General Introduce yourself!

Hey guys ! :) this is my first time posting on Smogon. My name is Matthew. I've been playing Pokemon since Diamond and have played Diamond, Platinum, White, Black 2 , Y , and alpha sapphire. I am not new to Pokemon, but very new to competitive Pokemon. I hope to learn lots of new things in Smogon University. I play alpha sapphire exclusively for now and have just completed the Delta Episode. And now I wanna get into competitive in AS which is why I joined Smogon. (:
Hey guys ! :) this is my first time posting on Smogon. My name is Matthew. I've been playing Pokemon since Diamond and have played Diamond, Platinum, White, Black 2 , Y , and alpha sapphire. I am not new to Pokemon, but very new to competitive Pokemon. I hope to learn lots of new things in Smogon University. I play alpha sapphire exclusively for now and have just completed the Delta Episode. And now I wanna get into competitive in AS which is why I joined Smogon. (:

Welcome, Antimatter glad to see you joining the competitive side. In-Game to Competitive is a big change and a challenging one. If you plan on learning about it on Pokemonshown feel free to PM me and we can practice and or show you some ropes. Best of luck on navigating thru smogon i know how it was crazy for me when i started.
Hey there!
Im Nikolai, from Germany and 17 years old. I have played a lot of Pokemon in my life as I used to love it in my childhood (which some may argue is still ongoing). I've played every generation up to Black/White but then stopped (I guess because none of my friends were playing it anymore either). So now Im kind of out of it but Im a really competetive person and have played my fair share of Yu-Gi-Oh (not anymore since it went downhill) and Magic: The Gathering (still playing that). I also played the Pokemon TCG for a very brief time (basically learned it, played my Nationals and never played since). And now some days ago in summer break boredom I watched coverage of some Regionals of the VGC and it looked very interesting so I at least gathered a few infos to understand what was going on better, since I never touched the competitive level of Pokemon before. That also brought me here (which I know is also another thread). Anyways I also watched the Nationals now (besides the yet to come finals) and since the whole thing still looked super interesting and skill-intensive (which I like) I now bought a 3DS+Pokemon X on eBay and although I am first going to complete it in-game I cant wait to get started on trying out competitive battling. I also heard of the great community in Pokemon (which for example in Yu-Gi-Oh you cant speak of) so Im happy to be here now and try to learn.
Welcome, Antimatter glad to see you joining the competitive side. In-Game to Competitive is a big change and a challenging one. If you plan on learning about it on Pokemonshown feel free to PM me and we can practice and or show you some ropes. Best of luck on navigating thru smogon i know how it was crazy for me when i started.
Thank you Skalaylee! :) this might be a stupid question but what is pokemonshown? Thanks for the help :)
Hey there!
Im Nikolai, from Germany and 17 years old. I have played a lot of Pokemon in my life as I used to love it in my childhood (which some may argue is still ongoing). I've played every generation up to Black/White but then stopped (I guess because none of my friends were playing it anymore either). So now Im kind of out of it but Im a really competetive person and have played my fair share of Yu-Gi-Oh (not anymore since it went downhill) and Magic: The Gathering (still playing that). I also played the Pokemon TCG for a very brief time (basically learned it, played my Nationals and never played since). And now some days ago in summer break boredom I watched coverage of some Regionals of the VGC and it looked very interesting so I at least gathered a few infos to understand what was going on better, since I never touched the competitive level of Pokemon before. That also brought me here (which I know is also another thread). Anyways I also watched the Nationals now (besides the yet to come finals) and since the whole thing still looked super interesting and skill-intensive (which I like) I now bought a 3DS+Pokemon X on eBay and although I am first going to complete it in-game I cant wait to get started on trying out competitive battling. I also heard of the great community in Pokemon (which for example in Yu-Gi-Oh you cant speak of) so Im happy to be here now and try to learn.

Don't worry Pokemon fans never grow up, or at least I'd like to think so. Go back and play B/W though, they're super amazing. C: But that's great that you're getting back into Pokemon, just make sure it works properly because ebay isn't always the best place to buy good stuff from... But yeah we have a great community here, it might seem a bit intimidating at first but if you persevere you'll be all good here. If you need help fitting in check out the help form in this section ok. Good luck with learning though! Consider entering in battling 101 (but first play random battles a lot it'll help you learn the basics sorta) so you can improvee. Welcome anyways and have fun here!
Thank you Skalaylee! :) this might be a stupid question but what is pokemonshown? Thanks for the help :)
It's Smogon's main battle simulator :) Skalaylee just typo'd. c: Also welcome!!
Don't worry Pokemon fans never grow up, or at least I'd like to think so. Go back and play B/W though, they're super amazing. C: But that's great that you're getting back into Pokemon, just make sure it works properly because ebay isn't always the best place to buy good stuff from... But yeah we have a great community here, it might seem a bit intimidating at first but if you persevere you'll be all good here. If you need help fitting in check out the help form in this section ok. Good luck with learning though! Consider entering in battling 101 (but first play random battles a lot it'll help you learn the basics sorta) so you can improvee. Welcome anyways and have fun here!
Thanks a lot. I already started trying out battling a little in the VGC format but its probably a good Idea doing some random battles. Also I guess Pokemon X should bring back some basics (or Black/White for that matter). I'll probably try applying for Battle 101 when I played through X.
Hey guys!

