks everyone for including me.

!Hola¡ Me llamo "Cook." ¿Cómo está usted?
(I'm learning spanish in school right now, sorry for any grammar mistakes.)

I've been playing for several years now, so I know quite a lot, just don't ask anything about Gen 6, I am still transitioning, so if you have any questions, feel free to message me.

Starmie is also one of my favorite gen 1 Pokemon, but it kind of fell out of use after more Pokemon generations came out and they kept getting stronger.

I have a solid PS account, and you are free to battle me anytime while I'm online. I have heavy schoolwork due to all my honors classes, so I have very limited hours to play.

I usually play battle spot singles, but I can quickly adapt anytime.

And by the way, do not use google translate, it is very unreliable and sometimes just spouts out pure jibberish.

Hasta Pronto,
If you have any questions about Gen 6, feel free to ask me. I am new to Smogon but am very experienced with all generations of Pokemon and I want to be included in this forum.
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Hey! My name is Taylor Walters. I have just created an account with Smogon! I have played Pokemon since Red and Blue came out and amazingly just discovered Smogon. I am competitive and love battling. I hope to enjoy my membership here at Smogon. Thanks everyone for including me.
Hey welcome to smogon dude it took me a while to get really good at competitive battling sadly I don't have nearly as much time and the mindset to make a commitment to battling. I can however help you out with anything and so can Fluke and QueBien. Also if you need help message me for anything. I hope you enjoy smogon hope to see yah around.
So I felt like I needed to post here even tho im not really new (but I have a really low post count lel).
So I have been introduced to PS! from some of my best friends irl. I seriously was shocked when they showed it to me. I spent a good hour there on my first day getting wrecked by a guy using baton pass team. Ive been on the site for over two and a half years. Im a trivia driver which is really nice. Ive been getting into UU but many other meta's enterest me. If I had to pick a tier I play best at I would Pick Anything Goes lol. Irl Ima sophomore in HS and I enjoy gaming and quizbowl stuffs (hence the trivia driver). I also play some soccer and am working on my javascript skills. Ive always wanted to try Battling 101 but ive never had the courage to signup. Favorite game:platnium was the first game I really comitted to and i loved it soo much the pace of the game the story just everything about pokemon fasinated me. The fact that I could have nearly have such a vast amount of pokemon to pick from and how nobody's team looks the same. idk why I loved it so much but Its still a game I pick up today.Favorite pokemon:Flygon has always been close to my heart as it was the second pokemon I raised to level 100 and I really liked the design. However,lately ive been picking up a love for whiscash and delibird. I based my username on whiscash just because I thought it was a hillarious design and a mega would be so wierd lol. Arena Trap Zubat was almost my name but I didnt like it as much as whiscash-mega.
Hi, my name's AL. I like food, I hate Fairy-types, and I can cook.
I mostly do UU's....yea maybe other tiers too, I'll think about it.
Yes, apparently I'm still a scrub. I need some MVP's to teach me a trick or two in the art of battling.
Hi guys! I'm Matt and I have been playing pokemon casually since DPPt, and I got into competitive when I was looking forwards to getting X and Y so I looked it up on youtube. I then saw shofu playing on pokemon showdown, so I decided to give it a try. It has been really fun! My favorite mon is torterra, although I have realized that it is not the strongest competitively. I love using lower tier mons in OU because I think it adds a fun new flair to the metagame!
So I felt like I needed to post here even tho im not really new (but I have a really low post count lel).