Been a long time lurker of this site, here since before Showdown existed and we were all using PO for competitive battles.

I've been playing OU for the past three generations, and it's amazing how much it's changed, up to this point. I remember all the way back when we had the Wobuffet/Chomp bans, and now Wobuffet is nowhere near the viability rankings in OU

It's great to finally meet you all! I hope I can finally start contributing to this wonderful community.
Hello everyone! BasedPuff has joined Smogon. Some of you might know me from MiiVerse, where I ran a clan called CloudNation full of annoying thirteen year old overly-dramatic kids, so I had to drop that. I'm here on Smogon now. I'm fifteen years old (young as hell). I've been playing since Gen Four, that's why Empoleon is my ride-or-die Pokemon, and Sinnoh is my favorite region. I started competitive battling in Gen 6, and I like to think I'm pretty decent. I like using Pokemon no one uses to confuse noobs, and because tbh, I like them way better than Landorus-T and Thundurus. All the cool Pokemon are in UU :/. I mostly play OU, but I LOOOOVE using defensive UU teams in OU. I have multiple showdown accounts, and the only reason I'm not in the 1400s yet is because anytime I get off, my little brothers log into my showdown accounts, and ruin my ladder rating. So let's seem why am I here?

I'm here because I have to get my fix of competitive battling, since I lost my Pokemon Y with all my good Pokemon on it, and MiiVerse is annoying, I have turned to Smogon. I am also looking for a challenge. Wi-Fi is dead tbh. Like playing it isn't even fun. I hear all the good players are on here, so I'm ready to be beaten, and get better!

I gots a question now though. What do I do now?
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Harlow, Everyone Novaro_H here and in the making, I'm an amateur (basically I suck XP) competitive player and I am looking forward to meet some people and have a blast at chatting and battling all of you :DDD
Hello everyone! BasedPuff has joined Smogon. Some of you might know me from MiiVerse, where I ran a clan called CloudNation full of annoying thirteen year old overly-dramatic kids, so I had to drop that. I'm here on Smogon now. I'm fifteen years old (young as hell). I've been playing since Gen Four, that's why Empoleon is my ride-or-die Pokemon, and Sinnoh is my favorite region. I started competitive battling in Gen 6, and I like to think I'm pretty decent. I like using Pokemon no one uses to confuse noobs, and because tbh, I like them way better than Landorus-T and Thundurus. All the cool Pokemon are in UU :/. I mostly play OU, but I LOOOOVE using defensive UU teams in OU. I have multiple showdown accounts, and the only reason I'm not in the 1400s yet is because anytime I get off, my little brothers log into my showdown accounts, and ruin my ladder rating. So let's seem why am I here?

I'm here because I have to get my fix of competitive battling, since I lost my Pokemon Y with all my good Pokemon on it, and MiiVerse is annoying, I have turned to Smogon. I am also looking for a challenge. Wi-Fi is dead tbh. Like playing it isn't even fun. I hear all the good players are on here, so I'm ready to be beaten, and get better!

I gots a question now though. What do I do now?
Hello BasedPuff!
Welcome to the site! Well, every website does have its fair share of annoying thirteen year old overly-dramatic kids, but Smogon is pretty good in that aspect, so I'm sure you won't need to drop the site. :) I started with Generation 3, which is why Torchic is my favorite starter, with it being my first Pokemon ever. I also love the Hoenn region, and I got Alpha Sapphire on its release. I also started competitively with XY, and I bought a 3DS because I found myself enjoying Pokemon so much thanks to Showdown. I like quite a few OU threats--mostly because I like their design--but I also enjoy using creative teams every once in a while. I usually only use offensive teams, but I play a lot of OU and 1v1. I have so many alts I don't even remember most of them. :p As for your brothers ruining your ladder rating, have you tried creating a complicated password only you would remember? It worked for me when my younger sibling got into my phone a while back. 16 digit passwords for the win? I currently only own Y and AS, but I sometimes play Wi-Fi battles. Yes, we have quite a few good players here on the site, and I can guarantee if you try hard enough you could be up there with someday. I got a question for you, too! What would you like to do here? Would you enjoy contributing to the tier discussions? You can post in the OU and UU threads if that's something you'd like. Smogon's not only tiers, though, as we have a lot of other things, from Congregation of the Masses and Firebot to Wi-Fi. Whatever you choose, have fun!
Harlow, Everyone Novaro_H here and in the making, I'm an amateur (basically I suck XP) competitive player and I am looking forward to meet some people and have a blast at chatting and battling all of you :DDD
Hey Novaro-H!
Nice to meet you! I'm not the best at competitive, either, but hey! At least I've improved since I came here! Why don't you sign up for the Battling 101 program if you'd like to learn? Some of our experienced tutors will help you try and improve your competitive skills if you choose to do so, so you'll be better in no time! Smogon is a really diverse place with lots of nice people to meet, so you have lots of great opportunities to make good friends. :D If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to PM me, chester0334, EonX, Fluke, or TheHoodedGamer. You can also post in the Questions threads if you need to. I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hey guys!

Been a long time lurker of this site, here since before Showdown existed and we were all using PO for competitive battles.

I've been playing OU for the past three generations, and it's amazing how much it's changed, up to this point. I remember all the way back when we had the Wobuffet/Chomp bans, and now Wobuffet is nowhere near the viability rankings in OU

It's great to finally meet you all! I hope I can finally start contributing to this wonderful community.
Welcome Mega Slutbunny!
Great you finally decided to join! Wow, before Showdown, huh? :O That's awesome! I play OU a lot, too, as it is one of my favorite tiers. The tier does change a lot, which makes it even more interesting! OU was the second tier I ever played once my friend got me hooked to Showdown, Random Battles being the first. A lot of my favorite Pokemon fare pretty well in OU, which is another reason I enjoy playing in it. PM one of us if you have questions, or you can use the Help form. Otherwise, have a good time and I'll see you around!
Howdy everyone. Just signed up and am looking to just be a part of the community and learn competitive battling! Admittedly also looking really hard for someone with a Ditto friend safari so I can make breeding for IV's easier on myself lol.
Howdy everyone. Just signed up and am looking to just be a part of the community and learn competitive battling! Admittedly also looking really hard for someone with a Ditto friend safari so I can make breeding for IV's easier on myself lol.
Hey GarySmellYaLater!
Welcome to the forums! What tiers do you like? Do you frequent any rooms in Showdown? Some of my personal favorite tiers include 1v1, OU, and Random Battles, and I hope to get back to Balanced Hackmons sometime. I usually hang around the Other Metas room as I love the OMs and the community is great! Browse the Wi-Fi forum to find someone with a Ditto safari if you'd like. I'm sure some users will be willing to register you. If you need anything else, feel free to ask. Otherwise, I hope you have a great time here at Smogon!
Hey GarySmellYaLater!
Welcome to the forums! What tiers do you like? Do you frequent any rooms in Showdown? Some of my personal favorite tiers include 1v1, OU, and Random Battles, and I hope to get back to Balanced Hackmons sometime. I usually hang around the Other Metas room as I love the OMs and the community is great! Browse the Wi-Fi forum to find someone with a Ditto safari if you'd like. I'm sure some users will be willing to register you. If you need anything else, feel free to ask. Otherwise, I hope you have a great time here at Smogon!

Thank you! Yeah I mean I'm definitely new to competitive but I generally like OU and although I haven't played it once I like the idea of VGC singles. Have only played Showdown a handful of times tbh. Will absolutely try the Wi-Fi forums but I think it says I don't have the privileges to post there? Idk gotta figure that out lol. But I look forward to "being the very best that no one ever was" with everybody lol.
Hello everyone!
I am a long time lurker of Smogon who lurked since the days of BW. I have considered joining, since I battled on Showdown and people does think that I am (I don't know... skilled?) enough to join Smogon. But while I do IV breed and EV train, I do like using themed teams as I value fun more than winning every battle. It is just not the same as beating a full-on OU team with Eeveelutions!
PS: Showdown name is exactly the same as username, but I am also Scarlet Ribbon on Showdown; you may have met me already. :3
Hello everyone!
I am a long time lurker of Smogon who lurked since the days of BW. I have considered joining, since I battled on Showdown and people does think that I am (I don't know... skilled?) enough to join Smogon. But while I do IV breed and EV train, I do like using themed teams as I value fun more than winning every battle. It is just not the same as beating a full-on OU team with Eeveelutions!
PS: Showdown name is exactly the same as username, but I am also Scarlet Ribbon on Showdown; you may have met me already. :3
Nice to meet you, ParadiseEon!
Welcome to Smogon! I'm decent at competitive battling, but only average, really. I joined Showdown a little while after X and Y were released, and Smogon not too long after that. I don't really EV train or IV breed, but I do enjoy raising Pokemon from level 1. I don't particularly use themed teams, but I also hold having fun more important than winning. I go by a lot of names on Showdown, but usually I stick with this username. I chill at the Other Metas room; have you not already, you should stop by sometime! It's a pretty fun place to hang around. Anyway, if you have questions, take a look at the Have a Question? thread or the Simple Questions Simple Answers threads. You can PM me or these users if you need help, too: chester0334, EonX, Fluke, or TheHoodedGamer. Have fun out here!
Been getting into more competitive fighting these days with ORAS bringing back my childhood.
Have had a friend help me work on making a team and hope to meet more trainers for friendly battles!
Hello everyone!!
I'm brazillian and I hope learn a little about competitive gameplay and have some fun...
Sorry, my english isn't too good....
Been getting into more competitive fighting these days with ORAS bringing back my childhood.
Have had a friend help me work on making a team and hope to meet more trainers for friendly battles!