So I have been introduced to PS! from some of my best friends irl. I seriously was shocked when they showed it to me. I spent a good hour there on my first day getting wrecked by a guy using baton pass team. Ive been on the site for over two and a half years. Im a trivia driver which is really nice. Ive been getting into UU but many other meta's enterest me. If I had to pick a tier I play best at I would Pick Anything Goes lol. Irl Ima sophomore in HS and I enjoy gaming and quizbowl stuffs (hence the trivia driver). I also play some soccer and am working on my javascript skills. Ive always wanted to try Battling 101 but ive never had the courage to signup. Favorite game:platnium was the first game I really comitted to and i loved it soo much the pace of the game the story just everything about pokemon fasinated me. The fact that I could have nearly have such a vast amount of pokemon to pick from and how nobody's team looks the same. idk why I loved it so much but Its still a game I pick up today.Favorite pokemon:Flygon has always been close to my heart as it was the second pokemon I raised to level 100 and I really liked the design. However,lately ive been picking up a love for whiscash and delibird. I based my username on whiscash just because I thought it was a hillarious design and a mega would be so wierd lol. Arena Trap Zubat was almost my name but I didnt like it as much as whiscash-mega.
Hey Whis!
How are you doing? I also joined Showdown thanks to a good friend of mine. At first I wasn't really sure about it, but after a few Random Battles I was hooked. I joined Showdown about a year and a half ago, and Smogon not much later. I enjoy Random Battles a lot, partially because it was the first tier I ever played, and also because I like the unpredictability of the tier. However, my best tier is probably Monotype. American football is my favorite sport to watch, but soccer is my favorite to play (even though I don't really play it much nowadays). I'm also beginning to learn how to code (with Eclipse at the moment) in school. I've also been interested in the Battling 101 Program for a while now, but I don't think I really need it. The first Pokemon game I ever played was Emerald, and it still is my favorite game to date. I have played every other generation after the third, but none before it. My favorite Pokemon used to be Blaziken (because it was the first Pokemon I ever had), until I discovered the existence of Bisharp sometime last year. I still like Blaziken a lot, but it's not a favorite anymore. Anyway, it looks like you already know your way around the forums, but if you need help with anything, send Chesty, Fluke, or me a PM. Have a great time here!
Hi, my name's AL. I like food, I hate Fairy-types, and I can cook.
I mostly do UU's....yea maybe other tiers too, I'll think about it.
Yes, apparently I'm still a scrub. I need some MVP's to teach me a trick or two in the art of battling.
Hey ALwan!
Nice to meet you! I don't hate a type, but I do really dislike some Pokemon. (Such as Aromatisse. That thing is just... *shudder*) My most played tier right now is Monotype, but I play a lot of other tiers, too. I enjoy Ubers, OU, and UU, but I don't play too much of the lower tiers. Technically, I'm still a scrub, too, even though I have a year or so of competitive battling behind my back. I guess it's because I don't really have great teambuilding skills, although I can get by. Visit the Battling 101 forum; you might find the Tutoring Program something you'd be interested in! The program basically puts apprentices with tutors, and the tutors teach the apprentices about competitive battling. Use the Simple Questions threads if you have any questions, and have fun around here!
Hi guys! I'm Matt and I have been playing pokemon casually since DPPt, and I got into competitive when I was looking forwards to getting X and Y so I looked it up on youtube. I then saw shofu playing on pokemon showdown, so I decided to give it a try. It has been really fun! My favorite mon is torterra, although I have realized that it is not the strongest competitively. I love using lower tier mons in OU because I think it adds a fun new flair to the metagame!
Welcome Mattdawg1010!
How are you finding Smogon? I started playing with Emerald, although I don't think I was even good enough to call it "casually". I got started competitively in Showdown at the time of XY, and even bought Y and a 3DS because I enjoyed Pokemon battling in Showdown so much. My favorite Pokemon is Bisharp, which is good competitively, and my second favorite is Genesect, which is also good in competitive battling. I sometimes use UU and maaaybe RU Pokemon in OU, but nothing below that really. OU is one of the tiers I like most, because there are so many things that make it interesting, like creative sets to underrated Pokemon, and the like. Try out the OU room in Showdown if you'd like to get involved with the OU community. You could also start posting in the OU forum here at Smogon if you'd like. Use the Questions threads or PM me or the users I tagged above if you need help. Enjoy your time here!
Hello, I've played Pokemon since Red/Blue and Gold/Silver, after that I've drifted in and out of Pokemon as I didn't enjoy Generation 3, but highly enjoyed Generation 4, and returned with X/Y as of recently, and want to give competitive Pokemon another shot as I've come to terms with the luck factor.