Hello everyone!!
I'm brazillian and I hope learn a little about competitive gameplay and have some fun...
Sorry, my english isn't too good....

Hello, MonteJr! I know how it feels to start with a game that reminds you of your younger days and have a friend help you.Hello Fsilva!!! Your English is just fine if you ask me, and I wish the best of luck to both of you in the Smogon Forums. :D
Hullo there.

Been a lurker for a while, and spent quite a bit of time on the ASB forums. Been trying to get into some competitive battling... but my biggest issue is I dislike using usual, standard usage Pokemon (unless I have a wacked, crazy set for it haha).

I've made myself a Battle Spot Doubles team that I plan on asking for input on, once I can figure out why I can't post on the RMT subforum.

Edit: Turns out I can't create threads on any of the forums or subforums.
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Hullo there.

Been a lurker for a while, and spent quite a bit of time on the ASB forums. Been trying to get into some competitive battling... but my biggest issue is I dislike using usual, standard usage Pokemon (unless I have a wacked, crazy set for it haha).

I've made myself a Battle Spot Doubles team that I plan on asking for input on, once I can figure out why I can't post on the RMT subforum.
Hi Kiesman!
Welcome! Well, you don't have to use the common usage Pokemon. Some sets with underrated Pokemon can work pretty well in higher tiers! It usually takes some trial and error to find out which sets work and which ones don't, though. I like using "different" sets on Pokemon, but I do use a lot of the sets from the Dex every so often. As for why you can't post...are you by any chance trying to post in the main page of the subforum? If so, that's not the right place to post, but rather in the subforum for whatever tiers your teams you want rated are, like the OU RMT subforum or the Other Teams subforum. Anyway, make sure you read the rules and have fun with that. :) Enjoy your time at the forums!
Hi Kiesman!
Welcome! Well, you don't have to use the common usage Pokemon. Some sets with underrated Pokemon can work pretty well in higher tiers! It usually takes some trial and error to find out which sets work and which ones don't, though. I like using "different" sets on Pokemon, but I do use a lot of the sets from the Dex every so often. As for why you can't post...are you by any chance trying to post in the main page of the subforum? If so, that's not the right place to post, but rather in the subforum for whatever tiers your teams you want rated are, like the OU RMT subforum or the Other Teams subforum. Anyway, make sure you read the rules and have fun with that. :) Enjoy your time at the forums!

Well, it turns out I need 5 posts to be able to make a thread now, someone has said.

I follow a YouTube channel where the guy almost never uses OU Pokemon, and absolutely never uses Ubers. He always has wacky sets and it's super fun to watch. I've 'borrowed' a couple of his sets to play around with myself a few times and I love playing that way. It takes a lot of skill to do it since your prediction game has to be on spot all the time and I'm pretty terrible, but it's fun.
hola .. everyone i am here new.
Hi oisterboys!
Nice to meet you and welcome to Smogon! We have a lot to offer, including: tier discussion for those who love competitive battling, tournaments, RMTs for those who'd like to get advice improving a team, Firebot for the lolz, and lots more! If you ever find yourself needing help with anything, go ahead and send me, chester0334, EonX, or Fluke a PM and we'll see if we can help. You can also use the SQSA or Have a Question? threads if you need to. Have fun exploring the forums!
Hello friends!

I am Riku (others know me as wombo) I've been in competitive video gaming for awhile in SSB and have played pokemon my whole life on a casual level. Recently my finance has gotten me back into pokemon and since I no smash competitivly anymore I figured why not learn more about a game I love! I would love if someone could teach me more.of the ropes but.I am.familiar with the whole.competitive.VG scene. Any mentors out there?