I'm hoping to become a high level player both on Smogon and in VGC, and have been watching a lot of strong players like Aaron Zheng, Alex Ogloza, and PokeaimMD.

My favorite Pokemon is Lugia, it's a really interesting design.

I prefer to breed Pokemon by my own hands, and search out legit events.
Hi, my name's AL. I like food, I hate Fairy-types, and I can cook.
I mostly do UU's....yea maybe other tiers too, I'll think about it.
Yes, apparently I'm still a scrub. I need some MVP's to teach me a trick or two in the art of battling.

Hey there! Welcome to Smogon Forums, you can just call me "Cook."

Sure, I agree food is great, and I can also cook. (This has nothing to do with my username.)
To tell the truth, I clean the house, do the dishes, and pretty much do all the housework at home.
(I get called a housewife for that at school.)

I Really, Really, really never liked fairies, (but I have to use them anyways).

I'm still kinda a scrub, but I have people who know people who know people that are really good, and I can try getting a couple tips if my contacts can get that far.

So welcome to Smogon!
laters: "Cook."
Welcome to Smogon! This is the forum where basically... everything about Smogon is found. That includes a place to introduce yourself (so fitting into the community is easier!)

The purpose of this thread is so you can introduce yourself, you can get chatting with older Smogoners (and other new Smogoners, like yourself) and hopefully form a few friendships from this too.

Also, new users that want to chat with other fellow new users outside of this thread should use and follow the prompts! A few regulars will hang out there too in case you have any questions about this place.


You can post as much as you want in this thread.

The cool thing is now you can introduce yourself, and if someone wants to know a bit more about you, they'll send you a reply here, and you can essentially hang out here at first. Once you feel familiar with someone, you can take the conversation to private message or visitor message. Obviously if things go a little too off-topic we'll suggest you take it privately, but while you're getting started here this is your hangout!

Only new users should introduce themselves, but older returning members can introduce themselves as well.
While only relatively new users (or returning members) can introduce themselves, we'd love it if our older members and mentors greeted people in the thread here and replied to their posts.

Finally, please don't post more than once in a row, thanks!


If you find posting in this thread really awkward and don't know what to say, here's a few things you can discuss that can break the ice.
  • Your favourite Pokemon
  • Are you on PS?
  • What you plan to do here
  • Things you might need help with
  • A little background info about you in real life, if you're ok with sharing that
  • Favourite Pokemon games
And so on. This thread just helps us get to know you a little better, and helps you feel a little less intimidated suddenly jumping into other areas where people may not be as nice as they are here (and if that's the case, this can be your Smogon happy place!)


If you have the time, please do reply to 'What brought you to Smogon?'. We're interested in knowing what exactly brought you here!

On another note if you need help around here, you can use the Help form!

Final note: You can obtain a badge from helping out here. If you contribute solid welcome posts for a six month period you could be nominated for pre-contributor! However said posts need to not be c/p posts, I can tell the difference between someone genuinely helping out and someone who just wants a badge. Thanks to all the welcome team though you guys are awesome!
Hi, I'm rubsomebacononit. I started playing Pokemon after my friends played it in 2012 , and I found it really fun. I got a Pokemon Black and White 2 game in 2013, which was really awesome, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. In early 2014 I started searching up Pokemon on Bulbapedia and enjoyed reading the stats of Pokemon as well as the Smogon analyses which were linked to Bulbapedia. I also lurked in PS! in the Tournaments room, but I didn't register an account until July 2014. I made a lot of friends there. In Late September I was talking to SteelEdges about Jeopardy and he told me I needed to make a Smogon account. So I made one under the name MisCritManage. However, the Jeopardy game was cancelled. I also wasn't very active on Smogon at that time. I also forgot my password for a month (lol), but I reset it and got my password back.

In February 2015, I got my name changed from MisCritManage to rubsomebacononit, because I was sick of my old name. In March 2015, I learned about Grammar Prose and AM checks, but I stopped doing them after realizing that I sucked. In April to May 2015, I decided to write analyses, because I thought they were really cool. Later on, I thought that writing analyses was a great hobby, as I was able to learn both Grammar and PU stuff. However, I wasn't exactly the best user at that time, but when I started to improve my behaviour and quality of my analyses, I got badged for it, which is an honour.

I really like a lot of Pokemon. Over time my favourite Pokemon have been Grumpig, Regice, Fraxure, Mr. Mime, and Arbok, which have good designs and also do well in the battlefield. I also really like talking to people. My favourite type is Poison, because honestly, Koffing is awesome. Also I really like Drapion and Skuntank, because they look really badass.

I just really like smogon right now, I go on every day :)
Hello everyone! I'm new here, though I've been using Showdown! for about a year now. I created an account on the forums to get more acquainted with the rest of the community.
Hello everyone! I'm new here, though I've been using Showdown! for about a year now. I created an account on the forums to get more acquainted with the rest of the community.

Hey Rakem, welcome to Smogon! I'm just wondering, what are you planning to do during your stay at Smogon? We have forums for Competitive Discussion, Tournaments, Battling 101, Wifi, and many more! I also used Showdown! and eventually joined Smogon as well!
Hi everyone!

My name is Kaelan. I'm a student at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. I've been a fan of Smogon for a while (I was an obsessive reader of the dex back in high school, lol) and I've sort of teetered in and out of competitive play for a long time. Now, I've been given the chance to do a major research project on the Pokemon competitive community for my undergraduate thesis this year. So I've decided to finally make an account and put some serious time into the community. I'm looking forward to signing up for Battling 101 when I get the chance, and maybe doing some drawing/creative stuff.

Oh, and my favourite Pokemon is Hydreigon. PUPPET HANDS <3

Nice to meet you all!
Hi everyone!

My name is Kaelan. I'm a student at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. I've been a fan of Smogon for a while (I was an obsessive reader of the dex back in high school, lol) and I've sort of teetered in and out of competitive play for a long time. Now, I've been given the chance to do a major research project on the Pokemon competitive community for my undergraduate thesis this year. So I've decided to finally make an account and put some serious time into the community. I'm looking forward to signing up for Battling 101 when I get the chance, and maybe doing some drawing/creative stuff.

Oh, and my favourite Pokemon is Hydreigon. PUPPET HANDS <3

Nice to meet you all!
Hello Kaelan DM!
Great you decided to join! I wish I had the opportunity to write a paper on Pokemon, but sadly, that'll likely never happen. :< Is there anything specific about the community you require? Hopefully I'll be able to point you in the right direction! I would advise you to check out the competitive discussion forum for a start. As for your art interests, the Smeargle's Studio forum is the place for you. As for my favorite Pokemon, it's Bisharp. Who doesn't love a walking guillotine? Anyway, if you need help with anything, feel free to ask me, Chesty, or Fluke. You can also use the Smogon Simple Questions thread or the Help form for more complex questions. Have a great time here at the forums!
Hey Rakem, welcome to Smogon! I'm just wondering, what are you planning to do during your stay at Smogon? We have forums for Competitive Discussion, Tournaments, Battling 101, Wifi, and many more! I also used Showdown! and eventually joined Smogon as well!

Helo Rubsomebacononit, I plan on participating in the battling discussions mostly.
Hi everyone! My name is Rhone, I'm 22 and I live in the Midwestern US. This account is almost a year old but I haven't been active on Smogon forums since I was 13 or 14, and even then I wasn't super involved in competitive battling or the forums. I decided to randomly check back in and saw that Battling 101 sign-ups start in a couple days, so figured now would be a good time to try to get involved and serious about competitive battling. That said, I pretty much lost interest in Pokemon completely during my high school and college years, so I'm really unfamiliar with a lot of Pokemon past the RSE generation - I definitely have a lot of studying to do lmao.

My favorite Pokemon game is definitely Pokemon Sapphire, so I'm super excited to get my hands on AS once I get a 3DS (soon!). But my favorite Pokemon of all time is definitely Vileplume. I was obsessed with Karen and her Vileplume on the anime as a kid.

I've already started messing around with unrated random battles in PS! to get my feet wet, but I know absolutely nothing about this metagame and teambuilding, so I have a lot of work to do before I try my first ranked battle. Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
Hi everyone! My name is Rhone, I'm 22 and I live in the Midwestern US. This account is almost a year old but I haven't been active on Smogon forums since I was 13 or 14, and even then I wasn't super involved in competitive battling or the forums. I decided to randomly check back in and saw that Battling 101 sign-ups start in a couple days, so figured now would be a good time to try to get involved and serious about competitive battling. That said, I pretty much lost interest in Pokemon completely during my high school and college years, so I'm really unfamiliar with a lot of Pokemon past the RSE generation - I definitely have a lot of studying to do lmao.

My favorite Pokemon game is definitely Pokemon Sapphire, so I'm super excited to get my hands on AS once I get a 3DS (soon!). But my favorite Pokemon of all time is definitely Vileplume. I was obsessed with Karen and her Vileplume on the anime as a kid.

I've already started messing around with unrated random battles in PS! to get my feet wet, but I know absolutely nothing about this metagame and teambuilding, so I have a lot of work to do before I try my first ranked battle. Looking forward to getting to know everyone!

Welcome to the Smogon family, Vilegloom, great to have you here ! I used to not know anything about Pokemon past GSC, but Smogon helped me out a lot, and will most definitely help you learn how things work, both competitively and non-competitively. I myself always liked Sapphire as a kid & naturally, I got Alpha Sapphire as a natural choice (trust me, it's amazing !). To learn more about the meta-game and team-building, I would suggest heading over to the Battling 101 sub-forum. You'll be able to sign up for the Apprentice Program and you will learn a whole ton of new things in respect to competitive Pokemon. Next rounds signups are actually tomorrow, so keep an eye out for them ! If you're having any trouble, head over to the Smogon Simple Questions thread and we'll be more than glad to help you out. Have a nice time on the forums and we hope to see you around !
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Hello Kaelan DM!
Great you decided to join! I wish I had the opportunity to write a paper on Pokemon, but sadly, that'll likely never happen. :< Is there anything specific about the community you require? Hopefully I'll be able to point you in the right direction! I would advise you to check out the competitive discussion forum for a start. As for your art interests, the Smeargle's Studio forum is the place for you. As for my favorite Pokemon, it's Bisharp. Who doesn't love a walking guillotine? Anyway, if you need help with anything, feel free to ask me, Chesty, or Fluke. You can also use the Smogon Simple Questions thread or the Help form for more complex questions. Have a great time here at the forums!

Thanks for the warm welcome!!

For now I'm just browsing, trying to get the lay of the land I guess :) I'll check out Smeargle's Studio and the competitive forums!

+ Gen V was a great generation design-wise. Hydreigon, Bisharp, Serperior, Kyurem/Zekrom, Scolipede... I could go on.

Thanks again for all of your suggestions! Looking forward to becoming more involved here.
Im johny, and i like swampert the best.

Uh... Hi. I can't really make an entire welcome statement with that little information, but Johnny, welcome to Smogon!
I'll be happy to answer any questions about Pokemon or this forum. Just start a conversation with me and I'll most likely respond within a few hours.

Welcome to Smogon,